K16250                      KO                                     
DNA-directed RNA polymerase IV subunit 1 [EC:]
map03020  RNA polymerase
KEGG Orthology (KO) [BR:ko00001]
 09120 Genetic Information Processing
  09121 Transcription
   03020 RNA polymerase
    K16250  NRPD1; DNA-directed RNA polymerase IV subunit 1
 09180 Brite Hierarchies
  09182 Protein families: genetic information processing
   03021 Transcription machinery
    K16250  NRPD1; DNA-directed RNA polymerase IV subunit 1
Enzymes [BR:ko01000]
 2. Transferases
  2.7  Transferring phosphorus-containing groups
   2.7.7  Nucleotidyltransferases  DNA-directed RNA polymerase
     K16250  NRPD1; DNA-directed RNA polymerase IV subunit 1
Transcription machinery [BR:ko03021]
 Eukaryotic type
  RNA polymerase II system
   RNA polymerase II
    Pol IV and V specific subunits
     K16250  NRPD1; DNA-directed RNA polymerase IV subunit 1
RNA polymerases [br01611.html]
 RNA polymerases in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
Other DBs
GO: 0003899
ATH: AT1G63020(NRPD1A)
ALY: 9322507
CRB: 17895349
CSAT: 104703915 104714647 104752966
EUS: EUTSA_v10023214mg
BRP: 103838307 103847833 117132791
BNA: 106346632 106406243 106411678 106420995
BOE: 106319336 106342859
RSZ: 108823549 108838170 130501668
THJ: 104809424
CPAP: 110817539
CIT: 102607057
PVY: 116142907
MINC: 123211451
TCC: 18606443
DZI: 111289816
EGR: 104441805
VRA: 106777974
VAR: 108335880
VUN: 114173701
VUM: 124827483
CCAJ: 109800097
APRC: 113869498
MTR: 11436803
CAM: 101506487
PSAT: 127120700
VVO: 131652425
ADU: 107488162
AIP: 107642972
PCIN: 129322328
FVE: 101311090
RCN: 112180849
PPER: 18776740
PMUM: 103337417
PAVI: 110747945
PDUL: 117627800
MDM: 103422064
MSYL: 126619880
PXB: 103966471
ZJU: 107434888
MNT: 21405906
CSAV: 115716698
CSV: 101214578
CMO: 103490982
BHJ: 120091201
MCHA: 111013385
CMAX: 111498320
CMOS: 111444908
CPEP: 111800016
RCU: 8265397
MEAN: 126677352
JCU: 105645890
HBR: 110645062
MESC: 110609454
POP: 7490920
PALZ: 118033806
JRE: 108990858
CILL: 122289068
CAVE: 132174963
QSU: 112003836
VVI: 100254724
VRI: 117927664
SLY: 778259
SPEN: 107028862
SOT: 102603437
SSTN: 125841278
SDUL: 129889970
LBB: 132634979
NSY: 104243891
NTO: 104089997
NAU: 109212510
EGT: 105956191
SMIL: 131026059
SHIS: 125193224
APAN: 127255727
HAN: 110864350
ECAD: 122578648
LSV: 111920789
CCAV: 112527232
CSIN: 114273060
RVL: 131331837
AEW: 130765839
BVG: 104892354
SOE: 110784341
ATRI: 130803887
MOF: 131164645
NNU: 104612685
MING: 122061850
TSS: 122666222
BDI: 100842842
ATS: 109751023
LRD: 124646566
SBI: 8060411
ZMA: 100501057
SITA: 101778151
SVS: 117857485
PHAI: 112899233
PDA: 103716854
EGU: 105043379
MUS: 103993205
DCT: 110098542
PEQ: 110019152
AOF: 109838092
MSIN: 131248472
NCOL: 116247215
ATR: 18447780
PPP: 112294412
 » show all
Ream TS, Haag JR, Wierzbicki AT, Nicora CD, Norbeck AD, Zhu JK, Hagen G, Guilfoyle TJ, Pasa-Tolic L, Pikaard CS
Subunit compositions of the RNA-silencing enzymes Pol IV and Pol V reveal their origins as specialized forms of RNA polymerase II.
Mol Cell 33:192-203 (2009)

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