Search Result

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Entry Name Description Category Pathway Gene
H00222 Afibrinogenemia
Congenital fibrinogen defects caused by mutation of any of fibrinogen genes (FGA, FGB, and FGG) include both quantitative defects (type I deficiencies or afibrinogenemia) and qualitative defects (type ... Hematologic disease FGA [HSA:2243] [KO:K03903]
FGB [HSA:2244] [KO:K03904]
FGG [HSA:2266] [KO:K03905]
H00223 Inherited thrombophilia
Thrombophilia due to thrombin defect (THPH)
Congenital thrombophilias are inherited disorders associated with an increased tendency to venous thromboembolism caused by mutation of genes affecting the anticoagulant pathways of blood coagulation. Hematologic disease (THPH1) F2 [HSA:2147] [KO:K01313]
(THPH2) F5 [HSA:2153] [KO:K03902]
(THPH3/4) PROC [HSA:5624] [KO:K01344]
(THPH5/6) PROS1 [HSA:5627] [KO:K03908]
(THPH7) SERPINC1 [HSA:462] [KO:K03911]
(THPH8) F9 [HSA:2158] [KO:K01321]
(THPH10) SERPIND1 [HSA:3053] [KO:K03912]
(THPH11) HRG [HSA:3273] [KO:K23410]
(THPH12) THBD [HSA:7056] [KO:K03907]
(THPH13) F8 [HSA:2157] [KO:K03899]
FGA [HSA:2243] [KO:K03903]
FGB [HSA:2244] [KO:K03904]
FGG [HSA:2266] [KO:K03905]
H00845 Familial amyloidosis The amyloidoses are a group of diseases in which proteins that are normally soluble deposit extracellularly in tissues as insoluble fibrils. The fibrils have a characteristic beta-pleated sheet configuration ... Nervous system disease (AMYLD1) TTR [HSA:7276] [KO:K20731]
(AMYLD2) FGA [HSA:2243] [KO:K03903]
(AMYLD3) APOA1 [HSA:335] [KO:K08757]
(AMYLD5) LYZ [HSA:4069] [KO:K13915]
(AMYLD6) B2M [HSA:567] [KO:K08055]
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