KEGG   PATHWAY: sma00260
sma00260                    Pathway                                
Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism - Streptomyces avermitilis
Serine is derived from 3-phospho-D-glycerate, an intermediate of glycolysis [MD:M00020], and glycine is derived from serine. Threonine is an essential amino acid, which animals cannot synthesize. In bacteria and plants, threonine is derived from aspartate [MD:M00018].
Metabolism; Amino acid metabolism
Pathway map
sma00260  Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism

sma_M00018  Threonine biosynthesis, aspartate => homoserine => threonine [PATH:sma00260]
sma_M00020  Serine biosynthesis, glycerate-3P => serine [PATH:sma00260]
sma_M00033  Ectoine biosynthesis, aspartate => ectoine [PATH:sma00260]
sma_M00338  Cysteine biosynthesis, homocysteine + serine => cysteine [PATH:sma00260]
sma_M00555  Betaine biosynthesis, choline => betaine [PATH:sma00260]
sma_M00621  Glycine cleavage system [PATH:sma00260]
Other DBs
GO: 0006544 0006563 0070178 0006566
Streptomyces avermitilis [GN:sma]
SAVERM_4559  lysC; putative aspartate kinase [KO:K00928] [EC:]
SAVERM_4560  asd1; putative aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [KO:K00133] [EC:]
SAVERM_5397  asd2; putative aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [KO:K00133] [EC:]
SAVERM_2918  thrA; putative homoserine dehydrogenase [KO:K00003] [EC:]
SAVERM_2916  thrB; putative homoserine kinase [KO:K00872] [EC:]
SAVERM_3191  thrC2; putative threonine synthase [KO:K01733] [EC:]
SAVERM_3934  thrC3; putative threonine synthase [KO:K01733] [EC:]
SAVERM_2917  thrC1; putative threonine synthase [KO:K01733] [EC:]
SAVERM_1488  ltaA; putative L-threonine aldolase [KO:K01620] [EC:]
SAVERM_2775  glyA1; putative serine hydroxymethyltransferase [KO:K00600] [EC:]
SAVERM_3419  glyA3; putative serine hydroxymethyltransferase [KO:K00600] [EC:]
SAVERM_2908  glyA2; putative serine hydroxymethyltransferase [KO:K00600] [EC:]
SAVERM_1918  glxK; putative glycerate kinase [KO:K00865] [EC:]
SAVERM_3979  gpmA1; putative 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate-dependent phosphoglycerate mutase [KO:K01834] [EC:]
SAVERM_2730  serA; putative D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase [KO:K00058] [EC:]
SAVERM_3883  serC; putative phosphoserine aminotransferase [KO:K00831] [EC:]
SAVERM_6470  serB2; putative 3-phosphoserine phosphatase [KO:K01079] [EC:]
SAVERM_1627  kbl; putative 2-amino-3-oxobutyrate:CoA ligase [KO:K00639] [EC:]
SAVERM_1628  tdh; putative threonine 3-dehydrogenase [KO:K00060] [EC:]
SAVERM_2149  putative copper amine oxidase, secreted [KO:K00276] [EC:]
SAVERM_6987  gcvP; putative glycine dehydrogenase [KO:K00281] [EC:]
SAVERM_2773  gcvT; putative glycine cleavage system protein T (aminomethyltransferase) [KO:K00605] [EC:]
SAVERM_6024  lpdA1; putative dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase [KO:K00382] [EC:]
SAVERM_2154  lpdA2; putative dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase [KO:K00382] [EC:]
SAVERM_2774  gcvH; putative glycine cleavage system protein H [KO:K02437]
SAVERM_1672  dao; putative D-amino acid oxidase [KO:K00273] [EC:]
SAVERM_1917  pssA; putative phosphatidylserine synthase [KO:K17103] [EC:]
SAVERM_6946  putative choline oxidase [KO:K17755] [EC:]
SAVERM_6948  gbsA3; putative glycine betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase [KO:K00130] [EC:]
SAVERM_2610  putative aldehyde dehydrogenase [KO:K00130] [EC:]
SAVERM_1622  gbsA1; putative glycine betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase [KO:K00130] [EC:]
SAVERM_789  putative aldehyde dehydrogenase [KO:K00130] [EC:]
SAVERM_3434  gbsA2; putative glycine betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase [KO:K00130] [EC:]
SAVERM_2592  putative aldehyde dehydrogenase [KO:K00130] [EC:]
SAVERM_6951  putative sarcosine dehydrogenase [KO:K00309] [EC:]
SAVERM_6950  soxA; putative sarcosine oxidase [KO:K00301] [EC:]
SAVERM_3510  cysM1; putative cystathionine beta-synthase [KO:K01697] [EC:]
SAVERM_5615  putative cysteine synthase (O-acetylserine sulfhydylase) [KO:K01697] [EC:]
SAVERM_4273  cysA; putative cystathionine/methionine gamma-synthase/lyase [KO:K01758] [EC:]
SAVERM_2776  sdaA; putative L-serine dehydratase [KO:K01752] [EC:]
SAVERM_3302  ilvA; threonine dehydratase [KO:K01754] [EC:]
SAVERM_6178  trpA; putative tryptophan synthase alpha subunit [KO:K01695] [EC:]
SAVERM_6177  trpB; putative tryptophan synthase beta subunit [KO:K01696] [EC:]
SAVERM_2467  putative 2,4-diaminobutyrate 4-transaminase [KO:K00836] [EC:]
SAVERM_6397  ectB; L-2,4-diaminobutyrate aminotransferase [KO:K00836] [EC:]
SAVERM_6398  ectA; L-2,4-diaminobutyrate acetyltransferase [KO:K06718] [EC:]
SAVERM_6396  ectC; ectoine synthase [KO:K06720] [EC:]
SAVERM_6395  ectD; ectoine hydroxylase (Fe(II)/alpha-ketoglutarate dependent hydroxylase) [KO:K10674] [EC:]
SAVERM_5272  sidD; lysine decarboxylase [KO:K13745] [EC:]
C00011  CO2
C00014  Ammonia
C00022  Pyruvate
C00037  Glycine
C00048  Glyoxylate
C00049  L-Aspartate
C00065  L-Serine
C00078  L-Tryptophan
C00097  L-Cysteine
C00101  Tetrahydrofolate
C00109  2-Oxobutanoate
C00114  Choline
C00143  5,10-Methylenetetrahydrofolate
C00168  Hydroxypyruvate
C00188  L-Threonine
C00197  3-Phospho-D-glycerate
C00213  Sarcosine
C00258  D-Glycerate
C00263  L-Homoserine
C00300  Creatine
C00430  5-Aminolevulinate
C00441  L-Aspartate 4-semialdehyde
C00546  Methylglyoxal
C00576  Betaine aldehyde
C00581  Guanidinoacetate
C00631  2-Phospho-D-glycerate
C00719  Betaine
C00740  D-Serine
C00986  1,3-Diaminopropane
C01005  O-Phospho-L-serine
C01026  N,N-Dimethylglycine
C01102  O-Phospho-L-homoserine
C01242  [Protein]-S8-aminomethyldihydrolipoyllysine
C01888  Aminoacetone
C02051  Lipoylprotein
C02291  L-Cystathionine
C02737  Phosphatidylserine
C02972  Dihydrolipoylprotein
C03082  4-Phospho-L-aspartate
C03194  (R)-1-Aminopropan-2-ol
C03232  3-Phosphonooxypyruvate
C03283  L-2,4-Diaminobutanoate
C03508  L-2-Amino-3-oxobutanoic acid
C05519  L-Allothreonine
C06231  Ectoine
C06442  N(gamma)-Acetyldiaminobutyrate
C16432  5-Hydroxyectoine
C19929  N(alpha)-Acetyl-L-2,4-diaminobutyrate
Nishizuka Y, Seyama Y, Ikai A, Ishimura Y, Kawaguchi A (eds).
[Cellular Functions and Metabolic Maps] (In Japanese)
Tokyo Kagaku Dojin (1997)
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Osmotically regulated synthesis of the compatible solute ectoine in Bacillus pasteurii and related Bacillus spp.
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Canovas D, Borges N, Vargas C, Ventosa A, Nieto JJ, Santos H.
Role of Ngamma-acetyldiaminobutyrate as an enzyme stabilizer and an intermediate in the biosynthesis of hydroxyectoine.
Appl Environ Microbiol 65:3774-9 (1999)
Bursy J, Pierik AJ, Pica N, Bremer E.
Osmotically induced synthesis of the compatible solute hydroxyectoine is mediated by an evolutionarily conserved ectoine hydroxylase.
J Biol Chem 282:31147-55 (2007)
Garcia-Estepa R, Argandona M, Reina-Bueno M, Capote N, Iglesias-Guerra F, Nieto JJ, Vargas C.
The ectD gene, which is involved in the synthesis of the compatible solute hydroxyectoine, is essential for thermoprotection of the halophilic bacterium Chromohalobacter salexigens.
J Bacteriol 188:3774-84 (2006)
Arevalo-Rodriguez M, Pan X, Boeke JD, Heitman J
FKBP12 controls aspartate pathway flux in Saccharomyces cerevisiae to prevent toxic intermediate accumulation.
Eukaryot Cell 3:1287-96 (2004)
Rees WD, Hay SM
The biosynthesis of threonine by mammalian cells: expression of a complete bacterial biosynthetic pathway in an animal cell.
Biochem J 309 ( Pt 3):999-1007 (1995)
Jacques SL, Nieman C, Bareich D, Broadhead G, Kinach R, Honek JF, Wright GD
Characterization of yeast homoserine dehydrogenase, an antifungal target: the invariant histidine 309 is important for enzyme integrity.
Biochim Biophys Acta 1544:28-41 (2001)
Chen X, Jhee KH, Kruger WD
Production of the neuromodulator H2S by cystathionine beta-synthase via the condensation of cysteine and homocysteine.
J Biol Chem 279:52082-6 (2004)
sma00010  Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis
sma00020  Citrate cycle (TCA cycle)
sma00230  Purine metabolism
sma00250  Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism
sma00270  Cysteine and methionine metabolism
sma00290  Valine, leucine and isoleucine biosynthesis
sma00300  Lysine biosynthesis
sma00330  Arginine and proline metabolism
sma00460  Cyanoamino acid metabolism
sma00470  D-Amino acid metabolism
sma00564  Glycerophospholipid metabolism
sma00600  Sphingolipid metabolism
sma00620  Pyruvate metabolism
sma00630  Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism
sma00640  Propanoate metabolism
sma00680  Methane metabolism
sma00860  Porphyrin metabolism
sma00920  Sulfur metabolism
KO pathway

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