KEGG   PATHWAY: tcr00190
tcr00190                    Pathway                                
Oxidative phosphorylation - Trypanosoma cruzi
Metabolism; Energy metabolism
Pathway map
tcr00190  Oxidative phosphorylation

Trypanosoma cruzi [GN:tcr]
509809.10  electron transfer protein [KO:K03934] [EC:]
511261.30  electron transfer protein [KO:K03934] [EC:]
508507.59  NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 20 kDa subunit, mitochondrial precursor [KO:K03940] [EC:]
503893.80  NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 20 kDa subunit, mitochondrial precursor [KO:K03940] [EC:]
507869.10  NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase, mitochondrial [KO:K03942] [EC:]
508399.10  NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase, mitochondrial [KO:K03942] [EC:]
511323.50  NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase, mitochondrial [KO:K03943] [EC:]
506513.190  NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase, mitochondrial [KO:K03943] [EC:]
506241.160  hypothetical protein [KO:K03953]
511867.140  acyl carrier protein, mitochondrial precursor [KO:K03955]
506839.70  NADH dehydrogenase [KO:K03885] [EC:]
508717.20  NADH dehydrogenase [KO:K03885] [EC:]
511909.40  succinate dehydrogenase flavoprotein [KO:K00234] [EC:]
506399.89  succinate dehydrogenase flavoprotein [KO:K00234] [EC:]
510759.120  reiske iron-sulfur protein precursor [KO:K00411] [EC:]
506999.90  reiske iron-sulfur protein precursor [KO:K00411] [EC:]
511391.160  cytochrome c1, heme protein, mitochondrial precursor [KO:K00413]
504575.15  ubiquinol-cytochrome-C-reductase [KO:K00416]
509011.54  ubiquinol-cytochrome C reductase [KO:K00416]
506295.100  hypothetical protein [KO:K00417]
509767.59  protoheme IX farnesyltransferase [KO:K02257] [EC:]
509601.59  protoheme IX farnesyltransferase [KO:K02257] [EC:]
504069.20  cytochrome C oxidase subunit VI [KO:K02267]
511145.10  cytochrome C oxidase subunit VI [KO:K02267]
510943.130  cytochrome C oxidase assembly protein [KO:K02258]
504867.70  cytochrome C oxidase assembly protein [KO:K02258]
511211.70  cytochrome oxidase assembly protein [KO:K02259] [EC:]
506691.64  cytochrome c oxidase copper chaperone [KO:K02260]
508153.994  cytochrome c oxidase copper chaperone [KO:K02260]
508959.4  cytochrome c [KO:K08738]
506949.50  cytochrome c [KO:K08738]
510395.10  ATP synthase, alpha chain, mitochondrial precursor [KO:K02132]
467287.30  ATPase beta subunit [KO:K02133] [EC:]
509233.180  ATPase beta subunit [KO:K02133] [EC:]
511145.60  ATP synthase F1 subunit gamma protein [KO:K02136]
504069.80  ATP synthase F1 subunit gamma protein [KO:K02136]
506945.240  ATP synthase, epsilon chain [KO:K02134]
503579.70  ATPase subunit 9 [KO:K02128]
504125.40  ATPase subunit 9 [KO:K02128]
504131.180  ATPase subunit 9 [KO:K02128]
506977.70  ATPase subunit 9 [KO:K02128]
507517.60  ATPase subunit 9 [KO:K02128]
503929.10  V-type ATPase, A subunit [KO:K02145] [EC:]
506405.120  V-type ATPase, A subunit [KO:K02145] [EC:]
511209.10  vacuolar ATP synthase subunit B [KO:K02147]
506025.50  vacuolar ATP synthase subunit B [KO:K02147]
511277.240  vacuolar ATP synthase subunit c [KO:K02148]
511001.190  vacuolar ATP synthase subunit D [KO:K02149]
509017.30  vacuolar ATP synthase subunit D [KO:K02149]
511589.10  ATP synthase [KO:K02150]
508851.59  ATP synthase [KO:K02150]
510889.231  ATP synthase subunit [KO:K02151]
506529.516  ATP synthase subunit [KO:K02151]
510993.10  (H+)-ATPase G subunit [KO:K02152]
506375.110  (H+)-ATPase G subunit [KO:K02152]
506855.80  ATP synthase [KO:K02144]
508781.20  ATP synthase [KO:K02144]
509601.70  vacuolar proton translocating ATPase subunit A [KO:K02154]
511727.90  vacuolar proton-ATPase-like protein [KO:K02154]
509767.70  vacuolar proton translocating ATPase subunit A [KO:K02154]
511145.50  vacuolar ATP synthase [KO:K02155]
504069.70  vacuolar ATP synthase [KO:K02155]
506163.40  vacuolar type H+ ATPase subunit [KO:K02155]
506867.20  vacuolar type H+ ATPase subunit [KO:K02155]
507623.129  vacuolar type H+ ATPase subunit [KO:K02155]
508821.50  vacuolar type H+ ATPase subunit [KO:K02155]
506945.300  V-type ATPase, C subunit [KO:K03661]
508397.10  vacuolar ATP synthase [KO:K02146]
509885.10  vacuolar ATP synthase [KO:K02146]
508815.150  hypothetical protein [KO:K02153]
506649.20  P-type H+-ATPase [KO:K01535] [EC:]
506333.10  plasma-membrane proton-efflux P-type ATPase [KO:K01535] [EC:]
505763.19  P-type H+-ATPase [KO:K01535] [EC:]
508153.820  inorganic pyrophosphatase [KO:K01507] [EC:]
508181.140  inorganic pyrophosphatase [KO:K01507] [EC:]
503613.60  acidocalcisomal pyrophosphatase [KO:K01507] [EC:]
511165.40  acidocalcisomal pyrophosphatase [KO:K01507] [EC:]
C00001  H2O
C00002  ATP
C00003  NAD+
C00004  NADH
C00007  Oxygen
C00008  ADP
C00009  Orthophosphate
C00013  Diphosphate
C00042  Succinate
C00080  H+
C00122  Fumarate
C00536  Triphosphate
Sazanov LA, Hinchliffe P.
Structure of the hydrophilic domain of respiratory complex I from Thermus thermophilus.
Science 311:1430-6 (2006)
Hinchliffe P, Carroll J, Sazanov LA.
Identification of a novel subunit of respiratory complex I from Thermus thermophilus.
Biochemistry 45:4413-20 (2006)
KO pathway

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