Leprosy, also called Hansen's disease, is a chronic infection caused by Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae) and the more recently discovered Mycobacterium lepromatosis (M. lepromatosis). It primarily affects peripheral nerves, skin and mucosa particularly the upper respiratory tract.
Bacterial infectious disease
Human diseases in ICD-11 classification [BR:br08403]
01 Certain infectious or parasitic diseases
Mycobacterial diseases
1B20 Leprosy
H00344 Leprosy
Pathway-based classification of diseases [BR:br08402]
Immune system
nt06517 TLR signaling
H00344 Leprosy
Genome-based classification of infectious diseases [BR:br08401]
Bacterial infections
Infections caused by actinobacteria
H00344 Leprosy
Alcais A, Alter A, Antoni G, Orlova M, Nguyen VT, Singh M, Vanderborght PR, Katoch K, Mira MT, Vu HT, Ngyuen TH, Nguyen NB, Moraes M, Mehra N, Schurr E, Abel L
Stepwise replication identifies a low-producing lymphotoxin-alpha allele as a major risk factor for early-onset leprosy.
Mira MT, Alcais A, Nguyen VT, Moraes MO, Di Flumeri C, Vu HT, Mai CP, Nguyen TH, Nguyen NB, Pham XK, Sarno EN, Alter A, Montpetit A, Moraes ME, Moraes JR, Dore C, Gallant CJ, Lepage P, Verner A, Van De Vosse E, Hudson TJ, Abel L, Schurr E
Susceptibility to leprosy is associated with PARK2 and PACRG.