KEGG   PATHWAY: psep02025
psep02025                   Pathway                                
Biofilm formation - Pseudomonas aeruginosa - Pseudomonas sessilinigenes
Surface colonization and subsequent biofilm formation and development provide numerous advantages to microorganisms. The main key actors relevant in the regulation of biofilm formation by Pseudomonas aeruginosa include cAMP/Vfr signaling, quorum sensing (QS) systems, Gac/Rsm pathway, and c-di-GMP signaling. cAMP/Vfr signaling regulates the transcription of hundreds of genes encoding diverse virulence factors, including the type 2 secretion system and type 3 secretion system and their associated toxins, type IV pili, and flagella. It is demonstrated that the accumulation of cAMP inhibits the attachment phase of biofilm formation. The QS systems are arranged hierarchically with the las system positively regulating both the rhl and PQS systems. These three QS systems are involved in the regulation of virulence factor production, biofilm maturation, and motility phenotypes. GacS/GacA two-component system is promoting the expression of two small regulatory RNAs, RsmY and RsmZ, which sequester the translational repressor RsmA. Titration of RsmA induces the production of sessile and biofilm determinants, whereas free RsmA leads to a planktonic and more virulent lifestyle. c-di-GMP is a ubiquitous bacterial second messenger. Synthesis and degradation of c-di-GMP is facilitated by diguanylate cyclases (DGC) and phosphodiesterases (PDE). High intracellular levels of c-di-GMP evoke the processes leading to the production of biofilm matrix, while a decrease in its level causes an increase in cell motility and transition into the planktonic forms of growth.
Cellular Processes; Cellular community - prokaryotes
Pathway map
psep02025  Biofilm formation - Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Pseudomonas sessilinigenes [GN:psep]
C4K39_3842  Methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein [KO:K02660]
C4K39_3840  type IV pili signal transduction protein PilI [KO:K02659]
C4K39_3843  Chemotaxis protein cheA [KO:K06596]
C4K39_3844  chemotaxis protein, putative [KO:K06598]
C4K39_3839  twitching motility protein PilH [KO:K02658]
C4K39_3838  twitching motility protein PilG [KO:K02657]
C4K39_0538  3',5'-cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase [KO:K03651] [EC:]
C4K39_0210  Transcriptional regulator, Crp/Fnr family [KO:K10914]
C4K39_4047  Cyclic AMP receptor protein [KO:K10914]
C4K39_1584  Cyclic nucleotide-binding protein [KO:K10914]
C4K39_1712  Flagellar regulatory protein FleQ [KO:K10941]
C4K39_1927  hypothetical protein [KO:K13061] [EC:]
C4K39_3103  Autoinducer synthesis protein LuxI [KO:K13061] [EC:]
C4K39_3102  transcriptional regulator, LuxR autoinducer regulated family [KO:K18099]
C4K39_4042  Anthranilate synthase, aminase component [KO:K01657] [EC:]
C4K39_5025  Anthranilate synthase, aminase component [KO:K01657] [EC:]
C4K39_4043  anthranilate synthase, component II [KO:K01658] [EC:]
C4K39_5026  Anthranilate synthase, amidotransferase component [KO:K01658] [EC:]
C4K39_3423  Signal transduction histidine-protein kinase BarA [KO:K07678] [EC:]
C4K39_4223  Sensor histidine kinase/response regulator [KO:K20971]
C4K39_0654  Sensor histidine kinase/response regulator [KO:K20972]
C4K39_5538  BarA-associated response regulator UvrY (GacA/SirA) [KO:K07689]
C4K39_2531  Two-component transcriptional response regulator, LuxR family [KO:K07689]
C4K39_2141  Carbon storage regulator [KO:K03563]
C4K39_3370  Carbon storage regulator [KO:K03563]
C4K39_6163  Sensor histidine kinase/response regulator [KO:K20973] [EC:]
C4K39_1811  Sensory box histidine kinase/response regulator [KO:K20974] [EC:]
C4K39_2526  Sensory box histidine kinase/response regulator [KO:K20975] [EC:]
C4K39_1723  Hpt domain protein [KO:K20976]
C4K39_1722  Serine phosphatase RsbU, regulator of sigma subunit [KO:K20977]
C4K39_1721  Anti-sigma B factor antagonist RsbV [KO:K20978]
C4K39_3390  Negative regulator of flagellin synthesis FlgM (anti-sigma28) [KO:K02398]
C4K39_1736  RNA polymerase sigma factor for flagellar operon [KO:K02405]
C4K39_3584  Serine/threonine protein kinase PpkA [KO:K11912] [EC:]
C4K39_3583  Phosphoprotein phosphatase PppA [KO:K11915] [EC:]
C4K39_3582  Protein phosphatase ImpM [KO:K11890]
C4K39_3581  IcmF-related protein [KO:K11891]
C4K39_3579  Uncharacterized protein ImpJ/VasE [KO:K11893]
C4K39_3577  Uncharacterized protein ImpI/VasC [KO:K11913]
C4K39_3576  Uncharacterized protein ImpA [KO:K11902]
C4K39_3575  Uncharacterized protein ImpB [KO:K11901]
C4K39_3574  Uncharacterized protein ImpC [KO:K11900]
C4K39_3573  Uncharacterized protein ImpD [KO:K11903]
C4K39_3570  Uncharacterized protein ImpH/VasB [KO:K11895]
C4K39_3569  ClpB protein [KO:K11907]
C4K39_1132  Methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein [KO:K13487]
C4K39_1136  Chemotaxis protein cheA [KO:K13490]
C4K39_1133  Chemotaxis signal transduction protein [KO:K13488]
C4K39_1135  Chemotaxis signal transduction protein [KO:K13489]
C4K39_1137  Chemotaxis response regulator protein-glutamate methylesterase [KO:K13491] [EC:]
C4K39_1138  Two-component transcriptional response regulator, LuxR family [KO:K11444] [EC:]
C4K39_4826  GGDEF domain protein [KO:K21019] [EC:]
C4K39_0733  Inner membrane protein YfiN [KO:K21021] [EC:]
C4K39_5214  Sensory box/GGDEF family protein [KO:K21023] [EC:]
C4K39_4798  c-di-GMP phosphodiesterase (BifA) [KO:K21024] [EC:]
C4K39_6126  Pellicle/biofilm biosynthesis protein PslA, polyprenyl glycosylphosphotransferase [KO:K20997]
C4K39_6127  Mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase [KO:K16011] [EC:]
C4K39_1030  Mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase [KO:K16011] [EC:]
C4K39_6128  Pellicle/biofilm biosynthesis periplasmic/outer membrane lipoprotein PslD, Wza-like [KO:K20987]
C4K39_6129  Pellicle/biofilm biosynthesis polysaccharide copolymerase/tyrosine-kinase PslE, Wzc-like [KO:K20998]
C4K39_6130  Pellicle/biofilm biosynthesis protein PslF, CAZy glycosyltransferase family 4 [KO:K20999]
C4K39_6131  Pellicle/biofilm biosynthesis protein PslG, CAZy glycosyltransferase family 39 [KO:K21000]
C4K39_6132  Putative glycosyl transferase [KO:K21001]
C4K39_6133  Pellicle/biofilm biosynthesis protein PslI, CAZy glycosyltransferase family 4 [KO:K21002]
C4K39_6134  Pellicle/biofilm biosynthesis inner membrane protein PslJ, possible O-antigen ligase [KO:K21003]
C4K39_6136  Pellicle/biofilm biosynthesis inner membrane protein PslK, MATE transporter family [KO:K21004]
C4K39_1039  Alginate polymerization protein Alg44, membrane fusion protein [KO:K19291] [EC:]
C00044  GTP
C00575  3',5'-Cyclic AMP
C11837  N-Butyryl-L-homoserine lactone
C11848  2-Heptyl-3-hydroxy-quinolone
C16463  3',5'-Cyclic diGMP
C18076  5'-Phosphoguanylyl(3'->5')guanosine
C20643  2-Heptyl-4(1H)-quinolone
C21201  N-3-Oxo-dodecanoyl-L-homoserine lactone
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psep02024  Quorum sensing
psep02040  Flagellar assembly
psep03070  Bacterial secretion system
KO pathway

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