KEGG   PATHWAY: pvu00904
pvu00904                    Pathway                                
Diterpenoid biosynthesis - Phaseolus vulgaris (common bean)
Gibberellin biosynthesis
Metabolism; Metabolism of terpenoids and polyketides
Pathway map
pvu00904  Diterpenoid biosynthesis

pvu_M00927  Gibberellin A12 biosynthesis, GAPP => GA12 [PATH:pvu00904]
pvu_M00928  Gibberellin A4/A1 biosynthesis, GA12/GA53 => GA4/GA1 [PATH:pvu00904]
Other DBs
GO: 0016102
Phaseolus vulgaris (common bean) [GN:pvu]
PHAVU_001G151900g  hypothetical protein [KO:K04120] [EC:]
PHAVU_001G152100g  hypothetical protein [KO:K04120] [EC:]
PHAVU_005G048500g  hypothetical protein [KO:K04121] [EC:]
PHAVU_005G183600g  hypothetical protein [KO:K04122] [EC:]
PHAVU_006G123500g  hypothetical protein [KO:K04123] [EC:]
PHAVU_006G123600g  hypothetical protein [KO:K04123] [EC:]
PHAVU_002G005900g  hypothetical protein [KO:K04123] [EC:]
PHAVU_010G087500g  hypothetical protein [KO:K05282] [EC:]
PHAVU_007G064800g  hypothetical protein [KO:K05282] [EC:]
PHAVU_004G123600g  hypothetical protein [KO:K05282] [EC:]
PHAVU_009G131500g  hypothetical protein [KO:K05282] [EC:]
PHAVU_009G155400g  hypothetical protein [KO:K05282] [EC:]
PHAVU_001G066000g  hypothetical protein [KO:K05282] [EC:]
PHAVU_010G152200g  hypothetical protein [KO:K04124] [EC:]
PHAVU_001G055000g  hypothetical protein [KO:K04124] [EC:]
PHAVU_009G097100g  hypothetical protein [KO:K04124] [EC:]
PHAVU_009G097200g  hypothetical protein [KO:K04124] [EC:]
PHAVU_005G173500g  hypothetical protein [KO:K04124] [EC:]
PHAVU_002G175200g  hypothetical protein [KO:K04125] [EC:]
PHAVU_006G120700g  hypothetical protein [KO:K04125] [EC:]
PHAVU_005G092200g  hypothetical protein [KO:K04125] [EC:]
PHAVU_007G212200g  hypothetical protein [KO:K04125] [EC:]
PHAVU_003G118300g  hypothetical protein [KO:K04125] [EC:]
PHAVU_002G193300g  hypothetical protein [KO:K04125] [EC:]
PHAVU_001G215000g  hypothetical protein [KO:K04125] [EC:]
PHAVU_005G061000g  hypothetical protein [KO:K04125] [EC:]
PHAVU_005G061200g  hypothetical protein [KO:K04125] [EC:]
PHAVU_007G052000g  hypothetical protein [KO:K04125] [EC:]
PHAVU_006G165000g  hypothetical protein [KO:K04125] [EC:]
PHAVU_002G049000g  hypothetical protein [KO:K04125] [EC:]
PHAVU_011G032800g  hypothetical protein [KO:K04125] [EC:]
PHAVU_008G260200g  hypothetical protein [KO:K04125] [EC:]
PHAVU_005G092000g  hypothetical protein [KO:K04125] [EC:]
PHAVU_010G022600g  hypothetical protein [KO:K17961] [EC:]
PHAVU_010G022700g  hypothetical protein [KO:K17961] [EC:]
C00353  Geranylgeranyl diphosphate
C00859  Gibberellin A1
C01414  Casbene
C01699  Gibberellin A3
C02034  Gibberellin A19
C02035  Gibberellin A20
C03579  Gibberellin A8
C06086  Pimaradiene
C06087  Abietate
C06088  Aphidicolin
C06089  ent-Copalyl diphosphate
C06090  ent-Kaurene
C06091  Aconitine
C06092  Veatchine
C06093  Gibberellin A12 aldehyde
C06094  Gibberellin A53
C06095  Gibberellin A44 diacid
C06096  Gibberellin A29
C07394  Paclitaxel
C07601  Ginkgolide A
C09092  Ferruginol
C09094  Geranylgeraniol
C09118  Isopimaric acid
C09163  Pisiferic acid
C09183  Sclareol
C09189  Stevioside
C11700  10-Deacetylbaccatin III
C11853  Gibberellin A14 aldehyde
C11854  Gibberellin A51-catabolite
C11855  Gibberellin A29-catabolite
C11857  Gibberellin A12
C11858  Gibberellin A14
C11859  Gibberellin A37 open lactone
C11860  Gibberellin A15 open lactone
C11861  Gibberellin A24
C11862  Gibberellin A36
C11863  Gibberellin A9
C11864  Gibberellin A4
C11865  Gibberellin A51
C11866  2,3-Dehydro-gibberellin A9
C11867  Gibberellin A7
C11868  Gibberellin A34
C11869  Gibberellin A34-catabolite
C11870  Gibberellin A8-catabolite
C11871  Gibberellin A5
C11872  Kaur-16-en-18-ol
C11873  Kaur-16-en-18-al
C11874  Kaur-16-en-18-oic acid
C11875  ent-7alpha-Hydroxykaur-16-en-19-oic acid
C11876  6beta,7beta-Dihydroxykaurenoic acid
C11877  (+)-Sandaracopimaradiene
C11878  (-)-Abietadiene
C11879  Levopimaradiene
C11880  Neoabietadiene
C11881  Palustradiene
C11882  Abietinol
C11883  Levopimarinol
C11884  Neoabietinol
C11885  Neoabietal
C11886  Levopimarinal
C11887  Abietal
C11888  Levopimaric acid
C11889  Neoabietic acid
C11890  Aphidicolan-16beta-ol
C11893  Cembrene
C11894  Taxa-4(5),11(12)-diene
C11895  Taxa-4(20),11(12)-dien-5alpha-ol
C11896  Taxa-4(20),11(12)-dien-5alpha-yl acetate
C11897  Taxa-4(20),11(12)-dien-5alpha,13alpha-diol
C11898  Taxa-4(20),11(12)-dien-5alpha-acetoxy-10beta-ol
C11899  10-Deacetyl-2-debenzoylbaccatin III
C11900  Baccatin III
C11901  Copalyl diphosphate
C11902  9alpha-Copalyl diphosphate
C11905  Gibberellin A53 aldehyde
C12077  Palustric acid
C13273  Plaunotol
C16523  3'-N-Debenzoyl-2'-deoxytaxol
C16524  3'-N-Debenzoyltaxol
C18015  Momilactone A
C18016  3beta-Hydroxy-9beta-pimara-7,15-diene-19,6beta-olide
C18211  Isopimara-7,15-diene
C18219  Palustradienol
C18220  Palustradienal
C18221  Isopimaradienol
C18222  Isopimaradienal
C18223  Stemar-13-ene
C18224  Stemod-13(17)-ene
C18225  9beta-Pimara-7,15-diene
C18226  ent-Cassa-12,15-diene
C18228  ent-Pimara-8(14),15-diene
C18229  Fusicocca-2,10(14)-diene
C19817  Phyllocladan-16alpha-ol
C20145  ent-Isokaurene
C20146  ent-2alpha-Hydroxyisokaurene
C20149  9beta-Pimara-7,15-dien-19-oate
C20150  ent-11beta-Hydroxycassa-12,15-diene
C20151  10beta,14beta-Dihydroxytaxa-4(20),11-dien-5alpha-yl acetate
C20158  (13E)-Labda-7,13-dien-15-ol
C20185  (12E)-9alpha-Labda-8(17),12,14-triene
C20208  syn-Stemoden-19-oate
C20270  Copal-8-ol diphosphate
C20481  cis-Abienol
C20681  (E,E)-Geranyllinalool
C20700  (E,E)-4,8,12-Trimethyltrideca-1,3,7,11-tetraene
C20711  Miltiradiene
C21425  Abieta-8,11,13-triene
C21560  ent-Sandaracopimaradien-3beta-ol
C21561  Oryzalexin E
C21562  Oryzalexin D
C21656  ent-8alpha-Hydroxylabd-13-en-15-yl diphosphate
C21709  Nezukol
C21714  ent-13-epi-Manoyl oxide
C21735  (-)-Kolavenyl diphosphate
C21796  11-Hydroxyferruginol
C21818  Carnosic acid
C21819  Salviol
C21822  Sugiol
C21823  11-Hydroxysugiol
C21824  11,20-Dihydroxysugiol
C21825  9beta-Pimara-7,15-diene-3beta-ol
C21826  ent-3beta-Hydroxycassa-12,15-dien-2-one
C21830  11,20-Dihydroxyferruginol
C21831  ent-2alpha,3alpha-Dihydroxyisokaurene
Long RM, Croteau R.
Preliminary assessment of the C13-side chain 2'-hydroxylase involved in taxol biosynthesis.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 338:410-7 (2005)
Walker K, Long R, Croteau R.
The final acylation step in taxol biosynthesis: cloning of the taxoid C13-side-chain N-benzoyltransferase from Taxus.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 99:9166-71 (2002)
pvu00900  Terpenoid backbone biosynthesis
KO pathway

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