KEGG   PATHWAY: xtr03050
xtr03050                    Pathway                                
Proteasome - Xenopus tropicalis (tropical clawed frog)
The proteasome is a protein-destroying apparatus involved in many essential cellular functions, such as regulation of cell cycle, cell differentiation, signal transduction pathways, antigen processing for appropriate immune responses, stress signaling, inflammatory responses, and apoptosis. It is capable of degrading a variety of cellular proteins in a rapid and timely fashion and most substrate proteins are modified by ubiquitin before their degradation by the proteasome. The proteasome is a large protein complex consisting of a proteolytic core called the 20S particle and ancillary factors that regulate its activity in various ways. The most common form is the 26S proteasome containing one 20S core particle and two 19S regulatory particles that enable the proteasome to degrade ubiquitinated proteins by an ATP-dependent mechanism. Another form is the immunoproteasome containing two 11S regulatory particles, PA28 alpha and PA28 beta, which are induced by interferon gamma under the conditions of intensified immune response. Other regulatory particles include PA28 gamma and PA200. Although PA28 gamma also belongs to a family of activators of the 20S proteasome, it is localized within the nucleus and forms a homoheptamer. PA28 gamma has been implicated in the regulation of cell cycle progression and apoptosis. PA200 has been identified as a large nuclear protein that stimulates proteasomal hydrolysis of peptides.
Genetic Information Processing; Folding, sorting and degradation
Pathway map
xtr03050  Proteasome

Other DBs
GO: 0000502
Xenopus tropicalis (tropical clawed frog) [GN:xtr]
100492563  psmd3; 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 3 [KO:K03033]
549313  psmd9; 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 9 [KO:K06693]
548755  psmd12; proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 12 [KO:K03035]
100492225  psmd11; 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 [KO:K03036]
394877  psmd6; 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 6 [KO:K03037]
447971  psmd7; 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 7 [KO:K03038]
447992  psmd13; 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 13 [KO:K03039]
595024  psmd14; 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 14 [KO:K03030]
448645  psmd8; 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 8 [KO:K03031]
733792  sem1; 26S proteasome complex subunit SEM1 [KO:K10881]
407871  psmd4; proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 4 [KO:K03029]
548536  psmd2; 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 2 [KO:K03028]
407894  psmd1; 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 1 [KO:K03032]
394646  adrm1; proteasomal ubiquitin receptor ADRM1 [KO:K06691]
394760  psmc2; 26S protease regulatory subunit 7 [KO:K03061]
733980  psmc1; 26S protease regulatory subunit 4 [KO:K03062]
394988  psmc5; 26S protease regulatory subunit 8 [KO:K03066]
394968  psmc6; 26S protease regulatory subunit 10B [KO:K03064]
448481  psmc3; 26S proteasome regulatory subunit 6A [KO:K03065]
493372  psmc4; 26S protease regulatory subunit 6B [KO:K03063]
496755  psme1; proteasome activator complex subunit 1 [KO:K06696]
496995  psme2; proteasome activator complex subunit 2 [KO:K06697]
100124751  psme3; proteasome activator complex subunit 3 [KO:K06698]
100379940  psme4; proteasome activator complex subunit 4 isoform X2 [KO:K06699]
394718  psma6; proteasome subunit alpha type-6 [KO:K02730] [EC:]
549136  psma2; proteasome subunit alpha type-2 [KO:K02726] [EC:]
493360  psma4; proteasome subunit alpha type-4 [KO:K02728] [EC:]
394668  psma7; proteasome subunit alpha type-7 [KO:K02731] [EC:]
100124849  psma5; proteasome subunit alpha type-5 [KO:K02729] [EC:]
493521  psma1; proteasome subunit alpha 1 [KO:K02725] [EC:]
496707  psma3; proteasome subunit alpha type-3 [KO:K02727] [EC:]
394756  psmb6; proteasome subunit beta type-6 [KO:K02738] [EC:]
100486586  psmb7; proteasome subunit beta type-7 [KO:K02739] [EC:]
100489016  psmb7.2; proteasome subunit beta type-7 [KO:K02739] [EC:]
549257  psmb3; proteasome subunit beta type-3 [KO:K02735] [EC:]
496467  psmb2; proteasome subunit beta type-2 [KO:K02734] [EC:]
100379732  psmb5; proteasome subunit beta type-5 [KO:K02737] [EC:]
394589  psmb1; proteasome subunit beta type-1 [KO:K02732] [EC:]
496603  psmb4; proteasome subunit beta type-4 [KO:K02736] [EC:]
101731954  psmb9; proteasome subunit beta type-9 [KO:K02741] [EC:]
445258  psmb8; proteasome subunit beta type-8 [KO:K02740] [EC:]
100485711  proteasome subunit beta type-8 [KO:K02740] [EC:]
100489702  psmb11; proteasome subunit beta type-11 [KO:K11598] [EC:]
100216446  ifng; interferon gamma [KO:K04687]
100216230  psmf1; proteasome inhibitor PI31 subunit isoform X1 [KO:K06700]
448670  pomp; proteasome maturation protein [KO:K11599]
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xtr04120  Ubiquitin mediated proteolysis
KO pathway

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