Search Result

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Entry Name Description Category Pathway Gene
H00266 Hereditary spastic paraplegia Hereditary spastic paraplegias (SPG) are a group of clinically and genetically diverse disorders characterized by progressive distal limb weakness and lower extremity spasticity. Nervous system disease (SPG1) L1CAM [HSA:3897] [KO:K06550]
(SPG2) PLP1 [HSA:5354] [KO:K17271]
(SPG3) ATL1 [HSA:51062] [KO:K17339]
(SPG4) SPAST [HSA:6683] [KO:K13254]
(SPG5) CYP7B1 [HSA:9420] [KO:K07430]
(SPG6) NIPA1 [HSA:123606] [KO:K19364]
(SPG7) SPG7 [HSA:6687] [KO:K09552]
(SPG8) WASHC5 [HSA:9897] [KO:K18464]
(SPG9) ALDH18A1 [HSA:5832] [KO:K12657]
(SPG10) KIF5A [HSA:3798] [KO:K10396]
(SPG11) SPG11 [HSA:80208] [KO:K19026]
(SPG12) RTN2 [HSA:6253] [KO:K20722]
(SPG13) HSPD1 [HSA:3329] [KO:K04077]
(SPG15) ZFYVE26 [HSA:23503] [KO:K19027]
(SPG17) BSCL2 [HSA:26580] [KO:K19365]
(SPG18A/18B) ERLIN2 [HSA:11160] [KO:K23341]
(SPG20) SPART [HSA:23111] [KO:K19366]
(SPG21) SPG21 [HSA:51324] [KO:K19367]
(SPG23) DSTYK [HSA:25778] [KO:K16288]
(SPG26) B4GALNT1 [HSA:2583] [KO:K00725]
(SPG28) DDHD1 [HSA:80821] [KO:K13619]
(SPG30) KIF1A [HSA:547] [KO:K10392]
(SPG31) REEP1 [HSA:65055] [KO:K17338]
(SPG33) ZFYVE27 [HSA:118813] [KO:K19368]
(SPG35) FA2H [HSA:79152] [KO:K19703]
(SPG39) PNPLA6 [HSA:10908] [KO:K14676]
(SPG42) SLC33A1 [HSA:9197] [KO:K03372]
(SPG43) C19orf12 [HSA:83636] [KO:K23168]
(SPG44) GJC2 [HSA:57165] [KO:K07619]
(SPG45) NT5C2 [HSA:22978] [KO:K01081]
(SPG46) GBA2 [HSA:57704] [KO:K17108]
(SPG47) AP4B1 [HSA:10717] [KO:K12401]
(SPG48) AP5Z1 [HSA:9907] [KO:K19025]
(SPG49) TECPR2 [HSA:9895] [KO:K23881]
(SPG50) AP4M1 [HSA:9179] [KO:K12402]
(SPG51) AP4E1 [HSA:23431] [KO:K12400]
(SPG52) AP4S1 [HSA:11154] [KO:K12403]
(SPG53) VPS37A [HSA:137492] [KO:K12185]
(SPG54) DDHD2 [HSA:23259] [KO:K16545]
(SPG55) MTRFR [HSA:91574] [KO:K23498]
(SPG56) CYP2U1 [HSA:113612] [KO:K07422]
(SPG57) TFG [HSA:10342] [KO:K09292]
(SPG61) ARL6IP1 [HSA:23204] [KO:K24864]
(SPG62) ERLIN1 [HSA:10613] [KO:K23341]
(SPG63) AMPD2 [HSA:271] [KO:K01490]
(SPG64) ENTPD1 [HSA:953] [KO:K01510]
(SPG70) MARS1 [HSA:4141] [KO:K01874]
(SPG72A/72B) REEP2 [HSA:51308] [KO:K17338]
(SPG73) CPT1C [HSA:126129] [KO:K19524]
(SPG74) IBA57 [HSA:200205] [KO:K22073]
(SPG75) MAG [HSA:4099] [KO:K06771]
(SPG76) CAPN1 [HSA:823] [KO:K01367]
(SPG77) FARS2 [HSA:10667] [KO:K01889]
(SPG78) ATP13A2 [HSA:23400] [KO:K13526]
(SPG79A/79B) UCHL1 [HSA:7345] [KO:K05611]
(SPG80) UBAP1 [HSA:51271] [KO:K24629]
(SPG81) SELENOI [HSA:85465] [KO:K00993]
(SPG82) PCYT2 [HSA:5833] [KO:K00967]
(SPG83) HPDL [HSA:84842] [KO:K24788]
(SPG84) PI4KA [HSA:5297] [KO:K00888]
(SPG85) RNF170 [HSA:81790] [KO:K15707]
(SPG86) ABHD16A [HSA:7920] [KO:K25824]
(SPG87) TMEM63C [HSA:57156] [KO:K21989]
(SPG88) KPNA3 [HSA:3839] [KO:K23583]
(SPG89) AMFR [HSA:267] [KO:K10636]
(SPG90A/90B) SPTSSA [HSA:171546] [KO:K26384]
(SPG91) SPTAN1 [HSA:6709] [KO:K06114]
(SPG92) FICD [HSA:11153] [KO:K04095]
(SPG93) NFU1 [HSA:27247] [KO:K22074]
H00557 Cutis laxa Cutis laxa is a heterogeneous group of connective tissue disorders with variable organ involvement. The most obvious symptom of cutis laxa is loose and sagging skin due to reduced elastic fibers in the ... Congenital malformation (ADCL1) ELN [HSA:2006] [KO:K14211]
(ADCL2/ARCL1A) FBLN5 [HSA:10516] [KO:K17340]
(ADCL3/ARCL3A) ALDH18A1 [HSA:5832] [KO:K12657]
(ARCL1B) EFEMP2 [HSA:30008] [KO:K19866]
(ARCL1C) LTBP4 [HSA:8425] [KO:K08023]
(ARCL1D) EFEMP1 [HSA:2202] [KO:K18262]
(ARCL2A/WSS) ATP6V0A2 [HSA:23545] [KO:K02154]
(ARCL2B/ARCL3B) PYCR1 [HSA:5831] [KO:K00286]
(ARCL2C) ATP6V1E1 [HSA:529] [KO:K02150]
(ARCL2D) ATP6V1A [HSA:523] [KO:K02145]
(ARCL2E) LTBP1 [HSA:4052] [KO:K19559]
H01400 Secondary hyperammonemia Hyperammonemia is a metabolic condition characterized by elevated levels of ammonia in the blood, and may result in irreversible brain damage if not treated early and thoroughly. Hyperammonemia can be ... Inherited metabolic disorder MMUT [HSA:4594] [KO:K01847]
PCCA [HSA:5095] [KO:K01965]
PCCB [HSA:5096] [KO:K01966]
IVD [HSA:3712] [KO:K00253]
ACADM [HSA:34] [KO:K00249]
ETFDH [HSA:2110] [KO:K00311]
ETFA [HSA:2108] [KO:K03522]
ETFB [HSA:2109] [KO:K03521]
CPT2 [HSA:1376] [KO:K08766]
SLC25A20 [HSA:788] [KO:K15109]
SLC7A7 [HSA:9056] [KO:K13867]
ALDH18A1 [HSA:5832] [KO:K12657]
PC [HSA:5091] [KO:K01958]
OAT [HSA:4942] [KO:K00819]
CA5A [HSA:763] [KO:K01672]
GLUD1 [HSA:2746] [KO:K00261]
TMEM70 [HSA:54968] [KO:K17966]
GLUL [HSA:2752] [KO:K01915]
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