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hsa04152 AMPK signaling pathway AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a serine threonine kinase that is highly conserved through evolution. AMPK system acts as a sensor of cellular energy status. It is activated by increases in the ... C00031 (D-Glucose) C05981 (Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate) C00008 (ADP) C00020 (AMP) C00003 (NAD+) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00024 (Acetyl-CoA) C00083 (Malonyl-CoA) C00040 (Acyl-CoA) C00085 (D-Fructose ... AMPK INS Glucose INSR Akt P13K PDK1/2 IRS PIP AMPK SIGNALING PATHWAY Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis DNA PI3K-Akt signaling pathway IGF1 IGF1R FOXO Cell cycle Insulin signaling pathway GLUT4 LKB1 ADP AMP Low ...
hsa04210 Apoptosis Apoptosis is a genetically programmed process for the elimination of damaged or redundant cells by activation of caspases (aspartate-specific cysteine proteases). The onset of apoptosis is controlled by ... C00076 (Calcium cation) C05981 (Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate) C00319 (Sphingosine) C00027 (Hydrogen peroxide) 598 (BCL2L1), D09935 (Navitoclax (JAN/USAN/INN)), D09936 (Navitoclax dihydrochloride ... Mitochondrion p53 signaling pathway TNF signaling pathway Bcl-XL ICAD ATM p53 ENDO-G AIF Bcl-2 IAP/XIAP CAD CASP9 CASP7 CASP3 Bad NF-κB IAP/XIAP CASP6 IκBα Apaf-1 CytC Bid CASP8 CASP10 Calpain Akt/PKB NIK IKK FLIP PI3K TRAF2 RIP1 TRADD FADD TRADD FADD IL-3R TrkA TNF-R1 TRAIL-R Fas IL-3 NGF TNFα APOPTOSIS TRAIL Fas-L Survival ...
hsa04211 Longevity regulating pathway Regulation of longevity depends on genetic and environmental factors. Caloric restriction (CR), that is limiting food intake, is recognized in mammals as the best characterized and most reproducible strategy ... C05981 (Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate) C00575 (3',5'-Cyclic AMP) C03582 (Resveratrol) C07909 (Sirolimus) C07151 (Metformin) C00003 (NAD+) C00020 (AMP) C00076 (Calcium cation) 2308 (FOXO1), 2309 ... FOXO S6K mTOR Akt P13K PIP LONGEVITY REGULATING PATHWAY DNA IGF-I IGF-IR IRS1-4 Ras cAMP PKA AMPK INS INSR Insulin signaling pathway mTOR signaling pathway PI3K-Akt signaling pathway CREB FOXO signaling ...
hsa04213 Longevity regulating pathway - multiple species Aging is a complex process of accumulation of molecular, cellular, and organ damage, leading to loss of function and increased vulnerability to disease and death. Despite the complexity of aging, recent ... C05981 (Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate) C05981 (Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate) C05981 (Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate) C00575 (3',5'-Cyclic AMP) C00575 (3',5'-Cyclic AMP) 2308 ... FOXO S6K mTOR Akt P13K PIP LONGEVITY REGULATING PATHWAY - MULTIPLE SPECIES DNA IGF-I IGF-IR IRS1-4 Ras Mammals Flies Worms Yeast dFOXO S6K mTOR Akt P13K PIP DNA DILP InR CHICO DAF-16 Akt AGE-1 PIP DNA DAF-2 Gpr1 Ras2 PKA Msn2/4 RSK-1 mTOR Sch9 mTOR RIM15 4E-BP PHA-4 Gis1 INS IST-1 Nutrients ...
hsa04215 Apoptosis - multiple species Apoptosis is an evolutionarily conserved process used by multicellular organisms to developmentally regulate cell number or to eliminate cells that are potentially detrimental to the organism. The major ... 79444 (BIRC7) 840 (CASP7) 317 (APAF1) 666 (BOK) 54205 (CYCS), H00978 (Thrombocytopenia (THC)) 842 (CASP9), D11195 (Rimiducid (USAN/INN)) 840 (CASP7) 836 (CASP3) 329 (BIRC2), 330 (BIRC3), 331 (XIAP), 332 ... APOPTOSIS - MULTIPLE SPECIES Mitochondrion DIAP1 DRONC DRICE GRIM RPR HID dArk Dcp-1 DEBCL RHG family CytC Drosophila Mammals Casp9 Casp7 Casp3 XIAP APAF-1 SMAC HtrA2 ARTS Apoptosis Apoptosis C. elegans Egl-1 CED-4 CED-3 Apoptosis Apoptosis ...
hsa04216 Ferroptosis Ferroptosis is a regulated form of cell death and characterized by a production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) from accumulated iron and lipid peroxidation. It can be induced by experimental compounds ... C00025 (L-Glutamate) C00491 (L-Cystine) C00051 (Glutathione) C21478 (Erastin) C00097 (L-Cysteine) C00669 (gamma-L-Glutamyl-L-cysteine) C00418 ((R)-Mevalonate) C11378 (Ubiquinone-10) C14819 (Fe3+) C14818 ... FERROPTOSIS SLC7A11 Glutamate Cystine p53 GPX4 GSH Mitochondria VDAC2/3 Erastin Cysteine GCL γGC SLC3A2 MVA CoQ TFR1 Endosome Erastin Fenton reaction TFR1 STEAP3 TFR1 GSSG GSS PCBP1/2 Ferroportin PCBP2 Ferritin ATG5/7 Ferritin ZIP8/14 DMT1 Autolyosome Iron ...
hsa04217 Necroptosis Necroptosis is a programmed form of necrosis. It can be initiated by different stimuli, such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF), TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), Fas ligand (FasL), interferon ... C00076 (Calcium cation) C00305 (Magnesium cation) C00002 (ATP) C00027 (Hydrogen peroxide), C16844 (Hydroxyl radical) C00002 (ATP) C00195 (N-Acylsphingosine) C00319 (Sphingosine) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00076 ... NECROPTOSIS TNF TNFR1 TRADD TRAF2/5 MLKL TLR4 IFNR LPS IFN JAKs TRAILR TRAIL Fas FasL IAPs Casp8 cFLIP MLKL CYLD TRPM7 Release Endosome TLR3 dsRNA RIPK1 FADD A20 Pore formation FADD RIPK1 RIPK1 Membrane ...
hsa04218 Cellular senescence Cellular senescence is a state of irreversible cellular arrest and can be triggered by a number of factors, such as telomere shortening, oncogene activation, irradiation, DNA damage and oxidative stress ... C16844 (Hydroxyl radical), C00027 (Hydrogen peroxide) C07909 (Sirolimus) C00076 (Calcium cation) C16844 (Hydroxyl radical), C00027 (Hydrogen peroxide) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00076 (Calcium cation) C05981 ... CELLULAR SENESCENCE NORE1A PP1A C-Myc HIPK2 ARF MDM2 p53 P53 signaling pathway PI3K AKT TSC1/2 RHEB mTOR FOXO3 SIRT1 Ras MEK Ets1 Raf CDK4/6 CycD ERK p16 p21 CDK2 CycE E2F p38 p53 ROS MKK3/6 CDK2 CycA B-MYB FOXM1 MuvB SIRT1 ATM CHK2 MRE11 RAD50 NBS1 GADD45 ATR CDC25A CHK1 RAD9 RAD1 HUS1 CDK1 CycB CDK2 CycE CDK4/6 CycD Cellular ...
hsa04260 Cardiac muscle contraction Contraction of the heart is a complex process initiated by the electrical excitation of cardiac myocytes (excitation-contraction coupling, ECC). In cardiac myocytes, Ca2+ influx induced by activation of ... C00076 (Calcium cation) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00076 (Calcium cation) C01330 (Sodium cation) C01330 (Sodium cation) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00080 (H+) C00080 (H+) C01330 (Sodium ... CARDIAC MUSCLE CONTRACTION T-tubule Sarcoplasmic Reticulum (SR) DHPR RyR2 NCX NCX Systole Diastole SERCA2a TnC 3Na 3Na Myofilaments TnI TnC TnT Actin TPM Myosin Sarcolemma Cardiac myocyte Calcium signaling ...
hsa04261 Adrenergic signaling in cardiomyocytes Cardiac myocytes express at least six subtypes of adrenergic receptor (AR) which include three subtypes of beta-AR (beta-1, beta-2, beta-3) and three subtypes of the alpha-1-AR (alpha-1A, alpha-1B, and ... C00076 (Calcium cation) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00076 (Calcium cation) C01330 (Sodium cation) C01330 (Sodium cation) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00238 (Potassium cation) C01330 (Sodium cation) C00080 (H+) C01330 ... ADRENERGIC SIGNALING IN CARDIOMYOCYTES T-tubule Sarcoplasmic Reticulum (SR) DHPR RyR2 NCX NCX SERCA2a TnC 3Na 3Na Myofilaments TnT TnI Actin TPM Myosin Sarcolemma Cardiac myocyte Calcium signaling pathway Crossbridge NaK 3Na Depolarization NHE β1AR β2AR PKA PI3K Akt cAMP DNA ERK CREB PLB I-1 PP1 PP2A CaM CaMKII AT-IIR PLC PKCα Cardiac ...
hsa04270 Vascular smooth muscle contraction The vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) is a highly specialized cell whose principal function is contraction. On contraction, VSMCs shorten, thereby decreasing the diameter of a blood vessel to regulate ... C01245 (D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate) C00165 (Diacylglycerol) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00219 (Arachidonate) C14748 (20-HETE) C00238 (Potassium cation) C00533 (Nitric oxide) C00575 (3',5'-Cyclic AMP) C00942 ... Calcium signaling pathway MLCK MLC MLCP ROCK PKC RhoA RhoGEF VASCULAR SMOOTH MUSCLE CONTRACTION Actin Relaxation ADRA1 Gαq /11 12/13 PLC DAG Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) CaM VOC Contraction CPI-17 MLCP MLC Actin Arachidonic ...
hsa04310 Wnt signaling pathway Wnt proteins are secreted morphogens that are required for basic developmental processes, such as cell-fate specification, progenitor-cell proliferation and the control of asymmetric cell division, in ... C00076 (Calcium cation) 4088 (SMAD3), H00800 (Loeys-Dietz syndrome) 4772 (NFATC1), 4773 (NFATC2), 4775 (NFATC3), 4776 (NFATC4), H02664 (Joint contracture, osteochondromas, and B-cell lymphoma) 5578 (PRKCA) ... p53 signaling pathway Adherens junction SMAD3 TGF-β signaling pathway Cell cycle WNT SIGNALING PATHWAY MAPK signaling pathway Focal adhesion Ubiquitin medeated proteolysis MAPK signaling pathway Alzheimer's ...
hsa04330 Notch signaling pathway The Notch signaling pathway is an evolutionarily conserved, intercellular signaling mechanism essential for proper embryonic development in all metazoan organisms in the Animal kingdom. The Notch proteins ... C22528 (Notch intracellular domain) 23385 (NCSTN), H00681 (Acne inversa), D08869 (Begacestat (USAN/INN)), D09010 (Tarenflurbil (USAN/INN)), D09377 (Semagacestat (USAN/INN)), D09869 (Avagacestat (USAN)) ... NCSTN APH-1 PSEN MAPK signaling pathway HDAC CIR Gro/TLE CtBP Hairless SMRT PreTα Hes1/5 CSL SKIP HATs MAML ADAM17 PSE2 Deltex Numb Serrate Notch Dvl NOTCH SIGNALING PATHWAY Fringe Delta γ-Secretase ...
hsa04340 Hedgehog signaling pathway The Hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway has numerous roles in the control of cell proliferation, tissue patterning, stem cell maintenance and development. The primary cilium is an important center for transduction ... C00575 (3',5'-Cyclic AMP) 6608 (SMO), H00039 (Basal cell carcinoma), H01556 (Meningioma), H01667 (Medulloblastoma), D09992 (Vismodegib (USAN/INN)), D10119 (Sonidegib (USAN/INN)), D10324 (Patidegib (USAN/INN)) ... Smo Gpr161 cAMP CK1 GSK3β PKA Gli Kif7 GliR Cilium Cytoplasm Without Hh Vesicle Cul1 β-TrCP Nucleus HEDGEHOG SIGNALING PATHWAY (Gli repressor form) Gli Ptc Hhip DNA Ptc Smo With Hh Smo GliA Cilium Cytoplasm Gli Kif7 Sufu Ptc co-R Smurf1/2 Degradation Ptc Vesicle EVC GRK2 CK1 Nucleus Gli Ptc Hhip DNA Smo Vesicle Gpr161 β-Arrestin Kif3a Degradation Spop Cul3 Sufu Cul3 Spop Degradation (Gli ...
hsa04350 TGF-beta signaling pathway The transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) family members, which include TGF-betas, activins and bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), are structurally related secreted cytokines found in species ranging ... C14819 (Fe3+) 4052 (LTBP1), H00557 (Cutis laxa) 7057 (THBS1) 8454 (CUL1) 9978 (RBX1) 4089 (SMAD4), H00019 (Pancreatic cancer), H00020 (Colorectal cancer), H00533 (Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia) ... LTBP1 THBS1 Cul1 Rbx1 TGF-BETA SIGNALING PATHWAY Apoptosis Cell Cycle Ubiquitin mediated proteolysis MAPK signaling pathway Smad4 Smad4 NodalRII NodalRI Smad2/3 Nodal Smad6/7 Smad2/3 Pitx2 SP1 p300 p15 c-Myc DP1 E2F4/5 p107 ActivinRII ActivinRI Activin FST Lefty p70S6K PP2A ROCK1 RhoA Smad4 SARA Smad2/3 Skp1 ERK Smad4 Smad6/7 Smurf1/2 TGFβ ...
hsa04360 Axon guidance Axon guidance represents a key stage in the formation of neuronal network. Axons are guided by a variety of guidance factors, such as netrins, ephrins, Slits, and semaphorins. These guidance cues are read ... C00076 (Calcium cation) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00076 (Calcium cation) 50855 (PARD6A), 84552 (PARD6G), 84612 (PARD6B) 56288 (PARD3) 2770 (GNAI1), 2771 (GNAI2), 2773 (GNAI3), H00033 ... Par6 Par3 CXCR4 ERK Rac Rac Rac DCC NFAT CaN Netrin-G1 Netrin-4 Slit3 Slit2 Slit1 FAK Cdc42 ROCK PAK RhoA RhoA Regulation of actin cytoskeleton Regulation of actin cytoskeleton Cytokine-cytokine receptor ...
hsa04370 VEGF signaling pathway There is now much evidence that VEGFR-2 is the major mediator of VEGF-driven responses in endothelial cells and it is considered to be a crucial signal transducer in both physiologic and pathologic angiogenesis ... C00533 (Nitric oxide) C00076 (Calcium cation) C01245 (D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate) C00165 (Diacylglycerol) C05981 (Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate) C01312 (Prostaglandin I2) 998 (CDC42) ... Cdc42 DAG Calcium signaling pathway Focal adhesion MAPK signaling pathway VEGFR2 PLCγ SPK PIP PGI COX2 cPLA2 HSP27 MAPKAPK CALN Akt/PKB PI3K NFAT PKC FAK p38 Paxillin VRAP Src Sck VEGF VEGF SIGNALING ...
hsa04371 Apelin signaling pathway Apelin is an endogenous peptide capable of binding the apelin receptor (APJ), which was originally described as an orphan G-protein-coupled receptor. Apelin and APJ are widely expressed in various tissues ... C01245 (D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate) C00076 (Calcium cation) C01330 (Sodium cation) C00080 (H+) C00165 (Diacylglycerol) C01330 (Sodium cation) C00575 (3',5'-Cyclic AMP) C00575 (3',5'-Cyclic AMP) C00533 ... APELIN SIGNALING PATHWAY APJ AMPK Sphk1 PAI-1 PI3K Akt MEK1/2 ERK1/2 P70S6K PLCβ IP3 IP3R RyR mTOR Ras Raf-1 KLF2 TGFBR CTGF PGC1α TFAM NRF-1 Mitochondrial biogenesis MLCK MLC DAG PKCε NCX Cyclin D1 Cell ...
hsa04380 Osteoclast differentiation The osteoclasts, multinucleared cells originating from the hematopoietic monocyte-macrophage lineage, are responsible for bone resorption. Osteoclastogenesis is mainly regulated by signaling pathways activated ... C01245 (D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00027 (Hydrogen peroxide) 1436 (CSF1R), H00028 (Choriocarcinoma), H01807 (Hereditary diffuse leukoencephalopathy with spheroids), D02664 ... OSTEOCLAST DIFFERENTIATION c-Fms TRAF2/6 RANK RANKL M-CSF OPG CYLD Gab2 NIK IKKα IKKγ IKKα IKKβ IκB NFκB TAK1 TAB1/2 MKK6 MEK1 JNK p38 NFATc1 IFNβ DNA IFNβ IFNAR Jak1/Tyk2 STAT1/2 IRF9 Src PI3K Akt Cell ...
hsa04390 Hippo signaling pathway Hippo signaling is an evolutionarily conserved signaling pathway that controls organ size from flies to humans. In humans and mice, the pathway consists of the MST1 and MST2 kinases, their cofactor Salvador ... 23286 (WWC1) 4771 (NF2), H00015 (Malignant pleural mesothelioma), H01438 (Neurofibromatosis type 2), H01556 (Meningioma), H01667 (Medulloblastoma) 122786 (FRMD6), 79981 (FRMD1) 60485 (SAV1) 6788 (STK3) 10413 ... HIPPO SIGNALING PATHWAY KIBRA Mer FRMD SAV1 Mst1/2 YAP/TAZ Lats1/2 Crb α-Catenin RASSF1A CTGF Birc5 AREG DNA PP1 ASPP2 14-3-3 Mob YAP/TAZ AMOT Pals1 PATJ Tight junction Adherens junction E-Cad E-Cad Lgl Scrib Dlg TEAD Ajub Cellular ...
hsa04392 Hippo signaling pathway - multiple species Hippo signaling pathways control diverse aspects of cell proliferation, survival, and morphogenesis in eukaryotes. The core organization of these networks is conserved over a billion years of evolution ... 23286 (WWC1) 4771 (NF2), H00015 (Malignant pleural mesothelioma), H01438 (Neurofibromatosis type 2), H01556 (Meningioma), H01667 (Medulloblastoma) 122786 (FRMD6), 79981 (FRMD1) 60485 (SAV1) 6788 (STK3) 10413 ... HIPPO SIGNALING PATHWAY - MULTIPLE SPECIES Kibra NF2 FRMD SAV1 Mst1/2 YAP/TAZ Lats1/2 DNA Mob1 TEAD YAP/TAZ Mammals Kibra Mer Salvador Hippo Mats Warts DNA Yki Yki Drosophila S. cerevisiae Cdc15 STE-20 Dbf2 Mob1 Tec1 C ...
hsa04510 Focal adhesion Cell-matrix adhesions play essential roles in important biological processes including cell motility, cell proliferation, cell differentiation, regulation of gene expression and cell survival. At the cell-extracellular ... C05981 (Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate) C04637 (1-Phosphatidyl-D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate) 3688 (ITGB1), 3690 (ITGB3), 3691 (ITGB4), 3693 (ITGB5), 3694 (ITGB6), 3695 (ITGB7), 3696 (ITGB8) ... ECM-receptor interaction Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction MAPK signaling pathway ITGB ITGA Filamin Cdc42 PIP PIP MLCK MLC mDia1 MLCP ROCK Akt/PKB PDK1 Parvin ILK Vinculin VASP PTEN PI3K Talin Zyxin PIP5K Actinin FAK Calpain Paxillin RhoGAP PKC Src Fyn RhoA RhoGEF ECM Caveolin FOCAL ...
hsa04512 ECM-receptor interaction The extracellular matrix (ECM) consists of a complex mixture of structural and functional macromolecules and serves an important role in tissue and organ morphogenesis and in the maintenance of cell and ... G10505 (Hyaluronic acid) G10505 (Hyaluronic acid) 10319 (LAMC3), 22798 (LAMB4), 284217 (LAMA1), 3908 (LAMA2), 3909 (LAMA3), 3910 (LAMA4), 3911 (LAMA5), 3912 (LAMB1), 3913 (LAMB2), 3914 (LAMB3), 3915 (LAMC1) ... Laminin Laminin Laminin Laminin Laminin Laminin Laminin Laminin Laminin Laminin Collagen Collagen Collagen Collagen Collagen Collagen Collagen Collagen βDG Tenascin GPVI GPIX GPIbβ GPIbα GPV VWF BSP VWF Tenascin Tenascin Tenascin Vitronectin Vitronectin Vitronectin Vitronectin Vitronectin OPN OPN OPN OPN Fibronectiin Fibronectin Fibronectin Fibronectin Fibronectin Fibronectin Fibronectin Fibronectin Fibronectin Fibronectin Fibronectin THBS THBS THBS THBS THBS THBS Collagen ...
hsa04514 Cell adhesion molecules Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) are (glyco)proteins expressed on the cell surface and play a critical role in a wide array of biologic processes that include hemostasis, the immune response, inflammation ... 214 (ALCAM), D11959 (Praluzatamab (USAN/INN)) 923 (CD6), D12426 (Itolizumab (USAN/INN)) 6693 (SPN) 6614 (SIGLEC1) 5788 (PTPRC), H00091 (T-B+Severe combined immunodeficiency), H00413 (Hepatitis C) 933 (CD22) ... TCR TCR TCR TCR Leukocyte transendothelial migration Leukocyte transendothelial migration T cell receptor signaling pathway ALCAM CD6 SPN PTPRC CD22 CD8 ITGB1 ITGA8 ITGB2 ITGAL CD40 CD40 CD40 CD40 NEO1 CDH15 CDH15 CDH4 CDH4 CDH3 CDH3 ITGB1 ITGA6 PVRL2 CDHE CDHE CDHE CDHE CSPG2 CDHE CDHE MAG MAG MPZ MPZ PVRL3 NFASC NFASC CNTNAP2 CNTNAP1 CNTNAP2 CNTNAP1 NF155 NF186 PTPRM PTPRM CNTN2 CNTN2 CNTN2 CNTN2 CNTN2 CNTN2 CNTN1 CNTN1 CNTN1 CNTN1 CNTN1 NRCAM NRCAM NRCAM NLGN β-NRXN ITGB8 ITGAV SDC SDC PTPRF NEGR1 NEGR1 IGSF4B IGSF4B IGSF4 IGSF4 IGSF4 IGSF4 CDH2 CDH2 CDH2 CDH2 CDH2 CDH2 NCAM NCAM L1CAM L1CAM L1CAM L1CAM NCAM NCAM CDH2 CDH2 PVRL1 PVRL1 PVRL3 PVRL3 PVRL1 PVRL1 PVRL3 PVRL3 PVRL1 PVRL1 PVRL2 PVR CD226 SELE GLG1 SELP SELPLG CD34 GlyCAM1 SELL MAdCAM1 VCAM1 ITGB7 ITGA9 ITGB1 ITGB1 ITGA4 ITGA4 CD99 CD99 PECAM1 PECAM1 CD58 CD2 ICAM3 ICAM1 ICAM2 JAM2 JAM3 JAM3 ITGB2 ITGAM ITGB2 ITGAL JAM1 JAM1 PECAM1 CD40L JAM1 JAM1 ICAM2 CD40L SELP JAM3 ITGB2 CD99 PECAM1 CDH5 ESAM JAM3 JAM2 JAM1 ITGB2 ITGAL ICAM1 ...
hsa04520 Adherens junction Cell-cell adherens junctions (AJs), the most common type of intercellular adhesions, are important for maintaining tissue architecture and cell polarity and can limit cell movement and proliferation. At ... 4089 (SMAD4), H00019 (Pancreatic cancer), H00020 (Colorectal cancer), H00533 (Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia), H01023 (Juvenile polyposis syndrome), H02102 (Myhre syndrome) 999 (CDH1), H00018 (Gastric ... Smad4 E-Cadherin α-Catenin p120ctn p120ctn E-Cadherin E-Cadherin E-Cadherin TCF/LEF NLK TAK1 CBP Smad3 Yes Fyn Fer Snail Slug ERK TGFβR FGFR1 ErbB1/2 MET INSR IGF-1R CKII DEP1 SHP-1 PTP1B LAR VEPTP PTPμ LMW-PTP RhoA RhoA WAVE IRSp53 WASP NWASP Rac Rac Cdc42 Actin Actin α-Catenin ZO-1 ZO-1 Vinculin Vinculin Ponsin α-Actinin α-Actinin ADIP LMO7 Afadin Afadin β-Catenin E-Cadherin β-Catenin IQGAP1 IQGAP1 IQGAP1 Rac/cdc42 p120ctn p120ctn Src Nectin β-Catenin IQGAP1 Rac/cdc42 Src Nectin PAR3 FRG ADHERENS ...
hsa04530 Tight junction Tight junctions (TJs) are essential for establishing a selectively permeable barrier to diffusion through the paracellular space between neighboring cells. TJs are composed of at least three types of transmembrane ... C00076 (Calcium cation) 50855 (PARD6A), 84552 (PARD6G), 84612 (PARD6B) 10207 (PATJ) 998 (CDC42), H02667 (Takenouchi-Kosaki syndrome) 6794 (STK11), H00019 (Pancreatic cancer), H00023 (Testicular cancer) ... PAR6 PATJ Cdc42 TIGHT JUNCTION Inside Paracellular space LKB1 Cingulin Tiam1 Decreased paracellular permeability Rich1 Occludin ZO-1 Occludin PATJ RhoGEF RhoA ROCK MLC2 Lulu2 PAR3 aPKC Rac1 JAM4 MAGI-1 JAM-A PDZ-GEF2 Rap1A Cell ...
hsa04540 Gap junction Gap junctions contain intercellular channels that allow direct communication between the cytosolic compartments of adjacent cells. Each gap junction channel is formed by docking of two 'hemichannels', ... C00681 (1-Acyl-sn-glycerol 3-phosphate) C00076 (Calcium cation) C01245 (D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate) C00942 (3',5'-Cyclic GMP) C00165 (Diacylglycerol) C00575 (3',5'-Cyclic AMP) C00533 (Nitric oxide) C00780 ... LPA v-Src cGMP DAG cAMP CK1 PKC Serotonin Glutamate Connexin Connexin Connexin Connexin Connexin Connexin Connexin Dopamine Noradrenaline ERK5 MEKK2 MEK5 PKG HTR2 Cdc2 EDG2 PKA ZO-1 TUBB ADCY c-Src TUBA Connexin GUCY ERK1/2 MEK1/2 Raf-1 Ras Sos Grb2 RTK ADRB1 mGluR DRD2 PLC DRD1 IP3R GAP ...
hsa04550 Signaling pathways regulating pluripotency of stem cells Pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) are basic cells with an indefinite self-renewal capacity and the potential to generate all the cell types of the three germinal layers. The types of PSCs known to date include ... 51384 (WNT16), 54361 (WNT4), 7471 (WNT1), 7472 (WNT2), 7473 (WNT3), 7474 (WNT5A), 7475 (WNT6), 7476 (WNT7A), 7477 (WNT7B), 7478 (WNT8A), 7479 (WNT8B), 7480 (WNT10B), 7481 (WNT11), 7482 (WNT2B), 7483 (WNT9A) ... Wnt APC Axin Dvl Frizzled SIGNALING PATHWAYS REGULATING PLURIPOTENCY OF STEM CELLS β-catenin GSK-3β TCF1 Wnt signaling pathway DNA Mouse ES cells (mESCs) Human ES cells (hESCs) Mouse EpiS cells (mEpiSCs) Mouse ...
hsa04610 Complement and coagulation cascades The complement system is a proteolytic cascade in blood plasma and a mediator of innate immunity, a nonspecific defense mechanism against pathogens. There are three pathways of complement activation: the ... C00471 (Plasmin) C03378 (Coagulation factor VIIa) C03379 (Coagulation factor XIIa) C03262 (Coagulation factor XIa) C03259 (Coagulation factor IXa) C04001 (Coagulation factor VIIIa) C01065 (Coagulation ... COMPLEMENT AND COAGULATION CASCADES Plasmin Coagulation cascade Extrinsic pathway Tissue damage F7a F12a F12 F11 F11a F9a VWF F8a F10a F10 F2a (Thrombin) F5a Fibrin monomer Fibrinogen Fibrin degradation ...
hsa04611 Platelet activation Platelets play a key and beneficial role for primary hemostasis on the disruption of the integrity of vessel wall. Platelet adhesion and activation at sites of vascular wall injury is initiated by adhesion ... C00575 (3',5'-Cyclic AMP) C00076 (Calcium cation) C01245 (D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate) C00165 (Diacylglycerol) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00008 (ADP) C02198 (Thromboxane A2) C02198 (Thromboxane A2) C00533 ... PLATELET ACTIVATION cAMP DAG Calcium signaling pathway Platelet PAR1/4 P2Y1 ADP TXA2 PLCβ GP VI α2β1 GPV PLCγ2 RASGRP Rap1 RIAM Talin αIIbβ3 Orai1 Rap1 signaling pathway PI3K Akt eNOS sGC PKG p38 ERK TXA2 cGMP G13 Rho-GEF RhoA ROCK MPase MLC MLCK Shape ...
hsa04612 Antigen processing and presentation 972 (CD74), D08944 (Milatuzumab (USAN)) 972 (CD74), D08944 (Milatuzumab (USAN)) 3108 (HLA-DMA), 3109 (HLA-DMB), 3111 (HLA-DOA), 3112 (HLA-DOB), 3113 (HLA-DPA1), 3115 (HLA-DPB1), 3117 (HLA-DQA1), 3118 (HLA-DQA2) ... CLIP SLIP HLA-DM NFY RFX CREB CIITA CTSB/L/S AEP CTSB AEP GILT TCR TCR CD4 KIR CD8 TAPBP CALR ERp57 β2m β2m β2M MHCI MHCII MHCII MHCII MHCI MHCI MHCI TAP1/2 MHCI CANX BiP HSP90 HSP70 PA28 TNFα IFNγ Proteasome T ...
hsa04613 Neutrophil extracellular trap formation Neutrophils play a central role in innate immune defense. One of the mechanisms of neutrophil action is the formation of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs), the extracellular structures composed of ... C05981 (Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate) C01245 (D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate) C00165 (Diacylglycerol) C00076 (Calcium cation) C05151 (12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate) C00027 (Hydrogen ... Neutrophil FcγRIIA FcγRI Src Syk IgG PI3K PIP PLC DAG PKC Raf1 MEK ERK1/2 Akt NOD-like receptor signaling pathway Immune complexes, antibodies, opsonised bacteria Calcium signaling pathway NEUTROPHIL ...
hsa04614 Renin-angiotensin system The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is a peptidergic system with endocrine characteristics regarding to the regulation of the blood pressure and hydro-electrolytic balance. In the classical RAS, the enzyme ... C02135 (Angiotensin II) C15849 (Angiotensin IV) C15848 (Angiotensin III) C15850 (Angiotensin (1-7)) C15852 (Angiotensin (1-5)) C15851 (Angiotensin (1-9)) C00873 (Angiotensin I) C20972 (Angiotensin (5-8)) C20973 ... ACE2 ACE2 ACE ACE ACE Angiotensin II Angiotensin IV Angiotensin III Angiotensin (1-7) Angiotensin (1-5) Angiotensin (1-9) Angiotensin I AGTR1 AGTR2 NLN THOP1 MME AP-N AP-A CTSA CPA3 MAS1 MME IRAP CMA1 CTSG AGT REN RENIN ...
hsa04620 Toll-like receptor signaling pathway Specific families of pattern recognition receptors are responsible for detecting microbial pathogens and generating innate immune responses. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are membrane-bound receptors identified ... 3456 (IFNB1), D12464 (Dazukibart (USAN)) 1147 (CHUK), H00882 (Cocoon syndrome), H01931 (Lethal-type popliteal pterygium syndrome) 7189 (TRAF6) 3654 (IRAK1) 51135 (IRAK4), H00096 (Defects of toll-like receptor ... IFN-β IKKα TRAF6 IRAK1 IRAK4 MyD88 MyD88 MyD88 TRAF6 ERK Tpl2 p105 OPN TRAF3 RIP1 IRF7 IRF5 I-TAC IP-10 IFN-β IFN-α CD86 CD40 IKKβ TAK1 p38 IRAK1 IKKα IL-8 TIRAP MyD88 Rac1 JNK IL-1β TBK1 TRAF6 IKKε FADD IL-6 RANTES TAB1 AKT TAB2 STAT1 IκBα TNFα IRF3 CD80 TLR2 MD-2 TLR5 TLR3 TLR2 TLR1 TLR6 LBP TLR9 TLR4 TRAM TOLLIP TRIF TIRAP CD14 IKKγ IRAK4 CASP8 TOLL-LIKE ...
hsa04621 NOD-like receptor signaling pathway Specific families of pattern recognition receptors are responsible for detecting various pathogens and generating innate immune responses. The intracellular NOD-like receptor (NLR) family contains more ... C00238 (Potassium cation) C01245 (D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00002 (ATP) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00155 (L-Homocysteine) C00533 (Nitric oxide) C00076 (Calcium cation) 29108 ... ASC pro-CASP1 ASC pro-CASP1 ASC pro-CASP1 ASC pro-CASP1 NOD1 NOD2 iE-DAP RIP2 IKKα/β TAK1 TAB NLRP1 NLRP3 ASC pro-CASP1 IL-1β IL-18 Inflammasomes CARD8 NLRC4 SGT1 HSP90 CASP1 MDP JNK ERK p38 POP2 Pyrin PSTPIP1 Bacterial ...
hsa04622 RIG-I-like receptor signaling pathway Specific families of pattern recognition receptors are responsible for detecting viral pathogens and generating innate immune responses. Non-self RNA appearing in a cell as a result of intracellular viral ... C00046 (RNA) C00046 (RNA) 23586 (RIGI), H01571 (Singleton-Merten syndrome) 64135 (IFIH1), H00290 (Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome), H00408 (Type 1 diabetes mellitus), H01571 (Singleton-Merten syndrome), H02525 ... RIG-I MDA5 TRIM25 RNF125 IPS-1 NFκB DUBA TRAF3 IRF-3 IKKε IRF-7 TANK NAP1 SINTBAD homo/heterodimer formation DNA FADD CASP8 CASP10 IFNα IFNβ TRAF6 IKKα IKKβ IKKγ IκB Uniquitin-mediated proteolysis TBK1 LGP2 RNF125 ISG15 Atg5 Atg12 NLRX1 MITA CYLD Protein ...
hsa04623 Cytosolic DNA-sensing pathway Specific families of pattern recognition receptors are responsible for detecting foreign DNA from invading microbes or host cells and generating innate immune responses. DAI is the first identified sensor ... C20640 (Cyclic GMP-AMP) C00039 (DNA) 3553 (IL1B), D01583 (Pirfenidone (JAN/USAN/INN)), D06635 (Rilonacept (USAN/INN)), D09315 (Canakinumab (USAN/INN)), D09911 (Gevokizumab (USAN/INN)), D12370 (Lutikizumab ... IL-1β IL-18 p202 Cell death ZBP1 TBK1 IKKε/ι IRF3 Oligomerization IFNβ IRF7 IFNα CXCL10 IPS1 STING NFκB RIPK1 RIPK3 ADAR1 E3L Pyroptosis Virus Bacteria IL-6 Host cells Shigella flexneri Listeria monocytogenes enteropathogenic ...
hsa04625 C-type lectin receptor signaling pathway C-type lectin receptors (CLRs) are a large superfamily of proteins characterized by the presence of one or more C-type lectin-like domains (CTLDs). CLRs function as pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs) ... C00965 (1,3-beta-D-Glucan) C00159 (D-Mannose) C01019 (L-Fucose) C00159 (D-Mannose) C01245 (D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate) C00076 (Calcium cation) C00027 (Hydrogen peroxide), C16844 (Hydroxyl radical) C21790 ... C-TYPE LECTIN RECEPTOR SIGNALING PATHWAY Dectin-1 Dectin-2 Mincle MCL FcRγ DC-SIGN LSP-1 KSR1 CNK1 Src p50 Raf-1 Pak1 Ras p65 FcRγ FcRγ β-Glucan Mannose Syk IL-23 SHP2 NEMO IKKα/β p50 p65 IL-12 NLRP3 Casp1 LSP-1 ASC IL-1β pro-IL-1β Casp8 ASC IL-6 IL-12 LARG RHOA DC-SIGN LSP-1 Fucose CYLD IKKε STAT1 STAT2 STAT1 IRF9 IL-27 BCL-3 MK2 BCL-3 p50 IL-10 IL-6 IL-12 Syk SHP2 p50 p65 IL-23 IL-6 pro-IL-1β Mannose IκBα p50 p65 Syk CARD9 Bcl10 MALT1 p50 p65 IκBα IL-23 IL-6 IL-12 IL-1β p50 p65 Ras PKCδ IκBα PLCγ2 ERK NFAT IL-23 IL-2 CnA/CnB IP3R ROS NIK p50 p65 NFAT p50 p65 TNF IL-10 Th1 ...
hsa04630 JAK-STAT signaling pathway The Janus kinase/signal transducers and activators of transcription (JAK/STAT) pathway is one of a handful of pleiotropic cascades used to transduce a multitude of signals for development and homeostasis ... 6772 (STAT1), 6774 (STAT3), 6776 (STAT5A), 6777 (STAT5B), 6778 (STAT6), H00016 (Oral cancer), H00089 (IFN-gamma/IL-12 axis), H00107 (Other well-defined immunodeficiency syndromes), H00931 (Growth hormone ... JAK-STAT SIGNALING PATHWAY STAT JAK1/3 Receptor STAT IL2 family STAT JAK2 Receptor STAT Hormone STAT JAK2 Receptor STAT IL12/23 STAT JAK1/2 Receptor STAT IL6 family STAT JAK1 Receptor STAT IFN-I/III Interferons STAT JAK1/2 Receptor STAT IFN-II STAT Receptor STAT IL10 ...
hsa04640 Hematopoietic cell lineage Blood-cell development progresses from a hematopoietic stem cell (HSC), which can undergo either self-renewal or differentiation into a multilineage committed progenitor cell: a common lymphoid progenitor ... 102723407 (IGH), D05994 (Talizumab (USAN/INN)) 3655 (ITGA6), 3672 (ITGA1), 3673 (ITGA2), 3675 (ITGA3), 3676 (ITGA4), 3678 (ITGA5), H00586 (Epidermolysis bullosa, junctional), H01235 (Bleeding disorder ... IgM CD49 CD42 CD41 CD14 CD9 CD61 IL-11R CD59 CD55 CD35 CD44 CD235a CD36 CD36 CD117 EPOR CD125 CD114 CD121 IL-9R CD14 CD11b CD11b CD13 CD13 CD126 CD115 CD64 CD126 CD126 CD124 CD124 CD33 CD116 CD123 CD123 CD123 CD116 CD123 CD116 IgD CD35 CD23 CD37 CD21 CD20 CD24 CD22 CD19 CD9 CD10 CD3 CD8 CD4 CD1 CD5 CD2 CD7 CD33 CD33 CD33 CD34 CD34 CD34 CD38 CD38 CD71 CD127 CD127 CD25 CD25 CD117 CD117 CD44 TdT TdT TdT CD135 CD34 HLA-DR HLA-DR HLA-DR HLA-DR HLA-DR HLA-DR HLA-DR TPO Meg-CSF TPO EPO TNF M-SCF G-SCF G-SCF Flt3L Flt3L Flt3L Flt3L Flt3L Flt3L IL-11 IL-6 GM-CSF GM-CSF GM-CSF GM-CSF GM-CSF GM-CSF GM-CSF IL-4 IL-1 IL-11 IL-6 IL-5 IL-4 IL-4 IL-3 IL-3 IL-3 IL-3 IL-3 IL-3 IL-3 IL-3 IL-7 IL-7 SCF SCF SCF SCF SCF SCF SCF SCF SCF SCF IL-7 HEMATOPOIETIC ...
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