K06856                      KO                                     
immunoglobulin heavy chain
map04020  Calcium signaling pathway
map04064  NF-kappa B signaling pathway
map04072  Phospholipase D signaling pathway
map04145  Phagosome
map04151  PI3K-Akt signaling pathway
map04613  Neutrophil extracellular trap formation
map04640  Hematopoietic cell lineage
map04650  Natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity
map04662  B cell receptor signaling pathway
map04664  Fc epsilon RI signaling pathway
map04666  Fc gamma R-mediated phagocytosis
map04672  Intestinal immune network for IgA production
map05130  Pathogenic Escherichia coli infection
map05135  Yersinia infection
map05140  Leishmaniasis
map05143  African trypanosomiasis
map05146  Amoebiasis
map05150  Staphylococcus aureus infection
map05152  Tuberculosis
map05169  Epstein-Barr virus infection
map05171  Coronavirus disease - COVID-19
map05202  Transcriptional misregulation in cancer
map05310  Asthma
map05320  Autoimmune thyroid disease
map05322  Systemic lupus erythematosus
map05323  Rheumatoid arthritis
map05330  Allograft rejection
map05340  Primary immunodeficiency
map05414  Dilated cardiomyopathy
map05416  Viral myocarditis
KEGG Orthology (KO) [BR:ko00001]
 09130 Environmental Information Processing
  09132 Signal transduction
   04064 NF-kappa B signaling pathway
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
   04020 Calcium signaling pathway
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
   04072 Phospholipase D signaling pathway
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
   04151 PI3K-Akt signaling pathway
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
 09140 Cellular Processes
  09141 Transport and catabolism
   04145 Phagosome
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
 09150 Organismal Systems
  09151 Immune system
   04640 Hematopoietic cell lineage
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
   04613 Neutrophil extracellular trap formation
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
   04650 Natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
   04662 B cell receptor signaling pathway
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
   04664 Fc epsilon RI signaling pathway
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
   04666 Fc gamma R-mediated phagocytosis
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
   04672 Intestinal immune network for IgA production
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
 09160 Human Diseases
  09161 Cancer: overview
   05202 Transcriptional misregulation in cancer
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
  09172 Infectious disease: viral
   05171 Coronavirus disease - COVID-19
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
   05169 Epstein-Barr virus infection
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
  09171 Infectious disease: bacterial
   05130 Pathogenic Escherichia coli infection
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
   05135 Yersinia infection
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
   05150 Staphylococcus aureus infection
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
   05152 Tuberculosis
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
  09174 Infectious disease: parasitic
   05146 Amoebiasis
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
   05140 Leishmaniasis
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
   05143 African trypanosomiasis
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
  09163 Immune disease
   05310 Asthma
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
   05322 Systemic lupus erythematosus
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
   05323 Rheumatoid arthritis
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
   05320 Autoimmune thyroid disease
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
   05330 Allograft rejection
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
   05340 Primary immunodeficiency
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
  09166 Cardiovascular disease
   05414 Dilated cardiomyopathy
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
   05416 Viral myocarditis
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
 09180 Brite Hierarchies
  09182 Protein families: genetic information processing
   04131 Membrane trafficking
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
Membrane trafficking [BR:ko04131]
    K06856  IGH; immunoglobulin heavy chain
HSA: 102723407(IGH)
GGO: 101133851 109023154 115930559
PON: 100939054 100939231
NLE: 100592223
MCC: 106996003 106999628 114675805 114679736 714419 720452 720904 720935 720985 721002 721083 722278
MCF: 102122532 107128638 107130290 123574606 135971582
MNI: 105489886
CSAB: 103224088 103229820 103229828 103229838 103229839 103229845 103229849 103229850 103229864 103229935 103229939 103229942 103229943 103247608
CATY: 105574042 105574050 105574052 105574060 105574071 105574077 105574081 105574082 105574084 105575920 105575923 105575925 105576625 105576626 105577130 105577139 105577141 105577142 105577143 105577144 105577151 105594283
PANU: 101004461
CJC: 103793556
MORG: 121438466
CCAN: 109677916
NCAR: 124974743
CFA: 111097183
CLUD: 125755517
VVP: 112912798
ORO: 101370467
PBG: 122469619
OAS: 101113211
BMUS: 118905421
ECB: 100146643
EAI: 106827306
MDT: 132225700
EFUS: 129148251
PPAM: 129064951
RFQ: 117024085
PALE: 102892050
RAY: 107507577
SETR: 126015875
LAV: 104847364
TMU: 111820845
DNM: 101423469
PBRV: 138156917
OAA: 103166634
GGA: 101750160
NMEL: 110391511
ACYG: 106043396
CATA: 118251967
AFUL: 116493723
TGU: 116807070
SCAN: 103825246
PMOA: 120512175
OMA: 130263285
ACUN: 113485949
PCAO: 104049738
PADL: 103925773
MUI: 104539979
PLET: 104627864
CMAC: 104481964
BREG: 104640155
CPEA: 104394762
ASN: 102370271
CPIC: 103306831
ASAO: 132779199
PVT: 110071048
PBI: 103051937
HCG: 128329564
GJA: 107116422
STOW: 125444351
EMC: 129339922
XLA: 101027262
SRX: 107710248
CAUA: 113072693
LROH: 127157711
CERY: 137004602(ighv4-2)
IPU: 108275153
PHYP: 113546930
TRN: 134300380
EFO: 125878736
PFLV: 114551742
CANA: 137787144
CVE: 137885712
MSAM: 119887406
SCHU: 122868508
ASTR: 137609110
XMA: 111611614
XCO: 114159462
PMEI: 106912570
GAF: 122822394
PPRL: 129363471
GMU: 124864921
NFU: 107376166
KMR: 112450705
EJA: 138198112
BFRE: 138622365(ighd) 138622368
MCEP: 124998206
SJO: 128378802
SFM: 108930865
AANG: 118220452
CCOG: 133121409
CPLA: 122543728
LERI: 129716386
 » show all
Chaudhuri J, Basu U, Zarrin A, Yan C, Franco S, Perlot T, Vuong B, Wang J, Phan RT, Datta A, Manis J, Alt FW
Evolution of the immunoglobulin heavy chain class switch recombination mechanism.
Adv Immunol 94:157-214 (2007)

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