Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (CMC) is manifested as a primary immunodeficiency characterized by persistent or recurrent infections of the mucosa or the skin with candida species. Most cases are sporadic, but both autosomal dominant inheritance and autosomal recessive inheritance have been described. It has been reported that CMC is caused by mutations in components of a signaling pathway involving the cytokine interleukin-17.
Glocker EO, Hennigs A, Nabavi M, Schaffer AA, Woellner C, Salzer U, Pfeifer D, Veelken H, Warnatz K, Tahami F, Jamal S, Manguiat A, Rezaei N, Amirzargar AA, Plebani A, Hannesschlager N, Gross O, Ruland J, Grimbacher B
A homozygous CARD9 mutation in a family with susceptibility to fungal infections.
Puel A, Cypowyj S, Bustamante J, Wright JF, Liu L, Lim HK, Migaud M, Israel L, Chrabieh M, Audry M, Gumbleton M, Toulon A, Bodemer C, El-Baghdadi J, Whitters M, Paradis T, Brooks J, Collins M, Wolfman NM, Al-Muhsen S, Galicchio M, Abel L, Picard C, Casanova JL
Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis in humans with inborn errors of interleukin-17 immunity.
Ling Y, Cypowyj S, Aytekin C, Galicchio M, Camcioglu Y, Nepesov S, Ikinciogullari A, Dogu F, Belkadi A, Levy R, Migaud M, Boisson B, Bolze A, Itan Y, Goudin N, Cottineau J, Picard C, Abel L, Bustamante J, Casanova JL, Puel A
Inherited IL-17RC deficiency in patients with chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis.