KEGG Orthology (KO) [BR:ko00001]
09140 Cellular Processes
09143 Cell growth and death
04110 Cell cycle
K06618 RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein
04218 Cellular senescence
K06618 RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein
09160 Human Diseases
09161 Cancer: overview
05200 Pathways in cancer
K06618 RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein
05207 Chemical carcinogenesis - receptor activation
K06618 RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein
05203 Viral carcinogenesis
K06618 RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein
09162 Cancer: specific types
05212 Pancreatic cancer
K06618 RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein
05225 Hepatocellular carcinoma
K06618 RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein
05226 Gastric cancer
K06618 RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein
05214 Glioma
K06618 RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein
05220 Chronic myeloid leukemia
K06618 RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein
05218 Melanoma
K06618 RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein
05219 Bladder cancer
K06618 RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein
05215 Prostate cancer
K06618 RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein
05224 Breast cancer
K06618 RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein
05222 Small cell lung cancer
K06618 RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein
05223 Non-small cell lung cancer
K06618 RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein
09172 Infectious disease: viral
05166 Human T-cell leukemia virus 1 infection
K06618 RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein
05161 Hepatitis B
K06618 RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein
05160 Hepatitis C
K06618 RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein
05163 Human cytomegalovirus infection
K06618 RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein
05167 Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection
K06618 RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein
05169 Epstein-Barr virus infection
K06618 RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein
05165 Human papillomavirus infection
K06618 RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein
09167 Endocrine and metabolic disease
04934 Cushing syndrome
K06618 RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein
09176 Drug resistance: antineoplastic
01522 Endocrine resistance
K06618 RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein
09180 Brite Hierarchies
09181 Protein families: metabolism
01009 Protein phosphatases and associated proteins
K06618 RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein
09182 Protein families: genetic information processing
03000 Transcription factors
K06618 RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein
Protein phosphatases and associated proteins [BR:ko01009]
Protein serine/threonine phosphatases
Phosphoprotein phosphatases (PPPs)
Protein phosphatase-1
PP1-interacting proteins (PIPs)
K06618 RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein
Transcription factors [BR:ko03000]
Eukaryotic type
Other transcription factors
Pocket domain Rb
K06618 RB1; retinoblastoma-associated protein