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Entry Name Description Category Pathway Gene
H00200 Beta-ureidopropionase deficiency Deficiency of beta-ureidopropionase which catalyzes the biosynthesis of beta-alanine and the last step in pyrimidine degradation is an autosomal recessive condition associated with neurological and developmental ... Inherited metabolic disorder UPB1 [HSA:51733] [KO:K01431]
H00201 Erythropoietic porphyria Erythropoietic protoporphyria (EP) is an inborn error of heme biosynthesis porphyrin metabolism caused by deficiency of enzymes of porphyrin metabolism. Porphyrias are divided into erythropoietic and hepatic ... Inherited metabolic disorder (EPP1) FECH [HSA:2235] [KO:K01772]
(EPP2) CLPX [HSA:10845] [KO:K03544]
(CEP) UROS [HSA:7390] [KO:K01719]
(HEP) UROD [HSA:7389] [KO:K01599]
(XLDPP) ALAS2 [HSA:212] [KO:K00643]
H00202 Hepatic porphyria Hepatic porphyrias are diseases due to marked deficiencies of enzymes in the heme biosynthetic pathway. Clinical manifestations in porphyria are neurovisceral or cutaneous as well as hematic or hepatic Inherited metabolic disorder (PCT) UROD [HSA:7389] [KO:K01599]
(AIP) HMBS [HSA:3145] [KO:K01749]
(VP) PPOX [HSA:5498] [KO:K00231]
(ALADP) ALAD [HSA:210] [KO:K01698]
(HCP) CPOX [HSA:1371] [KO:K00228]
H00203 Acatalasemia
Takahara disease
Acatalasemia, also known as acatalasia, is an autosomal recessive peroxisomal disorder caused by deficiency of erythrocyte catalase that metabolizes both hydrogen peroxide and a variety of substrates such ... Inherited metabolic disorder CAT [HSA:847] [KO:K03781]
H00204 Heimler syndrome Heimler syndrome (HS) is a rare recessive disorder characterized by sensorineural hearing loss, amelogenesis imperfecta, nail abnormalities, and occasional or late-onset retinal pigmentation. It has been ... Inherited metabolic disorder, Peroxisomal disease (HMLR1) PEX1 [HSA:5189] [KO:K13338]
(HMLR2) PEX6 [HSA:5190] [KO:K13339]
H00205 Peroxisome biogenesis disorder Peroxisome biogenesis disorder (PBD) is a group of lethal disorders caused by mutation of peroxisomal biogenesis factor (PEX) genes. PBDs fall into 4 main phenotypic classes; Zellweger syndrome (ZS), neonatal ... Inherited metabolic disorder, Peroxisomal disease (PBD1A/1B) PEX1 [HSA:5189] [KO:K13338]
(PBD2A/2B) PEX5 [HSA:5830] [KO:K13342]
(PBD3A/3B) PEX12 [HSA:5193] [KO:K13345]
(PBD4A/4B) PEX6 [HSA:5190] [KO:K13339]
(PBD5A/5B) PEX2 [HSA:5828] [KO:K06664]
(PBD6A/6B) PEX10 [HSA:5192] [KO:K13346]
(PBD7A/7B) PEX26 [HSA:55670] [KO:K13340]
(PBD8A/8B) PEX16 [HSA:9409] [KO:K13335]
(PBD9B) PEX7 [HSA:5191] [KO:K13341]
(PBD10A) PEX3 [HSA:8504] [KO:K13336]
(PBD11A/11B) PEX13 [HSA:5194] [KO:K13344]
(PBD12A) PEX19 [HSA:5824] [KO:K13337]
(PBD13A) PEX14 [HSA:5195] [KO:K13343]
(PBD14B) PEX11B [HSA:8799] [KO:K13352]
H00206 Mevalonate kinase deficiency Mevalonate kinase deficiency is an autosomal recessive disorder, which is identified as the cause of two inherited human autoinflammatory disorders: mevalonic aciduria (MVA) and hyperimmunoglobulinemia ... Inherited metabolic disorder MVK [HSA:4598] [KO:K00869]
H00207 Rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata ... severely disturbed endochondrial bone formation, and mental retardation. RCDP1 is peroxisome biogenesis disorder caused by mutation of peroxisomal biogenesis factor 7(PEX7) genes. RCDP2 and RCDP3 are single ... Inherited metabolic disorder, Peroxisomal disease (RCDP1) PEX7 [HSA:5191] [KO:K13341]
(RCDP2) GNPAT [HSA:8443] [KO:K00649]
(RCDP3) AGPS [HSA:8540] [KO:K00803]
(RCDP4) FAR1 [HSA:84188] [KO:K13356]
(RCDP5) PEX5 [HSA:5830] [KO:K13342]
H00208 Hyperbilirubinemia ... detoxification of bilirubin by conjugation with glucuronic acid. Gilbert disease is a benign familial disorder characterized by low-grade chronic hyperbilirubinemia, while Crigler-Najjar syndromes are more ... Inherited metabolic disorder (CN1, CN2) UGT1A1 [HSA:54658] [KO:K00699]
(DJS) ABCC2 [HSA:1244] [KO:K05666]
(RS) SLCO1B1 [HSA:10599] [KO:K05043]
(RS) SLCO1B3 [HSA:28234] [KO:K05043]
H00209 Menkes syndrome Menkes disease (MD) is an X-linked recessive disorder of copper deficiency caused by mutation of a copper-transporting P-type ATPase, resulting in dysfunction of copper-dependent enzymes. The patients ... Inherited metabolic disorder ATP7A [HSA:538] [KO:K17686]
H00210 Wilson disease
Hepatolenticular degeneration
Wilson disease is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutation of a P-type ATPase important for copper excretion into bile, leading to copper accumulation in the liver. Toxic concentration of copper ... Inherited metabolic disorder ATP7B [HSA:540] [KO:K17686]
H00211 Hemochromatosis Hereditary hemochromatosis (HFE) is an autosomal recessive iron metabolism disorder characterized by increased intestinal iron absorption, which leads to progressive accumulation of iron in the body. Inherited metabolic disorder (HFE1) HFE [HSA:3077] [KO:K26535]
(HFE2A) HJV [HSA:148738] [KO:K23100]
(HFE2B) HAMP [HSA:57817] [KO:K23106]
(HFE3) TFR2 [HSA:7036] [KO:K23910]
(HFE4) SLC40A1 [HSA:30061] [KO:K14685]
(HFE5) FTH1 [HSA:2495] [KO:K00522]
H00212 Acrodermatitis enteropathica Acrodermatitis enteropathica (AEZ) is an autosomal recessive disorder of zinc deficiency caused by defects of a zinc transporter gene. The disorder is characterized by intermittent simultaneous occurrence ... Inherited metabolic disorder SLC39A4 [HSA:55630] [KO:K14710]
H00213 Hypophosphatasia Hypophosphatasia is an inherited disorder caused by deficiency of alkaline phosphatase activity and characterized by defective bone and teeth mineralization. The transmission of severe forms is autosomal ... Inherited metabolic disorder ALPL [HSA:249] [KO:K01077]
H00214 Hypophosphatemic rickets Hypophosphataemic rickets, also known as vitamin D resistant rickets, is a group of genetic disorders characterized by defective reabsorption of inorganic phosphorus by the renal tubules resulting in hypophosphatemia ... Inherited metabolic disorder (XLHR) PHEX [HSA:5251] [KO:K08636]
(XLRH) CLCN5 [HSA:1184] [KO:K05012]
(ADHR) FGF23 [HSA:8074] [KO:K22428]
(ARHR1) DMP1 [HSA:1758] [KO:K23328]
(ARHR2) ENPP1 [HSA:5167] [KO:K01513]
(HHRH) SLC34A3 [HSA:142680] [KO:K14683]
H00216 Congenital adrenal hyperplasia Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is a group of monogenic autosomal recessive disorders due to an enzyme deficiency in steroid biosynthesis. All the adrenal hyperplasia syndromes are examples of mixed ... Endocrine and metabolic disease STAR [HSA:6770] [KO:K16931]
HSD3B2 [HSA:3284] [KO:K00070]
CYP21A2 [HSA:1589] [KO:K00513]
CYP11B1 [HSA:1584] [KO:K00497]
CYP17A1 [HSA:1586] [KO:K00512]
H00218 Cystic fibrosis Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive disorder of the exocrine glands caused by mutation of CFTR gene which encodes an ABC transporter for salt homeostasis. CF is a common lethal single-gene disorder ... Respiratory system disease CFTR [HSA:1080] [KO:K05031]
TGFB1 [HSA:7040] [KO:K13375]
FCGR2A [HSA:2212] [KO:K06472]
H00219 Hemophilia Hemophilia A and B are X-linked recessive disorders which are the most common hereditary hemorrhagic disorders caused by a deficiency or dysfunction of blood coagulation factor VIII (FVIII) and factor ... Hematologic disease (HEMA) F8 [HSA:2157] [KO:K03899]
(HEMB) F9 [HSA:2158] [KO:K01321]
(VWD) VWF [HSA:7450] [KO:K03900]
(VWDP) GP1BA [HSA:2811] [KO:K06261]
H00220 Factor V deficiency
Owren disease
Factor V deficiency is an autosomal recessive hemorrhagic disorder, which is identified as an inherited resistance to the anticoagulant function of activated protein C. Hematologic disease F5 [HSA:2153] [KO:K03902]
H00223 Inherited thrombophilia
Thrombophilia due to thrombin defect (THPH)
Congenital thrombophilias are inherited disorders associated with an increased tendency to venous thromboembolism caused by mutation of genes affecting the anticoagulant pathways of blood coagulation. Hematologic disease (THPH1) F2 [HSA:2147] [KO:K01313]
(THPH2) F5 [HSA:2153] [KO:K03902]
(THPH3/4) PROC [HSA:5624] [KO:K01344]
(THPH5/6) PROS1 [HSA:5627] [KO:K03908]
(THPH7) SERPINC1 [HSA:462] [KO:K03911]
(THPH8) F9 [HSA:2158] [KO:K01321]
(THPH10) SERPIND1 [HSA:3053] [KO:K03912]
(THPH11) HRG [HSA:3273] [KO:K23410]
(THPH12) THBD [HSA:7056] [KO:K03907]
(THPH13) F8 [HSA:2157] [KO:K03899]
FGA [HSA:2243] [KO:K03903]
FGB [HSA:2244] [KO:K03904]
FGG [HSA:2266] [KO:K03905]
H00224 Bernard-Soulier syndrome
Giant platelet syndrome
Bernard-Soulier syndrome (BSS) is a bleeding disorder caused by a defect in or deficiency of the platelet membrane von Willebrand factor receptor which is composed of 4 proteins, GP1BA, GP1BB, GP9 and ... Hematologic disease GP1BA [HSA:2811] [KO:K06261]
GP1BB [HSA:2812] [KO:K06262]
GP9 [HSA:2815] [KO:K06263]
H00227 Congenital amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia ... marrow failure syndrome, characterized by thrombocytopenia due to defective megakaryocytopoiesis. The disorder is induced by defective expression or function of the thrombopoietin (THPO) receptor caused by ... Hematologic disease (CAMT1) MPL [HSA:4352] [KO:K05082]
(CAMT2) THPO [HSA:7066] [KO:K06854]
H00230 Hereditary spherocytosis Hereditary spherocytosis (SPH) is a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by rounded red cells and chronic hemolysis. Hematologic disease (SPH1) ANK1 [HSA:286] [KO:K10380]
(SPH2) SPTB [HSA:6710] [KO:K27409]
(SPH3) SPTA1 [HSA:6708] [KO:K27408]
(SPH4) SLC4A1 [HSA:6521] [KO:K06573]
(SPH5) EPB42 [HSA:2038] [KO:K25094]
H00231 Hereditary elliptocytosis Hereditary elliptocytosis (EL) is an autosomal dominant hematologic disorder characterized by elliptically shaped erythrocytes and a variable degree of hemolytic anemia caused by fragility of the erythrocyte ... Hematologic disease (EL1) EPB41 [HSA:2035] [KO:K06107]
(EL2) SPTA1 [HSA:6708] [KO:K27408]
(EL3) SPTB [HSA:6710] [KO:K27409]
H00233 MYH9-related disease
Macrothrombocytopenia and granulocyte inclusions with or without nephritis or sensorineural hearing loss (MATINS)
The autosomal dominant disorders, which are caused by mutation of gene encoding nonmuscle myosin heavy chain 9, May-Hegglin anomaly , Fechtner syndrome(FTNS), and Sebastian syndrome , share the triad of ... Cardiovascular disease MYH9 [HSA:4627] [KO:K10352]
H00234 Pelger-Huet anomaly Pelger-Huet anomaly (PHA) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by abnormal nuclear shape and chromatin organization in blood granulocytes with skeletal abnormalities. Hematologic disease LBR [HSA:3930] [KO:K19532]
H00235 Methemoglobinemia Hereditary methemoglobinemia is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase deficiency. Hematologic disease CYB5R3 [HSA:1727] [KO:K00326]
CYB5A [HSA:1528] [KO:K23490]
HBA1 [HSA:3039] [KO:K13822]
HBB [HSA:3043] [KO:K13823]
H00236 Congenital polycythemia
Familial erythrocytosis (ECYT)
Congenital polycythemia or familial erythrocytosis includes a heterogeneous group of disorders with the common characteristic of an absolute increased red cell mass caused by inherited defects in hypoxia ... Hematologic disease (ECYT1) EPOR [HSA:2057] [KO:K05079]
(ECYT1) JAK2 [HSA:3717] [KO:K04447]
(ECYT1) SH2B3 [HSA:10019] [KO:K12459]
(ECYT2) VHL [HSA:7428] [KO:K03871]
(ECYT3) EGLN1 [HSA:54583] [KO:K09592]
(ECYT4) EPAS1 [HSA:2034] [KO:K09095]
(ECYT5) EPO [HSA:2056] [KO:K05437]
(ECYT6) HBB [HSA:3043] [KO:K13823]
(ECYT7) HBA1/2 [HSA:3039 3040] [KO:K13822]
(ECYT8) BPGM [HSA:669] [KO:K01837]
H00240 Gitelman syndrome Gitelman syndrome (GTLMNS) is an autosomal recessive renal tubular disorder characterized by hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis, hypomagnesemia, and hypocalciuria and is caused by mutations in the thiazide-sensitive ... Endocrine and metabolic disease SLC12A3 [HSA:6559] [KO:K14426]
H00243 Hyperkalemic distal renal tubular acidosis (RTA type 4) ... extracellular pH homeostasis, due to renal impaired acid excretion. Type 4 RTA is a heterogeneous group of disorders associated with hyperkalemia due to aldosterone deficiency or impairment in aldosterone molecular ... Urinary system disease (PHA1A) NR3C2 [HSA:4306] [KO:K08555]
(PHA1B1) SCNN1A [HSA:6337] [KO:K04824]
(PHA1B2) SCNN1B [HSA:6338] [KO:K04825]
(PHA1B3) SCNN1G [HSA:6340] [KO:K04827]
(PHA2B) WNK4 [HSA:65266] [KO:K08867]
(PHA2C) WNK1 [HSA:65125] [KO:K08867]
(PHA2D) KLHL3 [HSA:26249] [KO:K10443]
(PHA2E) CUL3 [HSA:8452] [KO:K03869]
H00244 Pseudohypoparathyroidism Pseudohypoparathyroidism refers to a heterogeneous group of autosomal dominant disorders characterized by hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia due to resistance to parathyroid hormone. The disease phenotype ... Endocrine and metabolic disease (PHP1A/1B/1C) GNAS [HSA:2778] [KO:K04632]
(PHP1B) STX16 [HSA:8675] [KO:K08489]
(PHP1B) GNAS-AS1 [HSA:149775]
H00245 Calcium sensing receptor (CASR) related disease The mutations in the CASR gene which expresses in the parathyroid hormone producing chief cells of the parathyroid gland and the cells lining the kidney tubule affect calcium homeostasis. Loss-of-function ... Inherited metabolic disorder CASR [HSA:846] [KO:K04612]
H00251 Thyroid dyshormonogenesis
Dyshormogenetic goiter
Thyroid dyshormonogenesis is a genetically heterogeneous group of inherited disorders in the enzymatic cascade of thyroid hormone synthesis that result in congenital hypothyroidism due to genetic defects ... Endocrine and metabolic disease (TDH1) SLC5A5 [HSA:6528] [KO:K14385]
(TDH2A) TPO [HSA:7173] [KO:K00431]
(TDH2B/PDS) SLC26A4 [HSA:5172] [KO:K14702]
(TDH2B) FOXI1 [HSA:2299] [KO:K09401]
(TDH3) TG [HSA:7038] [KO:K10809]
(TDH4) IYD [HSA:389434] [KO:K17231]
(TDH5) DUOXA2 [HSA:405753] [KO:K17232]
(TDH6) DUOX2 [HSA:50506] [KO:K13411]
H00255 Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism ... congenital or acquired. Congenital HH is clinically and genetically heterogeneous. Clinically, the disorder is characterized by an absence of puberty and infertility. The genetic condition is classically ... Endocrine and metabolic disease (HH1/KAL1) ANOS1 [HSA:3730] [KO:K23413]
(HH2/KAL2) FGFR1 [HSA:2260] [KO:K04362]
(HH3/KAL3) PROKR2 [HSA:128674] [KO:K08380]
(HH4/KAL4) PROK2 [HSA:60675] [KO:K24191]
(HH5/KAL5) CHD7 [HSA:55636] [KO:K14437]
(HH6/KAL6) FGF8 [HSA:2253] [KO:K04358]
(HH7/FEUNS) GNRHR [HSA:2798] [KO:K04280]
(HH8) KISS1R [HSA:84634] [KO:K08374]
(HH9) NSMF [HSA:26012] [KO:K23844]
(HH10) TAC3 [HSA:6866] [KO:K05240]
(HH11) TACR3 [HSA:6870] [KO:K04224]
(HH12) GNRH1 [HSA:2796] [KO:K05252]
(HH13) KISS1 [HSA:3814] [KO:K23140]
(HH14) WDR11 [HSA:55717] [KO:K24260]
(HH15) HS6ST1 [HSA:9394] [KO:K02514]
(HH16) SEMA3A [HSA:10371] [KO:K06840]
(HH17) SPRY4 [HSA:81848] [KO:K17385]
(HH18) IL17RD [HSA:54756] [KO:K05167]
(HH19) DUSP6 [HSA:1848] [KO:K21946]
(HH20) FGF17 [HSA:8822] [KO:K04358]
(HH21) FLRT3 [HSA:23767] [KO:K16362]
(HH22) FEZF1 [HSA:389549] [KO:K24502]
(HH23/FEUNS) LHB [HSA:3972] [KO:K08521]
(HH24/IFSHD) FSHB [HSA:2488] [KO:K05250]
(HH25) NDNF [HSA:79625] [KO:K25687]
(HH26) TCF12 [HSA:6938] [KO:K15603]
(HH27) NHLH2 [HSA:4808] [KO:K09075]
H00257 Achalasia Addisonianism Alacrima syndrome
Triple A syndrome
Allgrove syndrome
Achalasia-Addisonianism-Alacrima (AAA) syndrome, also known as triple-A syndrome, is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by alacrima, achalasia, adrenal insufficiency and autonomic instability caused by ... Endocrine and metabolic disease (AAA) AAAS [HSA:8086] [KO:K14320]
(AAMR) GMPPA [HSA:29926] [KO:K00966]
H00258 Aldosterone synthase deficiency
Corticosterone methyloxidase type I deficiency
Corticosterone methyloxidase type II deficiency
Aldosterone synthase deficiency is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by a defect in the final biochemical step of aldosterone biosynthesis, the 18-hydroxylation of 18-hydroxycorticosterone to aldosterone ... Endocrine and metabolic disease CYP11B2 [HSA:1585] [KO:K07433]
H00261 Meckel syndrome
Meckel-Gruber syndrome
Meckel syndrome (MKS) is a lethal, autosomal recessive disorder characterized by anomalies of the central nervous system, cystic dysplasia of the kidneys, and malformations of the hands and feet. Congenital malformation (MKS1) MKS1 [HSA:54903] [KO:K19332]
(MKS2) TMEM216 [HSA:51259] [KO:K19385]
(MKS3) TMEM67 [HSA:91147] [KO:K19348]
(MKS4) CEP290 [HSA:80184] [KO:K16533]
(MKS5) RPGRIP1L [HSA:23322] [KO:K16550]
(MKS6) CC2D2A [HSA:57545] [KO:K19352]
(MKS7) NPHP3 [HSA:27031] [KO:K19360]
(MKS8) TCTN2 [HSA:79867] [KO:K19361]
(MKS9) B9D1 [HSA:27077] [KO:K16744]
(MKS10) B9D2 [HSA:80776] [KO:K16745]
(MKS11) TMEM231 [HSA:79583] [KO:K19362]
(MKS12) KIF14 [HSA:9928] [KO:K17915]
(MKS13) TMEM107 [HSA:84314] [KO:K22764]
(MKS14) TXNDC15 [HSA:79770] [KO:K25389]
H00264 Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy
Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease, also called hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy (HMSN), is a group of disorders characterized by a chronic motor and sensory polyneuropathy. Based on nerve conduction velocities ... Neurodegenerative disease (CMT1A/1E) PMP22 [HSA:5376] [KO:K19289]
(CMT1B/2I/2J/4E) MPZ [HSA:4359] [KO:K06770]
(CMT1C) LITAF [HSA:9516] [KO:K19363]
(CMT1D/4E) EGR2 [HSA:1959] [KO:K12496]
(CMT1F/2E/DIG) NEFL [HSA:4747] [KO:K04572]
(CMT1G) PMP2 [HSA:5375] [KO:K24977]
(CMT1H) FBLN5 [HSA:10516] [KO:K17340]
(CMT1I) POLR3B [HSA:55703] [KO:K03021]
(CMT1J) ITPR3 [HSA:3710] [KO:K04960]
(CMT2A1) KIF1B [HSA:23095] [KO:K10392]
(CMT2A2/6) MFN2 [HSA:9927] [KO:K06030]
(CMT2B) RAB7A [HSA:7879] [KO:K07897]
(CMT2B1) LMNA [HSA:4000] [KO:K12641]
(CMT2B2) PNKP [HSA:11284] [KO:K08073]
(CMT2C) TRPV4 [HSA:59341] [KO:K04973]
(CMT2CC) NEFH [HSA:4744] [KO:K04574]
(CMT2D) GARS1 [HSA:2617] [KO:K01880]
(CMT2DD) ATP1A1 [HSA:476] [KO:K01539]
(CMT2EE) MPV17 [HSA:4358] [KO:K13348]
(CMT2F) HSPB1 [HSA:3315] [KO:K04455]
(CMT2FF) CADM3 [HSA:57863] [KO:K06780]
(CMT2GG) GBF1 [HSA:8729] [KO:K18443]
(CMT2HH) JAG1 [HSA:182] [KO:K06052]
(CMT2II) SLC12A6 [HSA:9990] [KO:K14427]
(CMT2K/4A/RIA) GDAP1 [HSA:54332] [KO:K22077]
(CMT2K) JPH1 [HSA:56704] [KO:K19530]
(CMT2L) HSPB8 [HSA:26353] [KO:K08879]
(CMT2M/DIB) DNM2 [HSA:1785] [KO:K23484]
(CMT2N) AARS1 [HSA:16] [KO:K01872]
(CMT2O) DYNC1H1 [HSA:1778] [KO:K10413]
(CMT2P) LRSAM1 [HSA:90678] [KO:K10641]
(CMT2Q) DHTKD1 [HSA:55526] [KO:K15791]
(CMT2R) TRIM2 [HSA:23321] [KO:K11997]
(CMT2S) IGHMBP2 [HSA:3508] [KO:K19036]
(CMT2T) MME [HSA:4311] [KO:K01389]
(CMT2U) MARS1 [HSA:4141] [KO:K01874]
(CMT2V) NAGLU [HSA:4669] [KO:K01205]
(CMT2W) HARS1 [HSA:3035] [KO:K01892]
(CMT2X) SPG11 [HSA:80208] [KO:K19026]
(CMT2Y) VCP [HSA:7415] [KO:K13525]
(CMT2Z) MORC2 [HSA:22880] [KO:K24135]
(CMT4B1) MTMR2 [HSA:8898] [KO:K18081]
(CMT4B2) SBF2 [HSA:81846] [KO:K18061]
(CMT4B3) SBF1 [HSA:6305] [KO:K18061]
(CMT4C/MNMN) SH3TC2 [HSA:79628] [KO:K24313]
(CMT4D) NDRG1 [HSA:10397] [KO:K18266]
(CMT4F) PRX [HSA:57716] [KO:K27395]
(CMT4H) FGD4 [HSA:121512] [KO:K05723]
(CMT4J) FIG4 [HSA:9896] [KO:K22913]
(CMT4K) SURF1 [HSA:6834] [KO:K14998]
(CMT6B) SLC25A46 [HSA:91137] [KO:K03454]
(CMT6C) PDXK [HSA:8566] [KO:K00868]
(CMTX1) GJB1 [HSA:2705] [KO:K07620]
(CMTX5) PRPS1 [HSA:5631] [KO:K00948]
(CMTX6) PDK3 [HSA:5165] [KO:K00898]
(CMTDIC) YARS1 [HSA:8565] [KO:K01866]
(CMTDIE) INF2 [HSA:64423] [KO:K23958]
(CMTDIF) GNB4 [HSA:59345] [KO:K04538]
(CMTRIB) KARS1 [HSA:3735] [KO:K04567]
(CMTRIC) PLEKHG5 [HSA:57449] [KO:K19464]
(CMTRID) COX6A1 [HSA:1337] [KO:K02266]
H00265 Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies (HSAN) are clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of disorders of low prevalence. They are characterized by neuronal atrophy and degeneration, predominantly ... Nervous system disease (HSAN1/HSN1A) SPTLC1 [HSA:10558] [KO:K00654]
(HSAN1C) SPTLC2 [HSA:9517] [KO:K00654]
(HSAN2A) WNK1 [HSA:65125] [KO:K08867]
(HSAN2B) FAM134B [HSA:54463] [KO:K23880]
(HSAN2C) KIF1A [HSA:547] [KO:K10392]
(HSAN2D) SCN9A [HSA:6335] [KO:K04841]
(HSAN3) IKBKAP [HSA:8518] [KO:K11373]
(HSAN4) NTRK1 [HSA:4914] [KO:K03176]
(HSAN5) NGFB [HSA:4803] [KO:K02582]
(HSAN6) DST [HSA:667] [KO:K10382]
(HSAN7) SCN11A [HSA:11280] [KO:K04843]
(HSAN8) PRDM12 [HSA:59335] [KO:K24255]
(HSAN9) TECPR2 [HSA:9895] [KO:K23881]
(HSN1D) ATL1 [HSA:51062] [KO:K17339]
(HSN1E) DNMT1 [HSA:1786] [KO:K00558]
(HSN1F) ATL3 [HSA:25923] [KO:K17339]
H00266 Hereditary spastic paraplegia Hereditary spastic paraplegias (SPG) are a group of clinically and genetically diverse disorders characterized by progressive distal limb weakness and lower extremity spasticity. Nervous system disease (SPG1) L1CAM [HSA:3897] [KO:K06550]
(SPG2) PLP1 [HSA:5354] [KO:K17271]
(SPG3) ATL1 [HSA:51062] [KO:K17339]
(SPG4) SPAST [HSA:6683] [KO:K13254]
(SPG5) CYP7B1 [HSA:9420] [KO:K07430]
(SPG6) NIPA1 [HSA:123606] [KO:K19364]
(SPG7) SPG7 [HSA:6687] [KO:K09552]
(SPG8) WASHC5 [HSA:9897] [KO:K18464]
(SPG9) ALDH18A1 [HSA:5832] [KO:K12657]
(SPG10) KIF5A [HSA:3798] [KO:K10396]
(SPG11) SPG11 [HSA:80208] [KO:K19026]
(SPG12) RTN2 [HSA:6253] [KO:K20722]
(SPG13) HSPD1 [HSA:3329] [KO:K04077]
(SPG15) ZFYVE26 [HSA:23503] [KO:K19027]
(SPG17) BSCL2 [HSA:26580] [KO:K19365]
(SPG18A/18B) ERLIN2 [HSA:11160] [KO:K23341]
(SPG20) SPART [HSA:23111] [KO:K19366]
(SPG21) SPG21 [HSA:51324] [KO:K19367]
(SPG23) DSTYK [HSA:25778] [KO:K16288]
(SPG26) B4GALNT1 [HSA:2583] [KO:K00725]
(SPG28) DDHD1 [HSA:80821] [KO:K13619]
(SPG30) KIF1A [HSA:547] [KO:K10392]
(SPG31) REEP1 [HSA:65055] [KO:K17338]
(SPG33) ZFYVE27 [HSA:118813] [KO:K19368]
(SPG35) FA2H [HSA:79152] [KO:K19703]
(SPG39) PNPLA6 [HSA:10908] [KO:K14676]
(SPG42) SLC33A1 [HSA:9197] [KO:K03372]
(SPG43) C19orf12 [HSA:83636] [KO:K23168]
(SPG44) GJC2 [HSA:57165] [KO:K07619]
(SPG45) NT5C2 [HSA:22978] [KO:K01081]
(SPG46) GBA2 [HSA:57704] [KO:K17108]
(SPG47) AP4B1 [HSA:10717] [KO:K12401]
(SPG48) AP5Z1 [HSA:9907] [KO:K19025]
(SPG49) TECPR2 [HSA:9895] [KO:K23881]
(SPG50) AP4M1 [HSA:9179] [KO:K12402]
(SPG51) AP4E1 [HSA:23431] [KO:K12400]
(SPG52) AP4S1 [HSA:11154] [KO:K12403]
(SPG53) VPS37A [HSA:137492] [KO:K12185]
(SPG54) DDHD2 [HSA:23259] [KO:K16545]
(SPG55) MTRFR [HSA:91574] [KO:K23498]
(SPG56) CYP2U1 [HSA:113612] [KO:K07422]
(SPG57) TFG [HSA:10342] [KO:K09292]
(SPG61) ARL6IP1 [HSA:23204] [KO:K24864]
(SPG62) ERLIN1 [HSA:10613] [KO:K23341]
(SPG63) AMPD2 [HSA:271] [KO:K01490]
(SPG64) ENTPD1 [HSA:953] [KO:K01510]
(SPG70) MARS1 [HSA:4141] [KO:K01874]
(SPG72A/72B) REEP2 [HSA:51308] [KO:K17338]
(SPG73) CPT1C [HSA:126129] [KO:K19524]
(SPG74) IBA57 [HSA:200205] [KO:K22073]
(SPG75) MAG [HSA:4099] [KO:K06771]
(SPG76) CAPN1 [HSA:823] [KO:K01367]
(SPG77) FARS2 [HSA:10667] [KO:K01889]
(SPG78) ATP13A2 [HSA:23400] [KO:K13526]
(SPG79A/79B) UCHL1 [HSA:7345] [KO:K05611]
(SPG80) UBAP1 [HSA:51271] [KO:K24629]
(SPG81) SELENOI [HSA:85465] [KO:K00993]
(SPG82) PCYT2 [HSA:5833] [KO:K00967]
(SPG83) HPDL [HSA:84842] [KO:K24788]
(SPG84) PI4KA [HSA:5297] [KO:K00888]
(SPG85) RNF170 [HSA:81790] [KO:K15707]
(SPG86) ABHD16A [HSA:7920] [KO:K25824]
(SPG87) TMEM63C [HSA:57156] [KO:K21989]
(SPG88) KPNA3 [HSA:3839] [KO:K23583]
(SPG89) AMFR [HSA:267] [KO:K10636]
(SPG90A/90B) SPTSSA [HSA:171546] [KO:K26384]
(SPG91) SPTAN1 [HSA:6709] [KO:K06114]
(SPG92) FICD [HSA:11153] [KO:K04095]
(SPG93) NFU1 [HSA:27247] [KO:K22074]
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