KEGG   DISEASE: Collagen VI myopathy
H01341                      Disease                                
Collagen VI myopathy
Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy (UCMD) [DS:H01778]
Bethlem myopathy [DS:H01340]
Myosclerosis [DS:H01338]
Congenital muscular dystrophies (CMD/MDC) [DS:H00590]
Collagen VI-related myopathy include severe Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy (UCMD) and milder Bethlem myopathy. Mutations in each of the three collagen VI genes COL6A1, COL6A2, and COL6A3 cause these diseases. Recently, additional phenotypes, autosomal recessive myosclerosis with mutations in COL6A2 have been reported. Collagen VI is an important component of the extracellular matrix which forms a microfibrillar network that is found in close association with the cell and surrounding basement membrane. Thus, collagen VI mutations result in disorders with combined muscle and connective tissue involvement, including weakness, joint and contractures, and abnormal skin findings.
Nervous system disease; Musculoskeletal disease
Human diseases in ICD-11 classification [BR:br08403]
 08 Diseases of the nervous system
  Diseases of neuromuscular junction or muscle
   Primary disorders of muscles
    8C70  Muscular dystrophy
     H01341  Collagen VI myopathy
Pathway-based classification of diseases [BR:br08402]
 Cellular process
  nt06539  Cytoskeleton in muscle cells
   H01341  Collagen VI myopathy
hsa04820  Cytoskeleton in muscle cells
hsa04151  PI3K-Akt signaling pathway
hsa04510  Focal adhesion
hsa04512  ECM-receptor interaction
nt06539 Cytoskeleton in muscle cells
COL6A1 [HSA:1291] [KO:K06238]
COL6A2 [HSA:1292] [KO:K06238]
COL6A3 [HSA:1293] [KO:K06238]
Other DBs
ICD-11: 8C70.6
ICD-10: G71.8
MeSH: C537521 C535436 C564968
OMIM: 254090 158810 255600
Merlini L, Martoni E, Grumati P, Sabatelli P, Squarzoni S, Urciuolo A, Ferlini A, Gualandi F, Bonaldo P
Autosomal recessive myosclerosis myopathy is a collagen VI disorder.
Neurology 71:1245-53 (2008)
Lampe AK, Flanigan KM, Bushby KM, Hicks D
Collagen Type VI-Related Disorders
GeneReviews (1993)

» Japanese version

KEGG   DISEASE: Primary dystonia
H00831                      Disease                                
Primary dystonia
DOPA-responsive dystonia (DRD) [DS:H02557]
Episodic kinesigenic dyskinesia (EKD)
Childhood-onset dystonia with optic atrophy and basal ganglia abnormalities (DYTOABG)
Dystonias are a heterogeneous group of hyperkinetic movement disorders characterized by involuntary sustained muscle contractions that lead to abnormal postures and repetitive movements. Presently, 30 distinct monogenic primary dystonias have been recognized. They can be divided into Primary torsion dystonias (PTDs), dystonia-plus syndromes without brain degeneration, dystonia-parkinsonism with brain degeneration (i.e. DYT3), and paroxysmal dyskinesias.
Nervous system disease
Human diseases in ICD-11 classification [BR:br08403]
 08 Diseases of the nervous system
  Movement disorders
   8A02  Dystonic disorders
    H00831  Primary dystonia
Pathway-based classification of diseases [BR:br08402]
 Cellular process
  nt06515  Regulation of kinetochore-microtubule interactions
   H00831  Primary dystonia
  nt06532  Autophagy
   H00831  Primary dystonia
  nt06535  Efferocytosis
   H00831  Primary dystonia
  nt06539  Cytoskeleton in muscle cells
   H00831  Primary dystonia
hsa04140  Autophagy - animal
hsa04820  Cytoskeleton in muscle cells
nt06515 Regulation of kinetochore-microtubule interactions
nt06532 Autophagy
nt06535 Efferocytosis
nt06539 Cytoskeleton in muscle cells
(DYT1) TOR1A [HSA:1861] [KO:K22990]
(DYT2) HPCA [HSA:3208] [KO:K23846]
(DYT3) TAF1 [HSA:6872] [KO:K03125]
(DYT4) TUBB4A [HSA:10382] [KO:K07375]
(DYT5) GCH1 [HSA:2643] [KO:K01495]
(DYT6) THAP1 [HSA:55145] [KO:K23203]
(DYT8) PNKD [HSA:25953] [KO:K23864]
(DYT9) SLC2A1 [HSA:6513] [KO:K07299]
(DYT10/EKD1) PRRT2 [HSA:112476] [KO:K23897]
(DYT11) SGCE [HSA:8910] [KO:K27061]
(DYT12) ATP1A3 [HSA:478] [KO:K01539]
(DYT16) PRKRA [HSA:8575] [KO:K24540]
(DYT22JO/AO) TSPOAP1 [HSA:9256] [KO:K19922]
(DYT24) ANO3 [HSA:63982] [KO:K19498]
(DYT25) GNAL [HSA:2774] [KO:K04633]
(DYT26) KCTD17 [HSA:79734] [KO:K21914]
(DYT27) COL6A3 [HSA:1293] [KO:K06238]
(DYT28) KMT2B [HSA:9757] [KO:K14959]
(DYT29/DYTOABG) MECR [HSA:51102] [KO:K07512]
(DYT30) VPS16 [HSA:64601] [KO:K20180]
(DYT31) AOPEP [HSA:84909] [KO:K09606]
(DYT32) VPS11 [HSA:55823] [KO:K20179]
(DYT33) EIF2AK2 [HSA:5610] [KO:K16195]
(DYT34) KCNN2 [HSA:3781] [KO:K04943]
(DYT35) SHQ1 [HSA:55164] [KO:K14764]
(DYT36/EKD3) TMEM151A [HSA:256472]
(DYT37) NUP54 [HSA:53371] [KO:K14308]
Other DBs
ICD-11: 8A02.0
ICD-10: G24.1
MeSH: D020821
OMIM: 128100 224500 314250 128101 128230 602629 118800 601042 128200 159900 128235 612067 620453 620456 614860 615034 615073 616398 616411 612716 605407 617284 617282 619291 619565 619637 619687 619724 619921 620245 620427
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Barrett MJ, Bressman S
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Int Rev Neurobiol 98:525-49 (2011)
PMID:9288096 (DYT1)
Ozelius LJ, Hewett JW, Page CE, Bressman SB, Kramer PL, Shalish C, de Leon D, Brin MF, Raymond D, Corey DP, Fahn S, Risch NJ, Buckler AJ, Gusella JF, Breakefield XO
The early-onset torsion dystonia gene (DYT1) encodes an ATP-binding protein.
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PMID:25799108 (DYT2)
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Mutations in HPCA cause autosomal-recessive primary isolated dystonia.
Am J Hum Genet 96:657-65 (2015)
PMID:17273961 (DYT3)
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Mutations in the autoregulatory domain of beta-tubulin 4a cause hereditary dystonia.
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PMID:33539324 (DYT22JO/DYT22AO)
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Biallelic variants in TSPOAP1, encoding the active-zone protein RIMBP1, cause autosomal recessive dystonia.
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PMID:23200863 (DYT24)
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PMID:23222958 (DYT25)
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Mutations in GNAL cause primary torsion dystonia.
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A missense mutation in KCTD17 causes autosomal dominant myoclonus-dystonia.
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PMID:26004199 (DYT27)
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Recessive mutations in the alpha3 (VI) collagen gene COL6A3 cause early-onset isolated dystonia.
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PMID:27992417 (DYT28)
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Mutations in the histone methyltransferase gene KMT2B cause complex early-onset dystonia.
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PMID:27817865 (DYT29)
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MECR Mutations Cause Childhood-Onset Dystonia and Optic Atrophy, a Mitochondrial Fatty Acid Synthesis Disorder.
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PMID:32808683 (DYT30)
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Loss-of-Function Variants in HOPS Complex Genes VPS16 and VPS41 Cause Early Onset Dystonia Associated with Lysosomal Abnormalities.
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PMID:34596301 (DYT31)
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Biallelic AOPEP Loss-of-Function Variants Cause Progressive Dystonia with Prominent Limb Involvement.
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PMID:33452836 (DYT32)
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A Novel Homozygous VPS11 Variant May Cause Generalized Dystonia.
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PMID:33236446 (DYT33)
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EIF2AK2 Missense Variants Associated with Early Onset Generalized Dystonia.
Ann Neurol 89:485-497 (2021)
PMID:32212350 (DYT34)
Balint B, Guerreiro R, Carmona S, Dehghani N, Latorre A, Cordivari C, Bhatia KP, Bras J
KCNN2 mutation in autosomal-dominant tremulous myoclonus-dystonia.
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PMID:34542157 (DYT35)
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Compound heterozygous variants in SHQ1 are associated with a spectrum of neurological features, including early-onset dystonia.
Hum Mol Genet 31:614-624 (2022)
PMID:36856871 (DYT36, EKD3)
Huang HL, Zhang QX, Huang F, Long XY, Song Z, Xiao B, Li GL, Ma CY, Liu D
TMEM151A variants associated with paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia.
Hum Genet 142:1017-1028 (2023)
PMID:36333996 (DYT37)
Harrer P, Schalk A, Shimura M, Baer S, Calmels N, Spitz MA, Warde MA, Schaefer E, Kittke VMS, Dincer Y, Wagner M, Dzinovic I, Berutti R, Sato T, Shirakawa T, Okazaki Y, Murayama K, Oexle K, Prokisch H, Mall V, Melcak I, Winkelmann J, Zech M
Recessive NUP54 Variants Underlie Early-Onset Dystonia with Striatal Lesions.
Ann Neurol 93:330-335 (2023)

» Japanese version

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