KEGG   DRUG: Mirtazapine
D00563                      Drug                                   
Mirtazapine (JAN/USP/INN);
Remeron (TN);
Reflex (TN)
MIRTAZAPINE (A-S Medication Solutions), MIRTAZAPINE (A-S Medication Solutions), MIRTAZAPINE (Advanced Rx Pharmacy of Tennessee), MIRTAZAPINE (American Health Packaging), MIRTAZAPINE (American Health Packaging), MIRTAZAPINE (Aphena Pharma Solutions - Tennessee), MIRTAZAPINE (Aphena Pharma Solutions - Tennessee), MIRTAZAPINE (Aphena Pharma Solutions - Tennessee), MIRTAZAPINE (Aphena Pharma Solutions - Tennessee), MIRTAZAPINE (Aphena Pharma Solutions - Tennessee), MIRTAZAPINE (Aphena Pharma Solutions - Tennessee), MIRTAZAPINE (Aphena Pharma Solutions - Tennessee), MIRTAZAPINE (Aphena Pharma Solutions - Tennessee), MIRTAZAPINE (Apotex Corp.), MIRTAZAPINE (Aurobindo Pharma Limited), MIRTAZAPINE (Aurobindo Pharma Limited), MIRTAZAPINE (Aurolife Pharma LLC), MIRTAZAPINE (AvKARE), MIRTAZAPINE (Bryant Ranch Prepack), MIRTAZAPINE (Bryant Ranch Prepack), MIRTAZAPINE (Bryant Ranch Prepack), MIRTAZAPINE (Bryant Ranch Prepack), MIRTAZAPINE (Bryant Ranch Prepack), MIRTAZAPINE (Bryant Ranch Prepack), MIRTAZAPINE (Bryant Ranch Prepack), MIRTAZAPINE (Bryant Ranch Prepack), MIRTAZAPINE (Bryant Ranch Prepack), MIRTAZAPINE (Bryant Ranch Prepack), MIRTAZAPINE (Bryant Ranch Prepack), MIRTAZAPINE (Bryant Ranch Prepack), MIRTAZAPINE (Bryant Ranch Prepack), MIRTAZAPINE (Bryant Ranch Prepack), MIRTAZAPINE (Bryant Ranch Prepack), MIRTAZAPINE (Bryant Ranch Prepack), MIRTAZAPINE (Cardinal Health 107), MIRTAZAPINE (Cardinal Health 107), MIRTAZAPINE (Cardinal Health 107), MIRTAZAPINE (Cardinal Health 107), MIRTAZAPINE (DIRECT RX), MIRTAZAPINE (Direct_Rx), MIRTAZAPINE (Golden State Medical Supply), MIRTAZAPINE (Major Pharmaceuticals), MIRTAZAPINE (McKesson Corporation dba SKY Packaging), MIRTAZAPINE (Medsource Pharmaceuticals), MIRTAZAPINE (Medsource Pharmaceuticals), MIRTAZAPINE (Mylan Institutional), MIRTAZAPINE (Mylan Pharmaceuticals), MIRTAZAPINE (NCS HealthCare of KY), MIRTAZAPINE (NCS HealthCare of KY), MIRTAZAPINE (NuCare Pharmaceuticals), MIRTAZAPINE (NuCare Pharmaceuticals), MIRTAZAPINE (NuCare Pharmaceuticals), MIRTAZAPINE (NuCare Pharmaceuticals), MIRTAZAPINE (Prasco Laboratories), MIRTAZAPINE (Preferred Pharmaceuticals), MIRTAZAPINE (Preferred Pharmaceuticals), MIRTAZAPINE (Preferred Pharmaceuticals), MIRTAZAPINE (Preferred Pharmaceuticals), MIRTAZAPINE (Preferred Pharmaceuticals), MIRTAZAPINE (Proficient Rx LP), MIRTAZAPINE (Proficient Rx LP), MIRTAZAPINE (Proficient Rx LP), MIRTAZAPINE (Proficient Rx LP), MIRTAZAPINE (Quality Care Products LLC), MIRTAZAPINE (Quality Care Products), MIRTAZAPINE (REMEDYREPACK), MIRTAZAPINE (REMEDYREPACK), MIRTAZAPINE (REMEDYREPACK), MIRTAZAPINE (REMEDYREPACK), MIRTAZAPINE (REMEDYREPACK), MIRTAZAPINE (REMEDYREPACK), MIRTAZAPINE (REMEDYREPACK), MIRTAZAPINE (REMEDYREPACK), MIRTAZAPINE (REMEDYREPACK), MIRTAZAPINE (RPK Pharmaceuticals), MIRTAZAPINE (RPK Pharmaceuticals), MIRTAZAPINE (RPK Pharmaceuticals), MIRTAZAPINE (RPK Pharmaceuticals), MIRTAZAPINE (Rising Pharma Holdings), MIRTAZAPINE (Rising Pharma Holdings), MIRTAZAPINE (SQUARE PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED), MIRTAZAPINE (Sun Pharmaceutical Industries), MIRTAZAPINE (Viona Pharmaceuticals)
Exact mass
Mol weight
Cardiovascular agent
 DG01466  Adrenergic receptor antagonist
  DG01465  alpha-Adrenergic receptor antagonist
   DG01460  alpha2-Adrenergic receptor antagonist
Neuropsychiatric agent
 DG01729  Tetracyclic antidepressant
 DG03077  Noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressant (NaSSA)
Gastrointestinal agent
 DG01489  5-HT3-receptor antagonist
Metabolizing enzyme substrate
 DG01892  CYP1A2 substrate
 DG01644  CYP2D6 substrate
 DG01633  CYP3A/CYP3A4 substrate
  DG02913  CYP3A4 substrate
Same as: C07570
Therapeutic category: 1179
ATC code: N06AX11
Chemical structure group: DG02838
Product (DG02838): D00563<JP/US>
Antidepressant, Serotonin receptor antagonist
Major depressive disorder [DS:H01646]
NaSSA: Noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressant
HTR2 [HSA:3356 3357 3358] [KO:K04157]
HTR3 [HSA:3359 9177 170572 200909 285242] [KO:K04819]
ADRA2 [HSA:150 151 152] [KO:K04138 K04139 K04140]
hsa04080  Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction
hsa04726  Serotonergic synapse
Enzyme: CYP1A2 [HSA:1544], CYP2D6 [HSA:1565], CYP3A4 [HSA:1576]
Structure map
map07027  Antidepressants
Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification [BR:br08303]
    N06AX Other antidepressants
     N06AX11 Mirtazapine
      D00563  Mirtazapine (JAN/USP/INN) <JP/US>
USP drug classification [BR:br08302]
  Antidepressants, Other
    D00563  Mirtazapine (JAN/USP/INN)
Therapeutic category of drugs in Japan [BR:br08301]
 1  Agents affecting nervous system and sensory organs
  11  Agents affecting central nervous system
   117  Psychotropics
    1179  Others
     D00563  Mirtazapine (JAN/USP/INN)
Drug groups [BR:br08330]
 Cardiovascular agent
  DG01466  Adrenergic receptor antagonist
   DG01465  alpha-Adrenergic receptor antagonist
    DG01460  alpha2-Adrenergic receptor antagonist
     DG02838  Mirtazapine
      D00563  Mirtazapine
 Neuropsychiatric agent
  DG01729  Tetracyclic antidepressant
   DG02838  Mirtazapine
    D00563  Mirtazapine
  DG03077  Noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressant (NaSSA)
   DG02838  Mirtazapine
    D00563  Mirtazapine
 Gastrointestinal agent
  DG01489  5-HT3-receptor antagonist
   DG02838  Mirtazapine
    D00563  Mirtazapine
 Metabolizing enzyme substrate
  DG01892  CYP1A2 substrate
   DG02838  Mirtazapine
    D00563  Mirtazapine
  DG01644  CYP2D6 substrate
   DG02838  Mirtazapine
    D00563  Mirtazapine
  DG01633  CYP3A/CYP3A4 substrate
   DG02913  CYP3A4 substrate
    DG02838  Mirtazapine
     D00563  Mirtazapine
Target-based classification of drugs [BR:br08310]
 G Protein-coupled receptors
  Rhodopsin family
     D00563  Mirtazapine (JAN/USP/INN) <JP/US>
     D00563  Mirtazapine (JAN/USP/INN) <JP/US>
 Ion channels
  Ligand-gated ion channels
     D00563  Mirtazapine (JAN/USP/INN) <JP/US>
New drug approvals in Japan [br08318.html]
 Drugs with new active ingredients
Drug metabolizing enzymes and transporters [br08309.html]
 Drug metabolizing enzymes
Drug groups [BR:br08330]
 Cardiovascular agent
  DG01466  Adrenergic receptor antagonist
   DG01465  alpha-Adrenergic receptor antagonist
    DG01460  alpha2-Adrenergic receptor antagonist
     DG02838  Mirtazapine
 Neuropsychiatric agent
  DG01729  Tetracyclic antidepressant
   DG02838  Mirtazapine
  DG03077  Noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressant (NaSSA)
   DG02838  Mirtazapine
 Gastrointestinal agent
  DG01489  5-HT3-receptor antagonist
   DG02838  Mirtazapine
 Metabolizing enzyme substrate
  DG01892  CYP1A2 substrate
   DG02838  Mirtazapine
  DG01644  CYP2D6 substrate
   DG02838  Mirtazapine
  DG01633  CYP3A/CYP3A4 substrate
   DG02913  CYP3A4 substrate
    DG02838  Mirtazapine
Other DBs
CAS: 85650-52-8
PubChem: 7847629
ChEBI: 6950
LigandBox: D00563
NIKKAJI: J327.434I
KCF data

ATOM        20
            1   C1y C     9.7476   -8.2180
            2   N1y N    11.1496   -8.2180
            3   C8y C    11.9909   -7.1665
            4   C8y C    11.7105   -5.7644
            5   C8y C     8.9064   -7.1665
            6   C1x C    10.4486   -5.2036
            7   C8y C     9.1868   -5.7644
            8   C8x C     7.5744   -7.5871
            9   C8x C     6.5229   -6.6056
            10  C8x C     6.8033   -5.2737
            11  C8x C     8.1353   -4.8531
            12  C8x C    12.6919   -4.8531
            13  C8x C    14.0238   -5.2737
            14  C8x C    14.3743   -6.6056
            15  N5x N    13.3228   -7.5170
            16  C1x C    11.8507   -9.4097
            17  C1x C    11.1496  -10.6715
            18  N1y N     9.8177  -10.6715
            19  C1x C     9.0466   -9.4798
            20  C1a C     9.1167  -11.9334
BOND        23
            1     3   4 1
            2     1   5 1
            3     4   6 1
            4     2   3 1
            5     5   7 2
            6     1   2 1
            7     6   7 1
            8     5   8 1
            9     8   9 2
            10    9  10 1
            11   10  11 2
            12    7  11 1
            13    4  12 2
            14   12  13 1
            15   13  14 2
            16   14  15 1
            17    3  15 2
            18    2  16 1
            19   16  17 1
            20   17  18 1
            21   18  19 1
            22    1  19 1
            23   18  20 1

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