KEGG   DISEASE: パーキンソン病
Parkinson disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative movement disorder that results primarily from the death of dopaminergic (DA) neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc). Both environmental factors and mutations in familial PD-linked genes such as SNCA, Parkin, DJ-1, PINK1 and LRRK2 are associated with PD pathogenesis. These pathogenic mutations and environmental factors are known to cause disease due to oxidative stress, intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis impairment, mitochondrial dysfunctions and altered protein handling compromising key roles of DA neuronal function and survival. The demise of DA neurons located in the SNc leads to a drop in the dopaminergic input to the striatum, which is hypothesized to impede movement by inducing hypo and hyper activity in striatal spiny projection neurons (SPNs) of the direct (dSPNs) and indirect (iSPNs) pathways in the basal ganglia, respectively.
ICD-11 による疾患分類 [BR:jp08403]
 08 神経系の疾患
   8A00  パーキンソン症候群
    H00057  パーキンソン病
パスウェイに基づく疾患分類 [BR:jp08402]
  nt06028  ドパミンとセロトニンの代謝
   H00057  パーキンソン病
  nt06534  小胞体ストレス応答
   H00057  パーキンソン病
  nt06536  マイトファジー
   H00057  パーキンソン病
  nt06535  エフェロサイトーシス
   H00057  パーキンソン病
指定難病 [jp08407.html]
hsa05012  パーキンソン病
hsa04137  Mitophagy - animal
nt06028 Dopamine and serotonin metabolism
nt06463 Parkinson disease
nt06466 Pathways of neurodegeneration
nt06534 Unfolded protein response
nt06535 Efferocytosis
nt06536 Mitophagy
(PARK1/PARK4) SNCA (duplication, triplication) [HSA:6622] [KO:K04528]
(PARK2) PRKN [HSA:5071] [KO:K04556]
(PARK5) UCHL1 [HSA:7345] [KO:K05611]
(PARK6) PINK1 [HSA:65018] [KO:K05688]
(PARK7) PARK7 [HSA:11315] [KO:K05687]
(PARK8) LRRK2 [HSA:120892] [KO:K08844]
(PARK9) ATP13A2 [HSA:23400] [KO:K13526]
(PARK11) GIGYF2 [HSA:26058] [KO:K18730]
(PARK13) HTRA2 [HSA:27429] [KO:K08669]
(PARK14) PLA2G6 [HSA:8398] [KO:K16343]
(PARK15) FBXO7 [HSA:25793] [KO:K10293]
(PARK17) VPS35 [HSA:55737] [KO:K18468]
(PARK18) EIF4G1 [HSA:1981] [KO:K03260]
(PARK19) DNAJC6 [HSA:9829] [KO:K09526]
(PARK22) CHCHD2 [HSA:51142] [KO:K22758]
(PARK23) VPS13C [HSA:54832] [KO:K19525]
(PARK24) PSAP [HSA:5660] [KO:K12382]
(PARK25) PTPA [HSA:5524] [KO:K17605]
(PARK26) RAB32 [HSA:10981] [KO:K07918]
(IDLDP) NR4A2 [HSA:4929] [KO:K08558]
MAPT [HSA:4137] [KO:K04380]
ゾニサミド [DR:D00538]
レボドパ [DR:D00059]
ドロキシドパ [DR:D01277]
カベルゴリン [DR:D00987]
アポモルヒネ塩酸塩水和物 [DR:D02004]
レボドパ・カルビドパ水和物 [DR:D00253]
レボドパ・ベンセラジド塩酸塩 [DR:D02135]
カルビドパ・レボドパ・エンタカポン [DR:D10293]
ホスレボドパ・ホスカルビドパ水和物 [DR:D12494]
ペルゴリドメシル酸塩 [DR:D00502]
ロピニロール塩酸塩 [DR:D00784]
プラミペキソール塩酸塩水和物 [DR:D00559]
ロチゴチン [DR:D05768]
セレギリン塩酸塩 [DR:D00785]
ラサギリンメシル酸塩 [DR:D02562]
サフィナミドメシル酸塩 [DR:D10191]
エンタカポン [DR:D00781]
オピカポン [DR:D10825]
イストラデフィリン [DR:D04641]
Disease class: synucleinopathy
Affected region: substantia nigra, putamen, caudate nucleus, hypothalamus
Microscopic lesion: Lewy bodies
ICD-11: 8A00.0
ICD-10: G20
MeSH: D010300
OMIM: 168600 168601 605543 600116 605909 606324 607060 606693 607688 610297 612953 260300 614203 614251 615528 616710 616840 619491 620482 620923 619911 260540
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