KEGG in Keg

KEGG Web Apps

JavaScript based applications with client-side operations

KEGG Web Apps

KEGG Web Apps are a collection of JavaScript based applications for viewing and analyzing various types of KEGG data with many operations performed on the client side. Currenty they include Pathway viewer for KEGG pathway maps, Brite viewer for Brite hierarchies and Genome browser for genome maps.

Pathway viewer   [Help]

KEGG pathway map viewer (or Pathway viewer) released in July 2020 [reference] is not simply a viewer, but it contains features of client side operations. All types of KEGG pathway map coloring are now performed on the client side, including the generation of organism-specific pathways except for global maps that are still processed on the server-side, marking of search results and coloring of map objects based on users' data. The viewer can be launched with a simple weblinks form. (reference pathway map) (organism-specific pathway map)
Default coloring used in KEGG is summarized below for regular maps (boxes) and global/overview maps (lines). See more details in Color codes.
Organism-specific pathway  
KO/EC/RN pathway
Two organisms in 3-color  
▬▬ ▬▬ ▬▬
Two organisms in split color  

User-defined map coloring methods are described in the following documents.

Brite viewer   [Help]

Brite hierarchy viewer (or Brite viewer) released in January 2021 [reference] is another web application capable of client side operations such as join and other Brite mapping operations. The viewer can be launched with a simple weblinks form. A special purpose Brite viewer called Taxonomy viewer has also been developed for use with KEGG taxonomy files. Its main operation is taxonomy mapping to examine taxonomic distributions of KOs, modules and other data objects.

Genome browser   [Help]

KEGG Genome browser released in January 2022 [reference] is another web application, which integrates server side features of synteny analysis for finding conserved gene orders in multiple genomes. The browser can be launched with a simple weblinks form. (Human genome) (same as above) (Human gammaherpesvirus 8 genome)
The browser is available for the genomes with the NCBI assembly level of "Complete genome" or "Chromosome" as shown in the following brite file.

Last updated: September 24, 2024