Search Result

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Entry Name Description Category Pathway Gene
H02696 Early-onset epilepsy Early-onset epilepsy (EPEO) is a neurological abnormality in childhood, and it is especially common in the first 2 years after birth. Seizures in early life mostly result from structural or metabolic disorders ... Nervous system disease (EPEO1) PLPBP [HSA:11212] [KO:K06997]
(EPEO2) SETD1A [HSA:9739] [KO:K11422]
(EPEO3) ATP6V0C [HSA:527] [KO:K02155]
(EPEO4) ALDH7A1 [HSA:501] [KO:K14085]
H02803 Neurodevelopmental disorder with histone modification defect Epigenetic regulatory mechanisms, including histone modification, play critical roles in cell differentiation and organ development through spatial and temporal gene regulation. Many neurodevelopmental ... Congenital malformation (SHAPNS) ASXL2 [HSA:55252] [KO:K11471]
(ODLURO) KMT2E [HSA:55904] [KO:K09189]
(NEDCHF) HDAC4 [HSA:9759] [KO:K11406]
(NEDDFAC) SUPT16H [HSA:11198] [KO:K25639]
(NEDSID) SETD1A [HSA:9739] [KO:K11422]
(NECRC) ZMYM2 [HSA:7750] [KO:K24675]
(NEDFASB) KAT5 [HSA:10524] [KO:K11304]
(NEDSST) KDM6B [HSA:23135] [KO:K11448]
(NEDEHC) KDM5A [HSA:5927] [KO:K11446]
(NEDDFL) BPTF [HSA:2186] [KO:K11728]
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