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Entry Name Name(TN) Disease
D00094 Tretinoin (JAN/USP/INN) Avita (TN)
Renova (TN)
Retin A (TN)
Tretinoin (TN)
Acne vulgaris [DS:H01445]
D00136 Haloperidol (JP18/USP/INN) Haldol (TN) Tourette’s disorder [DS:H00862]
D00164 Retinol palmitate (JP18) Aquasol A (TN)
D00182 Norethindrone (USP)
Norethisterone (JP18)
Camila (TN)
Micronor (TN)
Primolut-N (TN)
D00252 Carbamazepine (JP18/USP/INN) Equetro (TN)
Tegretol (TN)
Trigeminal neuralgia [DS:H01638]
D00273 Cidofovir (USAN/INN)
Cidofovir dihydrate
Vistide (TN) Cytomegalovirus retinitis [DS:H00368]
D00287 Cyclophosphamide (USP)
Cyclophosphamide hydrate (JP18)
Cytoxan (TN)
Neosar (TN)
Hodgkin's disease [DS:H00007]
Burkitt lymphoma [DS:H00008]
Multiple myeloma [DS:H00010]
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia [DS:H00005]
Acute myelogenous leukemia [DS:H00003]
Acute lymphoblastic (stem-cell) leukemia [DS:H00001 H00002]
Mycosis fungoides [DS:H01463]
Neuroblastoma [DS:H00043]
Adenocarcinoma of the ovary [DS:H00027]
Retinoblastoma [DS:H01513]
Carcinoma of the breast [DS:H00031]
Nephrotic syndrome [DS:H01657]
D00316 Etretinate (JAN/USAN/INN) Tegison (TN)
D00333 Ganciclovir (JAN/USP/INN) Cytovene (TN)
Vitrasert (TN)
Zirgan (TN)
CMV retinitis, Prevention of CMV disease [DS:H00368]
Acute herpetic keratitis [DS:H00365]
D00348 Isotretinoin (JAN/USP) Absorica (TN)
Accutane (TN)
Sotret (TN)
D00413 Zidovudine (JP18/USP/INN)
(abbr) AZT, ZDV
Retrovir (TN) HIV-1 infection [DS:H01563]
D00560 Pimozide (JP18/USP/INN) Orap (TN) Tourette’s disorder [DS:H00862]
D00579 Foscarnet sodium (USP/INN) Foscavir (TN) CMV retinitis [DS:H00368]
HSV infections [DS:H00365]
D00583 Thiotepa (JAN/USP/INN) Thioplex (TN)
Tepadina (TN)
Rethio (TN)
Beta-Thalassemia [DS:H00228]
Graft rejection [DS:H00083]
Adenocarcinoma of the breast or ovary [DS:H00031 H00027]
Papillary carcinoma of the urinary bladder [DS:H00022]
D00645 Bretylium tosylate (USP)
Bretylium tosilate (INN)
Bretylol (TN)
D00650 Bendroflumethiazide (JAN/USP/INN) Naturetin (TN)
D00688 Terbutaline sulfate (JP18/USP) Brethine (TN) Asthma [DS:H00079]
Emphysema [DS:H01714]
D00953 Norethindrone acetate (USP)
Norethisterone acetate (JAN)
Aygestin (TN)
D00954 Norgestrel (JP18/USP/INN) Ovrette (TN)
D01228 Distigmine bromide (JP18/INN) Ubretid (TN)
D01516 Tretinoin tocoferil (JAN)
D01539 Laureth 4 (USAN)
Laureth 9 (USAN)
Brij 30 (TN)
D01621 Retinol acetate (JP18)
D01634 Piretanide (JAN/USAN/INN) Arelix (TN)
D01756 Trolnitrate phosphate (JAN) Nitretamin (TN)
D01825 Fluocinolone acetonide (JP18/USP/INN) Fluocet (TN)
Retisert (TN)
Synalar (TN)
D01871 Methixene hydrochloride (USAN)
Metixene hydrochloride (JAN)
Methixene hydrochloride hydrete
Trest (TN)
D01942 Chlorobutanol (JP18/NF/INN) Chloretone (TN)
D01978 Trimetoquinol hydrochloride
Inolin (TN)
D02021 Secretin (JAN/USAN/INN) Chirhostim (TN)
Secrepan (TN)
D02042 Olprinone hydrochloride hydrate (JAN) Coretec (TN)
D02134 Azithromycin hydrate (JP18)
Azithromycin dihydrate
Zithromac (TN)
Zmax (TN)
Azimycin (TN)
Urethritis due to Chlamydia trachomatis [DS:H00347]
Disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) disease [DS:H01458]
D02284 Technetium Tc 99m exametazime (USP) Ceretec (TN)
D02754 Acitretin (USP/INN) Soriatane (TN) Psoriasis [DS:H01656]
D02815 Alitretinoin (USAN) Panretin (TN) AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma [DS:H00041]
D02841 Altretamine (USP/INN) Hexalen (TN) Ovarian cancer [DS:H00027]
D02934 Anakinra (USAN/INN) Kineret (TN) Active rheumatoid arthritis [DS:H00630]
Cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes [DS:H00282]
Deficiency of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist [DS:H01275]
D03106 Bexarotene (JAN/USAN/INN) Targretin (TN) Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma [DS:H01463]
D03155 Bretazenil (USAN/INN)
D03256 Valganciclovir hydrochloride (JAN/USP) Valcyte (TN) Cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis [DS:H00368]
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