KEGG   PATHWAY: bta05218
bta05218                    Pathway                                
Melanoma - Bos taurus (cow)
Melanoma is a form of skin cancer that has a poor prognosis and which is on the rise in Western populations. Melanoma arises from the malignant transformation of pigment-producing cells, melanocytes. The only known environmental risk factor is exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light and in people with fair skin the risk is greatly increased. Melanoma pathogenesis is also driven by genetic factors. Oncogenic NRAS mutations activate both effector pathways Raf-MEK-ERK and PI3K-Akt. The Raf-MEK-ERK pathway may also be activated via mutations in the BRAF gene. The PI3K-Akt pathway may be activated through loss or mutation of the inhibitory tumor suppressor gene PTEN. These mutations arise early during melanoma pathogenesis and are preserved throughout tumor progression. Melanoma development has been shown to be strongly associated with inactivation of the p16INK4a/cyclin dependent kinases 4 and 6/retinoblastoma protein (p16INK4a/CDK4,6/pRb) and p14ARF/human double minute 2/p53 (p14ARF/HMD2/p53) tumor suppressor pathways. MITF and TP53 are implicated in further melanoma progression.
Human Diseases; Cancer: specific types
Pathway map
bta05218  Melanoma

Bos taurus (cow) [GN:bta]
281160  FGF1; fibroblast growth factor 1 [KO:K18496]
281161  FGF2; fibroblast growth factor 2 precursor [KO:K18497]
326284  FGF8; fibroblast growth factor 8 precursor [KO:K04358]
326285  FGF10; fibroblast growth factor 10 precursor [KO:K04358]
539083  FGF20; fibroblast growth factor 20 [KO:K04358]
540317  FGF6; fibroblast growth factor 6 [KO:K04358]
616885  FGF7; fibroblast growth factor 7 precursor [KO:K04358]
540758  FGF16; fibroblast growth factor 16 [KO:K04358]
618474  FGF4; fibroblast growth factor 4 precursor [KO:K04358]
533929  FGF18; fibroblast growth factor 18 precursor [KO:K04358]
519657  FGF22; fibroblast growth factor 22 precursor [KO:K04358]
618481  FGF3; fibroblast growth factor 3 [KO:K04358]
100300257  FGF17; fibroblast growth factor 17 isoform X1 [KO:K04358]
536771  FGF5; fibroblast growth factor 5 precursor [KO:K04358]
613731  FGF9; fibroblast growth factor 9 [KO:K04358]
521475  FGF19; fibroblast growth factor 19 [KO:K22603]
785576  FGF21; fibroblast growth factor 21 [KO:K22429]
530239  FGF23; fibroblast growth factor 23 [KO:K22428]
282879  HGF; hepatocyte growth factor precursor [KO:K05460]
281239  IGF1; insulin-like growth factor I preproprotein [KO:K05459]
505908  PDGFA; platelet-derived growth factor subunit A precursor [KO:K04359]
540106  PDGFB; platelet-derived growth factor subunit B precursor [KO:K17386]
613787  PDGFC; platelet-derived growth factor C isoform X1 [KO:K05450]
525931  PDGFD; platelet-derived growth factor D [KO:K05450]
530315  EGF; LOW QUALITY PROTEIN: pro-epidermal growth factor [KO:K04357]
281768  FGFR1; fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 precursor [KO:K04362] [EC:]
280855  MET; hepatocyte growth factor receptor precursor [KO:K05099] [EC:]
281848  IGF1R; insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor precursor [KO:K05087] [EC:]
282301  PDGFRA; platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha precursor [KO:K04363] [EC:]
527165  PDGFRB; platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta precursor [KO:K05089] [EC:]
407217  EGFR; epidermal growth factor receptor [KO:K04361] [EC:]
100298939  HRAS; GTPase HRas isoform 1 [KO:K02833]
100847184  GTPase HRas-like [KO:K02833]
541140  KRAS; GTPase KRas [KO:K07827]
506322  NRAS; GTPase NRas [KO:K07828]
540421  ARAF; serine/threonine-protein kinase A-Raf [KO:K08845] [EC:]
536051  BRAF; serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf isoform X9 [KO:K04365] [EC:]
521196  RAF1; RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase [KO:K04366] [EC:]
533199  MAP2K1; dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 [KO:K04368] [EC:]
101905399  LOW QUALITY PROTEIN: dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1-like [KO:K04368] [EC:]
510434  MAP2K2; dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2 [KO:K04369] [EC:]
327672  MAPK1; mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 [KO:K04371] [EC:]
531391  MAPK3; mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 [KO:K04371] [EC:]
524530  CCND1; G1/S-specific cyclin-D1 [KO:K04503]
510618  CDK4; cyclin-dependent kinase 4 [KO:K02089] [EC:]
282306  PIK3CA; phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha isoform [KO:K00922] [EC:]
517948  PIK3CB; phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit beta isoform [KO:K00922] [EC:]
504531  PIK3CD; phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit delta isoform [KO:K00922] [EC:]
282308  PIK3R2; phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase regulatory subunit beta [KO:K02649]
286865  PIK3R3; phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase regulatory subunit gamma [KO:K02649]
282307  PIK3R1; phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase regulatory subunit alpha [KO:K02649]
534923  AKT2; RAC-beta serine/threonine-protein kinase [KO:K04456] [EC:]
280991  AKT1; RAC-alpha serine/threonine-protein kinase [KO:K04456] [EC:]
100137872  AKT3; RAC-gamma serine/threonine-protein kinase [KO:K04456] [EC:]
615013  BAD; bcl2-associated agonist of cell death [KO:K02158]
540786  PTEN; phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate 3-phosphatase and dual-specificity protein phosphatase PTEN [KO:K01110] [EC:]
616369  CDKN2A; cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A isoform X2 [KO:K06621]
540378  MDM2; E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase Mdm2 [KO:K06643] [EC:]
281542  TP53; cellular tumor antigen p53 [KO:K04451]
513497  CDKN1A; cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1 [KO:K06625]
511754  CDK6; cyclin-dependent kinase 6 [KO:K02091] [EC:]
534712  RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein [KO:K06618]
535369  E2F1; transcription factor E2F1 [KO:K17454]
617024  E2F2; transcription factor E2F2 isoform X2 [KO:K09389]
541184  E2F3; transcription factor E2F3 [KO:K06620]
282637  CDH1; cadherin-1 precursor [KO:K05689]
504939  GADD45G; growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible protein GADD45 gamma [KO:K04402]
618405  GADD45B; growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible protein GADD45 beta [KO:K04402]
505463  GADD45A; growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible protein GADD45 alpha [KO:K04402]
280730  BAX; apoptosis regulator BAX [KO:K02159]
514090  BAK1; bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer [KO:K14021]
519357  DDB2; DNA damage-binding protein 2 [KO:K10140]
541218  POLK; DNA polymerase kappa [KO:K03511] [EC:]
407219  MITF; microphthalmia-associated transcription factor isoform M- [KO:K09455]
C05981  Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate
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Cytokine 12:547-54 (2000)
bta04010  MAPK signaling pathway
bta04110  Cell cycle
bta04115  p53 signaling pathway
bta04151  PI3K-Akt signaling pathway
bta04520  Adherens junction
bta04916  Melanogenesis
KO pathway

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