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Entry Name Description Category Pathway Gene
H00776 Congenital motor nystagmus (CMN)
Idiopathic congenital nystagmus (ICN)
... constant movement. Nystagmus that occurs independent of these known ocular or systemic diseases is referred to as congenital motor nystagmus (CMN) or idiopathic congenital nystagmus (ICN). It can be inherited ... Nervous system disease (NYS1) FRMD7 [HSA:90167] [KO:K23971]
(NYS6) GPR143 [HSA:4935] [KO:K08470]
H00795 Seborrhea-like dermatitis with psoriasiform element ... characterized by common dandruffs and eczematous or psoriasiform plaques. Enhanced keratinocyte proliferation and dermal infiltration of inflammatory cells are observed in the disease. Mutations in ZNF750 ... Immune system disease; Skin disease ZNF750 [HSA:79755] [KO:K24377]
H00799 CEDNIK syndrome
Cerebral dysgenesis, neuropathy, ichthyosis, and palmoplantar keratoderma syndrome
... palmoplantar keratoderma, and ichthyosis. Decreased expression of SNAP29, a member of the SNARE family of proteins, is linked to abnormal lamellar granule maturation and abnormal epidermal differentiation. Congenital malformation SNAP29 [HSA:9342] [KO:K08509]
H00811 Distal arthrogryposis ... primarily involving the hands and feet, which often is associated with abnormal facies. To date, 10 different DA syndromes have been characterized and classified. DA2A and DA2B are also referred to as Freeman-Sheldon ... Congenital malformation (DA1A, DA2B4) TPM2 [HSA:7169] [KO:K10374]
(DA1B) MYBPC1 [HSA:4604] [KO:K12557]
(DA1C) MYL11 [HSA:29895] [KO:K12758]
(DA2A, DA2B3) MYH3 [HSA:4621] [KO:K24220]
(DA2B1) TNNI2 [HSA:7136] [KO:K12043]
(DA2B2) TNNT3 [HSA:7140] [KO:K12046]
(DA3, DA5) PIEZO2 [HSA:63895] [KO:K22128]
(DA5D) ECEL1 [HSA:9427] [KO:K09610]
(DA7) MYH8 [HSA:4626] [KO:K24220]
(DA9) FBN2 [HSA:2201] [KO:K23342]
(DA11) MET [HSA:4233] [KO:K05099]
(DA12) ADAMTS15 [HSA:170689] [KO:K08629]
H00826 Blepharophimosis-ptosis-epicanthus inversus syndrome ... ovarian development. Some of the female patients have premature ovarian failure (POF) and this condition is classified as BPES type I. BPES with normal ovarian function is referred to as BPES type II. Congenital malformation FOXL2 [HSA:668] [KO:K09405]
H00828 Familial cylindromatosis ... autosomal dominant disorder characterized by the development of multiple benign tumors originating from the skin appendages. It is linked to CYLD gene, whose loss of function impairs epidermal differentiation. Neoplasm CYLD [HSA:1540] [KO:K08601]
H00833 Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation ... (PANK2) gene. Other forms are associated with a mutation in phospholipase A2 (PLA2G6), and FTL (neuroferritinopathy). A significant proportion of children with an NBIA phenotype have no genetic diagnosis ... Nervous system disease (NBIA1) PANK2 [HSA:80025] [KO:K09680]
(NBIA2A, NBIA2B) PLA2G6 [HSA:8398] [KO:K16343]
(NBIA3) FTL [HSA:2512] [KO:K13625]
(NBIA4) C19orf12 [HSA:83636] [KO:K23168]
(NBIA5) WDR45 [HSA:11152] [KO:K22991]
(NBIA6) COASY [HSA:80347] [KO:K02318]
(NBIA7) REPS1 [HSA:85021] [KO:K20068]
(NBIA8) CRAT [HSA:1384] [KO:K00624]
(NBIA9) FTH1 [HSA:2495] [KO:K00522]
H00834 Guanidinoacetate methyltransferase deficiency Guanidinoacetate methyltransferase (GAMT) deficiency is an autosomal recessive inborn error of creatine biosynthesis caused by a deficiency of hepatic guanidinoacetate methyltransferase, resulting in a ... Inherited metabolic disorder GAMT [HSA:2593] [KO:K00542]
H00849 Cerebral creatine deficiency syndrome ... metabolism, that includes X-linked creatine deficiency syndrome (CCDS1), guanidinoacetate methyltransferase deficiency (CCDS2), and arginine:glycine amidinotransferase deficiency (CCDS3). Intellectual disability ... Inherited metabolic disorder (CCDS1) SLC6A8 [HSA:6535] [KO:K05041]
(CCDS2) GAMT [HSA:2593] [KO:K00542]
(CCDS3) GATM [HSA:2628] [KO:K00613]
H00854 Wolfram syndrome
DIDMOAD syndrome
... disorder also known as DIDMOAD (diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy, and deafness). Two different categories of WFS (WFS1 and 2) are recognized, each with its own subset of variable symptoms, ... Endocrine and metabolic disease (WFS1) WFS1 [HSA:7466] [KO:K14020]
(WFS2) CISD2 [HSA:493856] [KO:K23882]
H00866 Trichothiodystrophy ... characterized by short stature, intellectual impairment, sulfur-deficient brittle hair, and decreased male fertility but not cutaneous photosensitivity. Mutations in MPLKIP, RNF113A, and GTF2E2 have been reported Skin disease (TTD1) ERCC2 [HSA:2068] [KO:K10844]
(TTD2) ERCC3 [HSA:2071] [KO:K10843]
(TTD3) GTF2H5 [HSA:404672] [KO:K10845]
(TTD4) MPLKIP [HSA:136647] [KO:K24575]
(TTD5) RNF113A [HSA:7737] [KO:K13127]
(TTD6) GTF2E2 [HSA:2961] [KO:K03137]
(TTD7) TARS1 [HSA:6897] [KO:K01868]
(TTD8) AARS1 [HSA:16] [KO:K01872]
(TTD9) MARS1 [HSA:4141] [KO:K01874]
H00869 Leukoencephalopathy with vanishing white matter
Vanishing white matter disease
Leukoencephalopathy with vanishing white matter (VWM), also referred to as childhood ataxia with diffuse central nervous system hypomyelination (CACH), is one of the most prevalent inherited childhood ... Nervous system disease (VWM1) EIF2B1 [HSA:1967] [KO:K03239]
(VWM2) EIF2B2 [HSA:8892] [KO:K03754]
(VWM3) EIF2B3 [HSA:8891] [KO:K03241]
(VWM4) EIF2B4 [HSA:8890] [KO:K03680]
(VWM5) EIF2B5 [HSA:8893] [KO:K03240]
H00876 Mismatch repair deficiency ... with hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) and some forms of sporadic tumors. HNPCC also referred to as Lynch syndrome, is an autosomal-dominant-inherited disorder characterized by predisposition ... Cancer (MMRCS1/HNPCC2) MLH1 [HSA:4292] [KO:K08734]
(MMRCS2/HNPCC1) MSH2 [HSA:4436] [KO:K08735]
(MMRCS3/HNPCC5) MSH6 [HSA:2956] [KO:K08737]
(MMRCS4/HNPCC4) PMS2 [HSA:5395] [KO:K10858]
(HNPCC7) MLH3 [HSA:27030] [KO:K08739]
H00878 Cystic leukoencephalopathy without megalencephaly ... magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) shows bilateral anterior temporal lobe cystic lesions and enlarged inferior horns combined with multifocal white matter alterations. Loss-of-function mutations in the gene ... Inherited metabolic disorder RNASET2 [HSA:8635] [KO:K01166]
H00885 Hypomelanosis of Ito
Pigmentary mosaicism
... the eye, and skeletal system. The hypomelanotic lesions are present at birth or usually appear in the first year of life. Hypomelanosis of Ito includes many different states of chromosomal mosaicism. Skin disease chromosomal mosaicism
H00890 Azoospermia ... caused by failure of spermatogenesis. Y-linked gene USP9Y has been implicated in moderate oligoasthenoteratozoospermia and azoospermia. SYCP3 mutations lead to complete infertility due to meiotic arrest. Reproductive system disease (SPGFY2) USP9Y [HSA:8287] [KO:K11840]
(SPGF4) SYCP3 [HSA:50511] [KO:K19528]
(OAZON) CLDN2 [HSA:9075] [KO:K06087]
H00896 Lymphangioleiomyomatosis Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a rare lung disease, primarily affecting women. Abnormal proliferation of smooth muscle-like cells (LAM cells) within the lung is responsible for cystic destruction of ... Respiratory system disease TSC1 [HSA:7248] [KO:K07206]
TSC2 [HSA:7249] [KO:K07207]
H00897 Pontocerebellar hypoplasia ... is a group of inherited progressive neurodegenerative disorders with prenatal onset. Up to now ten different subtypes have been reported. All subtypes share common characteristics, including hypoplasia/atrophy ... Congenital malformation (PCH1A) VRK1 [HSA:7443] [KO:K08816]
(PCH1B) EXOSC3 [HSA:51010] [KO:K03681]
(PCH1C) EXOSC8 [HSA:11340] [KO:K12586]
(PCH1D) EXOSC9 [HSA:5393] [KO:K03678]
(PCH1E) SLC25A46 [HSA:91137] [KO:K03454]
(PCH1F) EXOSC1 [HSA:51013] [KO:K07573]
(PCH2A/4/5) TSEN54 [HSA:283989] [KO:K15326]
(PCH2B) TSEN2 [HSA:80746] [KO:K15322]
(PCH2C) TSEN34 [HSA:79042] [KO:K15323]
(PCH2D) SEPSECS [HSA:51091] [KO:K03341]
(PCH2E) VPS53 [HSA:55275] [KO:K20299]
(PCH2F) TSEN15 [HSA:116461] [KO:K15324]
(PCH3) PCLO [HSA:27445] [KO:K16882]
(PCH6) RARS2 [HSA:57038] [KO:K01887]
(PCH7) TOE1 [HSA:114034] [KO:K13202]
(PCH8) CHMP1A [HSA:5119] [KO:K12197]
(PCH9) AMPD2 [HSA:271] [KO:K01490]
(PCH10) CLP1 [HSA:10978] [KO:K14399]
(PCH11) TBC1D23 [HSA:55773] [KO:K22555]
(PCH12) COASY [HSA:80347] [KO:K02318]
(PCH13) VPS51 [HSA:738] [KO:K20296]
(PCH14) PPIL1 [HSA:51645] [KO:K12733]
(PCH15) CDC40 [HSA:51362] [KO:K12816]
(PCH16) MINPP1 [HSA:9562] [KO:K03103]
(PCH17) PRDM13 [HSA:59336] [KO:K24645]
H00901 Cystinuria ... Patients with cystinuria often present with nephro- or urolithiasis at almost at any age with a clear preference in childhood due to elevated urinary cystine. Early diagnosis is important, as it allows prevention ... Inherited metabolic disorder SLC3A1 [HSA:6519] [KO:K14210]
SLC7A9 [HSA:11136] [KO:K13868]
H00907 Kleefstra syndrome
Chromosome 9q34.3 deletion syndrome
9q Subtelomeric deletion syndrome
... syndrome is caused by microdeletion of 9q34.3 and 25% by intragenic EHMT1 mutation. Recently, a few patients with loss of function mutations affecting the histone methyltransferase KMT2C were reported. Congenital malformation (KLEFS1) EHMT1 [HSA:79813] [KO:K11420]
(KLEFS2) KMT2C [HSA:58508] [KO:K09188]
H00919 Arterial tortuosity syndrome ... tortuosity syndrome is caused by the upregulation of TGF-beta signaling that stimulates vessel wall cell proliferation, but other mechanism involving disturbed transport of ascorbate, a cofactor for collagen and ... Congenital malformation SLC2A10 [HSA:81031] [KO:K08147]
H00920 Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, dyserythropoietic anemia, and calvarial hyperostosis Patients with this disease suffer from exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, dyserythropoietic anemia, and calvarial hyperostosis. Mutations in COX4I2, an essential component of cytochrome c oxidase complex ... Inherited metabolic disorder, Mitochondrial disease COX4I2 [HSA:84701] [KO:K02263]
H00933 Hereditary pancreatitis
Hereditary chronic pancreatitis
... endocrine and exocrine pancreatic function, maldigestion, bile duct and duodenal obstruction, and rarely pancreatic cancer. The age of onset is early and differs from the cases of non-hereditary pancreatitis. Digestive system disease PRSS1 [HSA:5644] [KO:K01312]
SPINK1 [HSA:6690] [KO:K23417]
CFTR [HSA:1080] [KO:K05031]
PRSS2 [HSA:5645] [KO:K01312]
CTRC [HSA:11330] [KO:K01311]
H00936 Goldberg-Shprintzen megacolon syndrome
Goldberg-Shprintzen syndrome (GOSHS)
... retardation, microcephaly, facial dysmorphisms, and short-segment Hirschsprung disease. The precise function of KBP is largely unclear, but it is required for cell differentiation and neurite development. Congenital malformation KBP [HSA:26128] [KO:K23845]
H00937 Precocious puberty ... 8 years old and in boys younger than 9 and a half years old. Central precocious puberty (CEPREPU) refers to a gonadotropin-dependent type which results from premature activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal ... Endocrine and metabolic disease (CEPREPU) KISS1R [HSA:84634] [KO:K08374]
(FMPP) LHCGR [HSA:3973] [KO:K04248]
H00944 Dowling-Degos disease ... disease is a rare pigmented skin disorder caused by mutations in keratin 5 and protein O-fucosyltransferase 1. Small hyperpigmented macules appear in a clustered or reticulated pattern at flexural sites ... Skin disease (DDD1) KRT5 [HSA:3852] [KO:K07605]
(DDD2) POFUT1 [HSA:23509] [KO:K03691]
(DDD4) POGLUT1 [HSA:56983] [KO:K13667]
H00946 Arts syndrome ... atrophy. Patients with Arts syndrome also have an impaired immune system due to impaired hematopoietic differentiation. The causative gene is PRPS1 on the X chromosome that is essential for de novo purine and ... Congenital malformation PRPS1 [HSA:5631] [KO:K00948]
H00947 Pilomatricoma
Epithelioma calcificans of Malherbe
... The histologic appearance of the tumor is characterized by cells resembling those of the hair follicle matrix and sometimes show differentiation toward the follicular infundibulum and surrounding sheath. Neoplasm CTNNB1 [HSA:1499] [KO:K02105]
H00951 Reis-Bucklers corneal dystrophy
Corneal dystrophy of Bowman type I
Granular corneal dystrophy type III
... bodies best seen with the electron microscope. Thiel-Behnke dystrophies (TBCD) share many similarities as well as some differences with RBCD. Both RBCD and TBCD are linked to mutations in the TGFBI gene. Nervous system disease TGFBI [HSA:7045] [KO:K19519]
H00952 Thiel-Behnke dystrophies
Corneal dystrophy of Bowman layer type II
Honeycomb corneal dystrophy
Anterior limiting membrane dystrophy type II
Curly fibers corneal dystrophy
Waardenburg-Jonker corneal dystrophy
... with RBCD. Electron microscopy reveals curly fibers deposited in Bowman's layer and this finding differentiates it from RBCD. Both TBCD and RBCD are linked to mutations in the TGFBI gene. TBCD is also ... Nervous system disease TGFBI [HSA:7045] [KO:K19519]
H00955 Granular corneal dystrophies ... decreased vision. Opacities in granular dystrophy are composed of eosinophilic hyaline deposits. Differences in the clinical appearance of the discrete corneal opacities permit to divide into types of ... Nervous system disease TGFBI [HSA:7045] [KO:K19519]
H00963 Congenital hereditary endothelial dystrophy ... abnormalities, usually evident at birth or in the early years of life. Two subtypes of CHED based on differences in the mode of inheritance are known, an autosomal dominant (CHED1) and an autosomal recessive ... Nervous system disease SLC4A11 [HSA:83959] [KO:K13862]
H00976 Colorblindness Colorblindness is the inability or decreased ability to perceive color differences. Dichromacy is a condition characterized by reduced dimension of color vision in which one of the three basic color mechanisms ... Nervous system disease (CBP) OPN1LW [HSA:5956] [KO:K04251]
(CBD) OPN1MW [HSA:2652] [KO:K04251]
(CBT) OPN1SW [HSA:611] [KO:K04252]
H00977 Trichorhinophalangeal syndrome ... syndromes (TRPS) is a rare peripheral dysostosis with mainly autosomal dominant inheritance. Three different forms of TRPS are known: type I (TRPS1), type II (TRPS2) and type III (TRPS3). They are characterized ... Congenital malformation (TRPS1_2_3) TRPS1 [HSA:7227] [KO:K22040]
(TRPS2) EXT1 [HSA:2131] [KO:K02366]
H00981 Ataxia with isolated vitamin E deficiency (AVED)
Friedreich-like ataxia
... rare autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disease caused by mutations in the alpha tocopherol transfer protein (TTPA) gene. It causes ataxia and peripheral neuropathy that resembles Friedreich ataxia ... Inherited metabolic disorder TTPA [HSA:7274] [KO:K24455]
H00994 Familial skewed X-chromosome inactivation ... between XX females and XY males. Therefore mammalian females are mosaics for two cell populations with different X chromosomes active. Skewed X inactivation is defined as a pattern where the cells show a preferential ... Chromosomal abnormality
H01002 Generalized arterial calcification of infancy ... genetic disorder, characterized by calcification of the internal elastic lamina, fibrotic myointimal proliferation of muscular arteries, and resultant arterial stenosis. GACI is associated with biallelic inactivating ... Cardiovascular disease (GACI1) ENPP1 [HSA:5167] [KO:K01513]
(GACI2) ABCC6 [HSA:368] [KO:K05669]
H01011 Adrenocorticotropic hormone deficiency
Isolated ACDH deficiency
... TPIT (TBX19) gene were detected in IAD. TPIT is a T-box transcription factor with a specific role in differentiation of the corticotroph lineage. It has been reported that TPIT mutations are responsible for ... Endocrine and metabolic disease TBX19 [HSA:9095] [KO:K10184]
H01013 Adult i phenotype ... into an I structure takes place during the first 18 months after birth as a result of the expression of a specific transferase, I-branching GCNT2. Lack of this enzyme results in the adult i phenotype. Hematologic disease GCNT2 [HSA:2651] [KO:K00742]
H01027 Microphthalmia ... microphthalmia (A/M) can be defined as an absence or reduced size of the globe in the orbit. Anophthalmia refers to complete absence of the globe in the presence of ocular adnexae. Microphthalmia is defined as ... Congenital malformation (MCOP2/MCOPCB3) VSX2 [HSA:338917] [KO:K09336]
(MCOP4/MCOPCB6) GDF6 [HSA:392255] [KO:K20012]
(MCOP5) MFRP [HSA:83552] [KO:K24359]
(MCOP6) PRSS56 [HSA:646960] [KO:K23440]
(MCOP7/MCOPCB6) GDF3 [HSA:9573] [KO:K22672]
(MCOP8) ALDH1A3 [HSA:220] [KO:K07249]
(MCOPCB5) SHH [HSA:6469] [KO:K11988]
(MCOPCB7) ABCB6 [HSA:10058] [KO:K05661]
(MCOPCB8) STRA6 [HSA:64220] [KO:K23088]
(MCOPCB9) TENM3 [HSA:55714] [KO:K24473]
(MCOPCB10) RBP4 [HSA:5950] [KO:K18271]
(MCOPCB11) FZD5 [HSA:7855] [KO:K02375]
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