nt06261 Gastric cancer nt06267 Small cell lung cancer nt06272 Prostate cancer nt06230 Cell cycle (cancer) nt06165 Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) nt06166 Human papillomavirus (HPV)
Wang IC, Chen YJ, Hughes D, Petrovic V, Major ML, Park HJ, Tan Y, Ackerson T, Costa RH
Forkhead box M1 regulates the transcriptional network of genes essential for mitotic progression and genes encoding the SCF (Skp2-Cks1) ubiquitin ligase.
Penin RM, Fernandez-Figueras MT, Puig L, Rex J, Ferrandiz C, Ariza A
Over-expression of p45(SKP2) in Kaposi's sarcoma correlates with higher tumor stage and extracutaneous involvement but is not directly related to p27(KIP1) down-regulation.