KEGG   PATHWAY: xco03030
xco03030                    Pathway                                
DNA replication - Xiphophorus couchianus (Monterrey platyfish)
A complex network of interacting proteins and enzymes is required for DNA replication. Generally, DNA replication follows a multistep enzymatic pathway. At the DNA replication fork, a DNA helicase (DnaB or MCM complex) precedes the DNA synthetic machinery and unwinds the duplex parental DNA in cooperation with the SSB or RPA. On the leading strand, replication occurs continuously in a 5 to 3 direction, whereas on the lagging strand, DNA replication occurs discontinuously by synthesis and joining of short Okazaki fragments. In prokaryotes, the leading strand replication apparatus consists of a DNA polymerase (pol III core), a sliding clamp (beta), and a clamp loader (gamma delta complex). The DNA primase (DnaG) is needed to form RNA primers. Normally, during replication of the lagging-strand DNA template, an RNA primer is removed either by an RNase H or by the 5 to 3 exonuclease activity of DNA pol I, and the DNA ligase joins the Okazaki fragments. In eukaryotes, three DNA polymerases (alpha, delta, and epsilon) have been identified. DNA primase forms a permanent complex with DNA polymerase alpha. PCNA and RFC function as a clamp and a clamp loader. FEN 1 and RNase H1 remove the RNA from the Okazaki fragments and DNA ligase I joins the DNA.
Genetic Information Processing; Replication and repair
Pathway map
xco03030  DNA replication

Xiphophorus couchianus (Monterrey platyfish) [GN:xco]
114160943  ssbp1; single-stranded DNA-binding protein, mitochondrial [KO:K03111]
114158974  rnaseh1; ribonuclease H1 [KO:K03469] [EC:]
114153522  replication protein A 70 kDa DNA-binding subunit-like [KO:K07466]
114133454  rpa1; replication protein A 70 kDa DNA-binding subunit isoform X1 [KO:K07466]
114154936  pcna; proliferating cell nuclear antigen [KO:K04802]
114143446  dna2; DNA replication ATP-dependent helicase/nuclease DNA2 isoform X1 [KO:K10742] [EC: 3.1.-.-]
114145946  probable flap endonuclease 1 homolog [KO:K04799] [EC:3.1.-.-]
114136544  fen1; flap endonuclease 1 [KO:K04799] [EC:3.1.-.-]
114145805  lig1; DNA ligase 1 [KO:K10747] [EC:]
114137039  pola1; DNA polymerase alpha catalytic subunit isoform X1 [KO:K02320] [EC:]
114139671  pola2; DNA polymerase alpha subunit B [KO:K02321]
114139013  prim1; DNA primase small subunit isoform X1 [KO:K02684] [EC:]
114137778  prim2; DNA primase large subunit [KO:K02685]
114160466  pold1; DNA polymerase delta catalytic subunit [KO:K02327] [EC:]
114154082  pold2; DNA polymerase delta subunit 2 [KO:K02328]
114147227  pold3; DNA polymerase delta subunit 3 isoform X1 [KO:K03504]
114144947  pold4; DNA polymerase delta subunit 4 [KO:K03505]
114154255  pole; DNA polymerase epsilon catalytic subunit A [KO:K02324] [EC:]
114133866  pole2; DNA polymerase epsilon subunit 2 [KO:K02325] [EC:]
114143694  pole3; DNA polymerase epsilon subunit 3 [KO:K02326] [EC:]
114150365  pole4; DNA polymerase epsilon subunit 4 [KO:K03506] [EC:]
114136109  mcm2; DNA replication licensing factor MCM2 [KO:K02540] [EC:]
114159065  mcm3; DNA replication licensing factor MCM3 [KO:K02541] [EC:]
114146649  mcm4; DNA replication licensing factor MCM4 [KO:K02212] [EC:]
114159703  mcm5; DNA replication licensing factor MCM5 [KO:K02209] [EC:]
114147154  mcm6; DNA replication licensing factor MCM6 [KO:K02542] [EC:]
114138799  mcm7; DNA replication licensing factor MCM7 isoform X1 [KO:K02210] [EC:]
114155489  replication protein A 32 kDa subunit-like [KO:K10739]
114139588  rpa2; replication protein A 32 kDa subunit isoform X1 [KO:K10739]
114155653  rpa3; replication protein A 14 kDa subunit [KO:K10740]
114144787  rfc1; replication factor C subunit 1 [KO:K10754]
114150715  rfc4; replication factor C subunit 4 [KO:K10755]
114140816  rfc2; replication factor C subunit 2 [KO:K10755]
114153693  rfc3; replication factor C subunit 3 [KO:K10756]
114154849  rfc5; replication factor C subunit 5 [KO:K10756]
114144162  rnaseh2a; ribonuclease H2 subunit A [KO:K10743] [EC:]
114148680  rnaseh2b; ribonuclease H2 subunit B isoform X1 [KO:K10744]
114139036  ribonuclease H2 subunit C-like [KO:K10745]
114139037  ribonuclease H2 subunit C-like isoform X1 [KO:K10745]
Stillman B.
Smart machines at the DNA replication fork.
Cell 78:725-8 (1994)
Waga S, Stillman B.
The DNA replication fork in eukaryotic cells.
Annu Rev Biochem 67:721-51 (1998)
KO pathway

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