KEGG Orthology (KO) [BR:ko00001]
09160 Human Diseases
09171 Infectious disease: bacterial
05132 Salmonella infection
K07863 RHOG; Ras homolog gene family, member G
05135 Yersinia infection
K07863 RHOG; Ras homolog gene family, member G
05100 Bacterial invasion of epithelial cells
K07863 RHOG; Ras homolog gene family, member G
09180 Brite Hierarchies
09183 Protein families: signaling and cellular processes
04147 Exosome
K07863 RHOG; Ras homolog gene family, member G
04031 GTP-binding proteins
K07863 RHOG; Ras homolog gene family, member G
Exosome [BR:ko04147]
Exosomal proteins
Exosomal proteins of haemopoietic cells (B-cell, T-cell, DC-cell, reticulocyte, and mast cell)
K07863 RHOG; Ras homolog gene family, member G
Exosomal proteins of other body fluids (saliva and urine)
K07863 RHOG; Ras homolog gene family, member G
Exosomal proteins of colorectal cancer cells
K07863 RHOG; Ras homolog gene family, member G
Exosomal proteins of bladder cancer cells
K07863 RHOG; Ras homolog gene family, member G
GTP-binding proteins [BR:ko04031]
Small (monomeric) G-proteins
Rho Family
Rac/Cdc42 [OT]
K07863 RHOG; Ras homolog gene family, member G