KEGG   PATHWAY: elh00970
elh00970                    Pathway                                
Aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis - Escherichia coli O78:H11:K80 H10407 (ETEC)
Genetic Information Processing; Translation
Pathway map
elh00970  Aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis

Escherichia coli O78:H11:K80 H10407 (ETEC) [GN:elh]
tRNA-Ala-1  tRNA-Ala [KO:K14218]
tRNA-Ala-5  tRNA-Ala [KO:K14218]
tRNA-Ala-4  tRNA-Ala [KO:K14218]
tRNA-Ala-2  tRNA-Ala [KO:K14218]
tRNA-Ala-3  tRNA-Ala [KO:K14218]
tRNA-Arg-5  tRNA-Arg [KO:K14219]
tRNA-Arg-7  tRNA-Arg [KO:K14219]
tRNA-Arg-4  tRNA-Arg [KO:K14219]
tRNA-Arg-6  tRNA-Arg [KO:K14219]
tRNA-Arg-8  tRNA-Arg [KO:K14219]
tRNA-Arg-1  tRNA-Arg [KO:K14219]
tRNA-Arg-2  tRNA-Arg [KO:K14219]
tRNA-Arg-3  tRNA-Arg [KO:K14219]
tRNA-Asn-1  tRNA-Asn [KO:K14220]
tRNA-Asn-3  tRNA-Asn [KO:K14220]
tRNA-Asn-4  tRNA-Asn [KO:K14220]
tRNA-Asn-2  tRNA-Asn [KO:K14220]
tRNA-Asp-2  tRNA-Asp [KO:K14221]
tRNA-Asp-3  tRNA-Asp [KO:K14221]
tRNA-Asp-1  tRNA-Asp [KO:K14221]
tRNA-Cys  tRNA-Cys [KO:K14222]
tRNA-Gln-1  tRNA-Gln [KO:K14223]
tRNA-Gln-2  tRNA-Gln [KO:K14223]
tRNA-Gln-3  tRNA-Gln [KO:K14223]
tRNA-Gln-4  tRNA-Gln [KO:K14223]
tRNA-Glu-1  tRNA-Glu [KO:K14224]
tRNA-Glu-2  tRNA-Glu [KO:K14224]
tRNA-Glu-4  tRNA-Glu [KO:K14224]
tRNA-Glu-3  tRNA-Glu [KO:K14224]
tRNA-Gly-1  tRNA-Gly [KO:K14225]
tRNA-Gly-5  tRNA-Gly [KO:K14225]
tRNA-Gly-6  tRNA-Gly [KO:K14225]
tRNA-Gly-4  tRNA-Gly [KO:K14225]
tRNA-Gly-2  tRNA-Gly [KO:K14225]
tRNA-Gly-3  tRNA-Gly [KO:K14225]
tRNA-His  tRNA-His [KO:K14226]
tRNA-Ile-1  tRNA-Ile [KO:K14227]
tRNA-Ile-2  tRNA-Ile [KO:K14227]
tRNA-Ile-3  tRNA-Ile [KO:K14227]
tRNA-Leu-1  tRNA-Leu [KO:K14228]
tRNA-Leu-2  tRNA-Leu [KO:K14228]
tRNA-Leu-3  tRNA-Leu [KO:K14228]
tRNA-Leu-4  tRNA-Leu [KO:K14228]
tRNA-Leu-7  tRNA-Leu [KO:K14228]
tRNA-Leu-8  tRNA-Leu [KO:K14228]
tRNA-Leu-6  tRNA-Leu [KO:K14228]
tRNA-Leu-5  tRNA-Leu [KO:K14228]
tRNA-Lys-1  tRNA-Lys [KO:K14229]
tRNA-Lys-6  tRNA-Lys [KO:K14229]
tRNA-Lys-5  tRNA-Lys [KO:K14229]
tRNA-Lys-2  tRNA-Lys [KO:K14229]
tRNA-Lys-3  tRNA-Lys [KO:K14229]
tRNA-Lys-4  tRNA-Lys [KO:K14229]
tRNA-Met-1  tRNA-Met [KO:K14230]
tRNA-Met-2  tRNA-Met [KO:K14230]
tRNA-Met-3  tRNA-Met [KO:K14230]
tRNA-Met-5  tRNA-Met [KO:K14230]
tRNA-Met-7  tRNA-Met [KO:K14230]
tRNA-Met-9  tRNA-Met [KO:K14230]
tRNA-Met-6  tRNA-Met [KO:K14230]
tRNA-Met-4  tRNA-Met [KO:K14230]
tRNA-Met-8  tRNA-Met [KO:K14230]
tRNA-Phe-1  tRNA-Phe [KO:K14231]
tRNA-Phe-2  tRNA-Phe [KO:K14231]
tRNA-Pro-1  tRNA-Pro [KO:K14232]
tRNA-Pro-2  tRNA-Pro [KO:K14232]
tRNA-Pro-3  tRNA-Pro [KO:K14232]
tRNA-Ser-5  tRNA-Ser [KO:K14233]
tRNA-Ser-1  tRNA-Ser [KO:K14233]
tRNA-Ser-3  tRNA-Ser [KO:K14233]
tRNA-Ser-2  tRNA-Ser [KO:K14233]
tRNA-Ser-4  tRNA-Ser [KO:K14233]
tRNA-Thr-1  tRNA-Thr [KO:K14234]
tRNA-Thr-2  tRNA-Thr [KO:K14234]
tRNA-Thr-3  tRNA-Thr [KO:K14234]
tRNA-Thr-4  tRNA-Thr [KO:K14234]
tRNA-Trp  tRNA-Trp [KO:K14235]
tRNA-Tyr-1  tRNA-Tyr [KO:K14236]
tRNA-Tyr-2  tRNA-Tyr [KO:K14236]
tRNA-Tyr-3  tRNA-Tyr [KO:K14236]
tRNA-Tyr-4  tRNA-Tyr [KO:K14236]
tRNA-Val-3  tRNA-Val [KO:K14237]
tRNA-Val-1  tRNA-Val [KO:K14237]
tRNA-Val-6  tRNA-Val [KO:K14237]
tRNA-Val-5  tRNA-Val [KO:K14237]
tRNA-Val-7  tRNA-Val [KO:K14237]
tRNA-Val-2  tRNA-Val [KO:K14237]
tRNA-Val-4  tRNA-Val [KO:K14237]
tRNA-Sec  tRNA-Sec [KO:K14238]
ETEC_2516  glutamyl-tRNA synthetase [KO:K01885] [EC:]
ETEC_0697  glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase [KO:K01886] [EC:]
ETEC_2888  alanyl-tRNA synthetase [KO:K01872] [EC:]
ETEC_1899  aspartyl-tRNA synthetase [KO:K01876] [EC:]
ETEC_0998  asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase [KO:K01893] [EC:]
ETEC_3804  glycine-tRNA synthetase, alpha subunit [KO:K01878] [EC:]
ETEC_3803  glycine-tRNA synthetase, beta subunit [KO:K01879] [EC:]
ETEC_1751  threonyl-tRNA synthetase [KO:K01868] [EC:]
ETEC_0961  seryl-tRNA synthetase [KO:K01875] [EC:]
ETEC_3835  L-seryl-tRNA(Ser) selenium transferase [KO:K01042] [EC:]
ETEC_0578  cysS; cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase [KO:K01883] [EC:]
ETEC_2252  Methionyl-tRNA synthetase [KO:K01874] [EC:]
ETEC_3539  methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase [KO:K00604] [EC:]
ETEC_4604  valyl-tRNA synthetase [KO:K01873] [EC:]
ETEC_0670  leucyl-tRNA synthetase [KO:K01869] [EC:]
ETEC_0026  ileS; isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase [KO:K01870] [EC:]
ETEC_4440  lysyl-tRNA synthetase [KO:K04567] [EC:]
ETEC_3083  lysyl-tRNA synthetase [KO:K04567] [EC:]
ETEC_1909  arginyl-tRNA synthetase [KO:K01887] [EC:]
ETEC_0190  prolyl-tRNA synthetase [KO:K01881] [EC:]
ETEC_2671  histidyl-tRNA synthetase [KO:K01892] [EC:]
ETEC_1747  Phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase alpha chain [KO:K01889] [EC:]
ETEC_1746  Phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase beta chain [KO:K01890] [EC:]
ETEC_1672  tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase [KO:K01866] [EC:]
ETEC_3634  tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase [KO:K01867] [EC:]
C00025  L-Glutamate
C00037  Glycine
C00041  L-Alanine
C00047  L-Lysine
C00049  L-Aspartate
C00062  L-Arginine
C00064  L-Glutamine
C00065  L-Serine
C00073  L-Methionine
C00078  L-Tryptophan
C00079  L-Phenylalanine
C00082  L-Tyrosine
C00097  L-Cysteine
C00101  Tetrahydrofolate
C00123  L-Leucine
C00135  L-Histidine
C00148  L-Proline
C00152  L-Asparagine
C00183  L-Valine
C00188  L-Threonine
C00234  10-Formyltetrahydrofolate
C00407  L-Isoleucine
C00886  L-Alanyl-tRNA
C01005  O-Phospho-L-serine
C01931  L-Lysyl-tRNA
C02047  L-Leucyl-tRNA
C02163  L-Arginyl-tRNA(Arg)
C02282  Glutaminyl-tRNA
C02412  Glycyl-tRNA(Gly)
C02430  L-Methionyl-tRNA
C02553  L-Seryl-tRNA(Ser)
C02554  L-Valyl-tRNA(Val)
C02702  L-Prolyl-tRNA(Pro)
C02839  L-Tyrosyl-tRNA(Tyr)
C02984  L-Aspartyl-tRNA(Asp)
C02987  L-Glutamyl-tRNA(Glu)
C02988  L-Histidyl-tRNA(His)
C02992  L-Threonyl-tRNA(Thr)
C03125  L-Cysteinyl-tRNA(Cys)
C03127  L-Isoleucyl-tRNA(Ile)
C03294  N-Formylmethionyl-tRNA
C03402  L-Asparaginyl-tRNA(Asn)
C03511  L-Phenylalanyl-tRNA(Phe)
C03512  L-Tryptophanyl-tRNA(Trp)
C06112  L-Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln)
C06113  L-Aspartyl-tRNA(Asn)
C06481  L-Seryl-tRNA(Sec)
C06482  L-Selenocysteinyl-tRNA(Sec)
C16138  L-Pyrrolysine
C16638  O-Phosphoseryl-tRNA(Sec)
C17022  O-Phosphoseryl-tRNA(Cys)
C17027  L-Pyrrolysyl-tRNA(Pyl)
Sheppard K, Yuan J, Hohn MJ, Jester B, Devine KM, Soll D
From one amino acid to another: tRNA-dependent amino acid biosynthesis.
Nucleic Acids Res 36:1813-25 (2008)
Polycarpo C, Ambrogelly A, Berube A, Winbush SM, McCloskey JA, Crain PF, Wood JL, Soll D
An aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase that specifically activates pyrrolysine.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 101:12450-4 (2004)
elh00250  Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism
elh00260  Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism
elh00270  Cysteine and methionine metabolism
elh00290  Valine, leucine and isoleucine biosynthesis
elh00300  Lysine biosynthesis
elh00330  Arginine and proline metabolism
elh00340  Histidine metabolism
elh00380  Tryptophan metabolism
elh00400  Phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis
KO pathway

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