KEGG   DISEASE: Congenital myopathy
H01810                      Disease                                
Congenital myopathy
Nemaline myopathy [DS:H00698]
Central core disease [DS:H00699]
Centronuclear myopathy [DS:H00700]
Congenital fiber type disproportion [DS:H00701]
Multi-minicore disease [DS:H01310]
Early-onset myopathy, areflexia, respiratory distress, and dysphagia [DS:H02321]
Native American myopathy [DS:H02084]
Inclusion body myopathy 3 [DS:H01229]
Scapuloperoneal myopathy, MYH7-related [DS:H00656]
Myosin storage myopathy [DS:H00703]
Congenital myopathy with neuropathy and deafness (CMND)
The congenital myopathies are a group of genetic muscle disorders characterised clinically by hypotonia and weakness, usually from birth, and a static or slowly progressive clinical course. Congenital myopathies are mainly defined by the predominant histopathological features which include nemaline rods, central cores, multiple minicores, central nuclei, and selective hypotrophy of type 1 fibres. Based on these features, individual congenital myopathies such as nemaline myopathy, central core disease, multi-minicore disease, centronuclear myopathy, and congenital fiber type disproportion were reported. Over the past decade there have been major advances in defining the genetic basis of the majority of congenital myopathy subtypes. However the relationship between each congenital myopathy, defined on histological grounds, and the genetic cause is complex. Many of the congenital myopathies are due to mutations in more than one gene, and mutations in the same gene can cause different muscle pathologies.
Nervous system disease; Musculoskeletal disease
Human diseases in ICD-11 classification [BR:br08403]
 08 Diseases of the nervous system
  Diseases of neuromuscular junction or muscle
   Primary disorders of muscles
    8C72  Congenital myopathies
     H01810  Congenital myopathy
Pathway-based classification of diseases [BR:br08402]
 Signal transduction
  nt06528  Calcium signaling
   H01810  Congenital myopathy
 Cellular process
  nt06535  Efferocytosis
   H01810  Congenital myopathy
  nt06539  Cytoskeleton in muscle cells
   H01810  Congenital myopathy
hsa04020  Calcium signaling pathway
hsa04820  Cytoskeleton in muscle cells
nt06528 Calcium signaling
nt06535 Efferocytosis
nt06539 Cytoskeleton in muscle cells
(CMYP1A/1B) RYR1 [HSA:6261] [KO:K04961]
(CMYP2A/2B/2C) ACTA1 [HSA:58] [KO:K10354]
(CMYP3) SELENON [HSA:57190] [KO:K19874]
(CMYP4) TPM3 [HSA:7170] [KO:K09290]
(CMYP5) TTN [HSA:7273] [KO:K12567]
(CMYP6) MYH2 [HSA:4620] [KO:K24220]
(CMYP7) MYH7 [HSA:4625] [KO:K17751]
(CMYP8) ACTN2 [HSA:88] [KO:K21073]
(CMYP9) FXR1 [HSA:8087] [KO:K15516]
(CMYP10A/10B) MEGF10 [HSA:84466] [KO:K24068]
(CMYP11) HACD1 [HSA:9200] [KO:K10703]
(CMYP12) CNTN1 [HSA:1272] [KO:K06759]
(CMYP13) STAC3 [HSA:246329] [KO:K23713]
(CMYP14) MYL1 [HSA:4632] [KO:K05738]
(CMYP15) TNNC2 [HSA:7125] [KO:K12042]
(CMYP16) MYBPC1 [HSA:4604] [KO:K12557]
(CMYP17) MYOD1 [HSA:4654] [KO:K09064]
(CMYP18) CACNA1S [HSA:779] [KO:K04857]
(CMYP19) PAX7 [HSA:5081] [KO:K09381]
(CMYP20) RYR3 [HSA:6263] [KO:K04963]
(CMYP21) DNAJB4 [HSA:11080] [KO:K09510]
(CMYP22A/22B) SCN4A [HSA:6329] [KO:K04837]
(CMYP23) TPM2 [HSA:7169] [KO:K10374]
(CMYP24) MYPN [HSA:84665] [KO:K22028]
(CMND) SPTBN4 [HSA:57731] [KO:K06115]
Other DBs
ICD-11: 8C72
ICD-10: G71.2
MeSH: D020914
OMIM: 117000 255320 161800 620265 620278 602771 255310 609284 611705 605637 608358 255160 618654 618822 618823 614399 620249 619967 612540 255995 618414 620161 618524 618975 620246 618578 620310 620326 620351 620369 609285 617336 617519
North KN, Wang CH, Clarke N, Jungbluth H, Vainzof M, Dowling JJ, Amburgey K, Quijano-Roy S, Beggs AH, Sewry C, Laing NG, Bonnemann CG
Approach to the diagnosis of congenital myopathies.
Neuromuscul Disord 24:97-116 (2014)
Maggi L, Scoto M, Cirak S, Robb SA, Klein A, Lillis S, Cullup T, Feng L, Manzur AY, Sewry CA, Abbs S, Jungbluth H, Muntoni F
Congenital myopathies--clinical features and frequency of individual subtypes diagnosed over a 5-year period in the United Kingdom.
Neuromuscul Disord 23:195-205 (2013)
PMID:8220422 (CMYP1A)
Zhang Y, Chen HS, Khanna VK, De Leon S, Phillips MS, Schappert K, Britt BA, Browell AK, MacLennan DH
A mutation in the human ryanodine receptor gene associated with central core disease.
Nat Genet 5:46-50 (1993)
PMID:12112081 (CMYP1B)
Ferreiro A, Monnier N, Romero NB, Leroy JP, Bonnemann C, Haenggeli CA, Straub V, Voss WD, Nivoche Y, Jungbluth H, Lemainque A, Voit T, Lunardi J, Fardeau M, Guicheney P
A recessive form of central core disease, transiently presenting as multi-minicore disease, is associated with a homozygous mutation in the ryanodine  receptor type 1 gene.
Ann Neurol 51:750-9 (2002)
PMID:10508519 (CMYP2A/2B/2C)
Nowak KJ, Wattanasirichaigoon D, Goebel HH, Wilce M, Pelin K, Donner K, Jacob RL, Hubner C, Oexle K, Anderson JR, Verity CM, North KN, Iannaccone ST, Muller CR, Nurnberg P, Muntoni F, Sewry C, Hughes I, Sutphen R, Lacson AG, Swoboda KJ, Vigneron J, Wallgren-Pettersson C, Beggs AH, Laing NG
Mutations in the skeletal muscle alpha-actin gene in patients with actin myopathy and nemaline myopathy.
Nat Genet 23:208-12 (1999)
PMID:11528383 (CMYP3)
Moghadaszadeh B, Petit N, Jaillard C, Brockington M, Quijano Roy S, Merlini L, Romero N, Estournet B, Desguerre I, Chaigne D, Muntoni F, Topaloglu H, Guicheney P
Mutations in SEPN1 cause congenital muscular dystrophy with spinal rigidity and restrictive respiratory syndrome.
Nat Genet 29:17-8 (2001)
PMID:7704029 (CMYP4)
Laing NG, Wilton SD, Akkari PA, Dorosz S, Boundy K, Kneebone C, Blumbergs P, White S, Watkins H, Love DR, et al.
A mutation in the alpha tropomyosin gene TPM3 associated with autosomal dominant nemaline myopathy.
Nat Genet 9:75-9 (1995)
PMID:17444505 (CMYP5)
Carmignac V, Salih MA, Quijano-Roy S, Marchand S, Al Rayess MM, Mukhtar MM, Urtizberea JA, Labeit S, Guicheney P, Leturcq F, Gautel M, Fardeau M, Campbell KP, Richard I, Estournet B, Ferreiro A
C-terminal titin deletions cause a novel early-onset myopathy with fatal cardiomyopathy.
Ann Neurol 61:340-51 (2007)
PMID:11114175 (CMYP6)
Martinsson T, Oldfors A, Darin N, Berg K, Tajsharghi H, Kyllerman M, Wahlstrom J
Autosomal dominant myopathy: missense mutation (Glu-706 --> Lys) in the myosin heavy chain IIa gene.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 97:14614-9 (2000)
PMID:14520662 (CMYP7)
Tajsharghi H, Thornell LE, Lindberg C, Lindvall B, Henriksson KG, Oldfors A
Myosin storage myopathy associated with a heterozygous missense mutation in MYH7.
Ann Neurol 54:494-500 (2003)
PMID:30701273 (CMYP8)
Lornage X, Romero NB, Grosgogeat CA, Malfatti E, Donkervoort S, Marchetti MM, Neuhaus SB, Foley AR, Labasse C, Schneider R, Carlier RY, Chao KR, Medne L, Deleuze JF, Orlikowski D, Bonnemann CG, Gupta VA, Fardeau M, Bohm J, Laporte J
ACTN2 mutations cause "Multiple structured Core Disease" (MsCD).
Acta Neuropathol 137:501-519 (2019)
PMID:30770808 (CMYP9)
Estan MC, Fernandez-Nunez E, Zaki MS, Esteban MI, Donkervoort S, Hawkins C, Caparros-Martin JA, Saade D, Hu Y, Bolduc V, Chao KR, Nevado J, Lamuedra A, Largo R, Herrero-Beaumont G, Regadera J, Hernandez-Chico C, Tizzano EF, Martinez-Glez V, Carvajal JJ, Zong R, Nelson DL, Otaify GA, Temtamy S, Aglan M, Issa M, Bonnemann CG, Lapunzina P, Yoon G, Ruiz-Perez VL
Recessive mutations in muscle-specific isoforms of FXR1 cause congenital multi-minicore myopathy.
Nat Commun 10:797 (2019)
PMID:22101682 (CMYP10A)
Logan CV, Lucke B, Pottinger C, Abdelhamed ZA, Parry DA, Szymanska K, Diggle CP, van Riesen A, Morgan JE, Markham G, Ellis I, Manzur AY, Markham AF, Shires M, Helliwell T, Scoto M, Hubner C, Bonthron DT, Taylor GR, Sheridan E, Muntoni F, Carr IM, Schuelke M, Johnson CA
Mutations in MEGF10, a regulator of satellite cell myogenesis, cause early onset myopathy, areflexia, respiratory distress and dysphagia (EMARDD).
Nat Genet 43:1189-92 (2011)
PMID:22371254 (CMYP10B)
Boyden SE, Mahoney LJ, Kawahara G, Myers JA, Mitsuhashi S, Estrella EA, Duncan AR, Dey F, DeChene ET, Blasko-Goehringer JM, Bonnemann CG, Darras BT, Mendell JR, Lidov HG, Nishino I, Beggs AH, Kunkel LM, Kang PB
Mutations in the satellite cell gene MEGF10 cause a recessive congenital myopathy with minicores.
Neurogenetics 13:115-24 (2012)
PMID:23933735 (CMYP11)
Muhammad E, Reish O, Ohno Y, Scheetz T, Deluca A, Searby C, Regev M, Benyamini L, Fellig Y, Kihara A, Sheffield VC, Parvari R
Congenital myopathy is caused by mutation of HACD1.
Hum Mol Genet 22:5229-36 (2013)
PMID:19026398 (CMYP12)
Compton AG, Albrecht DE, Seto JT, Cooper ST, Ilkovski B, Jones KJ, Challis D, Mowat D, Ranscht B, Bahlo M, Froehner SC, North KN
Mutations in contactin-1, a neural adhesion and neuromuscular junction protein, cause a familial form of lethal congenital myopathy.
Am J Hum Genet 83:714-24 (2008)
PMID:28411587 (CMYP13)
Grzybowski M, Schanzer A, Pepler A, Heller C, Neubauer BA, Hahn A
Novel STAC3 Mutations in the First Non-Amerindian Patient with Native American Myopathy.
Neuropediatrics 48:451-455 (2017)
PMID:30215711 (CMYP14)
Ravenscroft G, Zaharieva IT, Bortolotti CA, Lambrughi M, Pignataro M, Borsari M, Sewry CA, Phadke R, Haliloglu G, Ong R, Goullee H, Whyte T, Consortium UK, Manzur A, Talim B, Kaya U, Osborn DPS, Forrest ARR, Laing NG, Muntoni F
Bi-allelic mutations in MYL1 cause a severe congenital myopathy.
Hum Mol Genet 27:4263-4272 (2018)
PMID:33755597 (CMYP15)
van de Locht M, Donkervoort S, de Winter JM, Conijn S, Begthel L, Kusters B, Mohassel P, Hu Y, Medne L, Quinn C, Moore SA, Foley AR, Seo G, Hwee DT, Malik FI, Irving T, Ma W, Granzier HL, Kamsteeg EJ, Immadisetty K, Kekenes-Huskey P, Pinto JR, Voermans N, Bonnemann CG, Ottenheijm CA
Pathogenic variants in TNNC2 cause congenital myopathy due to an impaired force response to calcium.
J Clin Invest 131:145700 (2021)
PMID:31264822 (CMYP16)
Shashi V, Geist J, Lee Y, Yoo Y, Shin U, Schoch K, Sullivan J, Stong N, Smith E, Jasien J, Kranz P, Lee Y, Shin YB, Wright NT, Choi M, Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos A
Heterozygous variants in MYBPC1 are associated with an expanded neuromuscular phenotype beyond arthrogryposis.
Hum Mutat 40:1115-1126 (2019)
PMID:26733463 (CMYP17)
Watson CM, Crinnion LA, Murphy H, Newbould M, Harrison SM, Lascelles C, Antanaviciute A, Carr IM, Sheridan E, Bonthron DT, Smith A
Deficiency of the myogenic factor MyoD causes a perinatally lethal fetal akinesia.
J Med Genet 53:264-9 (2016)
PMID:28012042 (CMYP18)
Schartner V, Romero NB, Donkervoort S, Treves S, Munot P, Pierson TM, Dabaj I, Malfatti E, Zaharieva IT, Zorzato F, Abath Neto O, Brochier G, Lornage X, Eymard B, Taratuto AL, Bohm J, Gonorazky H, Ramos-Platt L, Feng L, Phadke R, Bharucha-Goebel DX, Sumner CJ, Bui MT, Lacene E, Beuvin M, Labasse C, Dondaine N, Schneider R, Thompson J, Boland A, Deleuze JF, Matthews E, Pakleza AN, Sewry CA, Biancalana V, Quijano-Roy S, Muntoni F, Fardeau M, Bonnemann CG, Laporte J
Dihydropyridine receptor (DHPR, CACNA1S) congenital myopathy.
Acta Neuropathol 133:517-533 (2017)
PMID:31092906 (CMYP19)
Feichtinger RG, Mucha BE, Hengel H, Orfi Z, Makowski C, Dort J, D'Anjou G, Nguyen TTM, Buchert R, Juenger H, Freisinger P, Baumeister S, Schoser B, Ahting U, Keimer R, Nguyen CE, Fabre P, Gauthier J, Miguet M, Lopes F, AlHakeem A, AlHashem A, Tabarki B, Kandaswamy KK, Bauer P, Steinbacher P, Prokisch H, Sturm M, Strom TM, Ellezam B, Mayr JA, Schols L, Michaud JL, Campeau PM, Haack TB, Dumont NA
Biallelic variants in the transcription factor PAX7 are a new genetic cause of myopathy.
Genet Med 21:2521-2531 (2019)
PMID:29498452 (CMYP20)
Nilipour Y, Nafissi S, Tjust AE, Ravenscroft G, Hossein Nejad Nedai H, Taylor RL, Varasteh V, Pedrosa Domellof F, Zangi M, Tonekaboni SH, Olive M, Kiiski K, Sagath L, Davis MR, Laing NG, Tajsharghi H
Ryanodine receptor type 3 (RYR3) as a novel gene associated with a myopathy with nemaline bodies.
Eur J Neurol 25:841-847 (2018)
PMID:36264506 (CMYP21)
Weihl CC, Topf A, Bengoechea R, Duff J, Charlton R, Garcia SK, Dominguez-Gonzalez C, Alsaman A, Hernandez-Lain A, Franco LV, Sanchez MEP, Beecroft SJ, Goullee H, Daw J, Bhadra A, True H, Inoue M, Findlay AR, Laing N, Olive M, Ravenscroft G, Straub V
Loss of function variants in DNAJB4 cause a myopathy with early respiratory failure.
Acta Neuropathol 145:127-143 (2023)
PMID:26700687 (CMYP22A/22B)
Zaharieva IT, Thor MG, Oates EC, van Karnebeek C, Hendson G, Blom E, Witting N, Rasmussen M, Gabbett MT, Ravenscroft G, Sframeli M, Suetterlin K, Sarkozy A, D'Argenzio L, Hartley L, Matthews E, Pitt M, Vissing J, Ballegaard M, Krarup C, Slordahl A, Halvorsen H, Ye XC, Zhang LH, Lokken N, Werlauff U, Abdelsayed M, Davis MR, Feng L, Phadke R, Sewry CA, Morgan JE, Laing NG, Vallance H, Ruben P, Hanna MG, Lewis S, Kamsteeg EJ, Mannikko R, Muntoni F
Loss-of-function mutations in SCN4A cause severe foetal hypokinesia or 'classical' congenital myopathy.
Brain 139:674-91 (2016)
PMID:11738357 (CMYP23)
Donner K, Ollikainen M, Ridanpaa M, Christen HJ, Goebel HH, de Visser M, Pelin K, Wallgren-Pettersson C
Mutations in the beta-tropomyosin (TPM2) gene--a rare cause of nemaline myopathy.
Neuromuscul Disord 12:151-8 (2002)
PMID:28017374 (CMYP24)
Miyatake S, Mitsuhashi S, Hayashi YK, Purevjav E, Nishikawa A, Koshimizu E, Suzuki M, Yatabe K, Tanaka Y, Ogata K, Kuru S, Shiina M, Tsurusaki Y, Nakashima M, Mizuguchi T, Miyake N, Saitsu H, Ogata K, Kawai M, Towbin J, Nonaka I, Nishino I, Matsumoto N
Biallelic Mutations in MYPN, Encoding Myopalladin, Are Associated with Childhood-Onset, Slowly Progressive Nemaline Myopathy.
Am J Hum Genet 100:169-178 (2017)
PMID:29861105 (CMND)
Wang CC, Ortiz-Gonzalez XR, Yum SW, Gill SM, White A, Kelter E, Seaver LH, Lee S, Wiley G, Gaffney PM, Wierenga KJ, Rasband MN
betaIV Spectrinopathies Cause Profound Intellectual Disability, Congenital Hypotonia, and Motor Axonal Neuropathy.
Am J Hum Genet 102:1158-1168 (2018)

» Japanese version

KEGG   DISEASE: Scapulohumeroperoneal myopathy
H02721                      Disease                                
Scapulohumeroperoneal myopathy
Scapulohumeroperoneal myopathy (SHPM) is an autosomal dominant slowly progressive scapuloperoneal neuromuscular disorder. Clinical characteristics include mild lower facial weakness, foot drop due to foot eversion and dorsiflexion weakness, finger drop of digits 3 to 5, and selective muscle atrophy. A mutation in ACTA1, encoding skeletal muscle actin, has been reported.
Nervous system disease; Musculoskeletal disease
Human diseases in ICD-11 classification [BR:br08403]
 08 Diseases of the nervous system
  Diseases of neuromuscular junction or muscle
   Primary disorders of muscles
    8C70  Muscular dystrophy
     H02721  Scapulohumeroperoneal myopathy
Pathway-based classification of diseases [BR:br08402]
 Cellular process
  nt06539  Cytoskeleton in muscle cells
   H02721  Scapulohumeroperoneal myopathy
hsa04820  Cytoskeleton in muscle cells
nt06539 Cytoskeleton in muscle cells
ACTA1 [HSA:58] [KO:K10354]
Other DBs
ICD-11: 8C70.Y
ICD-10: G71.0
OMIM: 616852
Zukosky K, Meilleur K, Traynor BJ, Dastgir J, Medne L, Devoto M, Collins J, Rooney J, Zou Y, Yang ML, Gibbs JR, Meier M, Stetefeld J, Finkel RS, Schessl J, Elman L, Felice K, Ferguson TA, Ceyhan-Birsoy O, Beggs AH, Tennekoon G, Johnson JO, Bonnemann CG
Association of a Novel ACTA1 Mutation With a Dominant Progressive Scapuloperoneal Myopathy in an Extended Family.
JAMA Neurol 72:689-98 (2015)

» Japanese version

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