Search Result

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Entry Name Description Category Pathway Gene
H00107 Other well-defined immunodeficiency syndromes ... X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP) as well as in a distinct gene, SLAM-associated protein (SAP/DSP1/SH2D1A) have been identified in patients with XLP. Recently, it has been shown that a homozygous ... Primary immunodeficiency WAS [HSA:7454] [KO:K05747]
TBX1 [HSA:6899] [KO:K10175]
STAT3 [HSA:6774] [KO:K04692]
TYK2 [HSA:7297] [KO:K11219]
SH2D1A [HSA:4068] [KO:K07990]
XIAP [HSA:331] [KO:K04725]
ITK [HSA:3702] [KO:K07363]
AIRE [HSA:326] [KO:K10603]
FOXP3 [HSA:50943] [KO:K10163]
RMRP [HSA:6023] [KO:K14576]
H00108 Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndromes Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndromes (ALPS) are autosomal dominant disorders with clinical features of various autoimmune manifestations that predominantly involve polyclonal accumulation of lymphocytes ... Primary immunodeficiency (ALPS1A) FAS [HSA:355] [KO:K04390]
(ALPS1B) FASLG [HSA:356] [KO:K04389]
(ALPS2A) CASP10 [HSA:843] [KO:K04400]
(ALPS2B) CASP8 [HSA:841] [KO:K04398]
(ALPS3) PRKCD [HSA:5580] [KO:K06068]
(ALPS4) NRAS [HSA:4893] [KO:K07828]
(ALPS5) CTLA4 [HSA:1493] [KO:K06538]
H00342 Tuberculosis Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by strains of mycobacteria, mainly Mycobacterium tuberculosis, resulting in an estimated two million deaths each year worldwide, more than from any other single ... Bacterial infectious disease hsa05152 Tuberculosis IFNG (protection) [HSA:3458] [KO:K04687]
IFNGR1 (susceptibility/protection) [HSA:3459] [KO:K05132]
IFNGR2 [HSA:3460] [KO:K05133]
HLA-DRB1 (susceptibility) [HSA:3123] [KO:K06752]
HLA-DQB1 (susceptibility) [HSA:3119] [KO:K06752]
SLC11A1 (susceptibility) [HSA:6556] [KO:K12347]
VDR (susceptibility) [HSA:7421] [KO:K08539]
MBL2 (protection) [HSA:4153] [KO:K03991]
CCL2 (susceptibility) [HSA:6347] [KO:K14624]
CD209 (susceptibility) [HSA:30835] [KO:K06563]
CISH (susceptibility) [HSA:1154] [KO:K04701]
IRGM (protection) [HSA:345611] [KO:K14139]
SP110 (susceptibility) [HSA:3431] [KO:K24503]
TIRAP (protection) [HSA:114609] [KO:K05403]
TLR2 (susceptibility) [HSA:7097] [KO:K10159]
H00734 Autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis Autosomal recessive congenital ichthyoses comprise a heterogeneous group of skin disorders of hyperkeratosis. Two non-syndromic forms are defined including lamellar ichthyosis (LI) and non-bullous congenital ... Congenital malformation (ARCI1/ LI1) TGM1 [HSA:7051] [KO:K05619]
(ARCI2/ NBCIE) ALOX12B [HSA:242] [KO:K08021]
(ARCI3/ LI5) ALOXE3 [HSA:59344] [KO:K18684]
(ARCI4/ LI2) ABCA12 [HSA:26154] [KO:K05646]
(ARCI5/ LI3) CYP4F22 [HSA:126410] [KO:K17731]
(ARCI6) NIPAL4 [HSA:348938] [KO:K22733]
(ARCI8/ LI4) LIPN [HSA:643418] [KO:K24210]
(ARCI9) CERS3 [HSA:204219] [KO:K24622]
(ARCI10) PNPLA1 [HSA:285848] [KO:K16813]
(ARCI11) ST14 [HSA:6768] [KO:K08670]
(ARCI12) CASP14 [HSA:23581] [KO:K04401]
(ARCI13) SDR9C7 [HSA:121214] [KO:K24425]
(ARCI14) SULT2B1 [HSA:6820] [KO:K01015]
H00840 Pseudo-TORCH syndrome Band-like calcification with simplified gyration and polymicrogyria (BLC-PMG) is a rare neurological disorder characterized by intracranial calcification and polymicrogyria. This combination is usually ... Congenital malformation (PTORCH1) OCLN [HSA:100506658] [KO:K06088]
(PTORCH2) USP18 [HSA:11274] [KO:K11846]
(PTORCH3) STAT2 [HSA:6773] [KO:K11221]
H01202 Cataract Cataracts can be defined as any opacity of the crystalline lens, often associated with breakdown of the lens microarchitecture, possibly including vacuole formation and disarray of lens cells, which can ... Nervous system disease (CTRCT1) GJA8 [HSA:2703] [KO:K07617]
(CTRCT2) CRYGC [HSA:1420] [KO:K23483]
(CTRCT3) CRYBB2 [HSA:1415] [KO:K23482]
(CTRCT4) CRYGD [HSA:1421] [KO:K23483]
(CTRCT5) HSF4 [HSA:3299] [KO:K09417]
(CTRCT6) EPHA2 [HSA:1969] [KO:K05103]
(CTRCT9) CRYAA [HSA:1409] [KO:K09541]
(CTRCT10) CRYBA1 [HSA:1411] [KO:K23482]
(CTRCT11) PITX3 [HSA:5309] [KO:K09357]
(CTRCT12) BFSP2 [HSA:8419] [KO:K10379]
(CTRCT13) GCNT2 [HSA:2651] [KO:K00742]
(CTRCT14) GJA3 [HSA:2700] [KO:K07612]
(CTRCT15) MIP [HSA:4284] [KO:K09863]
(CTRCT16) CRYAB [HSA:1410] [KO:K09542]
(CTRCT17) CRYBB1 [HSA:1414] [KO:K23482]
(CTRCT18) FYCO1 [HSA:79443] [KO:K21954]
(CTRCT19) LIM2 [HSA:3982] [KO:K24190]
(CTRCT20) CRYGS [HSA:1427] [KO:K23483]
(CTRCT21) MAF [HSA:4094] [KO:K09035]
(CTRCT22) CRYBB3 [HSA:1417] [KO:K23482]
(CTRCT23) CRYBA4 [HSA:1413] [KO:K23482]
(CTRCT30) VIM [HSA:7431] [KO:K07606]
(CTRCT31) CHMP4B [HSA:128866] [KO:K12194]
(CTRCT33) BFSP1 [HSA:631] [KO:K10378]
(CTRCT34) FOXE3 [HSA:2301] [KO:K09398]
(CTRCT36) TDRD7 [HSA:23424] [KO:K18405]
(CTRCT38) AGK [HSA:55750] [KO:K09881]
(CTRCT39) CRYGB [HSA:1419] [KO:K23483]
(CTRCT40) NHS [HSA:4810] [KO:K24144]
(CTRCT41) WFS1 [HSA:7466] [KO:K14020]
(CTRCT42) CRYBA2 [HSA:1412] [KO:K23482]
(CTRCT43) UNC45B [HSA:146862] [KO:K21991]
(CTRCT44) LSS [HSA:4047] [KO:K01852]
(CTRCT45) SIPA1L3 [HSA:23094] [KO:K17703]
(CTRCT46) LEMD2 [HSA:221496] [KO:K24080]
(CTRCT47) SLC16A12 [HSA:387700] [KO:K11810]
(CTRCT48) DNMBP [HSA:23268] [KO:K20705]
(CTRCT49) PANK4 [HSA:55229] [KO:K24265]
(CTRCT50) TRPM3 [HSA:80036] [KO:K04978]
H01264 Hepatic venoocclusive disease with immunodeficiency ... autosomal recessive primary immunodeficiency associated with hepatic vascular occlusion and fibrosis. Mutations in the gene coding PML nuclear body protein Sp110 were found to be associated with VODI. Immune system disease SP110 [HSA:3431] [KO:K24503]
H01887 3MC syndrome
Malpuech-Michels-Mingarelli-Carnevale syndrome
3MC syndrome is an autosomal recessive heterogeneous disorder with features linked to developmental abnormalities. Patients with 3MC syndrome may exhibit a spectrum of developmental features, including ... Congenital malformation (3MC1) MASP1 [HSA:5648] [KO:K03992]
(3MC2) COLEC11 [HSA:78989] [KO:K10066]
(3MC3) COLEC10 [HSA:10584] [KO:K10065]
H02175 Hypospadias Hypospadias (HYSP) is defined as a defect in the development of the ventral aspect of the penis along with an ectopic opening of the urethral meatus. It is thought to be due to a combination of genetic ... Congenital malformation (HYSP1) AR [HSA:367] [KO:K08557]
(HYSP2) MAMLD1 [HSA:10046] [KO:K19512]
H02418 Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) is one of the most common hematologic malignancies worldwide. NHL includes malignant tumors of the lymphoid tissues variously resulting from the clonal growth of B cells, T cells ... Cancer RAD54L [HSA:8438] [KO:K10875]
RAD54B [HSA:25788] [KO:K10877]
CASP10 [HSA:843] [KO:K04400]
PRF1 [HSA:5551] [KO:K07818]
H02564 Generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus Generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFSP) is a familial epilepsy syndrome with a spectrum of phenotypes. Mutations in the voltage-gated cation channel subunit genes and the GABA(A) receptor ... Nervous system disease (GEFSP1) SCN1B [HSA:6324] [KO:K04845]
(GEFSP2) SCN1A [HSA:6323] [KO:K04833]
(GEFSP3) GABRG2 [HSA:2566] [KO:K05186]
(GEFSP5) GABRD [HSA:2563] [KO:K05184]
(GEFSP9) STX1B [HSA:112755] [KO:K08486]
(GEFSP10) HCN1 [HSA:348980] [KO:K04954]
(GEFSP11) HCN2 [HSA:610] [KO:K04955]
(GEFSP12) SLC32A1 [HSA:140679] [KO:K15015]
H02759 Suleiman-El-Hattab syndrome ... skeletal, cardiac, and renal systems. It has been reported that homozygous loss-of-function mutations in TASP1 cause this syndrome. TASP1 encodes an activator of the histone methyltransferases KMT2A and KMT2D ... Congenital malformation TASP1 [HSA:55617] [KO:K08657]
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