KEGG   DISEASE: Microphthalmia, syndromic
H02170                      Disease                                
Microphthalmia, syndromic
Microphthalmia can be defined as a reduced size of the globe in the orbit. More than 50% of individuals with microphthalmia have extraocular findings, most commonly involving the limbs, musculoskeletal system and the craniofacial region with anomalies of the face, ear and neck.
Congenital malformation
Human diseases in ICD-11 classification [BR:br08403]
 20 Developmental anomalies
  Multiple developmental anomalies or syndromes
   LD21  Syndromes with eye anomalies as a major feature
    H02170  Microphthalmia, syndromic
Pathway-based classification of diseases [BR:br08402]
 Cellular process
  nt06523  Epigenetic regulation by Polycomb complexes
   H02170  Microphthalmia, syndromic
nt06523 Epigenetic regulation by Polycomb complexes
(MCOPS1) NAA10 [HSA:8260] [KO:K20791]
(MCOPS2) BCOR [HSA:54880] [KO:K23215]
(MCOPS3) SOX2 [HSA:6657] [KO:K16796]
(MCOPS5) OTX2 [HSA:5015] [KO:K18490]
(MCOPS6) BMP4 [HSA:652] [KO:K04662]
(MCOPS7) HCCS [HSA:3052] [KO:K01764]
(MCOPS9) STRA6 [HSA:64220] [KO:K23088]
(MCOPS11) VAX1 [HSA:11023] [KO:K09318]
(MCOPS12) RARB [HSA:5915] [KO:K08528]
(MCOPS13) HMGB3 [HSA:3149] [KO:K11296]
(MCOPS14) MAB21L2 [HSA:10586]
(MCOPS15) TENM3 [HSA:55714] [KO:K24473]
(MCOPS16) RAX [HSA:30062] [KO:K09332]
Other DBs
ICD-11: LD21.0
ICD-10: Q11.2
MeSH: C537464 C537465 C565948 C566441 C566440 C537768
OMIM: 309800 300166 206900 610125 607932 309801 601186 614402 615524 300915 615877 615145 611038
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PMID:12612584 (SOX2)
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PMID:17033964 (HCCS)
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PMID:22095910 (VAX1)
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VAX1 mutation associated with microphthalmia, corpus callosum agenesis, and orofacial clefting: the first description of a VAX1 phenotype in humans.
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PMID:24075189 (RARB)
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Recessive and dominant mutations in retinoic acid receptor beta in cases with microphthalmia and diaphragmatic hernia.
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PMID:24993872 (HMGB3)
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Identification of an HMGB3 frameshift mutation in a family with an X-linked colobomatous microphthalmia syndrome using whole-genome and X-exome sequencing.
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PMID:25719200 (MAB21L2)
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PMID:29753094 (TENM3)
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PMID:14662654 (RAX)
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