KEGG   PATHWAY: nspu00190
nspu00190                   Pathway                                
Oxidative phosphorylation - Nocardia sputorum
Metabolism; Energy metabolism
Pathway map
nspu00190  Oxidative phosphorylation

nspu_M00149  Succinate dehydrogenase, prokaryotes [PATH:nspu00190]
nspu_M00151  Cytochrome bc1 complex respiratory unit [PATH:nspu00190]
nspu_M00155  Cytochrome c oxidase, prokaryotes [PATH:nspu00190]
nspu_M00157  F-type ATPase, prokaryotes and chloroplasts [PATH:nspu00190]
Nocardia sputorum [GN:nspu]
IFM12276_26770  nuoA; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit A [KO:K00330] [EC:]
IFM12276_26760  nuoB; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit B [KO:K00331] [EC:]
IFM12276_26750  nuoC; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit C [KO:K00332] [EC:]
IFM12276_26740  nuoD; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit D [KO:K00333] [EC:]
IFM12276_26730  NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit E [KO:K00334] [EC:]
IFM12276_26720  nuoF; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit F [KO:K00335] [EC:]
IFM12276_26710  nuoG; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit G [KO:K00336] [EC:]
IFM12276_26700  hypothetical protein [KO:K00337] [EC:]
IFM12276_26690  nuoJ; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit J [KO:K00339] [EC:]
IFM12276_26680  nuoK; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit K [KO:K00340] [EC:]
IFM12276_26670  nuoL; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit L [KO:K00341] [EC:]
IFM12276_26660  nuoM; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit M [KO:K00342] [EC:]
IFM12276_26650  nuoN; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit N [KO:K00343] [EC:]
IFM12276_26540  oxidoreductase [KO:K03885] [EC:]
IFM12276_33600  NADH dehydrogenase [KO:K03885] [EC:]
IFM12276_52620  ndh_2; NADH dehydrogenase [KO:K03885] [EC:]
IFM12276_56170  oxidoreductase [KO:K03885] [EC:]
IFM12276_59090  oxidoreductase [KO:K03885] [EC:]
IFM12276_05310  ndh_1; NADH dehydrogenase [KO:K03885] [EC:]
IFM12276_13330  putative NADH dehydrogenase (NDH) [KO:K03885] [EC:]
IFM12276_21050  dehydrogenase [KO:K03885] [EC:]
IFM12276_21480  ndhA; NADH dehydrogenase NdhA [KO:K03885] [EC:]
IFM12276_25250  oxidoreductase [KO:K03885] [EC:]
IFM12276_25270  oxidoreductase [KO:K03885] [EC:]
IFM12276_53480  succinate dehydrogenase flavoprotein subunit [KO:K00239] [EC:]
IFM12276_62980  putative succinate dehydrogenase, flavoprotein subunit [KO:K00239] [EC:]
IFM12276_53490  putative succinate dehydrogenase SdhB [KO:K00240] [EC:]
IFM12276_62990  sdhB; succinate dehydrogenase/fumarate reductase iron-sulfur subunit [KO:K00240] [EC:]
IFM12276_53460  putative succinate dehydrogenase, cytochrome b-556 subunit SdhC [KO:K00241]
IFM12276_53470  sdhD; succinate dehydrogenase [KO:K00242]
IFM12276_44810  ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase iron-sulfur subunit [KO:K03890] [EC:]
IFM12276_35390  qcrB_1; cytochrome bc1 complex cytochrome b subunit [KO:K03891] [EC:]
IFM12276_44800  ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase cytochrome b subunit [KO:K03891] [EC:]
IFM12276_66620  qcrB_2; cytochrome bc1 complex cytochrome b subunit [KO:K03891] [EC:]
IFM12276_44820  putative ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase cytochrome c subunit [KO:K03889] [EC:]
IFM12276_20720  ctaB; protoheme IX farnesyltransferase [KO:K02257] [EC:]
IFM12276_45120  ctaF; putative cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide 4 [KO:K27109] [EC:]
IFM12276_44830  putative cytochrome c oxidase subunit III [KO:K02276] [EC:]
IFM12276_63890  hypothetical protein [KO:K02274] [EC:]
IFM12276_13100  ctaD_1; putative cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 [KO:K02274] [EC:]
IFM12276_20090  ctaD_2; putative cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 [KO:K02274] [EC:]
IFM12276_45130  putative cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2 precursor [KO:K02275] [EC:]
IFM12276_20860  heme A synthase [KO:K02259] [EC:]
IFM12276_29160  cytochrome ubiquinol oxidase subunit I [KO:K00425] [EC:]
IFM12276_03000  putative integral membrane cytochrome D ubiquinol oxidase subunit I CydA [KO:K00425] [EC:]
IFM12276_29170  cytochrome D ubiquinol oxidase subunit II [KO:K00426] [EC:]
IFM12276_03010  putative cytochrome D ubiquinol oxydase CydB [KO:K00426] [EC:]
IFM12276_51780  atpA; ATP synthase subunit alpha [KO:K02111] [EC:]
IFM12276_51760  atpD; ATP synthase subunit beta [KO:K02112] [EC:]
IFM12276_51770  atpG; ATP synthase gamma chain [KO:K02115]
IFM12276_51790  atpH; ATP synthase subunit delta [KO:K02113]
IFM12276_51750  atpC; ATP synthase epsilon chain [KO:K02114]
IFM12276_51820  atpB; ATP synthase subunit a [KO:K02108]
IFM12276_51800  atpF; ATP synthase subunit b [KO:K02109]
IFM12276_51810  ATP synthase subunit c [KO:K02110]
IFM12276_33010  hypothetical protein [KO:K01507] [EC:]
IFM12276_00680  ppa; inorganic pyrophosphatase [KO:K01507] [EC:]
IFM12276_14380  ppk; polyphosphate kinase [KO:K00937] [EC:]
C00001  H2O
C00002  ATP
C00003  NAD+
C00004  NADH
C00007  Oxygen
C00008  ADP
C00009  Orthophosphate
C00013  Diphosphate
C00042  Succinate
C00080  H+
C00122  Fumarate
C00536  Triphosphate
Sazanov LA, Hinchliffe P.
Structure of the hydrophilic domain of respiratory complex I from Thermus thermophilus.
Science 311:1430-6 (2006)
Hinchliffe P, Carroll J, Sazanov LA.
Identification of a novel subunit of respiratory complex I from Thermus thermophilus.
Biochemistry 45:4413-20 (2006)
KO pathway

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