T number | T03313 |
Org_code | serf |
Name | Serratia sp. FS14 |
Annotation | yes |
Taxonomy | TAX: 1327989 |
Lineage | Bacteria; Pseudomonadati; Pseudomonadota; Gammaproteobacteria; Enterobacterales; Yersiniaceae; Serratia |
Brite | KEGG organisms [BR:br08601]
KEGG organisms in the NCBI taxonomy [BR:br08610]
KEGG organisms in taxonomic ranks [BR:br08611] |
Data source | GenBank (Assembly: GCA_000695995.1 Complete Genome) BioProject: 198771 |
Comment | Isolated in May 2009 in Jiangsu Province, China from an Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz plant infected by the pathogen Fusarium oxysporum, which is a causative agent of the root-rot disease.
Chromosome | Circular |
Sequence | GB: CP005927 |
Length | 5249875 |
Statistics | Number of nucleotides: 5249875 Number of protein genes: 4761 Number of RNA genes: 112
Created | 2014 |
Reference | PMID: 25856195 |
Authors | Li P, Kwok AH, Jiang J, Ran T, Xu D, Wang W, Leung FC |
Title | Comparative genome analyses of Serratia marcescens FS14 reveals its high antagonistic potential. |
Journal | PLoS One 10:e0123061 (2015) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0123061 |