KEGG   PATHWAY: ypq02060
ypq02060                    Pathway                                
Phosphotransferase system (PTS) - Yersinia pseudotuberculosis ATCC 6904
The phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)-dependent phosphotransferase system (PTS) is a major mechanism used by bacteria for uptake of carbohydrates, particularly hexoses, hexitols, and disaccharides, where the source of energy is from PEP. The PTS consists of two general components, enzyme I (EI) and histidine phosphocarrier protein (HPr), and of membrane-bound sugar specific permeases (enzymes II). Each enzyme II (EII) complex consists of one or two hydrophobic integral membrane domains (domains C and D) and two hydrophilic domains (domains A and B). EII complexes may exist as distinct proteins or as a single multidomain protein. The PTS catalyzes the uptake of carbohydrates and their conversion into their respective phosphoesters during transport. There are four successive phosphoryl transfers in the PTS. Initial autophosphorylation of EI, using PEP as a substrate, is followed by transfer of the phosphoryl group from EI to HPr. EIIA catalyzes the self-phosphoryl transfer from HPr after which the phosphoryl group is transferred to histidine or cysteine residues of EIIB. The sugar is transported through the membrane-bound EIIC and is phosphorylated by the appropriate sugar-specific EIIB.
Environmental Information Processing; Membrane transport
Pathway map
ypq02060  Phosphotransferase system (PTS)

Other DBs
GO: 0009401
TC: 4.A
Yersinia pseudotuberculosis ATCC 6904 [GN:ypq]
DJ40_3819  ptsI; phosphoenolpyruvate-protein phosphotransferase [KO:K08483] [EC:]
DJ40_3820  ptsH; phosphocarrier protein HPr [KO:K02784]
DJ40_3818  crr; glucose-specific phosphotransferase enzyme IIA component [KO:K02777] [EC:2.7.1.-]
DJ40_4079  ptsG; PTS system glucose-specific EIICB component [KO:K02779] [EC:]
DJ40_1147  nagE; PTS system, N-acetylglucosamine-specific IIBC component [KO:K02804] [EC:]
DJ40_2882  treP; PTS system, trehalose-specific IIBC component [KO:K02819] [EC:]
DJ40_2488  mtlA; PTS system mannitol-specific EIICBA component [KO:K02800] [EC:]
DJ40_3560  chbA; N,N'-diacetylchitobiose-specific phosphotransferase enzyme IIA component [KO:K02759] [EC:]
DJ40_3558  chbB; N,N'-diacetylchitobiose-specific phosphotransferase enzyme IIB component [KO:K02760] [EC:]
DJ40_3559  celB; PTS system, cellobiose-specific IIC component [KO:K02761]
DJ40_589  manX; PTS system mannose-specific EIIAB component [KO:K02794] [EC:]
DJ40_590  PTS system, mannose/fructose/sorbose, IIC component family protein [KO:K02795]
DJ40_591  PTS system, mannose/fructose/sorbose, IID component family protein [KO:K02796]
DJ40_3398  PTS system fructose IIA component family protein [KO:K02744] [EC:2.7.1.-]
DJ40_3401  PTS system, mannose/fructose/sorbose, IIB component family protein [KO:K02745] [EC:2.7.1.-]
DJ40_3400  PTS system sorbose-specific iic component family protein [KO:K02746]
DJ40_3399  PTS system mannose/fructose/sorbose IID component family protein [KO:K02747]
DJ40_3944  phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar phosphotransferase system, EIIA 2 family protein [KO:K02821] [EC:]
DJ40_3943  PTS system, Lactose/Cellobiose specific IIB subunit [KO:K02822] [EC:]
DJ40_3942  PTS system sugar-specific permease component family protein [KO:K03475]
DJ40_900  phosphocarrier, HPr family protein [KO:K11183] [EC:]
DJ40_898  PTS system, Fru family, IIB component domain protein [KO:K02770] [EC:]
DJ40_899  pfkB; 1-phosphofructokinase [KO:K00882] [EC:]
DJ40_3443  ptsP; phosphoenolpyruvate-protein phosphotransferase [KO:K08484] [EC:]
DJ40_2888  ptsO; phosphocarrier protein NPr [KO:K08485]
DJ40_2890  ptsN; PTS IIA-like nitrogen-regulatory protein PtsN [KO:K02806] [EC:2.7.1.-]
C00022  Pyruvate
C00031  D-Glucose
C00072  Ascorbate
C00074  Phosphoenolpyruvate
C00089  Sucrose
C00092  D-Glucose 6-phosphate
C00095  D-Fructose
C00124  D-Galactose
C00140  N-Acetyl-D-glucosamine
C00159  D-Mannose
C00185  Cellobiose
C00208  Maltose
C00243  Lactose
C00275  D-Mannose 6-phosphate
C00329  D-Glucosamine
C00352  D-Glucosamine 6-phosphate
C00354  D-Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate
C00357  N-Acetyl-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate
C00392  Mannitol
C00644  D-Mannitol 1-phosphate
C00689  alpha,alpha'-Trehalose 6-phosphate
C00697  Nitrogen
C00794  D-Sorbitol
C01083  alpha,alpha-Trehalose
C01094  D-Fructose 1-phosphate
C01096  Sorbitol 6-phosphate
C01113  D-Galactose 6-phosphate
C01132  N-Acetyl-D-galactosamine
C01451  Salicin
C01452  Sorbose
C01674  Chitobiose
C01697  Galactitol
C01798  D-Glucoside
C02262  D-Galactosamine
C02713  N-Acetylmuramate
C02888  Sorbose 1-phosphate
C02995  Maltose 6'-phosphate
C03752  2-Amino-2-deoxy-D-gluconate
C04534  6-Phospho-beta-D-glucosyl-(1,4)-D-glucose
C05396  Lactose 6'-phosphate
C06186  Arbutin
C06187  Arbutin 6-phosphate
C06188  Salicin 6-phosphate
C06311  Galactitol 1-phosphate
C06376  N-Acetyl-D-galactosamine 6-phosphate
C06377  D-Galactosamine 6-phosphate
C11544  2-O-(alpha-D-Mannosyl)-D-glycerate
C16186  L-Ascorbate 6-phosphate
C16488  Fructoselysine
C16489  Fructoselysine 6-phosphate
C16688  Sucrose 6-phosphate
C16698  N-Acetylmuramic acid 6-phosphate
C16699  2-O-(6-Phospho-alpha-mannosyl)-D-glycerate
C20589  D-Glucosaminate-6-phosphate
C20978  Glucoselysine
C20979  Glucoselysine-6-phosphate
C21152  N,N'-Diacetylchitobiose 6'-phosphate
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ypq00051  Fructose and mannose metabolism
KO pathway

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