KEGG   PATHWAY: tpf00230
tpf00230                    Pathway                                
Purine metabolism - Tetrapisispora phaffii
Metabolism; Nucleotide metabolism
Pathway map
tpf00230  Purine metabolism

tpf_M00005  PRPP biosynthesis, ribose 5P => PRPP [PATH:tpf00230]
tpf_M00048  De novo purine biosynthesis, PRPP + glutamine => IMP [PATH:tpf00230]
tpf_M00049  Adenine ribonucleotide biosynthesis, IMP => ADP,ATP [PATH:tpf00230]
tpf_M00050  Guanine ribonucleotide biosynthesis, IMP => GDP,GTP [PATH:tpf00230]
tpf_M00053  Deoxyribonucleotide biosynthesis, ADP/GDP/CDP/UDP => dATP/dGTP/dCTP/dUTP [PATH:tpf00230]
Other DBs
GO: 0006163 0042278
Tetrapisispora phaffii [GN:tpf]
TPHA_0M01610  TPHA0M01610; hypothetical protein [KO:K01515] [EC: 3.6.1.-]
TPHA_0I00250  TPHA0I00250; hypothetical protein [KO:K01835] [EC:]
TPHA_0G02900  TPHA0G02900; hypothetical protein [KO:K01835] [EC:]
TPHA_0G02470  TPHA0G02470; hypothetical protein [KO:K01835] [EC:]
TPHA_0G03580  TPHA0G03580; hypothetical protein [KO:K00948] [EC:]
TPHA_0P00650  TPHA0P00650; hypothetical protein [KO:K00948] [EC:]
TPHA_0P00690  TPHA0P00690; hypothetical protein [KO:K00948] [EC:]
TPHA_0B02060  TPHA0B02060; hypothetical protein [KO:K00948] [EC:]
TPHA_0A05550  TPHA0A05550; hypothetical protein [KO:K00764] [EC:]
TPHA_0N01260  TPHA0N01260; hypothetical protein [KO:K11788] [EC:]
TPHA_0J02960  TPHA0J02960; hypothetical protein [KO:K00601] [EC:]
TPHA_0B00970  TPHA0B00970; hypothetical protein [KO:K01952] [EC:]
TPHA_0J02670  TPHA0J02670; hypothetical protein [KO:K11808] [EC:]
TPHA_0H00740  TPHA0H00740; hypothetical protein [KO:K01923] [EC:]
TPHA_0B01040  TPHA0B01040; hypothetical protein [KO:K01756] [EC:]
TPHA_0G02760  TPHA0G02760; hypothetical protein [KO:K00602] [EC:]
TPHA_0G02300  TPHA0G02300; hypothetical protein [KO:K00602] [EC:]
TPHA_0D02560  TPHA0D02560; hypothetical protein [KO:K00759] [EC:]
TPHA_0J02930  TPHA0J02930; hypothetical protein [KO:K18550] [EC: 3.1.3.-]
TPHA_0F02880  TPHA0F02880; hypothetical protein [KO:K03783] [EC:]
TPHA_0J02890  TPHA0J02890; hypothetical protein [KO:K19836] [EC:]
TPHA_0B00580  TPHA0B00580; hypothetical protein [KO:K00088] [EC:]
TPHA_0C02550  TPHA0C02550; hypothetical protein [KO:K00940] [EC:]
TPHA_0L00770  TPHA0L00770; hypothetical protein [KO:K14642] [EC:]
TPHA_0O00210  TPHA0O00210; hypothetical protein [KO:K01519] [EC:]
TPHA_0G01370  TPHA0G01370; hypothetical protein [KO:K01951] [EC:]
TPHA_0O01900  TPHA0O01900; hypothetical protein [KO:K01487] [EC:]
TPHA_0K00320  TPHA0K00320; hypothetical protein [KO:K00942] [EC:]
TPHA_0J00970  TPHA0J00970; hypothetical protein [KO:K10807] [EC:]
TPHA_0K00840  TPHA0K00840; hypothetical protein [KO:K10807] [EC:]
TPHA_0N00550  TPHA0N00550; hypothetical protein [KO:K10808] [EC:]
TPHA_0N00560  TPHA0N00560; hypothetical protein [KO:K10808] [EC:]
TPHA_0E03220  TPHA0E03220; hypothetical protein [KO:K10808] [EC:]
TPHA_0E03210  TPHA0E03210; hypothetical protein [KO:K10808] [EC:]
TPHA_0J02040  TPHA0J02040; hypothetical protein [KO:K07023] [EC:]
TPHA_0B00310  TPHA0B00310; hypothetical protein [KO:K01514] [EC:]
TPHA_0N00680  TPHA0N00680; hypothetical protein [KO:K01768] [EC:]
TPHA_0G03680  TPHA0G03680; hypothetical protein [KO:K01120] [EC:]
TPHA_0H02950  TPHA0H02950; hypothetical protein [KO:K01120] [EC:]
TPHA_0O01870  TPHA0O01870; hypothetical protein [KO:K01939] [EC:]
TPHA_0K00260  TPHA0K00260; hypothetical protein [KO:K01490] [EC:]
TPHA_0I03010  TPHA0I03010; hypothetical protein [KO:K00856] [EC:]
TPHA_0O01510  TPHA0O01510; hypothetical protein [KO:K21053] [EC:]
TPHA_0L01120  TPHA0L01120; hypothetical protein [KO:K00939] [EC:]
TPHA_0F02950  TPHA0F02950; hypothetical protein [KO:K18532] [EC:]
TPHA_0A01930  TPHA0A01930; hypothetical protein [KO:K00944] [EC:]
TPHA_0D01910  TPHA0D01910; hypothetical protein [KO:K01522] [EC:]
TPHA_0E03900  TPHA0E03900; hypothetical protein [KO:K00988] [EC:]
TPHA_0B04890  TPHA0B04890; hypothetical protein [KO:K00988] [EC:]
TPHA_0C04100  TPHA0C04100; hypothetical protein [KO:K00860] [EC:]
TPHA_0A04730  TPHA0A04730; hypothetical protein [KO:K00958] [EC:]
C00002  ATP
C00008  ADP
C00011  CO2
C00014  Ammonia
C00020  AMP
C00035  GDP
C00037  Glycine
C00039  DNA
C00044  GTP
C00046  RNA
C00048  Glyoxylate
C00053  3'-Phosphoadenylyl sulfate
C00054  Adenosine 3',5'-bisphosphate
C00059  Sulfate
C00064  L-Glutamine
C00081  ITP
C00086  Urea
C00104  IDP
C00117  D-Ribose 5-phosphate
C00119  5-Phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate
C00130  IMP
C00131  dATP
C00144  GMP
C00147  Adenine
C00169  Carbamoyl phosphate
C00206  dADP
C00209  Oxalate
C00212  Adenosine
C00224  Adenylyl sulfate
C00242  Guanine
C00262  Hypoxanthine
C00286  dGTP
C00288  HCO3-
C00294  Inosine
C00301  ADP-ribose
C00330  Deoxyguanosine
C00360  dAMP
C00361  dGDP
C00362  dGMP
C00366  Urate
C00385  Xanthine
C00387  Guanosine
C00499  Allantoate
C00559  Deoxyadenosine
C00575  3',5'-Cyclic AMP
C00603  (S)-Ureidoglycolate
C00620  alpha-D-Ribose 1-phosphate
C00655  Xanthosine 5'-phosphate
C00700  XTP
C00802  Oxalureate
C00942  3',5'-Cyclic GMP
C01228  Guanosine 3',5'-bis(diphosphate)
C01260  P1,P4-Bis(5'-adenosyl)tetraphosphate
C01261  P1,P4-Bis(5'-guanosyl) tetraphosphate
C01344  dIDP
C01345  dITP
C01367  3'-AMP
C01444  Oxamate
C01762  Xanthosine
C02091  (S)-Ureidoglycine
C02348  (R)(-)-Allantoin
C02350  (S)-Allantoin
C02353  2',3'-Cyclic AMP
C02718  N-Formiminoglycine
C03090  5-Phosphoribosylamine
C03373  Aminoimidazole ribotide
C03483  Adenosine tetraphosphate
C03614  Inosine 5'-tetraphosphate
C03794  N6-(1,2-Dicarboxyethyl)-AMP
C03838  5'-Phosphoribosylglycinamide
C04051  5-Amino-4-imidazolecarboxyamide
C04376  5'-Phosphoribosyl-N-formylglycinamide
C04392  P1,P4-Bis(5'-xanthosyl) tetraphosphate
C04494  Guanosine 3'-diphosphate 5'-triphosphate
C04640  2-(Formamido)-N1-(5'-phosphoribosyl)acetamidine
C04677  1-(5'-Phosphoribosyl)-5-amino-4-imidazolecarboxamide
C04734  1-(5'-Phosphoribosyl)-5-formamido-4-imidazolecarboxamide
C04751  1-(5-Phospho-D-ribosyl)-5-amino-4-imidazolecarboxylate
C04823  1-(5'-Phosphoribosyl)-5-amino-4-(N-succinocarboxamide)-imidazole
C05239  5-Aminoimidazole
C05512  Deoxyinosine
C05513  Urate-3-ribonucleoside
C05515  5-Ureido-4-imidazole carboxylate
C05516  5-Amino-4-imidazole carboxylate
C05993  Acetyl adenylate
C06193  Guanosine 3'-phosphate
C06194  2',3'-Cyclic GMP
C06195  Imidazolone
C06196  2'-Deoxyinosine 5'-phosphate
C06197  P1,P3-Bis(5'-adenosyl) triphosphate
C06433  5'-Benzoylphosphoadenosine
C06435  5'-Butyrylphosphoinosine
C11821  5-Hydroxyisourate
C12248  5-Hydroxy-2-oxo-4-ureido-2,5-dihydro-1H-imidazole-5-carboxylate
C15667  5-Carboxyamino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole
C22395  N6-Succino-2-amino-2'-deoxyadenylate
C22441  dZMP
C22442  dZDP
C22443  dZTP
C22499  8-Hydroxyadenine
C22500  2,8-Dihydroxyadenine
Cusa E, Obradors N, Baldoma L, Badia J, Aguilar J.
Genetic analysis of a chromosomal region containing genes required for assimilation of allantoin nitrogen and linked glyoxylate metabolism in Escherichia coli.
J Bacteriol 181:7479-84 (1999)
Xi H, Schneider BL, Reitzer L.
Purine catabolism in Escherichia coli and function of xanthine dehydrogenase in purine salvage.
J Bacteriol 182:5332-41 (2000)
tpf00030  Pentose phosphate pathway
tpf00220  Arginine biosynthesis
tpf00250  Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism
tpf00260  Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism
tpf00340  Histidine metabolism
tpf00630  Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism
tpf00730  Thiamine metabolism
tpf00740  Riboflavin metabolism
tpf00790  Folate biosynthesis
KO pathway

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