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Entry Name Description Category Pathway Gene
H00050 Synovial sarcoma ... Clinically, they appear as deep-seated slowly growing masses. In more than half of the cases, metastases develop, primarily to the lungs but also to the lymph nodes and bone marrow. A specific translocation, t(X; ... Cancer SYT-SSX1 (translocation) [HSA:6756] [KO:K15624]
SYT-SSX2 (translocation) [HSA:6757] [KO:K15625]
IGF-IR (overexpression) [HSA:3480] [KO:K05087]
H00052 Clear cell sarcoma of soft tissue ... EWSR1 gene at 22q12, originating an EWSR1/ATF1 fusion gene. Given its specificity, this genetic aberration is considered pathognomonic for CCS and can be used as a diagnostic marker of this neoplasia. Cancer EWSR1-ATF1 (translocation) [HSA:466] [KO:K09053]
H00053 Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma ... (EMC) is a unique, rare soft-tissue tumor with prominent myxoid morphology. The tumor most commonly develops in deep parts of the proximal extremities and limb girdles in middle-aged adults, and there is a ... Cancer EWSR1-NR4A3 (translocation) [HSA:8013] [KO:K08559]
TAF15-NR4A3 (translocation) [HSA:8148] [KO:K14651]
H00054 Nasopharyngeal cancer Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a rare disease in most parts of the world, with an age-standardised annual incidence of less than 1 per 100000. However, in Southern China, parts of Southeast Asia and ... Cancer (NPCA3) MST1R [HSA:4486] [KO:K05100]
RASSF1 (promoter hypermethylation) [HSA:11186] [KO:K09850]
CDKN2A (promoter hypermethylation) [HSA:1029] [KO:K06621]
BCL2 (overexpression) [HSA:596] [KO:K02161]
EDNRB (promoter hypermethylation) [HSA:1910] [KO:K04198]
CADM1 (promoter hypermethylation) [HSA:23705] [KO:K06781]
CDH1 (decreased expression) [HSA:999] [KO:K05689]
H00055 Laryngeal cancer Laryngeal cancer is one of the most common malignancies in Europe, with about 52,000 new cases per year, 90% of them occurring in men. Smoke and alcohol represent the major behavioral risk factors. Of ... Cancer p53 (mutation) [HSA:7157] [KO:K04451]
p16/INK4A (mutation, LOH, hypermethylation) [HSA:1029] [KO:K06621]
Cyclin D1 (amplification) [HSA:595] [KO:K04503]
EGFR (amplification) [HSA:1956] [KO:K04361]
c-MYC (amplification) [HSA:4609] [KO:K04377]
Cyclin E (amplification) [HSA:898 9134] [KO:K06626]
H00056 Alzheimer disease
Dementia due to Alzheimer disease
... four genes include: amyloid precursor protein (APP), presenilin 1 (PS1), presenilin 2 (PS2), and apolipoprotein E (ApoE). All mutations associated with APP and PS proteins can lead to an increase in the production ... Neurodegenerative disease hsa05010 Alzheimer disease (AD1) APP [HSA:351] [KO:K04520]
(AD2) APOE [HSA:348] [KO:K04524]
(AD3) PSEN1 [HSA:5663] [KO:K04505]
(AD4) PSEN2 [HSA:5664] [KO:K04522]
(AD9) ABCA7 [HSA:10347] [KO:K05645]
(AD18) ADAM10 [HSA:102] [KO:K06704]
H00057 Parkinson disease ... (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative movement disorder that results primarily from the death of dopaminergic (DA) neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc). Both environmental factors and ... Neurodegenerative disease hsa05012 Parkinson disease (PARK1/PARK4) SNCA (duplication, triplication) [HSA:6622] [KO:K04528]
(PARK2) PRKN [HSA:5071] [KO:K04556]
(PARK5) UCHL1 [HSA:7345] [KO:K05611]
(PARK6) PINK1 [HSA:65018] [KO:K05688]
(PARK7) PARK7 [HSA:11315] [KO:K05687]
(PARK8) LRRK2 [HSA:120892] [KO:K08844]
(PARK9) ATP13A2 [HSA:23400] [KO:K13526]
(PARK11) GIGYF2 [HSA:26058] [KO:K18730]
(PARK13) HTRA2 [HSA:27429] [KO:K08669]
(PARK14) PLA2G6 [HSA:8398] [KO:K16343]
(PARK15) FBXO7 [HSA:25793] [KO:K10293]
(PARK17) VPS35 [HSA:55737] [KO:K18468]
(PARK18) EIF4G1 [HSA:1981] [KO:K03260]
(PARK19) DNAJC6 [HSA:9829] [KO:K09526]
(PARK22) CHCHD2 [HSA:51142] [KO:K22758]
(PARK23) VPS13C [HSA:54832] [KO:K19525]
(PARK24) PSAP [HSA:5660] [KO:K12382]
(PARK25) PTPA [HSA:5524] [KO:K17605]
(PARK26) RAB32 [HSA:10981] [KO:K07918]
(IDLDP) NR4A2 [HSA:4929] [KO:K08558]
MAPT [HSA:4137] [KO:K04380]
H00058 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
Lou Gehrig disease
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by a progressive degeneration of motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord. In 90% of patients, ALS is sporadic, with ... Neurodegenerative disease hsa05014 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS1) SOD1 [HSA:6647] [KO:K04565]
(ALS1) NEFH [HSA:4744] [KO:K04574]
(ALS1) PRPH [HSA:5630] [KO:K07607]
(ALS1) DCTN1 [HSA:1639] [KO:K04648]
(ALS2) ALS2 [HSA:57679] [KO:K04575]
(ALS4) SETX [HSA:23064] [KO:K10706]
(ALS5) SPG11 [HSA:80208] [KO:K19026]
(ALS6) FUS [HSA:2521] [KO:K13098]
(ALS8) VAPB [HSA:9217] [KO:K10707]
(ALS9) ANG [HSA:283] [KO:K16631]
(ALS10) TARDBP [HSA:23435] [KO:K23600]
(ALS11) FIG4 [HSA:9896] [KO:K22913]
(ALS12) OPTN [HSA:10133] [KO:K19946]
(ALS15) UBQLN2 [HSA:29978] [KO:K04523]
(ALS16) SIGMAR1 [HSA:10280] [KO:K20719]
(ALS18) PFN1 [HSA:5216] [KO:K05759]
(ALS19) ERBB4 [HSA:2066] [KO:K05085]
(ALS20) HNRNPA1 [HSA:3178] [KO:K12741]
(ALS21) MATR3 [HSA:9782] [KO:K13213]
(ALS22) TUBA4A [HSA:7277] [KO:K07374]
(ALS23) ANXA11 [HSA:311] [KO:K17095]
(ALS24) NEK1 [HSA:4750] [KO:K08857]
(ALS25) KIF5A [HSA:3798] [KO:K10396]
(ALS26) TIA1 [HSA:7072] [KO:K13201]
(ALS27) SPTLC1 [HSA:10558] [KO:K00654]
(ALS28) LRP12 [HSA:29967] [KO:K20050]
(ALSPDC) TRPM7 [HSA:54822] [KO:K04982]
(ALSPDC) MAPT [HSA:4137] [KO:K04380]
H00059 Huntington disease ... the amino-terminus of the HD protein huntingtin (Htt). Mutant Htt (mHtt) has effects both in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus. Full-length Htt is cleaved by proteases in the cytoplasm, leading to the formation ... Neurodegenerative disease hsa05016 Huntington disease (HD) HTT (CAG repeat expansion) [HSA:3064] [KO:K04533]
H00060 Dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA) Dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA) is one of the CAG repeat diseases like Huntington's disease. It is caused by expansion of a CAG repeat in the atrophin 1 gene and shows various combinations of ... Neurodegenerative disease ATN1 (CAG repeat expansion) [HSA:1822] [KO:K05626]
H00061 Prion disease
Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (CJD)
Gerstmann-Straussler disease (GSD)
Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker disease (GSSD)
Fatal familial insomnia (FFI)
Prion diseases, also termed transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), are a group of fatal neurodegenerative diseases that affect humans and a number of other animal species. The etiology of these ... Neurodegenerative disease hsa05020 Prion disease PRNP (mutation) [HSA:5621] [KO:K05634]
H00062 Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA)
Kennedy disease
Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA), also known as Kennedy disease, is a motor neuron disease characterized by progressive weakening of the limb and bulbar muscles. It is an X-linked recessive disease ... Neurodegenerative disease (SMAX1) AR (CAG repeat expansion) [HSA:367] [KO:K08557]
H00063 Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) ... to major aetiological roles for transcriptional dysregulation, protein aggregation and clearance, autophagy, the ubiquitin-proteasome system, alterations of calcium homeostasis, mitochondria defects, toxic ... Neurodegenerative disease hsa05017 Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA1) ATXN1 [HSA:6310] [KO:K23616]
(SCA2) ATXN2 [HSA:6311] [KO:K23625]
(SCA3) ATXN3 [HSA:4287] [KO:K11863]
(SCA5) SPTBN2 [HSA:6712] [KO:K23932]
(SCA6) CACNA1A [HSA:773] [KO:K04344]
(SCA7) ATXN7 [HSA:6314] [KO:K11318]
(SCA8) ATXN8OS [HSA:6315] [KO:K23933]
(SCA10) ATXN10 [HSA:25814] [KO:K19323]
(SCA11) TTBK2 [HSA:146057] [KO:K08815]
(SCA12) PPP2R2B [HSA:5521] [KO:K04354]
(SCA13) KCNC3 [HSA:3748] [KO:K04889]
(SCA14) PRKCG [HSA:5582] [KO:K19663]
(SCA15/29) ITPR1 [HSA:3708] [KO:K04958]
(SCA17) TBP [HSA:6908] [KO:K03120]
(SCA19/22) KCND3 [HSA:3752] [KO:K04893]
(SCA21) TMEM240 [HSA:339453] [KO:K24870]
(SCA23) PDYN [HSA:5173] [KO:K15840]
(SCA26) EEF2 [HSA:1938] [KO:K03234]
(SCA27A/27B) FGF14 [HSA:2259] [KO:K23920]
(SCA28) AFG3L2 [HSA:10939] [KO:K08956]
(SCA31) BEAN1 [HSA:146227] [KO:K19324]
(SCA34) ELOVL4 [HSA:6785] [KO:K10249]
(SCA35) TGM6 [HSA:343641] [KO:K05624]
(SCA36) NOP56 [HSA:10528] [KO:K14564]
(SCA37) DAB1 [HSA:1600] [KO:K20054]
(SCA38) ELOVL5 [HSA:60481] [KO:K10244]
(SCA40) CCDC88C [HSA:440193] [KO:K25811]
(SCA41) TRPC3 [HSA:7222] [KO:K04966]
(SCA42) CACNA1G [HSA:8913] [KO:K04854]
(SCA43) MME [HSA:4311] [KO:K01389]
(SCA44) GRM1 [HSA:2911] [KO:K04603]
(SCA45) FAT2 [HSA:2196] [KO:K16506]
(SCA46) PLD3 [HSA:23646] [KO:K16860]
(SCA47) PUM1 [HSA:9698] [KO:K17943]
(SCA48) STUB1 [HSA:10273] [KO:K09561]
(SCA49) SAMD9L [HSA:219285] [KO:K23949]
(SCA50) NPTX1 [HSA:4884] [KO:K25709]
(SCA51) THAP11 [HSA:57215] [KO:K23211]
H00065 Alexander disease ... subtypes based on the age of onset: the infantile, juvenile and adult forms. The characteristic neuropathological feature of all forms of Alexander's disease is the presence of Rosenthal fibers which include ... Neurodegenerative disease GFAP (mutation) [HSA:2670] [KO:K05640]
H00068 Leber hereditary optic atrophy
Leber optic atrophy
Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is a maternally transmitted inherited genetic disease underlying mutation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). It is primarily an ophthalmological disorder, presenting ... Nervous system disease ND1 [HSA:4535] [KO:K03878]
ND2 [HSA:4536] [KO:K03879]
ND4 [HSA:4538] [KO:K03881]
ND4L [HSA:4539] [KO:K03882]
ND5 [HSA:4540] [KO:K03883]
ND6 [HSA:4541] [KO:K03884]
CYTB [HSA:4519] [KO:K00412]
COX1 [HSA:4512] [KO:K02256]
COX3 [HSA:4514] [KO:K02262]
ATP6 [HSA:4508] [KO:K02126]
H00070 Galactosemia ... defect in one of the enzyme genes for galactose metabolism. Newborns with the enzyme deficiency cannot properly metabolize milk sugar. Without treatment, toxic metabolites can cause severe growth problems including ... Inherited metabolic disorder (GALAC1) GALT [HSA:2592] [KO:K00965]
(GALAC2) GALK1 [HSA:2584] [KO:K00849]
(GALAC3) GALE [HSA:2582] [KO:K01784]
(GALAC4) GALM [HSA:130589] [KO:K01785]
H00074 Canavan disease ... macroencephaly, psychomotor retardation, and spongiform myelin sheath vacuolization with progressive leukodystrophy. The disease is caused by aspartoacylase deficiency resulting in accumulation of N-acetylaspartic ... Inherited metabolic disorder ASPA [HSA:443] [KO:K01437]
H00075 Refsum disease
Heredopathia atactica polyneuritiformis
Refsum disease (RD) is an autosomal recessive sensory motor neuropathy characterized by retinitis pigmentosa, peripheral neuropathy, anosmia, deafness, cerebellar ataxia and elevated protein concentrations ... Inherited metabolic disorder, Peroxisomal disease PHYH [HSA:5264] [KO:K00477]
PEX7 [HSA:5191] [KO:K13341]
H00076 Cockayne syndrome ... progressive multisystem abnormalities such as postnatal growth deficiency, progressive pigmentary retinopathy, sensorineural hearing loss, dental caries and neurological degeneration. CS has thus been classified ... Neurodegenerative disease (CSA) ERCC8 [HSA:1161] [KO:K10570]
(CSB) ERCC6 [HSA:2074] [KO:K10841]
(XPB/CS) ERCC3 [HSA:2071] [KO:K10843]
(XPF/CS) ERCC4 [HSA:2072] [KO:K10848]
(XPG/CS) ERCC5 [HSA:2073] [KO:K10846]
H00077 Progressive supranuclear palsy
Steele-Richardson-Olszewski syndrome
Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is a progressing degenerative disease belonging to the family of tauopathies caused by abnormalities in the microtubule-associated protein, tau. PSP presents with an atypical ... Neurodegenerative disease (PSNP1) MAPT [HSA:4137] [KO:K04380]
H00079 Asthma ... release chemotactic factors that contribute to the recruitment of inflammatory cells, particularly eosinophils, whose proliferation and differentiation from bone marrow progenitors is promoted by IL-5. The ... Immune system disease hsa05310 Asthma IL4 [HSA:3565] [KO:K05430]
IL4RA [HSA:3566] [KO:K05071]
IL13 [HSA:3596] [KO:K05435]
FCER1B [HSA:2206] [KO:K08090]
TNFA [HSA:7124] [KO:K03156]
ADAM33 [HSA:80332] [KO:K08616]
CD14 [HSA:929] [KO:K04391]
HLA-DRB1 [HSA:3123] [KO:K06752]
HLA-DQB1 [HSA:3119] [KO:K06752]
HLA-G [HSA:3135] [KO:K06751]
ADRB2 [HSA:154] [KO:K04142]
ALOX5 [HSA:240] [KO:K00461]
CCL11 [HSA:6356] [KO:K16597]
MUC7 [HSA:4589] [KO:K13909]
PLA2G7 [HSA:7941] [KO:K01062]
SCGB3A2 [HSA:117156] [KO:K25469]
(ASRT1) PTGDR [HSA:5729] [KO:K04332]
(ASRT2) NPSR1 [HSA:387129] [KO:K08376]
(ASRT5) IRAK3 [HSA:11213] [KO:K04732]
(ASRT7) CHI3L1 [HSA:1116] [KO:K17523]
H00080 Systemic lupus erythematosus ... IgG autoantibodies that are specific for self-antigens, such as DNA, nuclear proteins and certain cytoplasmic components, in association with a diverse array of clinical manifestations. The primary pathological ... Immune system disease hsa05322 Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) PTPN22 [HSA:26191] [KO:K18024]
(SLE) FCGR2A [HSA:2212] [KO:K06472]
(SLE) FCGR2B [HSA:2213] [KO:K12560]
(SLE) CTLA4 [HSA:1493] [KO:K06538]
(SLE) TREX1 [HSA:11277] [KO:K10790]
(SLE) DNASE1 [HSA:1773] [KO:K11994]
(SLEB1) TLR5 [HSA:7100] [KO:K10168]
(SLEB2) PDCD1 [HSA:5133] [KO:K06744]
(SLEB9) CR2 [HSA:1380] [KO:K04012]
(SLEB10) IRF5 [HSA:3663] [KO:K09446]
(SLEB11) STAT4 [HSA:6775] [KO:K11222]
(SLEB16) DNASE1L3 [HSA:1776] [KO:K11995]
(SLEB17) TLR7 [HSA:51284] [KO:K05404]
HLA-DRB1 [HSA:3123] [KO:K06752]
HLA-DQA1 [HSA:3117] [KO:K06752]
HLA-DQB1 [HSA:3119] [KO:K06752]
C2 [HSA:717] [KO:K01332]
C4A [HSA:720] [KO:K03989]
TNF [HSA:7124] [KO:K03156]
FCGR3A [HSA:2214] [KO:K06463]
FCGR3B [HSA:2215] [KO:K06463]
CRP [HSA:1401] [KO:K16143]
ZNF423 [HSA:23090] [KO:K22870]
H00082 Graves disease ... disease (AITD), and is characterized by overstimulation of the thyroid gland with agonistic anti-thyrotropin (TSH) receptor autoantibodies. This overstimulation leads to follicular hypertrophy and hyperplasia ... Immune system disease
H00083 Allograft rejection ... Nonetheless, T cells with indirect allospecificity can contribute to graft rejection by activating macrophages, which cause tissue injury and fibrosis, and are also likely to be important in the development ... Immune system disease hsa05330 Allograft rejection TNF [HSA:7124] [KO:K03156]
IL10 [HSA:3586] [KO:K05443]
TGFB1 [HSA:7040] [KO:K13375]
TGFB2 [HSA:7042] [KO:K13376]
TGFB3 [HSA:7043] [KO:K13377]
IFNG [HSA:3458] [KO:K04687]
HLA-DMA [HSA:3108] [KO:K06752]
ICAM1 [HSA:3383] [KO:K06490]
CTLA4 [HSA:1493] [KO:K06538]
ACE [HSA:1636] [KO:K01283]
ITGB3 [HSA:3690] [KO:K06493]
H00084 Graft-versus-host disease Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a lethal complication of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) where immunocompetent donor T cells attack the genetically disparate host cells. GVHD ... Immune system disease hsa05332 Graft-versus-host disease IL10 [HSA:3586] [KO:K05443]
TNF [HSA:7124] [KO:K03156]
IL1A [HSA:3552] [KO:K04383]
IL1RN [HSA:3557] [KO:K05481]
IFNG [HSA:3458] [KO:K04687]
IL6 [HSA:3569] [KO:K05405]
TGFB1 [HSA:7040] [KO:K13375]
TGFB2 [HSA:7042] [KO:K13376]
TGFB3 [HSA:7043] [KO:K13377]
IL13 [HSA:3596] [KO:K05435]
TNFRSF1B [HSA:7133] [KO:K05141]
IL2 [HSA:3558] [KO:K05429]
H00085 Agammaglobulinemias There are three major categories of antibody deficiencies: (a) defects in early B cell development, (b) hyper-IgM syndromes (also called class switch recombination defects), and (c) common variable immunodeficiency ... Immune system disease (AGMX1) BTK [HSA:695] [KO:K07370]
(AGMX2) SH3KBP1 [HSA:30011] [KO:K12470]
(AGM2) IGLL1 [HSA:3543] [KO:K06554]
(AGM3) CD79A [HSA:973] [KO:K06506]
(AGM4) BLNK [HSA:29760] [KO:K07371]
(AGM5) LRRC8A [HSA:56262] [KO:K22038]
(AGM6) CD79B [HSA:974] [KO:K06507]
(AGM7) PIK3R1 [HSA:5295] [KO:K02649]
(AGM8A/8B) TCF3 [HSA:6929] [KO:K09063]
(AGM9) SLC39A7 [HSA:7922] [KO:K14713]
(AGM10) SPI1 [HSA:6688] [KO:K09438]
H00086 Immunodeficiency with hyper-IgM There are three major categories of antibody deficiencies: (a) defects in early B cell development, (b) hyper-IgM syndromes (also called class switch recombination defects), and (c) common variable immunodeficiency ... Immune system disease (HIGM1) CD40LG [HSA:959] [KO:K03161]
(HIGM2) AICDA [HSA:57379] [KO:K10989]
(HIGM3) CD40 [HSA:958] [KO:K03160]
(HIGM5) UNG [HSA:7374] [KO:K03648]
H00087 Other humoral immunodeficiencies ... and overall antibody function is usually normal. Mutations in the kappa light-chain gene result in a population of immunoglobulin molecules with only lambda light chains instead of the usual mixture of kappa ... Immune system disease DNMT3B [HSA:1789] [KO:K17399]
Ig heavy chain
H00088 Common variable immunodeficiency There are three major categories of antibody deficiencies: (a) defects in early B cell development, (b) hyper-IgM syndromes (also called class switch recombination defects), and (c) common variable immunodeficiency ... Immune system disease (CVID1) ICOS [HSA:29851] [KO:K06713]
(CVID2) TNFRSF13B [HSA:23495] [KO:K05150]
(CVID3) CD19 [HSA:930] [KO:K06465]
(CVID4) TNFRSF13C [HSA:115650] [KO:K05151]
(CVID5) MS4A1 [HSA:931] [KO:K06466]
(CVID6) CD81 [HSA:975] [KO:K06508]
(CVID7) CR2 [HSA:1380] [KO:K04012]
(CVID8) LRBA [HSA:987] [KO:K24181]
(CVID10) NFKB2 [HSA:4791] [KO:K04469]
(CVID11) IL21 [HSA:59067] [KO:K05434]
(CVID12) NFKB1 [HSA:4790] [KO:K02580]
(CVID13) IKZF1 [HSA:10320] [KO:K09220]
(CVID14) IRF2BP2 [HSA:359948] [KO:K27448]
(CVID15) SEC61A1 [HSA:29927] [KO:K10956]
H00090 NK cell defects ... respiratory tract infections since birth. CD16 is part of the FcgRIII found on NK cells as well as macrophages and some T cells. The receptor allows NK cells to phagocytose organisms or cells coated with ... Primary immunodeficiency FCGR3A [HSA:2214] [KO:K06463]
H00091 T-B+Severe combined immunodeficiency ... have a severe defect in T-cell differentiation, along with direct or indirect impairment of B-cell development and function. SCIDs with lack of circulating T cells but a normal number of B cells accounts for ... Primary immunodeficiency JAK3 [HSA:3718] [KO:K11218]
(SCIDX1) IL2RG [HSA:3561] [KO:K05070]
(IMD8) CORO1A [HSA:11151] [KO:K13882]
(IMD18) CD3E [HSA:916] [KO:K06451]
(IMD19) CD3D [HSA:915] [KO:K06450]
(IMD25) CD247 [HSA:919] [KO:K06453]
(IMD49) BCL11B [HSA:64919] [KO:K22046]
(IMD104) IL7R [HSA:3575] [KO:K05072]
(IMD105) PTPRC [HSA:5788] [KO:K06478]
(IMD122) POLD3 [HSA:10714] [KO:K03504]
H00092 T-B-Severe combined immunodeficiency ... have a severe defect in T-cell differentiation, along with direct or indirect impairment of B-cell development and function. Adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency accounts for about half of the autosomal recessive ... Primary immunodeficiency ADA [HSA:100] [KO:K01488]
RAG1 [HSA:5896] [KO:K10628]
RAG2 [HSA:5897] [KO:K10988]
DCLRE1C [HSA:64421] [KO:K10887]
AK2 [HSA:204] [KO:K00939]
(IMD26) PRKDC [HSA:5591] [KO:K06642]
(IMD58) CARMIL2 [HSA:146206] [KO:K20493]
(IMD121) PSMB10 [HSA:5699] [KO:K02733]
H00093 Combined immunodeficiency ... the CD40 ligand gene. ZAP-70 deficiency is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. Recurrent and opportunistic infections occur within the first year of life. The mutations in genes responsible for ... Primary immunodeficiency CD40LG (TNFSF5) [HSA:959] [KO:K03161]
CD40 [HSA:958] [KO:K03160]
PNP [HSA:4860] [KO:K03783]
(IMD6) IL2RG [HSA:3561] [KO:K05070]
(IMD9) ORAI1 [HSA:84876] [KO:K16056]
(IMD10) STIM1 [HSA:6786] [KO:K16059]
(IMD11) CARD11 [HSA:84433] [KO:K07367]
(IMD12) MALT1 [HSA:10892] [KO:K07369]
(IMD15) IKBKB [HSA:3551] [KO:K07209]
(IMD16) TNFRSF4 [HSA:7293] [KO:K05142]
(IMD17) CD3G [HSA:917] [KO:K06452]
(IMD22) LCK [HSA:3932] [KO:K05856]
(IMD24) CTPS1 [HSA:1503] [KO:K01937]
(IMD37) BCL10 [HSA:8915] [KO:K07368]
(IMD40) DOCK2 [HSA:1794] [KO:K12367]
(IMD48) ZAP70 [HSA:7535] [KO:K07360]
(IMD50) MSN [HSA:4478] [KO:K05763]
(IMD55) GINS1 [HSA:9837] [KO:K10732]
(IMD59) HYOU1 [HSA:10525] [KO:K09486]
(IMD71) ARPC1B [HSA:10095] [KO:K05757]
(IMD85) TOM1 [HSA:10043] [KO:K26401]
(IMD97) PIK3CG [HSA:5294] [KO:K21289]
(IMD110) STK4 [HSA:6789] [KO:K04411]
(IMD112) MAP3K14 [HSA:9020] [KO:K04466]
(IMD116) CD8A [HSA:925] [KO:K06458]
(IMD119) ICOSLG [HSA:23308] [KO:K06710]
(IMD120) POLD1 [HSA:5424] [KO:K02327]
H00094 Immunodeficiency associated with DNA repair defects ... They are all autosomal recessive, show an increased tendency for chromosomal aberrations and to develop malignancies. Ataxia telangiectasia (AT), Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS), and an ataxia-like disorder ... Primary immunodeficiency ATM [HSA:472] [KO:K04728]
MRE11A [HSA:4361] [KO:K10865]
NBS1(Nibrin) [HSA:4683] [KO:K10867]
LIG1 [HSA:3978] [KO:K10747]
LIG4 [HSA:3981] [KO:K10777]
BLM [HSA:641] [KO:K10901]
MCM4 [HSA:4173] [KO:K02212]
(LICS) NSMCE3 [HSA:56160] [KO:K22823]
H00095 Ectodermal dysplasia and immunodeficiency ... age of two months he suffered from multiple and severe infections with several Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, leading to chronic bronchopneumonitis and gastroenteritis, with failure to thrive. Immune system disease (EDAID1) IKBKG [HSA:8517] [KO:K07210]
(EDAID2) NFKBIA [HSA:4792] [KO:K04734]
H00096 Defects of toll-like receptor signaling ... with known TLR agonists. Despite the broad impairment at the two subsequent levels of onset (TLR) and propagation (IL-1R) of inflammation, the clinical phenotype of IRAK-4 deficiency is relatively mild. Patients ... Primary immunodeficiency (IMD67) IRAK4 [HSA:51135] [KO:K04733]
(IMD39) IRF7 [HSA:3665] [KO:K09447]
(IMD74) TLR7 [HSA:51284] [KO:K05404]
(IMD98) TLR8 [HSA:51311] [KO:K10170]
H00097 WHIM syndrome WHIM (an acronym for warts, hypogammaglobulinemia, infections and myelokathexis, a form of neutropenia) syndrome is a congenital immunodeficiency disease characterized by neutropenia, hypogammaglobulinemia ... Primary immunodeficiency (WHIMS1) CXCR4 [HSA:7852] [KO:K04189]
(WHIMS2) CXCR2 [HSA:3579] [KO:K05050]
H00099 Leukocyte adhesion deficiency Leukocyte adhesion deficiency (LAD) is a rare, autosomal recessive genetic disorder in which neutrophils fail to mobilize and migrate to sites of injury. At least three genetically distinct forms of this ... Primary immunodeficiency ITGB2 [HSA:3689] [KO:K06464]
SLC35C1 [HSA:55343] [KO:K15279]
FERMT3 [HSA:83706] [KO:K17084]
RAC2 [HSA:5880] [KO:K07860]
H00100 Neutropenic disorders Neutropenias represents a series of potentially life-threatening disorders characterised by a reduction in circulating neutrophils. Since neutrophils play a major role in host defense against bacteria ... Primary immunodeficiency (SCN1) ELANE [HSA:1991] [KO:K01327]
(SCN2/NI-CINA) GFI1 [HSA:2672] [KO:K09223]
(SCN3) HAX1 [HSA:10456] [KO:K16220]
(SCN4) G6PC3 [HSA:92579] [KO:K01084]
(SCN5) VPS45 [HSA:11311] [KO:K12479]
(SCN6) JAGN1 [HSA:84522] [KO:K25789]
(SCN7) CSF3R [HSA:1441] [KO:K05061]
(SCN8) SRP54 [HSA:6729] [KO:K03106]
(SCN9) CLPB [HSA:81570] [KO:K03695]
(SCN10) SRP68 [HSA:6730] [KO:K03107]
(SCN11) SEC61A1 [HSA:29927] [KO:K10956]
(SCNX) WAS [HSA:7454] [KO:K05747]
H00101 Other phagocyte defects ... characterized by partial skin and ocular albinism, increased susceptibility to infections, and progressive neuropathy. Clinical reports of CHS have identified mutations throughout the CHS1/LYST gene. Griscelli syndrome ... Primary immunodeficiency
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