KEGG   PATHWAY: ron00910
ron00910                    Pathway                                
Nitrogen metabolism - Raoultella ornithinolytica S12
The biological process of the nitrogen cycle is a complex interplay among many microorganisms catalyzing different reactions, where nitrogen is found in various oxidation states ranging from +5 in nitrate to -3 in ammonia. The core nitrogen cycle involves four reduction pathways and two oxidation pathways. Nitrogen fixation [MD:M00175] is the process of reducing atmospheric molecular nitrogen to ammonia, a biologically useful reduced form incorporated into amino acids and other vital compounds. The ability of fixing atmospheric nitrogen by the nitrogenase enzyme complex is present in restricted prokaryotes (diazotrophs). The other reduction pathways are assimilatory nitrate reduction [MD:M00531] and dissimilatory nitrate reduction [MD:M00530] both for conversion to ammonia, and denitrification [MD:M00529]. Denitrification is a respiration in which nitrate or nitrite is reduced as a terminal electron acceptor under low oxygen or anoxic conditions, producing gaseous nitrogen compounds (N2, NO and N2O) to the atmosphere. The two oxidation pathways are nitrification [MD:M00528] and anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) [MD:M00973]. Nitrification is the oxidation of ammonia (NH3) with oxygen into nitrite followed by the oxidation of nitrite into nitrate. The first step is performed by ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms (e.g., Nitrosomonas and Nitrosococcus) and the second step by nitrite-oxidizing microorganisms (e.g., Nitrobacter). Anammox is a biochemical process of oxidizing ammonium (NH4+) into dinitrogen gas (N2) using nitrite as an electron acceptor. It occurs in the anammoxosome, a membrane bound compartment inside the cytoplasm, of anammox bacteria (e.g., Planctomycetes).
Metabolism; Energy metabolism
Pathway map
ron00910  Nitrogen metabolism

ron_M00175  Nitrogen fixation, nitrogen => ammonia [PATH:ron00910]
ron_M00530  Dissimilatory nitrate reduction, nitrate => ammonia [PATH:ron00910]
ron_M00531  Assimilatory nitrate reduction, nitrate => ammonia [PATH:ron00910]
Other DBs
GO: 0006807
Raoultella ornithinolytica S12 [GN:ron]
TE10_13780  nitrate/nitrite transporter NarK [KO:K02575]
TE10_17555  nitrate/nitrite transporter NarK [KO:K02575]
TE10_17595  NrtA [KO:K15576]
TE10_17590  nitrate ABC transporter permease [KO:K15577]
TE10_17585  nitrate ABC transporter ATP-binding protein [KO:K15578] [EC:]
TE10_13775  narZ; nitrate reductase [KO:K00370] [EC: 1.7.99.-]
TE10_17550  narZ; nitrate reductase [KO:K00370] [EC: 1.7.99.-]
TE10_13770  narH; nitrate reductase [KO:K00371] [EC: 1.7.99.-]
TE10_17545  narH; nitrate reductase [KO:K00371] [EC: 1.7.99.-]
TE10_13760  narI; nitrate reductase [KO:K00374] [EC: 1.7.99.-]
TE10_17535  narI; nitrate reductase [KO:K00374] [EC: 1.7.99.-]
TE10_17575  nitrate reductase [KO:K00372] [EC:1.7.99.-]
TE10_17580  nitrite reductase [KO:K00361] [EC:]
TE10_00360  nitrite reductase [KO:K00362] [EC:]
TE10_00365  nirD; nitrite reductase [KO:K00363] [EC:]
TE10_14795  nitrogenase molybdenum-iron protein subunit alpha [KO:K02586] [EC:]
TE10_14800  nitrogenase molybdenum-iron protein subunit beta [KO:K02591] [EC:]
TE10_14790  nifH; nitrogenase reductase [KO:K02588]
TE10_10265  hydroxylamine reductase [KO:K05601] [EC:]
TE10_14955  2-nitropropane dioxygenase [KO:K00459] [EC:]
TE10_14560  aliphatic nitrilase [KO:K01501] [EC:]
TE10_13100  glutamate dehydrogenase [KO:K00261] [EC:]
TE10_12175  glutamate dehydrogenase [KO:K00262] [EC:]
TE10_02520  glnA; glutamine synthetase [KO:K01915] [EC:]
TE10_25065  gltB; glutamate synthase [KO:K00265] [EC:]
TE10_25070  glutamate synthase [KO:K00266] [EC:]
TE10_08350  carbamate kinase [KO:K00926] [EC:]
TE10_16765  carbamate kinase [KO:K00926] [EC:]
TE10_06410  carbonic anhydrase [KO:K01673] [EC:]
C00007  Oxygen
C00011  CO2
C00014  Ammonia
C00025  L-Glutamate
C00058  Formate
C00064  L-Glutamine
C00088  Nitrite
C00169  Carbamoyl phosphate
C00192  Hydroxylamine
C00244  Nitrate
C00288  HCO3-
C00488  Formamide
C00533  Nitric oxide
C00697  Nitrogen
C00726  Nitrile
C00887  Nitrous oxide
C01417  Cyanate
C01563  Carbamate
C05361  Hydrazine
C06058  Nitroalkane
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Effect of oxygen on the anaerobic methanotroph 'Candidatus Methylomirabilis oxyfera': kinetic and transcriptional analysis.
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Complete nitrification by Nitrospira bacteria.
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Nature 528:555-9 (2015)
ron00220  Arginine biosynthesis
ron00250  Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism
ron00460  Cyanoamino acid metabolism
ron00630  Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism
ron00680  Methane metabolism
ron00720  Other carbon fixation pathways
KO pathway

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