KEGG   PATHWAY: oas04927
oas04927                    Pathway                                
Cortisol synthesis and secretion - Ovis aries (sheep)
Cortisol is the main endogenous glucocorticoid, which affects a plethora of physiological functions, e.g., lipid and glucose metabolism, metabolic homeostasis and adaptation to stress. Cortisol production is primarily regulated by corticotropin (ACTH) in zona fasciculata. The stimulatory effect of ACTH on cortisol synthesis depends on cAMP dependent signaling, but also involves membrane depolarization and increased cytosolic Ca2+. Each of cAMP and Ca2+ induces the expression of StAR, stimulating intramitochondrial cholesterol transfer, as well as the steroidogenic enzymes in the pathway from cholesterol to cortisol (e.g., CHE, CYP17A1, CYP11B1).
Organismal Systems; Endocrine system
Pathway map
oas04927  Cortisol synthesis and secretion

Other DBs
GO: 0043400
Ovis aries (sheep) [GN:oas]
443212  POMC; pro-opiomelanocortin precursor [KO:K05228]
443482  MC2R; adrenocorticotropic hormone receptor [KO:K04200]
105609272  MRAP; melanocortin-2 receptor accessory protein isoform X2 [KO:K22398]
101115640  GNAS; guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(s) subunit alpha isoforms short isoform X5 [KO:K04632]
101102411  neuroendocrine secretory protein 55 [KO:K04632]
101117327  ADCY1; adenylate cyclase type 1 isoform X1 [KO:K08041] [EC:]
101102089  ADCY2; adenylate cyclase type 2 [KO:K08042] [EC:]
101108203  ADCY3; adenylate cyclase type 3 isoform X1 [KO:K08043] [EC:]
101119139  ADCY4; adenylate cyclase type 4 isoform X1 [KO:K08044] [EC:]
105602258  ADCY5; adenylate cyclase type 5 [KO:K08045] [EC:]
101105735  ADCY6; adenylate cyclase type 6 isoform X2 [KO:K08046] [EC:]
101112667  ADCY7; adenylate cyclase type 7 isoform X7 [KO:K08047] [EC:]
101121944  ADCY8; adenylate cyclase type 8 isoform X1 [KO:K08048] [EC:]
101122401  ADCY9; adenylate cyclase type 9 [KO:K08049] [EC:]
101105363  PDE8A; high affinity cAMP-specific and IBMX-insensitive 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 8A isoform X3 [KO:K18437] [EC:]
101107286  PDE8B; LOW QUALITY PROTEIN: high affinity cAMP-specific and IBMX-insensitive 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 8B [KO:K18437] [EC:]
443094  PRKACA; cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha [KO:K04345] [EC:]
101108785  PRKACB; cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit beta isoform X1 [KO:K04345] [EC:]
101113131  NR0B1; nuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 1 [KO:K08562]
443464  NR5A1; steroidogenic factor 1 [KO:K08560]
101113222  NR4A1; nuclear receptor subfamily 4immunitygroup A member 1 isoform X1 [KO:K04465]
101104139  SP1; transcription factor Sp1 isoform X1 [KO:K04684]
101108880  PBX1; pre-B-cell leukemia transcription factor 1 isoform X1 [KO:K09355]
443118  CREB1; cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 1 isoform X1 [KO:K05870]
101108548  ATF2; cyclic AMP-dependent transcription factor ATF-2 isoform X1 [KO:K04450]
100216465  ATF4; cyclic AMP-dependent transcription factor ATF-4 [KO:K04374]
101107485  CREB3L4; cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 3-like protein 4 isoform X2 [KO:K09048]
101114243  CREB3; cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 3 [KO:K09048]
101108743  CREB3L2; cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 3-like protein 2 [KO:K09048]
101113586  CREB3L3; cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 3-like protein 3 isoform X1 [KO:K09048]
101113882  CREB3L1; cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 3-like protein 1 [KO:K09048]
101112976  CREB5; cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 5 isoform X2 [KO:K09047]
101113631  ATF6B; cyclic AMP-dependent transcription factor ATF-6 beta isoform X2 [KO:K09049]
767576  CYP11B1; cytochrome P450 11B1, mitochondrial precursor [KO:K00497] [EC:]
101102377  cytochrome P450 11B1, mitochondrial isoform X4 [KO:K00497] [EC:]
105601846  CYP17; steroid 17-alpha-hydroxylase/17,20 lyase [KO:K00512] [EC:]
493968  CYP17A1; steroid 17-alpha-hydroxylase/17,20 lyase precursor [KO:K00512] [EC:]
443122  STAR; steroidogenic acute regulatory protein, mitochondrial precursor [KO:K16931]
101113553  NCEH1; neutral cholesterol ester hydrolase 1 isoform X1 [KO:K14349] [EC:3.1.1.-]
101119440  AGT; angiotensinogen [KO:K09821]
443107  AGTR1; type-1 angiotensin II receptor [KO:K04166]
101112295  GNAQ; guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(q) subunit alpha [KO:K04634]
101119215  GNA11; guanine nucleotide-binding protein subunit alpha-11 [KO:K04635]
101103585  PLCB1; 1-phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase beta-1 isoform X1 [KO:K05858] [EC:]
101113074  PLCB2; 1-phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase beta-2 isoform X1 [KO:K05858] [EC:]
101116105  PLCB3; 1-phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase beta-3 [KO:K05858] [EC:]
101106864  PLCB4; 1-phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase beta-4 isoform X9 [KO:K05858] [EC:]
101108864  ITPR1; inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1 isoform X4 [KO:K04958]
101113317  ITPR2; inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 2 isoform X2 [KO:K04959]
114109674  ITPR3; inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 3 isoform X2 [KO:K04960]
101111729  KCNK2; potassium channel subfamily K member 2 isoform X1 [KO:K04913]
101117004  CACNA1G; voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1G isoform X2 [KO:K04854]
101119120  CACNA1H; voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1H isoform X1 [KO:K04855]
101123461  CACNA1I; voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1I [KO:K04856]
101116562  CACNA1C; voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1C isoform X6 [KO:K04850]
101106371  CACNA1D; voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1D isoform X9 [KO:K04851]
101104552  CACNA1F; voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1F isoform X1 [KO:K04853]
101108767  CACNA1S; voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1S isoform X1 [KO:K04857]
101102013  calcium release-activated calcium channel protein 1 [KO:K16056]
101118217  KCNA4; potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 4 [KO:K04877]
100141302  KCNK3; potassium channel subfamily K member 3 [KO:K04914]
443535  LDLR; low-density lipoprotein receptor isoform X2 [KO:K12473]
101115654  SCARB1; scavenger receptor class B member 1 isoform X5 [KO:K13885]
100048994  CYP11A1; cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme, mitochondrial precursor [KO:K00498] [EC:]
100190978  HSD3B1; 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Delta 5-->4-isomerase type 1 [KO:K00070] [EC:]
105612707  steroid 21-hydroxylase isoform X1 [KO:K00513] [EC:]
114108679  steroid 21-hydroxylase isoform X1 [KO:K00513] [EC:]
C00020  AMP
C00076  Calcium cation
C00187  Cholesterol
C00238  Potassium cation
C00410  Progesterone
C00575  3',5'-Cyclic AMP
C00735  Cortisol
C01176  17alpha-Hydroxyprogesterone
C01245  D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate
C01953  Pregnenolone
C05138  17alpha-Hydroxypregnenolone
C05488  11-Deoxycortisol
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oas00140  Steroid hormone biosynthesis
oas04020  Calcium signaling pathway
oas04024  cAMP signaling pathway
oas04960  Aldosterone-regulated sodium reabsorption
KO pathway

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