KEGG   PATHWAY: tca03013
tca03013                    Pathway                                
Nucleocytoplasmic transport - Tribolium castaneum (red flour beetle)
The exchange of molecules between the nucleus and cytoplasm is mediated through nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) embedded in the nuclear envelope. The NPC is composed of highly conserved, distinct structural modules: the inner pore ring, the cytoplasmic and nuclear rings as well as the cytoplasmic filaments and the nuclear basket. Nuclear transport receptors (e.g. importins and exportins) mediate translocation of cargos through the NPC. Cargo proteins harbouring a nuclear export signal (NES) bind to exportins and Ran-GTP to form an export complex in the nucleoplasm. Nuclear export of bulk mRNA is provided by the non-karyopherin transport proteins TAP-p15 in a Ran-GTP-independent manner. Several EJC factors are known to function in mRNA export.
Genetic Information Processing; Translation
Pathway map
tca03013  Nucleocytoplasmic transport

Other DBs
GO: 0050658
Tribolium castaneum (red flour beetle) [GN:tca]
658353  aladin [KO:K14320]
664038  nucleoporin-like protein 2 [KO:K14321]
663768  nucleoporin GLE1 [KO:K18723]
662733  DEAD-box helicase Dbp80 [KO:K18655] [EC:]
664096  Rae1; RAE1 RNA export 1 homolog [KO:K14298]
656762  nuclear pore complex protein Nup98-Nup96 [KO:K14297]
654990  nuclear pore complex protein Nup214 [KO:K14317]
100141871  nuclear pore complex protein Nup88 [KO:K14318]
655426  E3 SUMO-protein ligase RanBP2 [KO:K12172] [EC:2.3.2.-]
659231  ran GTPase-activating protein 1 [KO:K14319]
656284  lwr; lesswright [KO:K10577]
659377  small ubiquitin-related modifier 3 [KO:K12160]
656625  nuclear pore complex protein Nup160 homolog [KO:K14303]
660845  nuclear pore complex protein Nup85 [KO:K14304]
657583  protein SEC13 homolog [KO:K14004]
657989  nuclear pore complex protein Nup107 [KO:K14301]
664452  nuclear pore complex protein Nup133 [KO:K14300]
661803  nucleoporin SEH1 [KO:K14299]
656380  nucleoporin Nup43 [KO:K14305]
100141734  nucleoporin Nup37 [KO:K14302]
661465  protein ELYS [KO:K25129]
661690  nuclear pore glycoprotein p62 [KO:K14306]
659579  probable nucleoporin Nup58 [KO:K14307]
658410  probable nucleoporin Nup54 [KO:K14308]
662841  nuclear pore complex protein Nup205 [KO:K14310]
655828  uncharacterized LOC655828 [KO:K14311]
657709  nuclear pore complex protein Nup155 [KO:K14312]
661634  nuclear pore complex protein Nup93 [KO:K14309]
660711  nucleoporin NUP53 [KO:K14313]
100141863  nucleoporin NDC1 [KO:K14315]
658596  nuclear pore membrane glycoprotein 210 [KO:K14314]
659014  hypothetical protein [KO:K14316]
659239  Krueppel homolog 2 [KO:K20724]
655393  Mtor; nucleoprotein TPR [KO:K09291]
664102  nuclear pore complex protein Nup50 [KO:K14295]
660867  nuclear pore complex protein Nup153 [KO:K14296]
664187  importin subunit alpha-5 [KO:K15043]
103313158  importin subunit alpha-4 [KO:K23583]
656915  importin subunit alpha-7 [KO:K15042]
662047  importin subunit beta-1 [KO:K14293]
654903  TNPO1; transportin-1 [KO:K18752]
658786  transportin-3 [KO:K15436]
100141715  importin-4 [KO:K20221]
655773  importin-5 [KO:K20222]
659445  importin-7 [KO:K20223]
103314871  uncharacterized LOC103314871 [KO:K20224]
659119  importin-13 [KO:K25202]
663967  snurportin-1 [KO:K13151]
662656  exportin-1 [KO:K14290]
656394  exportin-2 [KO:K18423]
655404  exportin-4 [KO:K25203]
663564  exportin-5 [KO:K14289]
103313982  exportin-6 [KO:K25204]
655656  exportin-7 [KO:K18460]
657695  GTP-binding nuclear protein Ran [KO:K07936]
658093  elongation factor 1-alpha [KO:K03231]
655495  Efa1; elongation factor 1-alpha [KO:K03231]
664480  phosphorylated adapter RNA export protein [KO:K14291]
661829  nuclear cap-binding protein subunit 1 [KO:K12882]
663946  nuclear cap-binding protein subunit 2 [KO:K12883]
655503  60S ribosomal export protein NMD3 [KO:K07562]
656135  Tsu; tsunagi [KO:K12876]
656056  mago; mago nashi [KO:K12877]
664590  Btz; barentsz [KO:K14323]
664411  eukaryotic initiation factor 4A-III [KO:K13025] [EC:]
658123  apoptotic chromatin condensation inducer [KO:K12875]
662665  histone deacetylase complex subunit SAP18 [KO:K14324]
663923  RNA-binding protein with serine-rich domain 1 [KO:K14325]
664381  pinin [KO:K13114]
660256  THO complex subunit 4 [KO:K12881]
662109  regulator of nonsense transcripts 1 homolog [KO:K14326] [EC:]
658027  regulator of nonsense transcripts 2 [KO:K14327]
663859  regulator of nonsense transcripts 3A [KO:K14328]
103312682  nuclear RNA export factor 2 [KO:K14284]
103312683  nuclear RNA export factor 1 [KO:K14284]
656618  nuclear RNA export factor 1 [KO:K14284]
657794  NTF2-related export protein [KO:K14285]
662877  ATP-dependent RNA helicase WM6 [KO:K12812] [EC:]
100142567  serine/arginine repetitive matrix protein 1 [KO:K13171]
663159  partner of Y14 and mago [KO:K14294]
658815  THO complex subunit 1 [KO:K12878]
663288  THO complex subunit 2 [KO:K12879]
661609  THO complex subunit 5 homolog [KO:K13174]
662625  THO complex subunit 6 [KO:K13175]
660524  THO complex subunit 7 homolog [KO:K13176]
656215  THO complex subunit 3 [KO:K12880]
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Nuclear export of RNA.
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Sumoylating and desumoylating enzymes at nuclear pores: underpinning their unexpected duties?
Trends Cell Biol 18:174-83 (2008)
Reed R, Cheng H
TREX, SR proteins and export of mRNA.
Curr Opin Cell Biol 17:269-73 (2005)
Tange TO, Shibuya T, Jurica MS, Moore MJ
Biochemical analysis of the EJC reveals two new factors and a stable tetrameric protein core.
RNA 11:1869-83 (2005)
Beck M, Schirmacher P, Singer S
Alterations of the nuclear transport system in hepatocellular carcinoma - New basis for therapeutic strategies.
J Hepatol 67:1051-1061 (2017)
tca03015  mRNA surveillance pathway
KO pathway

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