KEGG   PATHWAY: ehx04120
ehx04120                    Pathway                                
Ubiquitin mediated proteolysis - Emiliania huxleyi
Protein ubiquitination plays an important role in eukaryotic cellular processes. It mainly functions as a signal for 26S proteasome dependent protein degradation. The addition of ubiquitin to proteins being degraded is performed by a reaction cascade consisting of three enzymes, named E1 (ubiquitin activating enzyme), E2 (ubiquitin conjugating enzyme), and E3 (ubiquitin ligase). Each E3 has specificity to its substrate, or proteins to be targeted by ubiquitination. Many E3s are discovered in eukaryotes and they are classified into four types: HECT type, U-box type, single RING-finger type, and multi-subunit RING-finger type. Multi-subunit RING-finger E3s are exemplified by cullin-Rbx E3s and APC/C. They consist of a RING-finger-containing subunit (RBX1 or RBX2) that functions to bind E2s, a scaffold-like cullin molecule, adaptor proteins, and a target recognizing subunit that binds substrates.
Genetic Information Processing; Folding, sorting and degradation
Pathway map
ehx04120  Ubiquitin mediated proteolysis

Other DBs
GO: 0016567
Emiliania huxleyi [GN:ehx]
EMIHUDRAFT_58904  hypothetical protein [KO:K02927]
EMIHUDRAFT_62113  hypothetical protein [KO:K02927]
EMIHUDRAFT_72001  hypothetical protein [KO:K02927]
EMIHUDRAFT_50103  hypothetical protein [KO:K02927]
EMIHUDRAFT_72725  hypothetical protein [KO:K02927]
EMIHUDRAFT_49382  hypothetical protein [KO:K02927]
EMIHUDRAFT_49883  hypothetical protein [KO:K02927]
EMIHUDRAFT_316675  hypothetical protein [KO:K02927]
EMIHUDRAFT_48421  hypothetical protein [KO:K02927]
EMIHUDRAFT_63003  hypothetical protein [KO:K02927]
EMIHUDRAFT_354368  hypothetical protein [KO:K02977]
EMIHUDRAFT_434266  hypothetical protein [KO:K02977]
EMIHUDRAFT_373392  hypothetical protein [KO:K02977]
EMIHUDRAFT_232395  hypothetical protein [KO:K02977]
EMIHUDRAFT_468480  UBA1; ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 [KO:K03178] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_425780  hypothetical protein [KO:K03178] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_467973  hypothetical protein [KO:K03178] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_459406  hypothetical protein [KO:K03178] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_439421  hypothetical protein [KO:K10684] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_468225  hypothetical protein [KO:K10684] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_452826  hypothetical protein [KO:K10685] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_428127  hypothetical protein [KO:K10686] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_425916  hypothetical protein [KO:K10686] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_197584  hypothetical protein [KO:K10573] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_122356  hypothetical protein [KO:K10573] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_78158  hypothetical protein [KO:K10573] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_445078  hypothetical protein [KO:K10573] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_440897  hypothetical protein [KO:K06688] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_78302  hypothetical protein [KO:K06688] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_444197  hypothetical protein [KO:K06689] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_458065  hypothetical protein [KO:K06689] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_429395  hypothetical protein [KO:K10577]
EMIHUDRAFT_71223  hypothetical protein [KO:K10577]
EMIHUDRAFT_121756  hypothetical protein [KO:K10577]
EMIHUDRAFT_58290  hypothetical protein [KO:K10577]
EMIHUDRAFT_429989  hypothetical protein [KO:K10577]
EMIHUDRAFT_66742  hypothetical protein [KO:K10577]
EMIHUDRAFT_365968  hypothetical protein [KO:K04554] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_357983  hypothetical protein [KO:K04554] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_429736  hypothetical protein [KO:K04554] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_429671  hypothetical protein [KO:K04649] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_416101  hypothetical protein [KO:K10579] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_417255  hypothetical protein [KO:K10579] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_354118  hypothetical protein [KO:K10582] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_440316  hypothetical protein [KO:K10583] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_370211  hypothetical protein [KO:K10583] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_452424  hypothetical protein [KO:K10688] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_244438  hypothetical protein [KO:K10585] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_470519  hypothetical protein [KO:K10590] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_448328  hypothetical protein [KO:K10590] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_447692  hypothetical protein [KO:K10597] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_225987  hypothetical protein [KO:K10597] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_454472  hypothetical protein [KO:K09561] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_422129  hypothetical protein [KO:K09561] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_557972  hypothetical protein [KO:K10598] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_219888  hypothetical protein [KO:K10599] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_71786  hypothetical protein [KO:K10601] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_248733  hypothetical protein [KO:K10601] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_359119  hypothetical protein [KO:K10606] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_50030  hypothetical protein [KO:K03868] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_49116  hypothetical protein [KO:K03868] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_358602  hypothetical protein [KO:K03868] [EC:]
EMIHUDRAFT_443003  hypothetical protein [KO:K03347]
EMIHUDRAFT_434598  hypothetical protein [KO:K03094]
EMIHUDRAFT_194153  hypothetical protein [KO:K03872]
EMIHUDRAFT_425739  hypothetical protein [KO:K03872]
EMIHUDRAFT_434769  hypothetical protein [KO:K03869]
EMIHUDRAFT_427672  hypothetical protein [KO:K10609]
EMIHUDRAFT_468368  hypothetical protein [KO:K10609]
EMIHUDRAFT_429357  hypothetical protein [KO:K10610]
EMIHUDRAFT_427214  hypothetical protein [KO:K10610]
EMIHUDRAFT_52759  hypothetical protein [KO:K10570]
EMIHUDRAFT_100311  hypothetical protein [KO:K10570]
EMIHUDRAFT_68103  hypothetical protein [KO:K03358]
EMIHUDRAFT_432479  hypothetical protein [KO:K03349]
EMIHUDRAFT_434346  hypothetical protein [KO:K03363]
EMIHUDRAFT_53075  hypothetical protein [KO:K03363]
EMIHUDRAFT_417498  hypothetical protein [KO:K03363]
EMIHUDRAFT_244415  hypothetical protein [KO:K03363]
EMIHUDRAFT_468325  hypothetical protein [KO:K03364]
EMIHUDRAFT_455430  hypothetical protein [KO:K03364]
EMIHUDRAFT_455431  hypothetical protein [KO:K03364]
EMIHUDRAFT_459273  hypothetical protein [KO:K03348]
EMIHUDRAFT_461030  hypothetical protein [KO:K03350]
EMIHUDRAFT_467828  hypothetical protein [KO:K03351]
EMIHUDRAFT_456815  putative cell division cycle protein 23, CDC23 [KO:K03355]
EMIHUDRAFT_46713  hypothetical protein [KO:K03357]
EMIHUDRAFT_228753  hypothetical protein [KO:K12456]
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ehx03050  Proteasome
KO pathway

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