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Entry Name Description Category Pathway Gene
H01641 Dry eye disease
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca
... However, mixed forms are common. Aqueous insufficiency is divided into two main groups: Sjogren's syndrome-related dry eye and non-Sjogren's syndrome-related dry eye. Dry eye in Sjogren's syndrome (an autoimmune ... Nervous system disease
H01645 Hyperthyroidism
... thyroiditis, post-partum thyroiditis, or subacute painful thyroiditis, the destruction of thyrocytes leads to release of preformed hormones into the circulation. Drug-induced thyrotoxicosis has the same pathogenic ... Endocrine and metabolic disease
H01647 Subacute thyroiditis
Subacute granulomatous thyroiditis
De Quervain thyroiditis
... with antithyroid drugs is not indicated in patients with SAT because this disorder is caused by the release of preformed thyroid hormone rather than synthesis of new T3 and T4. Therapy with beta blockers ... Endocrine and metabolic disease
H01650 Pemphigoid ... family protein BP230. Most of these antibodies belong to the immunoglobulin G class. Diagnosis of BP relies on the clinical and histological aspects, but the most reliable clues are given by direct and ... Immune system disease; Skin disease
H01652 Seborrheic dermatitis ... an important role. They cause an inflammatory reaction that seems to be mediated by free fatty acids, released from sebaceous triglycerides by fungal enzymes such as lipases. The lipid layer of Malassezia ... Immune system disease; Skin disease
H01657 Nephrotic syndrome ... per day), hypoalbuminemia, hyperlipidemia, and edema. Congenital nephrotic syndrome is most frequently related to mutations in genes specific for structural integrity of the glomerular basement membrane and ... Urinary system disease (NPHS1) NPHS1 [HSA:4868] [KO:K24496]
(NPHS2) NPHS2 [HSA:7827] [KO:K18268]
(NPHS3) PLCE1 [HSA:51196] [KO:K05860]
(NPHS4) WT1 [HSA:7490] [KO:K09234]
(NPHS5) LAMB2 [HSA:3913] [KO:K06243]
(NPHS6) PTPRO [HSA:5800] [KO:K18035]
(NPHS7) DGKE [HSA:8526] [KO:K00901]
(NPHS8) ARHGDIA [HSA:396] [KO:K12462]
(NPHS9) COQ8B [HSA:79934] [KO:K08869]
(NPHS10) EMP2 [HSA:2013] [KO:K26256]
(NPHS11) NUP107 [HSA:57122] [KO:K14301]
(NPHS12) NUP93 [HSA:9688] [KO:K14309]
(NPHS13) NUP205 [HSA:23165] [KO:K14310]
(NPHS14) SGPL1 [HSA:8879] [KO:K01634]
(NPHS15) MAGI2 [HSA:9863] [KO:K05629]
(NPHS16) KANK2 [HSA:25959] [KO:K22808]
(NPHS17) NUP85 [HSA:79902] [KO:K14304]
(NPHS18) NUP133 [HSA:55746] [KO:K14300]
(NPHS19) NUP160 [HSA:23279] [KO:K14303]
(NPHS20) TBC1D8B [HSA:54885] [KO:K19951]
(NPHS21/25) AVIL [HSA:10677] [KO:K08017]
(NPHS22) NOS1AP [HSA:9722] [KO:K16513]
(NPHS23) KIRREL1 [HSA:55243] [KO:K25874]
(NPHS24) DAAM2 [HSA:23500] [KO:K04512]
(NPHS26) LAMA5 [HSA:3911] [KO:K06240]
H01660 Pityriasis rosea ... other differentials rather than diagnosing PR as the histopathological examination in a case of PR is relatively nonspecific and resembles a subacute or chronic dermatitis. As PR is a self-limiting disorder ... Skin disease
H01662 Generalized anxiety disorder
Anxiety neurosis
... with those of other mental disorders and we could regard the disorder as part of a spectrum of mood and related disorders rather than an independent disorder. Generalized anxiety disorder has a relapsing course ... Mental and behavioural disorder
H01665 Primary peritoneal carcinoma ... while peritoneal mixed epithelial carcinoma (MEC) and malignant mixed Mullerian tumor (MMMT) are rarely reported. Germline BRCA1 mutations in 26% of PPSPC patients was detected. BRCA1 mutation carriers ... Cancer BRCA1 (mutation) [HSA:672] [KO:K10605]
H01666 Angiosarcoma ... derived from vascular endothelial cells, possibly resulting from aberrant angiogenesis. Studies have shown relatively increased expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its receptors (VEGFr1-3) ... Cancer KRAS (mutation) [HSA:3845] [KO:K07827]
HRAS (mutation) [HSA:3265] [KO:K02833]
NRAS (mutation) [HSA:4893] [KO:K07828]
H01669 Secondary hyperparathyroidism ... calcium and phosphorus homeostasis. After excluding reversible secondary aetiologies, first-line treatment of irreversible SHPT (often related to chronic kidney disease) mainly involves medical therapies. Endocrine and metabolic disease
H01671 Neurosis
Neurotic disorder
... disorders regarded as neurosis remained together but under the division of rubric 'neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders'. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth ... Mental and behavioural disorder
H01672 Juvenile idiopathic arthritis ... JIA, oligoarthritis, RF-negative polyarthritis, RF-positive polyarthritis, psoriatic JIA, enthesitis- related arthritis, and undifferentiated arthritis. Systemic JIA, also known as Still's disease, is a ... Immune system disease IL6 [HSA:3569] [KO:K05405]
MIF [HSA:4282] [KO:K07253]
(JUVAR) LACC1 [HSA:144811] [KO:K05810]
H01675 Syringomyelia ... into three subgroups. (1) Syringomyelia as a result of changed cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow dynamics related to hindbrain disorders, e.g. Chiari malformation, Dandy-Walker syndrome, arachnoiditis or osseous ... Congenital malformation
H01683 Disorders of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secretion ... metabolism can be divided into hyperosmolar disorders, in which there is a deficiency of body water relative to body solute, and hypo-osmolar disorders, in which there is an excess of body water relative ... Endocrine and metabolic disease AVPR2 [HSA:554] [KO:K04228]
H01689 Fisher syndrome
Miller Fisher syndrome
... syndrome (GBS) and its classical clinical triad consists of ophthalmoplegia, ataxia, and areflexia. It is a relatively rare neurological disorder, accounting for approximately 5% of acute inflammatory polyneuropathies ... Immune system disease; Nervous system disease
H01694 Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Toxic epidermal necrolysis
Lyell syndrome
... treatment method for SJS-TEN. Systemic steroids and IVIG are used most frequently in medical treatment and treatment options including cyclosporine, plasmapheresis and hemodialysis are required more rarely. Immune system disease; Skin disease HLA-A [HSA:3105] [KO:K06751]
HLA-B [HSA:3106] [KO:K06751]
H01696 Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis ... indicate that it can follow acute measles infection in 1:10,000 cases. The incidence of SSPE is inversely related to measles vaccination coverage. In the developed world, the prevalence of SSPE has steadily ... Neurodegenerative disease; Viral infectious disease
H01703 Eating Disorders ... nervosa (AN) is the oldest recognized eating disorder. The salient features of this eating disorder are a relentless pursuit of thinness, accompanied by a fear of becoming fat despite being markedly underweight ... Mental and behavioural disorder
H01705 Bilateral sudden sensorineural hearing loss ... 5 % of all sudden SNHL cases. Unlike unilateral disease, bilateral sudden SNHL appears to be mostly related to serious systemic pathology, and is associated with a more severe degree of hearing loss, poorer ... Nervous system disease ACTG1 [HSA:71] [KO:K05692]
CDH23 [HSA:64072] [KO:K06813]
COCH [HSA:1690] [KO:K23574]
KCNQ4 [HSA:9132] [KO:K04929]
TECTA [HSA:7007] [KO:K18273]
TMPRSS3 [HSA:64699] [KO:K09634]
WFS1 [HSA:7466] [KO:K14020]
H01707 Ossified ligamentum flavum
Ossification of the yellow ligament
... phosphate metabolism, on endocrinologic abnormalities, or on the presence of autoimmune disease. Such relationships, however, have not been documented. Treatment of cervical stenosis related to OLF is based ... Musculoskeletal disease
H01708 Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis
Forestier disease
Ankylosing hyperostosis
Ossification of the anterior longitudinal ligament
... genetic factors, environmental factors, drugs, and metabolic conditions have been hypothesized to be relevant. Most of the current theories focus on the pathologic OALL. There's no cure for DISH. Therapy ... Musculoskeletal disease
H01711 Spinal stenosis ... lumbar spinal stenosis, where patients develop low back or leg pain when walking or standing that is relieved by sitting or lumbar flexion. The treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis generally begins with ... Musculoskeletal disease
H01713 Diffuse panbronchiolitis ... obvious abnormalities of the sweat electrolytes are seen in DPB, and the two are considered to be entirely different diseases. Immunogenetic studies revealed a strong association with human HLA-B54 in Japanese ... Respiratory system disease
H01714 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
... the age of 50 years, irrespective of smoking history. The presence of persons with early onset, severely reduced pulmonary function suggests that individuals may vary in their genetic susceptibility to ... Respiratory system disease SERPINA1 [HSA:5265] [KO:K03984]
HMOX1 [HSA:3162] [KO:K00510]
MMP1 [HSA:4312] [KO:K01388]
H01716 Idiopathic interstitial pneumonias ... interstitium by highly variable combinations of inflammation and fibrosis. Patients experience common symptoms related to their chronic lung disease. Dyspnoea, cough, fatigue and depression contribute substantially ... Respiratory system disease
H01718 Kawasaki disease
Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome
... not associated with the production of autoantibodies or the deposition of immune complexes, and it rarely recurs. The disease is believed to result from an aberrant inflammatory response to an infectious ... Immune system disease
H01721 Anti-glomerular basement membrane (GBM) disease
Goodpasture syndrome
... hemorrhage and renal failure, although the clinical spectrum may range from only mild symptoms to a relentless and finally lethal outcome. This disease accounts for 10-20% of the patients with acute renal ... Immune system disease
H01722 Galloway-Mowat syndrome ... first four months of life with an average of three months, and a congenital nephrotic syndrome has rarely been described. This nephrotic syndrome is steroid-resistant and associated with a constant and ... Congenital malformation (GAMOS1) WDR73 [HSA:84942] [KO:K24754]
(GAMOS2) LAGE3 [HSA:8270] [KO:K15902]
(GAMOS3) OSGEP [HSA:55644] [KO:K01409]
(GAMOS4) TP53RK [HSA:112858] [KO:K08851]
(GAMOS5) TPRKB [HSA:51002] [KO:K15901]
(GAMOS6) WDR4 [HSA:10785] [KO:K15443]
(GAMOS7) NUP107 [HSA:57122] [KO:K14301]
(GAMOS8) NUP133 [HSA:55746] [KO:K14300]
(GAMOS9) GON7 [HSA:84520] [KO:K15903]
(GAMOS10) YRDC [HSA:79693] [KO:K07566]
H01724 HTLV1-associated myelopathy
Tropical spastic paraparesis
... lymphocytes and foamy macrophages, whereas later in the disease CD8+ lymphocytes predominate with subsequent progression to a relatively acellular, atrophic pattern with axonal and myelin degeneration. Immune system disease; Nervous system disease
H01727 Primary alveolar hypoventilation syndrome ... occurring during infancy is called congenital central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS). Although the relationship between CCHS and adult onset PAHS is unclear, the familial occurrence of PAHS may suggest ... Respiratory system disease
H01733 Werner syndrome Werner syndrome (WS) is a premature aging disorder with a complex phenotype, which includes many age-related disorders that develop from puberty, including greying and thinning of the hair, bilateral cataract ... Endocrine and metabolic disease WRN [HSA:7486] [KO:K10900]
H01739 Polycystic ovary syndrome ... frequently infertility. Clinical signs of PCOS include elevated luteinizing hormone (LH) and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) levels, whereas follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels are muted or unchanged ... Endocrine and metabolic disease
H01740 Macrothrombocytopenia ... organization, and gene expression. Among these, the most common is MYH9, which is responsible for MYH9-related disease. The second most common are GP1BA, GP1BB, and GP, which are responsible for Bernard-Soulier ... Hematologic disease (MATINS) MYH9 [HSA:4627] [KO:K10352]
(BSS) GP1BA [HSA:2811] [KO:K06261]
(BSS) GP1BB [HSA:2812] [KO:K06262]
(BSS) GP9 [HSA:2815] [KO:K06263]
(BDPLT15) ACTN1 [HSA:87] [KO:K05699]
(BDPLT16) ITGA2B [HSA:3674] [KO:K06476]
(BDPLT19) PRKACG [HSA:5568] [KO:K04345]
(BDPLT24) ITGB3 [HSA:3690] [KO:K06493]
(STSL1) ABCG8 [HSA:64241] [KO:K05684]
(STSL2) ABCG5 [HSA:64240] [KO:K05683]
(MACTHC1) TUBB1 [HSA:81027] [KO:K07375]
(MACTHC2) TUBA8 [HSA:51807] [KO:K07374]
GATA1 [HSA:2623] [KO:K09182]
VWF [HSA:7450] [KO:K03900]
DIAPH1 [HSA:1729] [KO:K05740]
H01758 Relapsing polychondritis Relapsing polychondritis (RP) is a rare multisystemic disease widely accepted as a complex autoimmune disorder affecting proteoglycan-rich structures and cartilaginous tissues, including the ear, nose ... Musculoskeletal disease
H01760 Hepatic glycogen storage disease ... deficiency in liver, skeletal muscle and heart, whereas the remaining patients with GSD IIIb have only liver-related phenotypes. GSD IV usually presents in the first year of life, with hepatomegaly and growth retardation ... Inherited metabolic disorder (GSB Ia) G6PC [HSA:2538] [KO:K01084]
(GSB Ib) SLC37A4 [HSA:2542] [KO:K08171]
(GSB IIIa/b) AGL [HSA:178] [KO:K01196]
(GSB IV) GBE1 [HSA:2632] [KO:K00700]
(GSB VI) PYGL [HSA:5836] [KO:K00688]
(GSB IX) PHKA2 [HSA:5256] [KO:K07190]
(GSB IXb) PHKB [HSA:5257] [KO:K07190]
(GSB IXc) PHKG2 [HSA:5261] [KO:K00871]
(GSB 0a) GYS2 [HSA:2998] [KO:K00693]
H01761 Immunoglobulin G4-related disease
Immunoglobulin G4-positive multi-organ lymphoproliferative syndrome
Immunoglobulin G4-related disease is a distinct clinical entity characterised by hyper-IgG4 gammaglobulinemia and IgG4 positive plasma cell infiltration in the tissue. Other characteristic features of ... Immune system disease
H01767 Henoch-Schonlein purpura nephritis ... spontaneously or lead to chronic lesions. HSPN and IgA nephropathy [DR:H01581] are currently considered related diseases resulting from glomerular deposition of aberrantly glycosylated IgA1. Although both ... Immune system disease; Urinary system disease
H01775 PCDH19-related epilepsy syndrome
Early infantile epileptic encephalopathy 9
Epilepsy with mental retardation limited to females
PCDH19-related epilepsy syndrome is a disorder characterized by the recurrence of seizures during infancy, which is often combined with intellectual disability or autistic features manifested exclusively ... Nervous system disease PCDH19 [HSA:57526] [KO:K16499]
H01795 Blepharophimosis-mental retardation syndrome
Ohdo syndrome
... [DS:H01793]; (4) BMRS, MKB (Maat-Kievit-Brunner) type; (5) BMRS, Verloes type. BMR may also be found in relatively nonspecific developmental anomalies and in unclassified individuals, further widening the ... Congenital malformation (SBBYS type) KAT6B [HSA:23522] [KO:K11306]
(MKB type) MED12 [HSA:9968] [KO:K15162]
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