KEGG   PATHWAY: taes00480
taes00480                   Pathway                                
Glutathione metabolism - Triticum aestivum (bread wheat)
Metabolism; Metabolism of other amino acids
Pathway map
taes00480  Glutathione metabolism

taes_M00118  Glutathione biosynthesis, glutamate => glutathione [PATH:taes00480]
Other DBs
GO: 0006749
Triticum aestivum (bread wheat) [GN:taes]
123077170  glutathione hydrolase 3-like [KO:K18592] [EC:]
123060162  glutathione hydrolase 3-like [KO:K18592] [EC:]
123045645  glutathione hydrolase 1-like isoform X1 [KO:K18592] [EC:]
123189408  glutathione hydrolase 1-like [KO:K18592] [EC:]
123068645  glutathione hydrolase 3-like [KO:K18592] [EC:]
123053514  glutathione hydrolase 1-like [KO:K18592] [EC:]
123056738  glutathione hydrolase 3-like [KO:K18592] [EC:]
123045600  gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase 2-3-like [KO:K22596] [EC:]
123131885  gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase 2-2-like [KO:K22596] [EC:]
123189350  gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase 2-3-like [KO:K22596] [EC:]
123135861  gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase 2-2-like [KO:K22596] [EC:]
123053442  gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase 2-3-like [KO:K22596] [EC:]
123143384  gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase 2-2-like [KO:K22596] [EC:]
123128391  5-oxoprolinase-like isoform X1 [KO:K01469] [EC:]
123145510  5-oxoprolinase-like [KO:K01469] [EC:]
123138250  5-oxoprolinase-like [KO:K01469] [EC:]
606345  glutamate--cysteine ligase B, chloroplastic [KO:K01919] [EC:]
123180289  glutamate--cysteine ligase B, chloroplastic [KO:K01919] [EC:]
123110039  glutamate--cysteine ligase B, chloroplastic-like [KO:K01919] [EC:]
543031  glutathione synthetase, chloroplastic [KO:K21456] [EC:]
543030  glutathione synthetase, chloroplastic [KO:K21456] [EC:]
123136493  glutathione synthetase, chloroplastic-like [KO:K21456] [EC:]
123102666  glutathione synthetase, chloroplastic-like isoform X1 [KO:K21456] [EC:]
123119862  glutathione synthetase, chloroplastic-like [KO:K21456] [EC:]
123143989  glutathione synthetase, chloroplastic-like isoform X1 [KO:K21456] [EC:]
123148878  glutathione synthetase, chloroplastic-like isoform X1 [KO:K21456] [EC:]
123158946  glutathione synthetase, chloroplastic-like isoform X1 [KO:K21456] [EC:]
123167324  glutathione synthetase, chloroplastic-like isoform X1 [KO:K21456] [EC:]
123113641  leucine aminopeptidase 2, chloroplastic-like [KO:K01255] [EC:]
123191638  leucine aminopeptidase 2, chloroplastic-like isoform X1 [KO:K01255] [EC:]
123180561  leucine aminopeptidase 2, chloroplastic-like isoform X1 [KO:K01255] [EC:]
123111555  puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase isoform X1 [KO:K01256] [EC:]
123120496  puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase-like [KO:K01256] [EC:]
123103358  puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase-like isoform X1 [KO:K01256] [EC:]
123058829  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123059062  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123059063  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123059064  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123059151  glutathione S-transferase 3-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123059200  glutathione transferase GST 23-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123059386  probable glutathione S-transferase [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123059391  probable glutathione S-transferase [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123076584  probable glutathione S-transferase [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123076590  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123093209  glutathione transferase GST 23-like isoform X1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123093641  glutathione S-transferase F11-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123093642  glutathione S-transferase F10-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123110696  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTF1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
543445  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTF1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123111325  glutathione transferase GST 23-like isoform X1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123186665  glutathione S-transferase 3-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123186666  glutathione S-transferase U20-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123059826  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123077625  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123077646  glutathione S-transferase 1-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123077647  glutathione S-transferase 1-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123094889  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTF1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123094934  protein IN2-1 homolog A-like isoform X1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123095001  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123112175  glutathione S-transferase 4-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123112214  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTF1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123146933  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTF1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123146974  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123147020  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123165819  glutathione S-transferase 4-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123165828  glutathione S-transferase 4-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123165834  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTF1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123165867  glutathione S-transferase 4-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123166146  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123166261  probable glutathione S-transferase [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123187758  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123060566  glutathione S-transferase 1-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123060567  glutathione S-transferase 1-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123095847  microsomal glutathione S-transferase 3-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123095848  microsomal glutathione S-transferase 3-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
543345  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123166282  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTF1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123167106  glutathione S-transferase 1-like isoform X1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123188399  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123061821  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123079264  glutathione S-transferase 1-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
100037523  glutathione S-transferase 1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123097248  uncharacterized protein LOC123097248 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
542992  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123149203  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123168062  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123168221  probable glutathione S-transferase BZ2 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123168242  glutathione S-transferase U17-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123168278  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123038282  glutathione S-transferase U19-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123038284  glutathione S-transferase U20-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123038652  glutathione S-transferase 4-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123062146  glutathione S-transferase 1-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123062150  glutathione S-transferase 1-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123080445  glutathione S-transferase 3-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123097837  protein IN2-1 homolog B isoform X1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123097838  protein IN2-1 homolog B-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123097840  protein IN2-1 homolog B-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123132399  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123132741  glutathione transferase GST 23-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123168641  glutathione S-transferase F11-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123168658  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123168671  glutathione S-transferase 1-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123169443  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123190330  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTF1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123063159  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123063260  glutathione S-transferase 3-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123080845  probable glutathione S-transferase [KO:K00799] [EC:]
543066  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123081849  protein IN2-1-like isoform X1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123098075  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123098663  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123114527  glutathione S-transferase T1-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123114567  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTF1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123115468  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123115480  glutathione S-transferase 4-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123115482  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTF1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123115484  glutathione S-transferase 4-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123116109  glutathione S-transferase U18-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123150619  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123151091  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123169484  probable glutathione S-transferase [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123170628  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123170629  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123170685  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123190713  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123048324  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTF1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123064358  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123083297  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123083424  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123083427  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123098902  glutathione S-transferase F10-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123098903  glutathione S-transferase F11-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123098904  glutathione S-transferase F10-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123099461  microsomal glutathione S-transferase 3-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123116306  glutathione transferase GST 23-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123116382  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTF1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123116918  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123117115  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123117151  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTF1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123135039  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 isoform X1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123151973  probable glutathione S-transferase BZ2 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123152359  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123152392  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123191137  glutathione S-transferase U25-like isoform X1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123049405  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123049416  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123049427  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123049437  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123049448  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123049460  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123065572  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123065702  glutathione S-transferase 1-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123065990  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123084194  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
543369  protein IN2-1 isoform X1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123100500  glutathione S-transferase F8, chloroplastic-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123101612  glutathione S-transferase 1-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123119187  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123119188  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123119209  glutathione S-transferase 4-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123136460  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 isoform X1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123136463  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123136465  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123136466  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123136473  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123152522  probable glutathione S-transferase [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123152656  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123153182  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123153654  protein IN2-1 homolog B-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123153836  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTF1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123154307  protein IN2-1 homolog B-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123154315  probable glutathione S-transferase isoform X1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123050547  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123050742  glutathione S-transferase 3-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123050743  glutathione S-transferase U20-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123050745  probable glutathione S-transferase [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123050746  glutathione S-transferase U19-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123066245  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123066248  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123066343  glutathione S-transferase 3-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123066381  glutathione transferase GST 23-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123066604  probable glutathione S-transferase [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123066616  glutathione S-transferase U8-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123066617  probable glutathione S-transferase [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123066618  glutathione S-transferase U8-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123066619  probable glutathione S-transferase [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123066621  probable glutathione S-transferase [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123066627  glutathione transferase GST 23-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123066628  glutathione transferase GST 23-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123067457  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123067566  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123085509  protein IN2-1 homolog B-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123085511  protein IN2-1 homolog B-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123085512  protein IN2-1 homolog B-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123102055  glutathione S-transferase 4-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123120407  glutathione transferase GST 23-like isoform X1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123155707  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123172760  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123176148  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123176176  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123051368  glutathione S-transferase F11-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123067932  glutathione transferase GST 23-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123067933  glutathione transferase GST 23-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123102824  glutathione S-transferase 4-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123102893  glutathione S-transferase 4-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123102955  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTF1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123103037  glutathione S-transferase 4-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123103131  glutathione transferase GST 23-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123103181  glutathione S-transferase 4-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123156823  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123177008  protein IN2-1 homolog B-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123177190  protein IN2-1 homolog B-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123177276  probable glutathione S-transferase [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123179833  glutathione S-transferase 1-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123052522  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123069127  glutathione S-transferase 1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123069128  glutathione S-transferase 1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123087123  microsomal glutathione S-transferase 3-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123087125  microsomal glutathione S-transferase 3-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123087126  microsomal glutathione S-transferase 3-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
101290599  glutathione transferase GST 23 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123157412  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTF1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123157431  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
543002  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTF1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
542999  glutathione S-transferase 4 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123180474  glutathione S-transferase 4-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123087725  glutathione S-transferase 4-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123088221  glutathione S-transferase 4-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123088224  glutathione S-transferase 4-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123088233  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTF1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123088249  glutathione S-transferase 4-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123088395  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123088398  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
100037538  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123140723  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTF1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123158601  glutathione S-transferase 1-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123158624  glutathione S-transferase 1-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123159182  glutathione S-transferase 4-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123181392  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123181393  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123181394  glutathione S-transferase U17-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123181395  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
101290600  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123181396  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123181397  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123181399  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123181402  glutathione S-transferase U17-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123181403  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
542993  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
543001  glutathione S-transferase 1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123089268  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123089437  glutathione S-transferase F10-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123089438  glutathione S-transferase F8, chloroplastic-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
542991  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123123804  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123123822  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123159948  glutathione S-transferase T1-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123182017  glutathione transferase GST 23-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123054859  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTF1 isoform X1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123054874  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123072060  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123072192  glutathione S-transferase 3-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123090838  microsomal glutathione S-transferase 3-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123090839  microsomal glutathione S-transferase 3-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123090840  microsomal glutathione S-transferase 3-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123090954  glutathione S-transferase 2 isoform X1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123090955  glutathione S-transferase 1-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123091330  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123091339  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123091347  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123091355  glutathione S-transferase U17-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123105844  glutathione S-transferase F11-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123105845  glutathione S-transferase F10-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123106378  glutathione S-transferase U18-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123106388  glutathione S-transferase 4-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123123831  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123123837  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123123838  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123123846  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123124021  glutathione S-transferase T1-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123124732  glutathione S-transferase U18-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123125001  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTF1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123161114  probable glutathione S-transferase BZ2 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123041772  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTF1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123055381  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTF1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123055635  glutathione transferase GST 23-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123072460  probable glutathione S-transferase [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123072462  probable glutathione S-transferase [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123072482  probable glutathione S-transferase [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123072490  glutathione transferase GST 23-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123072658  probable glutathione S-transferase [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123072659  probable glutathione S-transferase [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123073694  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123073695  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123091737  glutathione S-transferase F11-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123106989  glutathione S-transferase U18-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123107773  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123107979  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTF1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123125500  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123125619  glutathione S-transferase 1-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123125634  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123125680  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123125718  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTF1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123125737  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123125947  glutathione S-transferase U17-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123143964  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123143965  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123162224  glutathione S-transferase 1-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123162322  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123162490  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123163739  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123184377  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTF1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123042321  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123042648  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123042649  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123042868  glutathione S-transferase 3-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123042869  glutathione S-transferase 3-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123042870  glutathione S-transferase 3-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123058064  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123074672  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123075032  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123075288  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123075290  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123075291  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123075292  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123075294  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123075393  glutathione S-transferase 3-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123075442  glutathione transferase GST 23-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123075623  probable glutathione S-transferase [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123075627  glutathione S-transferase U8-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123075633  glutathione S-transferase U8-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123075634  probable glutathione S-transferase [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123075635  probable glutathione S-transferase [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123075638  probable glutathione S-transferase [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123075642  glutathione transferase GST 23-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123075644  glutathione transferase GST 23-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123075648  glutathione transferase GST 23-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123075678  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123075686  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123092521  protein IN2-1 homolog B-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123092522  protein IN2-1 homolog B-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123108321  glutathione S-transferase F10-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123108322  glutathione S-transferase F8, chloroplastic-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123110166  uncharacterized protein LOC123110166 isoform X1 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
100037646  glutathione S-transferase 4 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123110169  glutathione S-transferase 4-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123164190  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
542994  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123185209  glutathione S-transferase 1-like [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123185485  probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 [KO:K00799] [EC:]
123076802  probable glutathione S-transferase DHAR1, cytosolic [KO:K21888] [EC:]
123076809  probable glutathione S-transferase DHAR1, cytosolic [KO:K21888] [EC:]
123076818  probable glutathione S-transferase DHAR1, cytosolic [KO:K21888] [EC:]
123164852  probable glutathione S-transferase DHAR2, chloroplastic [KO:K21888] [EC:]
543069  probable glutathione S-transferase DHAR1, cytosolic [KO:K21888] [EC:]
123149683  probable glutathione S-transferase DHAR2, chloroplastic [KO:K21888] [EC:]
123156637  probable glutathione S-transferase DHAR2, chloroplastic [KO:K21888] [EC:]
123180069  probable glutathione S-transferase DHAR1, cytosolic [KO:K21888] [EC:]
123105935  probable glutathione S-transferase DHAR1, cytosolic [KO:K21888] [EC:]
123093248  glutathione reductase, chloroplastic-like [KO:K00383] [EC:]
123128938  glutathione reductase, cytosolic-like [KO:K00383] [EC:]
123146096  glutathione reductase, cytosolic [KO:K00383] [EC:]
123098515  glutathione reductase, chloroplastic-like [KO:K00383] [EC:]
123084835  glutathione reductase, chloroplastic-like [KO:K00383] [EC:]
123139646  glutathione reductase, cytosolic-like [KO:K00383] [EC:]
123078014  isocitrate dehydrogenase [NADP]-like [KO:K00031] [EC:]
123060892  isocitrate dehydrogenase [NADP]-like isoform X1 [KO:K00031] [EC:]
123078694  cytosolic isocitrate dehydrogenase [NADP]-like [KO:K00031] [EC:]
123045993  isocitrate dehydrogenase [NADP]-like [KO:K00031] [EC:]
123061628  cytosolic isocitrate dehydrogenase [NADP] [KO:K00031] [EC:]
123189737  isocitrate dehydrogenase [NADP]-like [KO:K00031] [EC:]
123069513  isocitrate dehydrogenase [NADP]-like [KO:K00031] [EC:]
123070247  cytosolic isocitrate dehydrogenase [NADP]-like [KO:K00031] [EC:]
123053862  isocitrate dehydrogenase [NADP]-like [KO:K00031] [EC:]
123080729  6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, decarboxylating 1-like [KO:K00033] [EC:]
123170226  6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, decarboxylating 1-like [KO:K00033] [EC:]
123064785  6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, decarboxylating 2, chloroplastic [KO:K00033] [EC:]
123151599  6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, decarboxylating 1 [KO:K00033] [EC:]
123084428  6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, decarboxylating 1-like [KO:K00033] [EC:]
123088402  6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, decarboxylating 1 [KO:K00033] [EC:]
123182795  6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, decarboxylating 2, chloroplastic-like [KO:K00033] [EC:]
123072619  6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, decarboxylating 1-like [KO:K00033] [EC:]
123043402  glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase 2, chloroplastic-like isoform X1 [KO:K00036] [EC:]
123187235  glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase 2, chloroplastic-like isoform X1 [KO:K00036] [EC:]
123045808  glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase, cytoplasmic isoform-like [KO:K00036] [EC:]
542778  glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase, cytoplasmic isoform [KO:K00036] [EC:]
123097637  inactive glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase 4, chloroplastic-like [KO:K00036] [EC:]
123132469  glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase, chloroplastic-like [KO:K00036] [EC:]
123136536  glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase, chloroplastic-like [KO:K00036] [EC:]
123172285  glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase, cytoplasmic isoform-like [KO:K00036] [EC:]
123051272  glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase 2, chloroplastic-like [KO:K00036] [EC:]
123085711  inactive glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase 4, chloroplastic-like isoform X1 [KO:K00036] [EC:]
123137379  glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase, cytoplasmic isoform-like [KO:K00036] [EC:]
123053692  glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase, cytoplasmic isoform-like [KO:K00036] [EC:]
123092298  inactive glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase 4, chloroplastic-like [KO:K00036] [EC:]
123144047  glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase, chloroplastic-like [KO:K00036] [EC:]
123127609  glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase, cytoplasmic isoform-like [KO:K00036] [EC:]
123144722  glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase, cytoplasmic isoform-like [KO:K00036] [EC:]
123167327  phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase 1, chloroplastic-like [KO:K00432] [EC:]
123046367  probable phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase [KO:K00432] [EC:]
123097394  probable glutathione peroxidase 4 [KO:K00432] [EC:]
542920  probable phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase [KO:K00432] [EC:]
123191121  probable phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase [KO:K00432] [EC:]
123047500  probable phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase [KO:K00432] [EC:]
123151337  phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase 1, chloroplastic-like [KO:K00432] [EC:]
123085882  probable glutathione peroxidase 4 [KO:K00432] [EC:]
542974  probable phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase [KO:K00432] [EC:]
123160997  phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase 1, chloroplastic-like [KO:K00432] [EC:]
123055295  probable phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase [KO:K00432] [EC:]
123091950  probable glutathione peroxidase 4 [KO:K00432] [EC:]
123145015  probable phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase [KO:K00432] [EC:]
100415869  1-Cys peroxiredoxin PER1 [KO:K11188] [EC: 3.1.1.-]
543108  1-Cys peroxiredoxin PER1 [KO:K11188] [EC: 3.1.1.-]
123167963  ornithine decarboxylase-like [KO:K01581] [EC:]
123169530  ornithine decarboxylase-like [KO:K01581] [EC:]
123116570  ornithine decarboxylase-like [KO:K01581] [EC:]
123116572  ornithine decarboxylase-like [KO:K01581] [EC:]
123116723  ornithine decarboxylase-like [KO:K01581] [EC:]
123154015  ornithine decarboxylase-like [KO:K01581] [EC:]
123125177  ornithine decarboxylase-like [KO:K01581] [EC:]
123161711  ornithine decarboxylase-like [KO:K01581] [EC:]
123107430  ornithine decarboxylase-like [KO:K01581] [EC:]
100682469  ornithine decarboxylase [KO:K01581] [EC:]
123125306  ornithine decarboxylase-like [KO:K01581] [EC:]
123165222  spermidine synthase 1-like [KO:K00797] [EC:]
123165347  spermidine synthase 1 [KO:K00797] [EC:]
123111597  spermine synthase-like [KO:K00797] [EC:]
123147926  spermine synthase-like [KO:K00797] [EC:]
123152085  spermidine synthase 1-like [KO:K00797] [EC:]
123152095  spermidine synthase 1-like [KO:K00797] [EC:]
123103399  spermine synthase-like [KO:K00797] [EC:]
123120961  spermine synthase-like [KO:K00797] [EC:]
100682470  spermine synthase [KO:K00797] [EC:]
123157056  spermidine synthase 1-like [KO:K00797] [EC:]
123162541  spermidine synthase 1-like [KO:K00797] [EC:]
123164645  spermine synthase-like [KO:K00797] [EC:]
123043447  probable L-ascorbate peroxidase 3, peroxisomal [KO:K00434] [EC:]
123043501  L-ascorbate peroxidase 2, cytosolic [KO:K00434] [EC:]
123111065  probable L-ascorbate peroxidase 6, chloroplastic/mitochondrial [KO:K00434] [EC:]
123165359  putative L-ascorbate peroxidase 6 [KO:K00434] [EC:]
123187311  L-ascorbate peroxidase 2, cytosolic-like [KO:K00434] [EC:]
542880  probable L-ascorbate peroxidase 8, chloroplastic [KO:K00434] [EC:]
123146328  probable L-ascorbate peroxidase 8, chloroplastic isoform X1 [KO:K00434] [EC:]
123045501  probable L-ascorbate peroxidase 7, chloroplastic [KO:K00434] [EC:]
123130688  probable L-ascorbate peroxidase 7, chloroplastic [KO:K00434] [EC:]
123189249  probable L-ascorbate peroxidase 7, chloroplastic [KO:K00434] [EC:]
123189250  probable L-ascorbate peroxidase 7, chloroplastic [KO:K00434] [EC:]
123097814  L-ascorbate peroxidase 1, cytosolic-like [KO:K00434] [EC:]
123048498  probable L-ascorbate peroxidase 3, peroxisomal [KO:K00434] [EC:]
123151359  putative L-ascorbate peroxidase 6 isoform X1 [KO:K00434] [EC:]
123152520  probable L-ascorbate peroxidase 4, peroxisomal [KO:K00434] [EC:]
123085536  L-ascorbate peroxidase 1, cytosolic-like [KO:K00434] [EC:]
123120058  probable L-ascorbate peroxidase 6, chloroplastic/mitochondrial [KO:K00434] [EC:]
123176406  probable L-ascorbate peroxidase 7, chloroplastic [KO:K00434] [EC:]
123051366  L-ascorbate peroxidase 2, cytosolic-like [KO:K00434] [EC:]
123102836  probable L-ascorbate peroxidase 6, chloroplastic/mitochondrial isoform X1 [KO:K00434] [EC:]
123156422  probable L-ascorbate peroxidase 4, peroxisomal [KO:K00434] [EC:]
123053349  probable L-ascorbate peroxidase 7, chloroplastic [KO:K00434] [EC:]
123140069  probable L-ascorbate peroxidase 8, chloroplastic [KO:K00434] [EC:]
123184518  probable L-ascorbate peroxidase 3, peroxisomal [KO:K00434] [EC:]
123092501  L-ascorbate peroxidase 1, cytosolic [KO:K00434] [EC:]
123164630  probable L-ascorbate peroxidase 4, peroxisomal [KO:K00434] [EC:]
123165206  ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase large subunit-like isoform X1 [KO:K10807] [EC:]
123128868  ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase large subunit-like [KO:K10807] [EC:]
123146011  ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase large subunit-like [KO:K10807] [EC:]
123149004  ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase large subunit [KO:K10807] [EC:]
123153637  uncharacterized protein LOC123153637 [KO:K10807] [EC:]
123156757  ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase large subunit-like [KO:K10807] [EC:]
123139376  ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase large subunit-like [KO:K10807] [EC:]
123165377  ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase small chain-like [KO:K10808] [EC:]
123149867  ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase small chain-like [KO:K10808] [EC:]
123157007  ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase small chain-like [KO:K10808] [EC:]
C00005  NADPH
C00006  NADP+
C00024  Acetyl-CoA
C00025  L-Glutamate
C00037  Glycine
C00051  Glutathione
C00072  Ascorbate
C00077  L-Ornithine
C00097  L-Cysteine
C00127  Glutathione disulfide
C00134  Putrescine
C00151  L-Amino acid
C00315  Spermidine
C00669  gamma-L-Glutamyl-L-cysteine
C00750  Spermine
C01322  RX
C01419  Cys-Gly
C01672  Cadaverine
C01879  5-Oxoproline
C02090  Trypanothione
C02320  R-S-Glutathione
C03170  Trypanothione disulfide
C03646  Bis-gamma-glutamylcystine
C03740  (5-L-Glutamyl)-L-amino acid
C05422  Dehydroascorbate
C05726  S-Substituted L-cysteine
C05727  S-Substituted N-acetyl-L-cysteine
C05729  R-S-Cysteinylglycine
C05730  Glutathionylspermidine
C16562  Glutathionylspermine
C16563  Bis(glutathionyl)spermine
C16564  Bis(glutathionyl)spermine disulfide
C16565  Aminopropylcadaverine
C16566  Glutathionylaminopropylcadaverine
C16567  Homotrypanothione
C16568  Homotrypanothione disulfide
C16663  Tryparedoxin
C16664  Tryparedoxin disulfide
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Characterization of recombinant glutathionylspermidine synthetase/amidase from Crithidia fasciculata.
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Cloning and characterization of the two enzymes responsible for trypanothione biosynthesis in Crithidia fasciculata.
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Bis(glutathionyl)spermine and other novel trypanothione analogues in Trypanosoma cruzi.
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Properties of trypanothione synthetase from Trypanosoma brucei.
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A single enzyme catalyses formation of Trypanothione from glutathione and spermidine in Trypanosoma cruzi.
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Identification and biosynthesis of N1,N9-bis(glutathionyl)aminopropylcadaverine (homotrypanothione) in Trypanosoma cruzi.
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Trypanothione-dependent synthesis of deoxyribonucleotides by Trypanosoma brucei ribonucleotide reductase.
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Functional and physicochemical characterization of the thioredoxin system in Trypanosoma brucei.
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Cloning, expression and reconstitution of the trypanothione-dependent peroxidase system of Crithidia fasciculata.
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Distinct mitochondrial and cytosolic enzymes mediate trypanothione-dependent peroxide metabolism in Trypanosoma cruzi.
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A second class of peroxidases linked to the trypanothione metabolism.
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taes00220  Arginine biosynthesis
taes00250  Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism
taes00270  Cysteine and methionine metabolism
taes00430  Taurine and hypotaurine metabolism
taes00460  Cyanoamino acid metabolism
KO pathway

DBGET integrated database retrieval system