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Entry Name Description Category Pathway Gene
H00013 Small cell lung cancer ... Mutation or deletion of p53 or PTEN can lead to more rapid proliferation and reduced apoptosis. The retinoblastoma gene RB1 encodes a nuclear phosphoprotein that helps to regulate cell-cycle progression ... Cancer hsa05222 Small cell lung cancer MYC (amplification) [HSA:4609] [KO:K04377]
BCL2 (overexpression) [HSA:596] [KO:K02161]
FHIT [HSA:2272] [KO:K01522]
TP53 [HSA:7157] [KO:K04451]
RB1 [HSA:5925] [KO:K06618]
PTEN [HSA:5728] [KO:K01110]
PPP2R1B [HSA:5519] [KO:K03456]
H00014 Non-small cell lung cancer Lung cancer is a leading cause of cancer death among men and women in industrialized countries. Non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for approximately 85% of lung cancer and represents a heterogeneous ... Cancer hsa05223 Non-small cell lung cancer EML4-ALK (translocation) [HSA:238] [KO:K05119]
CD74-ROS1,SLC34A2-ROS1 (translocation) [HSA:6098] [KO:K05088]
KIF5B-RET (inversion) [HSA:5979] [KO:K05126]
RARB (promoter hypermethylation) [HSA:5915] [KO:K08528]
RASSF1 (promoter hypermethylation) [HSA:11186] [KO:K09850]
KRAS [HSA:3845] [KO:K07827]
EGFR [HSA:1956] [KO:K04361]
FHIT [HSA:2272] [KO:K01522]
CDKN2A [HSA:1029] [KO:K06621]
TP53 [HSA:7157] [KO:K04451]
MET [HSA:4233] [KO:K05099]
BRAF [HSA:673] [KO:K04365]
PIK3CA [HSA:5290] [KO:K00922]
IRF1 [HSA:3659] [KO:K09444]
PPP2R1B [HSA:5519] [KO:K03456]
H00018 Gastric cancer ... intestinal-type GC. The intestinal metaplasia is characterized by mutations in p53 gene, reduced expression of retinoic acid receptor beta (RAR-beta) and hTERT expression. Gastric adenomas furthermore display mutations ... Cancer hsa05226 Gastric cancer CDX2 (overexpression) [HSA:1045] [KO:K22234]
TERT (overexpression) [HSA:7015] [KO:K11126]
RARB (reduced expression) [HSA:5915] [KO:K08528]
CDKN1B (reduced expression) [HSA:1027] [KO:K06624]
TGFBR1 (reduced expression) [HSA:7046] [KO:K04674]
ERBB2 (amplification) [HSA:2064] [KO:K05083]
CCNE1 (amplification) [HSA:898] [KO:K06626]
MET (amplification) [HSA:4233] [KO:K05099]
FGFR2 (amplification) [HSA:2263] [KO:K05093]
MLH1 (methylation) [HSA:4292] [KO:K08734]
TP53 [HSA:7157] [KO:K04451]
APC [HSA:324] [KO:K02085]
CTNNB1 [HSA:1499] [KO:K02105]
KRAS [HSA:3845] [KO:K07827]
NRAS [HSA:4893] [KO:K07828]
CDH1 [HSA:999] [KO:K05689]
MUTYH [HSA:4595] [KO:K03575]
PIK3CA [HSA:5290] [KO:K00922]
H00022 Bladder cancer ... the luminal surface of almost the entire urinary tract, extending from the renal pelvis, through the ureter and bladder, to the proximal urethra. The majority of urothelial carcinoma are bladder carcinomas ... Cancer hsa05219 Bladder cancer H-ras (activating mutation) [HSA:3265] [KO:K02833]
FGFR3 (activating mutation) [HSA:2261] [KO:K05094]
p16/INK4A (homozygous deletion or hypermethylation) [HSA:1029] [KO:K06621]
p53 (inactivating mutation or deletion) [HSA:7157] [KO:K04451]
RB1 (deletion or hyperphosphorylation) [HSA:5925] [KO:K06618]
EGFR (overexpression) [HSA:1956] [KO:K04361]
ERBB2 (overexpression) [HSA:2064] [KO:K05083]
RASSF1 (hypermethylation) [HSA:11186] [KO:K09850]
DAPK1 (hypermethylation) [HSA:1612] [KO:K08803]
H00030 Cervical cancer ... that deregulate key cell cycle controls. The E6 and E7 oncoproteins bind respectively to the p53 and Retinoblastoma (Rb) tumor suppressor proteins, which are involved in the regulation of growth control ... Cancer K-ras (mutation) [HSA:3845] [KO:K07827]
H-ras (mutation) [HSA:3265] [KO:K02833]
EGFR (amplification) [HSA:1956] [KO:K04361]
ERBB2 (amplification) [HSA:2064] [KO:K05083]
p21 (overexpression) [HSA:1026] [KO:K06625]
CDK4 (overexpression) [HSA:1019] [KO:K02089]
Bcl-2 (overexpression) [HSA:596] [KO:K02161]
H00032 Thyroid cancer ... respectively) to the extremely aggressive undifferentiated carcinoma (UC). Somatic rearrangements of RET and TRK are almost exclusively found in PTC and may be found in early stages. The most distinctive ... Cancer hsa05216 Thyroid cancer RET/CCDC6 (rearrangement) [HSA:5979 8030] [KO:K05126 K09288]
RET/NCOA4 (rearrangement) [HSA:5979 8031] [KO:K05126 K09289]
TPM3/NTRK1 (rearrangement) [HSA:4914 7170] [KO:K03176 K09290]
TPR/NTRK1 (rearrangement) [HSA:7175 7170] [KO:K09291 K09290]
TFG/NTRK1 (rearrangement) [HSA:10342 7170] [KO:K09292 K09290]
PAX8/PPARG (rearrangement) [HSA:7849 5468] [KO:K09293 K08530]
KRAS [HSA:3845] [KO:K07827]
HRAS [HSA:3265] [KO:K02833]
NRAS [HSA:4893] [KO:K07828]
BRAF [HSA:673] [KO:K04365]
CTNNB1 [HSA:1499] [KO:K02105]
TP53 [HSA:7157] [KO:K04451]
CDH1 [HSA:999] [KO:K05689]
MINPP1 [HSA:9562] [KO:K03103]
(NMTC1) NKX2-1 [HSA:7080] [KO:K09342]
(NMTC2) SRGAP1 [HSA:57522] [KO:K07526]
(NMTC4) FOXE1 [HSA:2304] [KO:K09398]
(NMTC5) HABP2 [HSA:3026] [KO:K08648]
H00038 Melanoma ... been shown to be strongly associated with inactivation of the p16INK4a/cyclin dependent kinases 4 and 6/retinoblastoma protein (p16INK4a/CDK4,6/pRb) and p14ARF/human double minute 2/p53 (p14ARF/HMD2/p53) tumor ... Cancer hsa05218 Melanoma (CMM2) CDKN2A [HSA:1029] [KO:K06621]
(CMM3) CDK4 [HSA:1019] [KO:K02089]
(CMM5) MC1R [HSA:4157] [KO:K04199]
(CMM6) XRCC3 [HSA:7517] [KO:K10880]
(CMM8) MITF (amplification) [HSA:4286] [KO:K09455]
(CMM9) TERT [HSA:7015] [KO:K11126]
(CMM10) POT1 [HSA:25913] [KO:K11109]
BRAF [HSA:673] [KO:K04365]
STK11 [HSA:6794] [KO:K07298]
NRAS [HSA:4893] [KO:K07828]
PTEN [HSA:5728] [KO:K01110]
TP53 [HSA:7157] [KO:K04451]
H00045 Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor ... occur in MEN1 (Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia-1 Gene), DAXX/ATRX (Death-Domain Associated Protein/Mental Retardation Syndrome X-Linked Genes) and the mTOR pathway (Mammalian Target of Rapamycin). A germline ... Cancer MEN1 [HSA:4221] [KO:K14970]
DAXX [HSA:1616] [KO:K02308]
ATRX [HSA:546] [KO:K10779]
H00049 Myxoid liposarcoma Liposarcoma(LS) represents the most common soft-tissue sarcoma of adults and occurs most often in the thigh and retroperitoneum. LSs are subclassified into well-differentiated, myxoid, round cell, and pleomorphic ... Cancer FUS-DDIT3 (translocation) [HSA:1649] [KO:K04452]
EWSR1-DDIT3 (translocation) [HSA:1649] [KO:K04452]
H00059 Huntington disease ... changes and dementia. HD is caused by a CAG repeat expansion in the IT15 gene, which results in a long stretch of polyglutamine (polyQ) close to the amino-terminus of the HD protein huntingtin (Htt). Mutant ... Neurodegenerative disease hsa05016 Huntington disease (HD) HTT (CAG repeat expansion) [HSA:3064] [KO:K04533]
H00060 Dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA) ... the age of onset. The clinical features of DRPLA include progressive myoclonus, seizure, and mental retardation in patients with an earlier onset (generally < 20 years) and cerebellar ataxia, choreoathetosis ... Neurodegenerative disease ATN1 (CAG repeat expansion) [HSA:1822] [KO:K05626]
H00061 Prion disease
Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (CJD)
Gerstmann-Straussler disease (GSD)
Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker disease (GSSD)
Fatal familial insomnia (FFI)
... endosomal-lysosomal systems, synaptic alterations and dendritic atrophy, corticosteroid response, and endoplasmic reticulum stress. In addition, the conformational transition could lead to the lost of a beneficial activity ... Neurodegenerative disease hsa05020 Prion disease PRNP (mutation) [HSA:5621] [KO:K05634]
H00074 Canavan disease ... (ASPA). In humans, the CD syndrome is marked by early onset, hydrocephalus, macroencephaly, psychomotor retardation, and spongiform myelin sheath vacuolization with progressive leukodystrophy. The disease ... Inherited metabolic disorder ASPA [HSA:443] [KO:K01437]
H00075 Refsum disease
Heredopathia atactica polyneuritiformis
Refsum disease (RD) is an autosomal recessive sensory motor neuropathy characterized by retinitis pigmentosa, peripheral neuropathy, anosmia, deafness, cerebellar ataxia and elevated protein concentrations ... Inherited metabolic disorder, Peroxisomal disease PHYH [HSA:5264] [KO:K00477]
PEX7 [HSA:5191] [KO:K13341]
H00076 Cockayne syndrome ... by progressive multisystem abnormalities such as postnatal growth deficiency, progressive pigmentary retinopathy, sensorineural hearing loss, dental caries and neurological degeneration. CS has thus been ... Neurodegenerative disease (CSA) ERCC8 [HSA:1161] [KO:K10570]
(CSB) ERCC6 [HSA:2074] [KO:K10841]
(XPB/CS) ERCC3 [HSA:2071] [KO:K10843]
(XPF/CS) ERCC4 [HSA:2072] [KO:K10848]
(XPG/CS) ERCC5 [HSA:2073] [KO:K10846]
H00082 Graves disease ... hormone production and the fraction of triiodothyronine (T3) relative to thyroxine (T4) in thyroid secretion. Thyroid autoimmune diseases are regarded as polygenic disorders resulting from the combination ... Immune system disease
H00084 Graft-versus-host disease ... the host tissues induced by the preparative chemotherapy or radiotherapy regimen. Damaged tissues secrete inflammatory cytokines, including interleukin 1 (IL-1), and tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha ). ... Immune system disease hsa05332 Graft-versus-host disease IL10 [HSA:3586] [KO:K05443]
TNF [HSA:7124] [KO:K03156]
IL1A [HSA:3552] [KO:K04383]
IL1RN [HSA:3557] [KO:K05481]
IFNG [HSA:3458] [KO:K04687]
IL6 [HSA:3569] [KO:K05405]
TGFB1 [HSA:7040] [KO:K13375]
TGFB2 [HSA:7042] [KO:K13376]
TGFB3 [HSA:7043] [KO:K13377]
IL13 [HSA:3596] [KO:K05435]
TNFRSF1B [HSA:7133] [KO:K05141]
IL2 [HSA:3558] [KO:K05429]
H00118 Congenital disorders of glycosylation type I ... its transfer to polypeptide chain of protein, affecting N-glycan assembly in cytosol and endoplasmic reticulum. An increasing number of disorders have been discovered, with many subtypes identified. PMM2-CDG ... Inherited metabolic disorder (CDG-Ia) PMM2 [HSA:5373] [KO:K17497]
(CDG-Ib) MPI [HSA:4351] [KO:K01809]
(CDG-Ic) ALG6 [HSA:29929] [KO:K03848]
(CDG-Id) ALG3 [HSA:10195] [KO:K03845]
(CDG-Ie) DPM1 [HSA:8813] [KO:K00721]
(CDG-If) MPDU1 [HSA:9526] [KO:K09660]
(CDG-Ig) ALG12 [HSA:79087] [KO:K03847]
(CDG-Ih) ALG8 [HSA:79053] [KO:K03849]
(CDG-Ii) ALG2 [HSA:85365] [KO:K03843]
(CDG-Ij) DPAGT1, ALG7 [HSA:1798] [KO:K01001]
(CDG-Ik) ALG1 [HSA:56052] [KO:K03842]
(CDG-IL) ALG9 [HSA:79796] [KO:K03846]
(CDG-Im) DOLK [HSA:22845] [KO:K00902]
(CDG-In) RFT1 [HSA:91869] [KO:K06316]
(CDG-Io) DPM3 [HSA:54344] [KO:K09659]
(CDG-Ip) ALG11 [HSA:440138] [KO:K03844]
(CDG-Iq) SRD5A3 [HSA:79644] [KO:K12345]
(CDG-Ir) DDOST [HSA:1650] [KO:K12670]
(CDG-Is) ALG13 [HSA:79868] [KO:K07432]
(CDG-It) PGM1 [HSA:5236] [KO:K01835]
(CDG-Iu) DPM2 [HSA:8818] [KO:K09658]
(CDG-Iw) STT3A [HSA:3703] [KO:K07151]
(CDG-Ix) STT3B [HSA:201595] [KO:K07151]
(CDG-Iy) SSR4 [HSA:6748] [KO:K04571]
(CDG-Iaa) NUS1 [HSA:116150] [KO:K19177]
(CDG-Ibb) DHDDS [HSA:79947] [KO:K11778]
(CDG-Icc) MAGT1 [HSA:84061] [KO:K19478]
H00119 Congenital disorders of glycosylation type II ... encoding enzymes in the processing of N-glycans on the glycosylated proteins either late in the endoplasmic reticulum or the Golgi compartments. Multiple subtypes have been identified although the numbers and ... Inherited metabolic disorder (CDG2A) MGAT2 [HSA:4247] [KO:K00736]
(CDG2B) GCS1 [HSA:7841] [KO:K01228]
(CDG2C) SLC35C1 [HSA:55343] [KO:K15279]
(CDG2D) B4GALT1 [HSA:2683] [KO:K07966]
(CDG2E) COG7 [HSA:91949] [KO:K20294]
(CDG2F) SLC35A1 [HSA:10559] [KO:K15272]
(CDG2G) COG1 [HSA:9382] [KO:K20288]
(CDG2H) COG8 [HSA:84342] [KO:K20295]
(CDG2I) COG5 [HSA:10466] [KO:K20292]
(CDG2J) COG4 [HSA:25839] [KO:K20291]
(CDG2K) TMEM165 [HSA:55858] [KO:K23541]
(CDG2L) COG6 [HSA:57511] [KO:K20293]
(CDG2M) SLC35A2 [HSA:7355] [KO:K15272]
(CDG2N) SLC39A8 [HSA:64116] [KO:K14714]
(CDG2O) CCDC115 [HSA:84317] [KO:K23543]
(CDG2P) TMEM199 [HSA:147007] [KO:K23542]
(CDG2Q) COG2 [HSA:22796] [KO:K20289]
(CDG2R) ATP6AP2 [HSA:10159] [KO:K19514]
(CDG2S) ATP6AP1 [HSA:537] [KO:K03662]
(CDG2T) GALNT2 [HSA:2590] [KO:K00710]
(CDG2V) EDEM3 [HSA:80267] [KO:K10086]
(CDG2W) SLC37A4 [HSA:2542] [KO:K08171]
(CDG2Y) GET4 [HSA:51608] [KO:K23387]
(CDG2Z) CAMLG [HSA:819] [KO:K22385]
(CDG2AA) STX5 [HSA:6811] [KO:K08490]
(CDG2BB) COG3 [HSA:83548] [KO:K20290]
H00128 Mucopolysaccharidosis type I
Hurler-Scheie syndrome
Hurler syndrome
Scheie syndrome
... levels in urine. Hurler syndrome is characterized by coarse faces, hydrocephalus, dysostosis multiplex, cardiac valve disease, airway obstruction, and mental retardation. Scheie syndrome is a milder form. Inherited metabolic disorder, Lysosomal disease (MPS1) IDUA [HSA:3425] [KO:K01217]
H00129 Mucopolysaccharidosis type II
Hunter syndrome
... forms, is a result of different mutations in the IDS gene. This disorder is characterized by mental retardation, coarse faces, short stature, hearing loss, hydrocephalus, hepatosplenomegaly, dysostosis ... Inherited metabolic disorder, Lysosomal disease (MPS2) IDS [HSA:3423] [KO:K01136]
H00130 Mucopolysaccharidosis type III ... the accumulation of heparan sulfate in many organs, as well as elevated metabolite levels in urine. Common signs and symptoms include mental retardation, behavior and aggression problems, and seizures. Inherited metabolic disorder, Lysosomal disease (MPS3A) SGSH [HSA:6448] [KO:K01565]
(MPS3B) NAGLU [HSA:4669] [KO:K01205]
(MPS3C) HGSNAT [HSA:138050] [KO:K10532]
(MPS3D) GNS [HSA:2799] [KO:K01137]
H00132 Mucopolysaccharidosis type VII
Sly syndrome
... accumulation of heparan sulfate, dermatan sulfate, and chondroitin-4,6-sulfate. This disorder is characterized by mental retardation, coarse faces, dysostosis multiplex, hepatosplenomegaly, and hydrops fetalis. Inherited metabolic disorder, Lysosomal disease (MPS7) GUSB [HSA:2990] [KO:K01195]
H00139 alpha-Mannosidosis ... characterized by immune deficiency, facial and skeletal abnormalities, hearing impairment, and mental retardation. The disorder has been described as two distinct phenotypes: a severe form with hepatomegaly ... Inherited metabolic disorder, Lysosomal disease MAN2B1 [HSA:4125] [KO:K12311]
H00140 beta-Mannosidosis ... disorder caused by deficient activity of beta-mannosidase. This disorder is characterized by mental retardation, behavioural problems, hearing loss, recurrent respiratory infections, angiokeratoma, facial ... Inherited metabolic disorder, Lysosomal disease MANBA [HSA:4126] [KO:K01192]
H00144 Mucolipidosis IV ... is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative lysosomal storage disorder characterized by psychomotor retardation and ophthalmologic abnormalities. ML IV is caused by mutations in mucolipin 1 (MCOLN1), a ... Inherited metabolic disorder, Lysosomal disease MCOLN1 [HSA:57192] [KO:K04992]
H00145 Aspartylglucosaminuria ... in various organ systems as well as elevated metabolite levels in urine. The main symptoms of aspartylglucosaminuria are progressive mental retardation, coarse faces, behavioral, and hepatosplenomegaly. Inherited metabolic disorder, Lysosomal disease AGA [HSA:175] [KO:K01444]
H00146 Alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase deficiency ... systems. NAGA deficiency is divided into three types. Type 1 is Schindler disease, characterized by mental retardation, spasticity ,and myoclonus. Type 2, known as Kanzaki disease, is an adult-onset disorder ... Inherited metabolic disorder, Lysosomal disease NAGA [HSA:4668] [KO:K01204]
H00149 Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis ... intracellular accumulation of ceroid lipofuscin in neurons. NCLs share similar symptoms and signs such as retinopathy, epilepsy, and dementia. Historically, the NCLs were classified by age of disease onset as ... Inherited metabolic disorder, Lysosomal disease (CLN1) PPT1 [HSA:5538] [KO:K01074]
(CLN2) TPP1 [HSA:1200] [KO:K01279]
(CLN3) CLN3 [HSA:1201] [KO:K12389]
(CLN4A/6) CLN6 [HSA:54982] [KO:K12359]
(CLN4B) DNAJC5 [HSA:80331] [KO:K09525]
(CLN5) CLN5 [HSA:1203] [KO:K12390]
(CLN7) MSFD8 [HSA:256471] [KO:K12307]
(CLN8) CLN8 [HSA:2055] [KO:K12360]
(CLN10) CTSD [HSA:1509] [KO:K01379]
(CLN11) GRN [HSA:2896] [KO:K23879]
(CLN12) ATP13A2 [HSA:23400] [KO:K13526]
(CLN13) CTSF [HSA:8722] [KO:K01373]
(CLN14) KCTD7 [HSA:154881] [KO:K21917]
H00150 Danon disease
X-linked vacuolar cardiomyopathy and myopathy
... of lysosomal-associated membrane protein Lamp2 and resulting in cardiomyopathy, myopathy, and mental retardation. Originally Danon disease was classificatied as a variant of glycogen storage disease II ... Inherited metabolic disorder, Lysosomal disease LAMP2 [HSA:3920] [KO:K06528]
H00152 Sitosterolemia ... disorder caused by mutation in the ABC transporter gene and characterized by elevated plasma levels of plant sterols due to increased intestinal absorption and reduced biliary secretion of neutral sterols. Inherited metabolic disorder (STSL1) ABCG8 [HSA:64241] [KO:K05684]
(STSL2) ABCG5 [HSA:64240] [KO:K05683]
H00160 Abetalipoproteinemia
Bassen-Kornzweig Disease
Abetalipoproteinemia is an autosomal recessive disorder of lipid metabolism caused by mutation of MTTP gene involved in the transport of lipids and required in the secretion of beta-lipoproteins. Inherited metabolic disorder MTTP [HSA:4547] [KO:K14463]
H00165 Tyrosinemia ... deposition of tyrosine crystals within the cornea. Type III is a rare disorder caused by a deficiency of 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase, that is associated with ataxia and mild mental retardation. Inherited metabolic disorder (TYRSN1) FAH [HSA:2184] [KO:K01555]
(TYRSN2) TAT [HSA:6898] [KO:K00815]
(TYRSN3) HPD [HSA:3242] [KO:K00457]
H00172 Maple syrup urine disease ... in the oxidative decarboxylation of branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) leading to mental and physical retardation, feeding problems, and a maple syrup odor to the urine. Currently, there are effective therapies ... Inherited metabolic disorder (MSUD1A) BCKDHA [HSA:593] [KO:K00166]
(MSUD1B) BCKDHB [HSA:594] [KO:K00167]
(MSUD2) DBT [HSA:1629] [KO:K09699]
(DLDD) DLD [HSA:1738] [KO:K00382]
(MSUDMV) PPM1K [HSA:152926] [KO:K17505]
H00177 Neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy ... course of patients with the NALD and IRD presentation is variable and may include developmental delay, hypotonia, liver dysfunction, sensorineural hearing loss, retinal dystrophy and vision impairment. Inherited metabolic disorder, Peroxisomal disease (PBD1B) PEX1 [HSA:5189] [KO:K13338]
(PBD2B) PEX5 [HSA:5830] [KO:K13342]
(PBD3B) PEX12 [HSA:5193] [KO:K13345]
(PBD4B) PEX6 [HSA:5190] [KO:K13339]
(PBD5B) PEX2 [HSA:5828] [KO:K06664]
(PBD6B) PEX10 [HSA:5192] [KO:K13346]
(PBD7B) PEX26 [HSA:55670] [KO:K13340]
(PBD8B) PEX16 [HSA:9409] [KO:K13335]
(PBD9B) PEX7 [HSA:5191] [KO:K13341]
(PBD10B) PEX3 [HSA:8504] [KO:K13336]
(PBD14B) PEX11B [HSA:8799] [KO:K13352]
H00187 Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency, the most common urea cycle defect, results in failure to thrive, hypotonia, seizures and mental retardation. Inherited metabolic disorder OTC [HSA:5009] [KO:K00611]
H00197 Adenylosuccinate lyase deficiency Adenylosuccinate lyase deficiency is an autosomal-recessive disorder of the purine de novo synthesis pathway. Mental retardation is a major manifestation and most patients have seizures. Inherited metabolic disorder ADSL [HSA:158] [KO:K01756]
H00199 Dihydropyrimidinase deficiency
Dihydropyrimidinase deficiency is characterized by dihydropyrimidinuria and is associated with seizures and mental retardation. Inherited metabolic disorder DPYS [HSA:1807] [KO:K01464]
H00204 Heimler syndrome ... sensorineural hearing loss, amelogenesis imperfecta, nail abnormalities, and occasional or late-onset retinal pigmentation. It has been reported that HS is caused by hypomorphic mutations in the peroxisome ... Inherited metabolic disorder, Peroxisomal disease (HMLR1) PEX1 [HSA:5189] [KO:K13338]
(HMLR2) PEX6 [HSA:5190] [KO:K13339]
H00207 Rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata ... characterized by proximal limb shortening, severely disturbed endochondrial bone formation, and mental retardation. RCDP1 is peroxisome biogenesis disorder caused by mutation of peroxisomal biogenesis factor ... Inherited metabolic disorder, Peroxisomal disease (RCDP1) PEX7 [HSA:5191] [KO:K13341]
(RCDP2) GNPAT [HSA:8443] [KO:K00649]
(RCDP3) AGPS [HSA:8540] [KO:K00803]
(RCDP4) FAR1 [HSA:84188] [KO:K13356]
(RCDP5) PEX5 [HSA:5830] [KO:K13342]
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