Search Result

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Entry Name Description Category Pathway Gene
H00058 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
Lou Gehrig disease
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by a progressive degeneration of motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord. In 90% of patients, ALS is sporadic, with ... Neurodegenerative disease hsa05014 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS1) SOD1 [HSA:6647] [KO:K04565]
(ALS1) NEFH [HSA:4744] [KO:K04574]
(ALS1) PRPH [HSA:5630] [KO:K07607]
(ALS1) DCTN1 [HSA:1639] [KO:K04648]
(ALS2) ALS2 [HSA:57679] [KO:K04575]
(ALS4) SETX [HSA:23064] [KO:K10706]
(ALS5) SPG11 [HSA:80208] [KO:K19026]
(ALS6) FUS [HSA:2521] [KO:K13098]
(ALS8) VAPB [HSA:9217] [KO:K10707]
(ALS9) ANG [HSA:283] [KO:K16631]
(ALS10) TARDBP [HSA:23435] [KO:K23600]
(ALS11) FIG4 [HSA:9896] [KO:K22913]
(ALS12) OPTN [HSA:10133] [KO:K19946]
(ALS15) UBQLN2 [HSA:29978] [KO:K04523]
(ALS16) SIGMAR1 [HSA:10280] [KO:K20719]
(ALS18) PFN1 [HSA:5216] [KO:K05759]
(ALS19) ERBB4 [HSA:2066] [KO:K05085]
(ALS20) HNRNPA1 [HSA:3178] [KO:K12741]
(ALS21) MATR3 [HSA:9782] [KO:K13213]
(ALS22) TUBA4A [HSA:7277] [KO:K07374]
(ALS23) ANXA11 [HSA:311] [KO:K17095]
(ALS24) NEK1 [HSA:4750] [KO:K08857]
(ALS25) KIF5A [HSA:3798] [KO:K10396]
(ALS26) TIA1 [HSA:7072] [KO:K13201]
(ALS27) SPTLC1 [HSA:10558] [KO:K00654]
(ALS28) LRP12 [HSA:29967] [KO:K20050]
(ALSPDC) TRPM7 [HSA:54822] [KO:K04982]
(ALSPDC) MAPT [HSA:4137] [KO:K04380]
H00168 Oculocutaneous albinism Oculocutaneous albinism (OCA) is a genetically heterogeneous congenital disorder of melanin biosynthesis characterized by decreased or absent pigmentation in the hair, skin, and eyes. Inherited metabolic disorder (OCA1) TYR [HSA:7299] [KO:K00505]
(OCA2) OCA2 [HSA:4948] [KO:K24200]
(OCA2) MC1R [HSA:4157] [KO:K04199]
(OCA3) TYRP1 [HSA:7306] [KO:K00506]
(OCA4) SLC45A2 [HSA:51151] [KO:K15378]
(OCA6) SLC24A5 [HSA:283652] [KO:K13753]
(OCA7) LRMDA [HSA:83938] [KO:K24399]
(OCA8) DCT [HSA:1638] [KO:K01827]
H00527 Retinitis pigmentosa Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a group of inherited progressive retinal diseases characterized by progressive peripheral vision loss and night vision difficulties. RP can be divided into syndromic (40 %) ... Nervous system disease (RP1) RP1 [HSA:6101] [KO:K19538]
(RP2) RP2 [HSA:6102] [KO:K18272]
(RP3/RP15) RPGR [HSA:6103] [KO:K19607]
(RP4) RHO [HSA:6010] [KO:K04250]
(RP7) PRPH2 [HSA:5961] [KO:K17343]
(RP7) ROM1 [HSA:6094] [KO:K17344]
(RP9) RP9 [HSA:6100] [KO:K19604]
(RP10) IMPDH1 [HSA:3614] [KO:K00088]
(RP11) PRPF31 [HSA:26121] [KO:K12844]
(RP12) CRB1 [HSA:23418] [KO:K16681]
(RP13) PRPF8 [HSA:10594] [KO:K12856]
(RP14) TULP1 [HSA:7287] [KO:K19600]
(RP17) CA4 [HSA:762] [KO:K18246]
(RP18) PRPF3 [HSA:9129] [KO:K12843]
(RP19) ABCA4 [HSA:24] [KO:K05644]
(RP20/87) RPE65 [HSA:6121] [KO:K11158]
(RP23) OFD1 [HSA:8481] [KO:K16480]
(RP25) EYS [HSA:346007] [KO:K19601]
(RP26) CERKL [HSA:375298] [KO:K19602]
(RP27) NRL [HSA:4901] [KO:K09038]
(RP28) FAM161A [HSA:84140] [KO:K16772]
(RP30) FSCN2 [HSA:25794] [KO:K17455]
(RP31) TOPORS [HSA:10210] [KO:K10631]
(RP32) CLCC1 [HSA:23155] [KO:K22188]
(RP33) SNRNP200 [HSA:23020] [KO:K12854]
(RP35) SEMA4A [HSA:64218] [KO:K06521]
(RP36) PRCD [HSA:768206] [KO:K19637]
(RP37) NR2E3 [HSA:10002] [KO:K08546]
(RP38) MERTK [HSA:10461] [KO:K05117]
(RP39) USH2A [HSA:7399] [KO:K19636]
(RP40) PDE6B [HSA:5158] [KO:K13756]
(RP41) PROM1 [HSA:8842] [KO:K06532]
(RP42) KLHL7 [HSA:55975] [KO:K10445]
(RP43) PDE6A [HSA:5145] [KO:K08718]
(RP44) RGR [HSA:5995] [KO:K04254]
(RP45) CNGB1 [HSA:1258] [KO:K04952]
(RP46) IDH3B [HSA:3420] [KO:K00030]
(RP47/RP96) SAG [HSA:6295] [KO:K19627]
(RP48) GUCA1B [HSA:2979] [KO:K08328]
(RP49) CNGA1 [HSA:1259] [KO:K04948]
(RP50) BEST1 [HSA:7439] [KO:K13878]
(RP54) PCARE [HSA:388939] [KO:K24165]
(RP55) ARL6 [HSA:84100] [KO:K07951]
(RP56) IMPG2 [HSA:50939] [KO:K19017]
(RP57) PDE6G [HSA:5148] [KO:K13759]
(RP58) ZNF513 [HSA:130557] [KO:K24373]
(RP59) DHDDS [HSA:79947] [KO:K11778]
(RP60) PRPF6 [HSA:24148] [KO:K12855]
(RP61) CLRN1 [HSA:7401] [KO:K23841]
(RP62) MAK [HSA:4117] [KO:K08829]
(RP64) CFAP418 [HSA:157657] [KO:K25226]
(RP66) RBP3 [HSA:5949] [KO:K23911]
(RP67) NEK2 [HSA:4751] [KO:K20872]
(RP68) SLC7A14 [HSA:57709] [KO:K13871]
(RP69) KIZ [HSA:55857] [KO:K16539]
(RP70) PRPF4 [HSA:9128] [KO:K12662]
(RP71) IFT172 [HSA:26160] [KO:K19676]
(RP72) ZNF408 [HSA:79797] [KO:K24372]
(RP73) HGSNAT [HSA:138050] [KO:K10532]
(RP74) BBS2 [HSA:583] [KO:K16747]
(RP75) AGBL5 [HSA:60509] [KO:K23438]
(RP76) POMGNT1 [HSA:55624] [KO:K09666]
(RP77) REEP6 [HSA:92840] [KO:K17279]
(RP78) ARHGEF18 [HSA:23370] [KO:K21066]
(RP79) HK1 [HSA:3098] [KO:K00844]
(RP80) IFT140 [HSA:9742] [KO:K19672]
(RP81) IFT43 [HSA:112752] [KO:K19675]
(RP82) ARL2BP [HSA:23568] [KO:K16742]
(RP83) ARL3 [HSA:403] [KO:K07944]
(RP84) DHX38 [HSA:9785] [KO:K12815]
(RP85) AHR [HSA:196] [KO:K09093]
(RP86) RP86 [HSA:57670]
(RP88) RP1L1 [HSA:94137] [KO:K19538]
(RP89) KIF3B [HSA:9371] [KO:K20196]
(RP90) IDH3A [HSA:3419] [KO:K00030]
(RP91) IMPG1 [HSA:3617] [KO:K19016]
(RP92) HKDC1 [HSA:80201] [KO:K00844]
(RP93) CC2D2A [HSA:57545] [KO:K19352]
(RP94) SPATA7 [HSA:55812] [KO:K19655]
(RP95) RAX2 [HSA:84839] [KO:K09333]
(RP97) VWA8 [HSA:23078] [KO:K24512]
(Bothnia retinal dystrophy) RLBP1 [HSA:6017] [KO:K19625]
H00605 Deafness, autosomal recessive Hereditary deafness is divided into syndromic forms (in which hearing loss is associated with a variety of other anomalies) and non-syndromic forms. Non-syndromic forms are responsible for 70% of the cases ... Nervous system disease (DFNB1A) GJB2 [HSA:2706] [KO:K07621]
(DFNB1A) GJB3 [HSA:2707] [KO:K07622]
(DFNB1B) GJB6 [HSA:10804] [KO:K07625]
(DFNB2) MYO7A [HSA:4647] [KO:K10359]
(DFNB3) MYO15A [HSA:51168] [KO:K10361]
(DFNB4) SLC26A4 [HSA:5172] [KO:K14702]
(DFNB4) FOXI1 [HSA:2299] [KO:K09401]
(DFNB4) KCNJ10 [HSA:3766] [KO:K05003]
(DFNB6) TMIE [HSA:259236] [KO:K23907]
(DFNB7/11) TMC1 [HSA:117531] [KO:K21988]
(DFNB8/10) TMPRSS3 [HSA:64699] [KO:K09634]
(DFNB9) OTOF [HSA:9381] [KO:K19949]
(DFNB12) CDH23 [HSA:64072] [KO:K06813]
(DFNB12) ATP2B2 [HSA:491] [KO:K05850]
(DFNB15) GIPC3 [HSA:126326] [KO:K20056]
(DFNB16) STRC [HSA:161497] [KO:K24636]
(DFNB18A) USH1C [HSA:10083] [KO:K21877]
(DFNB18B) OTOG [HSA:340990] [KO:K25030]
(DFNB21) TECTA [HSA:7007] [KO:K18273]
(DFNB22) OTOA [HSA:146183] [KO:K25029]
(DFNB23) PCDH15 [HSA:65217] [KO:K16500]
(DFNB24) RDX [HSA:5962] [KO:K05762]
(DFNB25) GRXCR1 [HSA:389207] [KO:K17479]
(DFNB26) GAB1 [HSA:2549] [KO:K09593]
(DFNB26) METTL13 [HSA:51603] [KO:K25166]
(DFNB28) TRIOBP [HSA:11078] [KO:K23751]
(DFNB29) CLDN14 [HSA:23562] [KO:K06087]
(DFNB30) MYO3A [HSA:53904] [KO:K08834]
(DFNB31) WHRN [HSA:25861] [KO:K21879]
(DFNB32) CDC14A [HSA:8556] [KO:K06639]
(DFNB35) ESRRB [HSA:2103] [KO:K08553]
(DFNB36) ESPN [HSA:83715] [KO:K24047]
(DFNB37) MYO6 [HSA:4646] [KO:K10358]
(DFNB39) HGF [HSA:3082] [KO:K05460]
(DFNB42) ILDR1 [HSA:286676] [KO:K25781]
(DFNB44) ADCY1 [HSA:107] [KO:K08041]
(DFNB48) CIB2 [HSA:10518] [KO:K23837]
(DFNB49) MARVELD2 [HSA:153562] [KO:K17291]
(DFNB53) COL11A2 [HSA:1302] [KO:K19721]
(DFNB57) PDZD7 [HSA:79955] [KO:K21882]
(DFNB59) PJVK [HSA:494513] [KO:K22147]
(DFNB61) SLC26A5 [HSA:375611] [KO:K14703]
(DFNB63) LRTOMT [HSA:220074] [KO:K00545]
(DFNB66) DCDC2 [HSA:51473] [KO:K23405]
(DFNB67) LHFPL5 [HSA:222662] [KO:K23893]
(DFNB68) S1PR2 [HSA:9294] [KO:K04292]
(DFNB70) PNPT1 [HSA:87178] [KO:K00962]
(DFNB74) MSRB3 [HSA:253827] [KO:K07305]
(DFNB76) SYNE4 [HSA:163183] [KO:K23401]
(DFNB77) LOXHD1 [HSA:125336] [KO:K24822]
(DFNB79) TPRN [HSA:286262] [KO:K24164]
(DFNB82) GPSM2 [HSA:29899] [KO:K15837]
(DFNB84A) PTPRQ [HSA:374462] [KO:K16910]
(DFNB84B) OTOGL [HSA:283310] [KO:K25030]
(DFNB86) TBC1D24 [HSA:57465] [KO:K21841]
(DFNB88) ELMOD3 [HSA:84173] [KO:K23538]
(DFNB89) KARS1 [HSA:3735] [KO:K04567]
(DFNB91) SERPINB6 [HSA:5269] [KO:K13963]
(DFNB93) CABP2 [HSA:51475] [KO:K23531]
(DFNB94) NARS2 [HSA:79731] [KO:K01893]
(DFNB97) MET [HSA:4233] [KO:K05099]
(DFNB98) TSPEAR [HSA:54084] [KO:K24437]
(DFNB99) TMEM132E [HSA:124842] [KO:K17599]
(DFNB100) PPIP5K2 [HSA:23262] [KO:K13024]
(DFNB101) GRXCR2 [HSA:643226] [KO:K24294]
(DFNB102) EPS8 [HSA:2059] [KO:K17277]
(DFNB103) CLIC5 [HSA:53405] [KO:K05025]
(DFNB104) RIPOR2 [HSA:9750] [KO:K24818]
(DFNB106) EPS8L2 [HSA:64787] [KO:K17277]
(DFNB107) WBP2 [HSA:23558] [KO:K22524]
(DFNB108) ROR1 [HSA:4919] [KO:K05122]
(DFNB109) ESRP1 [HSA:54845] [KO:K14947]
(DFNB110) COCH [HSA:1690] [KO:K23574]
(DFNB111) MPZL2 [HSA:10205] [KO:K27316]
(DFNB112) BDP1 [HSA:55814] [KO:K15198]
(DFNB113) CEACAM16 [HSA:388551] [KO:K06499]
(DFNB114) GRAP [HSA:10750] [KO:K23694]
(DFNB115) SPNS2 [HSA:124976] [KO:K23677]
(DFNB116) CLDN9 [HSA:9080] [KO:K06087]
(DFNB117) CLRN2 [HSA:645104] [KO:K23841]
(DFNB119) SPATA5L1 [HSA:79029] [KO:K26051]
(DFNB120) MINAR2 [HSA:100127206] [KO:K24830]
(DFNB121) GPR156 [HSA:165829] [KO:K04617]
(DFNB122) TMTC4 [HSA:84899] [KO:K23424]
(DFNB123) STX4 [HSA:6810] [KO:K13502]
(DFNB124) PKHD1L1 [HSA:93035] [KO:K27624]
(DFNB125) GAS2 [HSA:2620] [KO:K24627]
H00695 Mal de Meleda
Meleda disease
Mal de Meleda is an autosomal recessive palmoplantar keratoderma characterized by erythema of the palms and soles, followed by a diffuse yellowish hyperkeratosis. Keratinization extends onto the dorsal ... Congenital malformation SLURP1 [HSA:57152] [KO:K23681]
H00750 Keratosis pilaris atrophicans Keratosis pilaris atrophicans (KPA) is a group of follicular syndromes characterised by inflammation and atrophy. Three clinical entities of KPA are described, keratosis pilaris atrophicans faciei (KPAF) ... Congenital malformation (KFSDX) MBTPS2 [HSA:51360] [KO:K07765]
(KFSD) SAT1 [HSA:6303] [KO:K00657]
(KPA) LRP1 [HSA:4035] [KO:K04550]
H01010 Occult macular dystrophy ... inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. However, patients with sporadic disease have been also reported. Mutations in RP1L1 gene, which plays essential roles in the cone functions, are responsible for OMD. Nervous system disease RP1L1 [HSA:94137] [KO:K19538]
H01372 Vitiligo ... of melanocytes results in depigmented spots of skin, overlying hair, and mucous membranes. Some familial forms of vitiligo have recently been linked to polymorphisms in the innate immunity gene, NLRP1. Skin disease (VAMAS1) NLRP1 [HSA:22861] [KO:K12798]
(VAMAS2) FOXD3 [HSA:27022] [KO:K09397]
H01880 Autosomal recessive microcephaly and chorioretinopathy Autosomal-recessive microcephaly and chorioretinopathy (MCCRP) is a rare developmental disorder characterized by primary microcephaly, delayed psychomotor development, growth retardation with dwarfism ... Congenital malformation (MCCRP1) TUBGCP6 [HSA:85378] [KO:K16573]
(MCCRP2) PLK4 [HSA:10733] [KO:K08863]
(MCCRP3) TUBGCP4 [HSA:27229] [KO:K16571]
H02470 Neurodevelopmental disorder with structural brain abnormalities Neurodevelopmental disorder (NED) with structural brain abnormalities is a group of syndromic neurodevelopmental disorders. Most of them have complications in addition to microcephaly. Several underlying ... Congenital malformation (NDAGSCW) RAB11B [HSA:9230] [KO:K07905]
(NEDBAVC) DHX37 [HSA:57647] [KO:K14780]
(NEDCHS) INTS8 [HSA:55656] [KO:K13145]
(NEDCAS) BRAT1 [HSA:221927] [KO:K23112]
(NEDEHCC) LNPK [HSA:80856] [KO:K23292]
(NEDBAS) DLL1 [HSA:28514] [KO:K06051]
(NEDSBAS) WDR45B [HSA:56270] [KO:K22991]
(NEDSWMA) HPDL [HSA:84842] [KO:K24788]
(NEDVIBA) HK1 [HSA:3098] [KO:K00844]
(NEDBA) MAPK8IP3 [HSA:23162] [KO:K04436]
(NECFM) NACC1 [HSA:112939] [KO:K10486]
(NEDMHM) ARHGEF2 [HSA:9181] [KO:K12791]
(NEDBASS) PTPN23 [HSA:25930] [KO:K18040]
(NEDABA) ODC1 [HSA:4953] [KO:K01581]
(NEDESBA) TRAPPC4 [HSA:51399] [KO:K20303]
(NEDASB) NOVA2 [HSA:4858] [KO:K14944]
(NEDCAM) GEMIN5 [HSA:25929] [KO:K13133]
(NEDSCAC) MED27 [HSA:9442] [KO:K15170]
(NEDCASB) SHMT2 [HSA:6472] [KO:K00600]
(NEDHSB) SPATA5 [HSA:166378] [KO:K14575]
(NEDMLHB) TAF8 [HSA:129685] [KO:K14649]
(NEDSSBA) NSRP1 [HSA:84081] [KO:K13206]
(NEDMLOB) INTS11 [HSA:54973] [KO:K13148]
(NEDMSB) PI4K2A [HSA:55361] [KO:K13711]
H02513 Oculopharyngodistal myopathy ... weakness of the masseter, facial, pharyngeal, and distal limb muscles. Noncoding CGG repeat expansion in LRP12 has been identified in patients. It has also been reported that expansion of GGC repeat in GIPC1 ... Musculoskeletal disease (OPDM1) LRP12 [HSA:29967] [KO:K20050]
(OPDM2) GIPC1 [HSA:10755] [KO:K20056]
(OPDM3) NOTCH2NLC [HSA:100996717] [KO:K24466]
(OPDM4) RILPL1 [HSA:353116] [KO:K20173]
H02526 Disorders of adaptive immunity T cells and B cells are the primary cells of the adaptive immune system. B cells mediate antibody production and play a major role in antibody-mediated immunity. T cells govern cell-mediated immune responses ... Immune system disease (IMD13) UNC119 [HSA:9094] [KO:K23539]
(IMD41) IL2RA [HSA:3559] [KO:K05068]
(IMD46) TFRC [HSA:7037] [KO:K06503]
(IMD52) LAT [HSA:27040] [KO:K07362]
(IMD53) RELB [HSA:5971] [KO:K09253]
(IMD56) IL21R [HSA:50615] [KO:K05075]
(IMD60) BACH2 [HSA:60468] [KO:K09042]
(IMD62) ARHGEF1 [HSA:9138] [KO:K12330]
(IMD64) RASGRP1 [HSA:10125] [KO:K04350]
(IMD66) MRTFA [HSA:57591] [KO:K22525]
(IMD70) IVNS1ABP [HSA:10625] [KO:K15046]
(IMD72) NCKAP1L [HSA:3071] [KO:K05750]
(IMD76) FCHO1 [HSA:23149] [KO:K20042]
(IMD78) TPP2 [HSA:7174] [KO:K01280]
(IMD79) CD4 [HSA:920] [KO:K06454]
(IMD81) LCP2 [HSA:3937] [KO:K07361]
(IMD82) SYK [HSA:6850] [KO:K05855]
(IMD84) IKZF3 [HSA:22806] [KO:K09220]
(IMD86) SPPL2A [HSA:84888] [KO:K09596]
(IMD87) DEF6 [HSA:50619] [KO:K20072]
(IMD88) TBX21 [HSA:30009] [KO:K10166]
(IMD89) CARD10 [HSA:29775] [KO:K20912]
(IMD92) REL [HSA:5966] [KO:K09254]
(IMD93) FNIP1 [HSA:96459] [KO:K20400]
(IMD99) CTNNBL1 [HSA:56259] [KO:K12864]
(IMD123) CD28 [HSA:940] [KO:K06470]
H02588 NLRP1-associated autoinflammation with arthritis and dyskeratosis
Autoinflammation with arthritis and dyskeratosis
NLRP1-associated autoinflammation with arthritis and dyskeratosis (NAIAD) is an autoinflammatory disease characterized by recurrent fever, arthritis, dyskeratosis, and slight autoimmunity. It has been ... Immune system disease NLRP1 [HSA:22861] [KO:K12798]
H02756 Congenital juvenile recurrent respiratory papillomatosis ... The infection is thought to occur by vertical transmission at birth. It has been reported that an autosomal recessive, syndromic form of JRRP can be associated with an NLRP1 gain-of-function mutation. Neoplasm NLRP1 [HSA:22861] [KO:K12798]
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