KEGG   PATHWAY: dan04137
dan04137                    Pathway                                
Mitophagy - animal - Drosophila ananassae
Mitochondria act as the energy powerhouse of the cell, and are essential for eukaryotic cells to grow and function normally. However, deleterious byproducts of oxidative phosphorylation process called reactive oxidative species (ROS) lead to mitochondrial dysfunction. If the damage is too excessive to be repaired, such mitochondria are selectively recognized and targeted for degradation by a specific mode of autophagy, termed mitophagy. The loss of the mitochondrial membrane potential can induce mitophagy, involving the kinase PINK1 and the E3 ligase Parkin. PINK1 serves as the sensor for the mitochondrial depolarization and recruits Parkin, followed by ubiquitin-dependent recruitment of mitophagy receptors. There are also several PINK1/Parkin-independent mitophagy pathways, in which a group of LIR-containing receptors are required in response to different stimuli. Mitophagy contributes to the maintenance of a healthy mitochondrial network and the prevention of programmed cell death.
Cellular Processes; Transport and catabolism
Pathway map
dan04137  Mitophagy - animal

Other DBs
GO: 0000422
Drosophila ananassae [GN:dan]
6495075  mitochondrial import receptor subunit TOM7 homolog [KO:K17771]
6503715  mitochondrial import receptor subunit TOM40 homolog 1 [KO:K11518]
6493916  mitochondrial import receptor subunit TOM40 homolog 2 [KO:K11518]
6506253  mitochondrial import receptor subunit TOM20 homolog [KO:K17770]
6498303  mitochondrial import receptor subunit TOM70 [KO:K17768]
6493058  E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase parkin [KO:K04556] [EC:]
6499606  E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase MARCH5 [KO:K10660] [EC:]
6503662  E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase MARCH5 [KO:K10660] [EC:]
6504459  E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase MARCH5 [KO:K10660] [EC:]
6494521  E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase Smurf1 [KO:K04678] [EC:]
6507649  mitochondrial E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 [KO:K15688] [EC:]
6504593  E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase HUWE1 isoform X1 [KO:K10592] [EC:]
6506572  E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase sina [KO:K04506] [EC:]
6503033  potential E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase ariadne-1 [KO:K11968] [EC:]
6502113  transmembrane GTPase Marf isoform X2 [KO:K06030] [EC:3.6.5.-]
6500750  mitochondrial Rho GTPase isoform X1 [KO:K07870] [EC:3.6.5.-]
6497866  ubiquitin-60S ribosomal protein L40 [KO:K02927]
6498588  ubiquitin-40S ribosomal protein S27a [KO:K02977]
6493127  polyubiquitin-C [KO:K08770]
6503011  polyubiquitin-C [KO:K08770]
6498161  serine/threonine-protein kinase TBK1 [KO:K05410] [EC:]
6503516  gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor-associated protein [KO:K08341]
6505784  gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor-associated protein [KO:K08341]
6500747  beclin-1-like protein [KO:K08334]
6505802  ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 8 isoform X1 [KO:K11839] [EC:]
6503749  ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 30 homolog [KO:K11851] [EC:]
6503762  serine/threonine-protein phosphatase Pgam5, mitochondrial isoform X1 [KO:K15637] [EC:]
6493877  casein kinase II subunit alpha [KO:K03097] [EC:]
6503142  casein kinase II subunit beta isoform X4 [KO:K03115]
6495111  casein kinase II subunit beta' [KO:K03115]
6507355  tyrosine-protein kinase Src64B [KO:K05704] [EC:]
6496953  FUN14 domain-containing protein 2 [KO:K17986]
6506760  uncharacterized protein LOC6506760 isoform X1 [KO:K15464]
6495783  peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP8 [KO:K09574] [EC:]
6499331  metaxin-1 homolog isoform X1 [KO:K17776]
6493704  metaxin-2 [KO:K17776]
6500493  eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2-alpha kinase isoform X1 [KO:K08860] [EC:]
6502134  eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit 1 [KO:K03237]
6496954  stress-activated protein kinase JNK isoform X1 [KO:K04440] [EC:]
6494876  transcription factor AP-1 [KO:K04448]
6493423  ras-like protein 2 [KO:K07830]
6499030  forkhead box protein O [KO:K09408]
6507080  rab5 GDP/GTP exchange factor [KO:K20131]
6498093  ras-related protein Rab-5B [KO:K07889]
6506159  vacuolar fusion protein MON1 homolog A [KO:K20195]
6493128  vacuolar fusion protein CCZ1 homolog [KO:K27045]
6499820  ras-related protein Rab-7a [KO:K07897]
6503426  small G protein signaling modulator 1 [KO:K20168]
6492914  autophagy-related protein 9A [KO:K17907]
6495742  dynamin-like 120 kDa protein, mitochondrial isoform X1 [KO:K17079] [EC:]
6494000  transitional endoplasmic reticulum ATPase TER94 isoform X3 [KO:K13525]
C00035  GDP
C00044  GTP
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dan04140  Autophagy - animal
KO pathway

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