Search Result

1 to 40 of 44 1 2 Next
Entry Name Description Category Pathway Gene
H00001 B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
B-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia
... ETV6-RUNX1 fusion (TEL-AML1); the t(1;19) (q23;p13) translocation that results in expression of the TCF3 (E2A) fusion partner, (also known as TCF3) TFPT-PBX1 fusion (E2A-PBX); the t(9;22) (q34;q11.2) "Philadelphia" ... Cancer BCR-ABL (translocation) [HSA:25] [KO:K06619]
MLL-AF4 (translocation) [HSA:4297 4299] [KO:K09186 K15184]
E2A-PBX1 (translocation) [HSA:6929 5087] [KO:K09063 K09355]
TEL-AML1 (translocation) [HSA:861] [KO:K08367]
c-MYC (rearrangement) [HSA:4609] [KO:K04377]
CRLF2 (rearrangement) [HSA:64109] [KO:K05078]
PAX5 (rearrangement) [HSA:5079] [KO:K09383]
H00041 Kaposi sarcoma Kaposi sarcoma (KS) is an angioproliferative disease classified into classic KS, endemic KS, iatrogenic KS, and HIV-associated KS (HIV-KS), however, they share the same histological traits and are all ... Cancer; Viral infectious disease hsa05167 Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection BCL2 (overexpression) [HSA:596] [KO:K02161]
MYC (overexpression) [HSA:4609] [KO:K04377]
FGF3 (overexpression, mutation) [HSA:2248] [KO:K04358]
KRAS (overexpression, mutation) [HSA:3845] [KO:K07827]
TP53 [HSA:7157] [KO:K04451]
H00085 Agammaglobulinemias There are three major categories of antibody deficiencies: (a) defects in early B cell development, (b) hyper-IgM syndromes (also called class switch recombination defects), and (c) common variable immunodeficiency ... Immune system disease (AGMX1) BTK [HSA:695] [KO:K07370]
(AGMX2) SH3KBP1 [HSA:30011] [KO:K12470]
(AGM2) IGLL1 [HSA:3543] [KO:K06554]
(AGM3) CD79A [HSA:973] [KO:K06506]
(AGM4) BLNK [HSA:29760] [KO:K07371]
(AGM5) LRRC8A [HSA:56262] [KO:K22038]
(AGM6) CD79B [HSA:974] [KO:K06507]
(AGM7) PIK3R1 [HSA:5295] [KO:K02649]
(AGM8A/8B) TCF3 [HSA:6929] [KO:K09063]
(AGM9) SLC39A7 [HSA:7922] [KO:K14713]
(AGM10) SPI1 [HSA:6688] [KO:K09438]
H00100 Neutropenic disorders Neutropenias represents a series of potentially life-threatening disorders characterised by a reduction in circulating neutrophils. Since neutrophils play a major role in host defense against bacteria ... Primary immunodeficiency (SCN1) ELANE [HSA:1991] [KO:K01327]
(SCN2/NI-CINA) GFI1 [HSA:2672] [KO:K09223]
(SCN3) HAX1 [HSA:10456] [KO:K16220]
(SCN4) G6PC3 [HSA:92579] [KO:K01084]
(SCN5) VPS45 [HSA:11311] [KO:K12479]
(SCN6) JAGN1 [HSA:84522] [KO:K25789]
(SCN7) CSF3R [HSA:1441] [KO:K05061]
(SCN8) SRP54 [HSA:6729] [KO:K03106]
(SCN9) CLPB [HSA:81570] [KO:K03695]
(SCN10) SRP68 [HSA:6730] [KO:K03107]
(SCN11) SEC61A1 [HSA:29927] [KO:K10956]
(SCNX) WAS [HSA:7454] [KO:K05747]
H00269 Primary microcephaly Autosomal recessive primary microcephaly (MCPH) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by reduced skull circumference and brain volume. Congenital malformation (MCPH1) MCPH1 [HSA:79648] [KO:K19403]
(MCPH2) WDR62 [HSA:284403] [KO:K21762]
(MCPH3) CDK5RAP2 [HSA:55755] [KO:K16542]
(MCPH4) KNL1 [HSA:57082] [KO:K11542]
(MCPH5) ASPM [HSA:259266] [KO:K16743]
(MCPH6) CENPJ [HSA:55835] [KO:K11502]
(MCPH7) STIL [HSA:6491] [KO:K16724]
(MCPH8) CEP135 [HSA:9662] [KO:K16461]
(MCPH9) CEP152 [HSA:22995] [KO:K16728]
(MCPH10) ZNF335 [HSA:63925] [KO:K24371]
(MCPH11) PHC1 [HSA:1911] [KO:K11456]
(MCPH12) CDK6 [HSA:1021] [KO:K02091]
(MCPH13) CENPE [HSA:1062] [KO:K11498]
(MCPH14) SASS6 [HSA:163786] [KO:K16487]
(MCPH15) MFSD2A [HSA:84879] [KO:K23894]
(MCPH16) ANKLE2 [HSA:23141] [KO:K21412]
(MCPH17) CIT [HSA:11113] [KO:K16308]
(MCPH18) WDFY3 [HSA:23001] [KO:K22262]
(MCPH19) COPB2 [HSA:9276] [KO:K17302]
(MCPH20) KIF14 [HSA:9928] [KO:K17915]
(MCPH21) NCAPD2 [HSA:9918] [KO:K06677]
(MCPH22) NCAPD3 [HSA:23310] [KO:K11491]
(MCPH23) NCAPH [HSA:23397] [KO:K06676]
(MCPH24) NUP37 [HSA:79023] [KO:K14302]
(MCPH25) TRAPPC14 [HSA:55262] [KO:K24261]
(MCPH26) LMNB1 [HSA:4001] [KO:K07611]
(MCPH27) LMNB2 [HSA:84823] [KO:K07611]
(MCPH28) RRP7A [HSA:27341] [KO:K14545]
(MCPH29) PDCD6IP [HSA:10015] [KO:K12200]
(MCPH30) BUB1 [HSA:699] [KO:K02178]
H00408 Type 1 diabetes mellitus The majority of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) cases are believed to arise from an inflammatory, autoimmune attack against the beta cells in the pancreas, which consequently leads to the failure of insulin-mediated ... Metabolic disease; Immune system disease; Endocrine disease hsa04940 Type I diabetes mellitus (T1D2) INS [HSA:3630] [KO:K04526]
(T1D5) SUMO4 [HSA:387082] [KO:K12160]
(T1D10) IL2RA [HSA:3559] [KO:K05068]
(T1D12) CTLA4 [HSA:1493] [KO:K06538]
(T1D20) HNF1A [HSA:6927] [KO:K08036]
(T1D22) CCR5 [HSA:1234] [KO:K04180]
HLA-DRB1 [HSA:3123] [KO:K06752]
HLA-DQB1 [HSA:3119] [KO:K06752]
HLA-DQA1 [HSA:3117] [KO:K06752]
PTPN22 [HSA:26191] [KO:K18024]
PTPN2 [HSA:5771] [KO:K18026]
ERBB3 [HSA:2065] [KO:K05084]
IL2 - IL21 [HSA:3558 59067] [KO:K05429 K05434]
IFIH1 [HSA:64135] [KO:K12647]
CLEC16A [HSA:23274] [KO:K19513]
BACH2 [HSA:60468] [KO:K09042]
CTSH [HSA:1512] [KO:K01366]
SH2B3 [HSA:10019] [KO:K12459]
C12orf30 [HSA:80018] [KO:K17973]
CD226 [HSA:10666] [KO:K06567]
ITPR3 [HSA:3710] [KO:K04960]
CYP27B1 [HSA:1594] [KO:K07438]
H00473 Mitochondrial complex I deficiency Mitochondrial complex I deficiency, the most common mitochondrial disorders, is a group of highly heterogeneous conditions characterised by faulty oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). Human complex I is ... Inherited metabolic disorder, Mitochondrial disease (MC1DN1) NDUFS4 [HSA:4724] [KO:K03937]
(MC1DN2) NDUFS8 [HSA:4728] [KO:K03941]
(MC1DN3) NDUFS7 [HSA:374291] [KO:K03940]
(MC1DN4) NDUFV1 [HSA:4723] [KO:K03942]
(MC1DN5) NDUFS1 [HSA:4719] [KO:K03934]
(MC1DN6) NDUFS2 [HSA:4720] [KO:K03935]
(MC1DN7) NDUFV2 [HSA:4729] [KO:K03943]
(MC1DN8) NDUFS3 [HSA:4722] [KO:K03936]
(MC1DN9) NDUFS6 [HSA:4726] [KO:K03939]
(MC1DN10) NDUFAF2 [HSA:91942] [KO:K18160]
(MC1DN11) NDUFAF1 [HSA:51103] [KO:K18159]
(MC1DN12) NDUFA1 [HSA:4694] [KO:K03945]
(MC1DN13) NDUFA2 [HSA:4695] [KO:K03946]
(MC1DN14) NDUFA11 [HSA:126328] [KO:K03956]
(MC1DN15) NDUFAF4 [HSA:29078] [KO:K18161]
(MC1DN16) NDUFAF5 [HSA:79133] [KO:K18162]
(MC1DN17) NDUFAF6 [HSA:137682] [KO:K18163]
(MC1DN18) NDUFAF3 [HSA:25915] [KO:K09008]
(MC1DN19) FOXRED1 [HSA:55572] [KO:K18166]
(MC1DN20) ACAD9 [HSA:28976] [KO:K15980]
(MC1DN21) NUBPL [HSA:80224] [KO:K03593]
(MC1DN22) NDUFA10 [HSA:4705] [KO:K03954]
(MC1DN23) NDUFA12 [HSA:55967] [KO:K11352]
(MC1DN24) NDUFB9 [HSA:4715] [KO:K03965]
(MC1DN25) NDUFB3 [HSA:4709] [KO:K03959]
(MC1DN26) NDUFA9 [HSA:4704] [KO:K03953]
(MC1DN27) MTFMT [HSA:123263] [KO:K00604]
(MC1DN28) NDUFA13 [HSA:51079] [KO:K11353]
(MC1DN29) TMEM126B [HSA:55863] [KO:K18165]
(MC1DN30) NDUFB11 [HSA:54539] [KO:K11351]
(MC1DN31) TIMMDC1 [HSA:51300] [KO:K23505]
(MC1DN32) NDUFB8 [HSA:4714] [KO:K03964]
(MC1DN33) NDUFA6 [HSA:4700] [KO:K03950]
(MC1DN34) NDUFAF8 [HSA:284184] [KO:K24726]
(MC1DN35) NDUFB10 [HSA:4716] [KO:K03966]
(MC1DN36) NDUFC2 [HSA:4718] [KO:K03968]
(MC1DN37) NDUFA8 [HSA:4702] [KO:K03952]
(MC1DN39) NDUFB7 [HSA:4713] [KO:K03963]
ND1 [HSA:4535] [KO:K03878]
ND2 [HSA:4536] [KO:K03879]
ND3 [HSA:4537] [KO:K03880]
ND4 [HSA:4538] [KO:K03881]
ND4L [HSA:4539] [KO:K03882]
ND5 [HSA:4540] [KO:K03883]
ND6 [HSA:4541] [KO:K03884]
H00481 Cone-rod dystrophy and cone dystrophy Cone-rod dystrophy (CORD) and cone dystrophy (COD) are a subgroup of inherited retinal dystrophies characterized by progressive loss of photoreceptor function. In contrast to retinitis pigmentosa (RP) ... Nervous system disease (CORD2) CRX [HSA:1406] [KO:K09337]
(CORD3) ABCA4 [HSA:24] [KO:K05644]
(CORD5) PITPNM3 [HSA:83394] [KO:K24069]
(CORD6/RCD2) GUCY2D [HSA:3000] [KO:K12321]
(CORD9) ADAM9 [HSA:8754] [KO:K06834]
(CORD10) SEMA4A [HSA:64218] [KO:K06521]
(CORD11) RAX2 [HSA:84839] [KO:K09333]
(CORD12) PROM1 [HSA:8842] [KO:K06532]
(CORD13) RPGRIP1 [HSA:57096] [KO:K16512]
(CORD14/COD3) GUCA1A [HSA:2978] [KO:K08328]
(CORD15) CDHR1 [HSA:92211] [KO:K16501]
(CORD16) C8orf37 [HSA:157657] [KO:K25226]
(CORD18) RAB28 [HSA:9364] [KO:K07915]
(CORD19) TTLL5 [HSA:23093] [KO:K16602]
(CORD20) POC1B [HSA:282809] [KO:K16482]
(CORD21) DRAM2 [HSA:128338] [KO:K21956]
(CORD22) TLCD3B [HSA:83723] [KO:K26600]
(CORD24) UNC119 [HSA:9094] [KO:K23539]
(CORDX1/COD1) RPGR [HSA:6103] [KO:K19607]
(CORDX3) CACNA1F [HSA:778] [KO:K04853]
(COD4) PDE6C [HSA:5146] [KO:K13757]
(RCD3A) PDE6H [HSA:5149] [KO:K13760]
(RCD3B) KCNV2 [HSA:169522] [KO:K04935]
(RCD4) CACNA2D4 [HSA:93589] [KO:K04861]
H00527 Retinitis pigmentosa Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a group of inherited progressive retinal diseases characterized by progressive peripheral vision loss and night vision difficulties. RP can be divided into syndromic (40 %) ... Nervous system disease (RP1) RP1 [HSA:6101] [KO:K19538]
(RP2) RP2 [HSA:6102] [KO:K18272]
(RP3/RP15) RPGR [HSA:6103] [KO:K19607]
(RP4) RHO [HSA:6010] [KO:K04250]
(RP7) PRPH2 [HSA:5961] [KO:K17343]
(RP7) ROM1 [HSA:6094] [KO:K17344]
(RP9) RP9 [HSA:6100] [KO:K19604]
(RP10) IMPDH1 [HSA:3614] [KO:K00088]
(RP11) PRPF31 [HSA:26121] [KO:K12844]
(RP12) CRB1 [HSA:23418] [KO:K16681]
(RP13) PRPF8 [HSA:10594] [KO:K12856]
(RP14) TULP1 [HSA:7287] [KO:K19600]
(RP17) CA4 [HSA:762] [KO:K18246]
(RP18) PRPF3 [HSA:9129] [KO:K12843]
(RP19) ABCA4 [HSA:24] [KO:K05644]
(RP20/87) RPE65 [HSA:6121] [KO:K11158]
(RP23) OFD1 [HSA:8481] [KO:K16480]
(RP25) EYS [HSA:346007] [KO:K19601]
(RP26) CERKL [HSA:375298] [KO:K19602]
(RP27) NRL [HSA:4901] [KO:K09038]
(RP28) FAM161A [HSA:84140] [KO:K16772]
(RP30) FSCN2 [HSA:25794] [KO:K17455]
(RP31) TOPORS [HSA:10210] [KO:K10631]
(RP32) CLCC1 [HSA:23155] [KO:K22188]
(RP33) SNRNP200 [HSA:23020] [KO:K12854]
(RP35) SEMA4A [HSA:64218] [KO:K06521]
(RP36) PRCD [HSA:768206] [KO:K19637]
(RP37) NR2E3 [HSA:10002] [KO:K08546]
(RP38) MERTK [HSA:10461] [KO:K05117]
(RP39) USH2A [HSA:7399] [KO:K19636]
(RP40) PDE6B [HSA:5158] [KO:K13756]
(RP41) PROM1 [HSA:8842] [KO:K06532]
(RP42) KLHL7 [HSA:55975] [KO:K10445]
(RP43) PDE6A [HSA:5145] [KO:K08718]
(RP44) RGR [HSA:5995] [KO:K04254]
(RP45) CNGB1 [HSA:1258] [KO:K04952]
(RP46) IDH3B [HSA:3420] [KO:K00030]
(RP47/RP96) SAG [HSA:6295] [KO:K19627]
(RP48) GUCA1B [HSA:2979] [KO:K08328]
(RP49) CNGA1 [HSA:1259] [KO:K04948]
(RP50) BEST1 [HSA:7439] [KO:K13878]
(RP54) PCARE [HSA:388939] [KO:K24165]
(RP55) ARL6 [HSA:84100] [KO:K07951]
(RP56) IMPG2 [HSA:50939] [KO:K19017]
(RP57) PDE6G [HSA:5148] [KO:K13759]
(RP58) ZNF513 [HSA:130557] [KO:K24373]
(RP59) DHDDS [HSA:79947] [KO:K11778]
(RP60) PRPF6 [HSA:24148] [KO:K12855]
(RP61) CLRN1 [HSA:7401] [KO:K23841]
(RP62) MAK [HSA:4117] [KO:K08829]
(RP64) CFAP418 [HSA:157657] [KO:K25226]
(RP66) RBP3 [HSA:5949] [KO:K23911]
(RP67) NEK2 [HSA:4751] [KO:K20872]
(RP68) SLC7A14 [HSA:57709] [KO:K13871]
(RP69) KIZ [HSA:55857] [KO:K16539]
(RP70) PRPF4 [HSA:9128] [KO:K12662]
(RP71) IFT172 [HSA:26160] [KO:K19676]
(RP72) ZNF408 [HSA:79797] [KO:K24372]
(RP73) HGSNAT [HSA:138050] [KO:K10532]
(RP74) BBS2 [HSA:583] [KO:K16747]
(RP75) AGBL5 [HSA:60509] [KO:K23438]
(RP76) POMGNT1 [HSA:55624] [KO:K09666]
(RP77) REEP6 [HSA:92840] [KO:K17279]
(RP78) ARHGEF18 [HSA:23370] [KO:K21066]
(RP79) HK1 [HSA:3098] [KO:K00844]
(RP80) IFT140 [HSA:9742] [KO:K19672]
(RP81) IFT43 [HSA:112752] [KO:K19675]
(RP82) ARL2BP [HSA:23568] [KO:K16742]
(RP83) ARL3 [HSA:403] [KO:K07944]
(RP84) DHX38 [HSA:9785] [KO:K12815]
(RP85) AHR [HSA:196] [KO:K09093]
(RP86) RP86 [HSA:57670]
(RP88) RP1L1 [HSA:94137] [KO:K19538]
(RP89) KIF3B [HSA:9371] [KO:K20196]
(RP90) IDH3A [HSA:3419] [KO:K00030]
(RP91) IMPG1 [HSA:3617] [KO:K19016]
(RP92) HKDC1 [HSA:80201] [KO:K00844]
(RP93) CC2D2A [HSA:57545] [KO:K19352]
(RP94) SPATA7 [HSA:55812] [KO:K19655]
(RP95) RAX2 [HSA:84839] [KO:K09333]
(RP97) VWA8 [HSA:23078] [KO:K24512]
(Bothnia retinal dystrophy) RLBP1 [HSA:6017] [KO:K19625]
H00538 Senior-Loken syndrome Senior-Loken syndrome is a rare disorder that combines nephronophthisis and retinitis pigmentosa. Congenital malformation (SLSN1) NPHP1 [HSA:4867] [KO:K19657]
(SLSN4) NPHP4 [HSA:261734] [KO:K16478]
(SLSN5) IQCB1 [HSA:9657] [KO:K16774]
(SLSN6) CEP290 [HSA:80184] [KO:K16533]
(SLSN7) SDCCAG8 [HSA:10806] [KO:K16488]
(SLSN8) WDR19 [HSA:57728] [KO:K19671]
(SLSN9) TRAF3IP1 [HSA:26146] [KO:K19680]
H00564 Primary ciliary dyskinesia Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an autosomal recessive disorder with recurrent oto-sinopulmonary infections, bronchiectasis, and infertility owing to impaired motile ciliary function. Alterations in ... Respiratory system disease (CILD1) DNAI1 [HSA:27019] [KO:K10409]
(CILD2) DNAAF3 [HSA:352909] [KO:K19752]
(CILD3) DNAH5 [HSA:1767] [KO:K10408]
(CILD5) HYDIN [HSA:54768] [KO:K17570]
(CILD6) NME8 [HSA:51314] [KO:K19868]
(CILD7) DNAH11 [HSA:8701] [KO:K10408]
(CILD9) DNAI2 [HSA:64446] [KO:K11143]
(CILD10) DNAAF2 [HSA:55172] [KO:K19751]
(CILD11) RSPH4A [HSA:345895] [KO:K19756]
(CILD12) RSPH9 [HSA:221421] [KO:K19757]
(CILD13) DNAAF1 [HSA:123872] [KO:K19750]
(CILD14) CCDC39 [HSA:339829] [KO:K23729]
(CILD15) CCDC40 [HSA:55036] [KO:K23730]
(CILD16) DNAL1 [HSA:83544] [KO:K10411]
(CILD17) CCDC103 [HSA:388389] [KO:K23731]
(CILD18) DNAAF5 [HSA:54919] [KO:K19759]
(CILD19) DNAAF11 [HSA:23639] [KO:K19753]
(CILD20) ODAD1 [HSA:93233] [KO:K23732]
(CILD21) DRC1 [HSA:92749] [KO:K19754]
(CILD22) ZMYND10 [HSA:51364] [KO:K24030]
(CILD23) ODAD2 [HSA:55130] [KO:K24125]
(CILD24) RSPH1 [HSA:89765] [KO:K19755]
(CILD25) DNAAF4 [HSA:161582] [KO:K19758]
(CILD26) CFAP298 [HSA:56683] [KO:K24229]
(CILD27) CCDC65 [HSA:85478] [KO:K23728]
(CILD28) SPAG1 [HSA:6674] [KO:K19870]
(CILD29) CCNO [HSA:10309] [KO:K10861]
(CILD30) ODAD3 [HSA:115948] [KO:K23733]
(CILD32) RSPH3 [HSA:83861] [KO:K23965]
(CILD33) GAS8 [HSA:2622] [KO:K19942]
(CILD34) DNAJB13 [HSA:374407] [KO:K09519]
(CILD35) ODAD4 [HSA:83538] [KO:K24254]
(CILD36) DNAAF6 [HSA:139212] [KO:K24253]
(CILD37) DNAH1 [HSA:25981] [KO:K10408]
(CILD38) CFAP300 [HSA:85016] [KO:K24230]
(CILD39) LRRC56 [HSA:115399] [KO:K25425]
(CILD40) DNAH9 [HSA:1770] [KO:K10408]
(CILD41) GAS2L2 [HSA:246176] [KO:K24627]
(CILD42) MCIDAS [HSA:345643] [KO:K26119]
(CILD43) FOXJ1 [HSA:2302] [KO:K09402]
(CILD44) NEK10 [HSA:152110] [KO:K20879]
(CILD45) TTC12 [HSA:54970] [KO:K24652]
(CILD46) STK36 [HSA:27148] [KO:K06228]
(CILD47) TP73 [HSA:7161] [KO:K10148]
(CILD48) NME5 [HSA:8382] [KO:K20790]
(CILD49) CFAP74 [HSA:85452] [KO:K25607]
(CILD50) DNAH7 [HSA:56171] [KO:K10408]
(CILD51) BRWD1 [HSA:54014] [KO:K11798]
(CILD52) DAW1 [HSA:164781] [KO:K19760]
(CILD53) CLXN [HSA:79645] [KO:K27179]
H00604 Deafness, autosomal dominant Hereditary deafness is divided into syndromic forms (in which hearing loss is associated with a variety of other anomalies) and non-syndromic forms. Non-syndromic forms are responsible for 70% of the cases ... Nervous system disease (DFNA1) DIAPH1 [HSA:1729] [KO:K05740]
(DFNA2A) KCNQ4 [HSA:9132] [KO:K04929]
(DFNA2B) GJB3 [HSA:2707] [KO:K07622]
(DFNA3A) GJB2 [HSA:2706] [KO:K07621]
(DFNA3B) GJB6 [HSA:10804] [KO:K07625]
(DFNA4A) MYH14 [HSA:79784] [KO:K10352]
(DFNA4B) CEACAM16 [HSA:388551] [KO:K06499]
(DFNA5) GSDME [HSA:1687] [KO:K22146]
(DFNA6/14/38) WFS1 [HSA:7466] [KO:K14020]
(DFNA7) LMX1A [HSA:4009] [KO:K09371]
(DFNA8/12) TECTA [HSA:7007] [KO:K18273]
(DFNA9) COCH [HSA:1690] [KO:K23574]
(DFNA10) EYA4 [HSA:2070] [KO:K17622]
(DFNA11) MYO7A [HSA:4647] [KO:K10359]
(DFNA13) COL11A2 [HSA:1302] [KO:K19721]
(DFNA15) POU4F3 [HSA:5459] [KO:K09366]
(DFNA17) MYH9 [HSA:4627] [KO:K10352]
(DFNA20/26) ACTG1 [HSA:71] [KO:K05692]
(DFNA22) MYO6 [HSA:4646] [KO:K10358]
(DFNA23) SIX1 [HSA:6495] [KO:K15614]
(DFNA25) SLC17A8 [HSA:246213] [KO:K12302]
(DFNA27) REST [HSA:5978] [KO:K09222]
(DFNA28) GRHL2 [HSA:79977] [KO:K09275]
(DFNA34) NLRP3 [HSA:114548] [KO:K12800]
(DFNA36) TMC1 [HSA:117531] [KO:K21988]
(DFNA37) COL11A1 [HSA:1301] [KO:K19721]
(DFNA39) DSPP [HSA:1834] [KO:K23573]
(DFNA40) CRYM [HSA:1428] [KO:K18258]
(DFNA41) P2RX2 [HSA:22953] [KO:K05216]
(DFNA44) CCDC50 [HSA:152137] [KO:K25949]
(DFNA50) MIR96 [HSA:407053] [KO:K17114]
(DFNA56) TNC [HSA:3371] [KO:K06252]
(DFNA64) DIABLO [HSA:56616] [KO:K10522]
(DFNA65) TBC1D24 [HSA:57465] [KO:K21841]
(DFNA66) CD164 [HSA:8763] [KO:K06546]
(DFNA67) OSBPL2 [HSA:9885] [KO:K20174]
(DFNA68) HOMER2 [HSA:9455] [KO:K15010]
(DFNA69) KITLG [HSA:4254] [KO:K05461]
(DFNA70) MCM2 [HSA:4171] [KO:K02540]
(DFNA71) DMXL2 [HSA:23312] [KO:K24155]
(DFNA72) SLC44A4 [HSA:80736] [KO:K15377]
(DFNA73) PTPRQ [HSA:374462] [KO:K16910]
(DFNA74) PDE1C [HSA:5137] [KO:K13755]
(DFNA75) TRRAP [HSA:8295] [KO:K08874]
(DFNA76) PLS1 [HSA:5357] [KO:K17275]
(DFNA77) ABCC1 [HSA:4363] [KO:K05665]
(DFNA78) SLC12A2 [HSA:6558] [KO:K10951]
(DFNA79) SCD5 [HSA:79966] [KO:K00507]
(DFNA80) GREB1L [HSA:80000] [KO:K27478]
(DFNA81) ELMOD3 [HSA:84173] [KO:K23538]
(DFNA82) ATP2B2 [HSA:491] [KO:K05850]
(DFNA83) MAP1B [HSA:4131] [KO:K10429]
(DFNA84) ATP11A [HSA:23250] [KO:K26934]
(DFNA85) USP48 [HSA:84196] [KO:K11858]
(DFNA86) THOC1 [HSA:9984] [KO:K12878]
(DFNA87) PI4KB [HSA:5298] [KO:K19801]
(DFNA88) EPHA10 [HSA:284656] [KO:K08897]
(DFNA89) ATOH1 [HSA:474] [KO:K09083]
(DFNA90) MYO3A [HSA:53904] [KO:K08834]
H00627 Premature ovarian failure Premature ovarian failure (POF) is characterized by amenorrhea before the age of 40 years with elevated levels of gonadotrophin (LH and FSH) and low levels of gonadal hormones (estrogens and inhibins) ... Reproductive system disease (POF1) FMR1 [HSA:2332] [KO:K15516]
(POF2A) DIAPH2 [HSA:1730] [KO:K05741]
(POF2B) POF1B [HSA:79983] [KO:K23917]
(POF3) FOXL2 [HSA:668] [KO:K09405]
(POF4) BMP15 [HSA:9210] [KO:K05498]
(POF5) NOBOX [HSA:135935] [KO:K24199]
(POF6) FIGLA [HSA:344018] [KO:K09066]
(POF7) NR5A1 [HSA:2516] [KO:K08560]
(POF8) STAG3 [HSA:10734] [KO:K13055]
(POF9) HFM1 [HSA:164045] [KO:K15271]
(POF10) MCM8 [HSA:84515] [KO:K10737]
(POF11) ERCC6 [HSA:2074] [KO:K10841]
(POF12) SYCE1 [HSA:93426] [KO:K19534]
(POF13) MSH5 [HSA:4439] [KO:K08741]
(POF14) GDF9 [HSA:2661] [KO:K22673]
(POF15) FANCM [HSA:57697] [KO:K10896]
(POF16) BNC1 [HSA:646] [KO:K24146]
(POF17) XRCC2 [HSA:7516] [KO:K10879]
(POF18) C14orf39 [HSA:317761] [KO:K25705]
(POF19) HSF2BP [HSA:11077] [KO:K25791]
(POF20) MSH4 [HSA:4438] [KO:K08740]
(POF21) TP63 [HSA:8626] [KO:K10149]
(POF22) KASH5 [HSA:147872] [KO:K22595]
(POF23) MEIOB [HSA:254528] [KO:K22420]
(POF24) SYCP2L [HSA:221711] [KO:K19529]
H00658 X-linked syndromic intellectual developmental disorder
Syndromic X-linked mental retardation
X-linked intellectual developmental disorder (XLID), formerly known as X-linked mental retardation, is an inherited condition that causes failure to develop cognitive abilities because of mutations in ... Mental and behavioural disorder (MRXST) HUWE1 [HSA:10075] [KO:K10592]
(MRXSSD) PHF8 [HSA:23133] [KO:K19415]
(MRXSC) CUL4B [HSA:8450] [KO:K10609]
(MRXSR) ZDHHC9 [HSA:51114] [KO:K25778]
(MRXSH) ATP6AP2 [HSA:10159] [KO:K19514]
(MRXSCJ) KDM5C [HSA:8242] [KO:K11446]
(MRXSW) GRIA3 [HSA:2892] [KO:K05199]
(MRXSB) HNRNPH2 [HSA:3188] [KO:K12898]
(MRXSHG) CNKSR2 [HSA:22866] [KO:K17536]
(MRXSN) UBE2A [HSA:7319] [KO:K10573]
(MRXSBA) MSL3 [HSA:10943] [KO:K18403]
(MRXSA) FAM50A [HSA:9130] [KO:K13119]
(MRXSHD) NKAP [HSA:79576] [KO:K25931]
(MRXSPM) HS6ST2 [HSA:90161] [KO:K08102]
(VEODS) POLA1 [HSA:5422] [KO:K02320]
(MRGH) SOX3 [HSA:6658] [KO:K09267]
(MRX60) OPHN1 [HSA:4983] [KO:K20650]
(MRXSRC) CLCN4 [HSA:1183] [KO:K05012]
(MRXSSB) DDX3X [HSA:1654] [KO:K11594]
(MRXSP) GLRA2 [HSA:2742] [KO:K05194]
(TOKAS) RLIM [HSA:51132] [KO:K16271]
(PGS) AP1S2 [HSA:8905] [KO:K12394]
(MRXS11) RBMX [HSA:27316] [KO:K12885]
(MRXS13) MECP2 [HSA:4204] [KO:K11588]
(MRXS14) UPF3B [HSA:65109] [KO:K14328]
(MRXS32) CLIC2 [HSA:1193] [KO:K05022]
(MRXS33) TAF1 [HSA:6872] [KO:K03125]
(MRXS34) NONO [HSA:4841] [KO:K13214]
(MRXS35) RPL10 [HSA:6134] [KO:K02866]
(MRXS37) ZFX [HSA:7543] [KO:K27541]
H00682 Woodhouse-Sakati syndrome
Hypogonadism, alopecia, diabetes mellitus, mental retardation, and extrapyramidal syndrome
... Additional manifestations include sensorineural hearing loss, seizures, T-wave abnormalities on ECG, and polyneuropathy. The syndrome is caused by mutation of the C2orf37 gene encoding a nucleolar protein. Congenital malformation C2orf37 [HSA:80067] [KO:K23331]
H00768 Autosomal recessive intellectual developmental disorder
Autosomal recessive mental retardation
Intellectual developmental disorder, formerly known as Mental retardation (MR), is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by low intelligence quotient (IQ) and deficits in adaptive behaviors. To date ... Mental and behavioural disorder (MRT1) PRSS12 [HSA:8492] [KO:K09624]
(MRT2) CRBN [HSA:51185] [KO:K11793]
(MRT3) CC2D1A [HSA:54862] [KO:K18260]
(MRT5) NSUN2 [HSA:54888] [KO:K15335]
(MRT6) GRIK2 [HSA:2898] [KO:K05202]
(MRT7) TUSC3 [HSA:7991] [KO:K19478]
(MRT12) ST3GAL3 [HSA:6487] [KO:K00781]
(MRT13) TRAPPC9 [HSA:83696] [KO:K20306]
(MRT14) TECR [HSA:9524] [KO:K10258]
(MRT15) MAN1B1 [HSA:11253] [KO:K23741]
(MRT18) MED23 [HSA:9439] [KO:K15166]
(MRT27) LINS1 [HSA:55180] [KO:K22533]
(MRT34) CRADD [HSA:8738] [KO:K02832]
(MRT36) ADAT3 [HSA:113179] [KO:K15442]
(MRT37) ANK3 [HSA:288] [KO:K09259]
(MRT38) HERC2 [HSA:8924] [KO:K10595]
(MRT39) TTI2 [HSA:80185] [KO:K23115]
(MRT40) TAF2 [HSA:6873] [KO:K03128]
(MRT41) KPTN [HSA:11133] [KO:K23295]
(MRT42) PGAP1 [HSA:80055] [KO:K05294]
(MRT43) WASHC4 [HSA:23325] [KO:K18465]
(MRT44) METTL23 [HSA:124512] [KO:K23151]
(MRT45) FBXO31 [HSA:79791] [KO:K10308]
(MRT46) NDST1 [HSA:3340] [KO:K02576]
(MRT47) FMN2 [HSA:56776] [KO:K02184]
(MRT48) SLC6A17 [HSA:388662] [KO:K05048]
(MRT49) GPT2 [HSA:84706] [KO:K00814]
(MRT50) EDC3 [HSA:80153] [KO:K12615]
(MRT51) HNMT [HSA:3176] [KO:K00546]
(MRT52) LMAN2L [HSA:81562] [KO:K10083]
(MRT53) PIGG [HSA:54872] [KO:K05310]
(MRT54) TNIK [HSA:23043] [KO:K08840]
(MRT55) PUS3 [HSA:83480] [KO:K01855]
(MRT56) ZC3H14 [HSA:79882] [KO:K23038]
(MRT57) MBOAT7 [HSA:79143] [KO:K13516]
(MRT58) ELP2 [HSA:55250] [KO:K11374]
(MRT59) IMPA1 [HSA:3612] [KO:K01092]
(MRT60) TAF13 [HSA:6884] [KO:K03127]
(MRT61) RUSC2 [HSA:9853] [KO:K23291]
(MRT62) PIGC [HSA:5279] [KO:K03859]
(MRT63) CAMK2A [HSA:815] [KO:K04515]
(MRT64) LINGO1 [HSA:84894] [KO:K23533]
(MRT65) KDM5B [HSA:10765] [KO:K11446]
(MRT66) C12orf4 [HSA:57102]
(MRT67) EIF3F [HSA:8665] [KO:K03249]
(MRT68) TRMT1 [HSA:55621] [KO:K00555]
(MRT69) ZBTB11 [HSA:27107] [KO:K10498]
(MRT70) RSRC1 [HSA:51319] [KO:K24594]
(MRT71) ALKBH8 [HSA:91801] [KO:K10770]
(MRT72) METTL5 [HSA:29081] [KO:K24418]
(MRT73) NAA20 [HSA:51126] [KO:K17972]
(MRT74) APC2 [HSA:10297] [KO:K02085]
(MRT75) PIDD1 [HSA:55367] [KO:K10130]
(MRT76) GRIA1 [HSA:2890] [KO:K05197]
(MRT77) CEP104 [HSA:9731] [KO:K16458]
(MRT78) WDR11 [HSA:55717] [KO:K24260]
(MRT79) TPR [HSA:7175] [KO:K09291]
(MRT80) CASP2 [HSA:835] [KO:K02186]
(MRT81) ASCC3 [HSA:10973] [KO:K18663]
(MRT82) NSUN6 [HSA:221078] [KO:K21971]
H00852 Klippel-Feil syndrome ... anomalies are often associated. It has been reported that KFS is caused by mutations in the GDF6 or GDF3 genes in an autosomal dominant manner. KFS is also inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. Recently ... Congenital malformation (KFS1) GDF6 [HSA:392255] [KO:K20012]
(KFS2) MEOX1 [HSA:4222] [KO:K09322]
(KFS3) GDF3 [HSA:9573] [KO:K22672]
(KFS4) MYO18B [HSA:84700] [KO:K10362]
H01027 Microphthalmia Anophthalmia and/or microphthalmia (A/M) can be defined as an absence or reduced size of the globe in the orbit. Anophthalmia refers to complete absence of the globe in the presence of ocular adnexae. ... Congenital malformation (MCOP2/MCOPCB3) VSX2 [HSA:338917] [KO:K09336]
(MCOP4/MCOPCB6) GDF6 [HSA:392255] [KO:K20012]
(MCOP5) MFRP [HSA:83552] [KO:K24359]
(MCOP6) PRSS56 [HSA:646960] [KO:K23440]
(MCOP7/MCOPCB6) GDF3 [HSA:9573] [KO:K22672]
(MCOP8) ALDH1A3 [HSA:220] [KO:K07249]
(MCOPCB5) SHH [HSA:6469] [KO:K11988]
(MCOPCB7) ABCB6 [HSA:10058] [KO:K05661]
(MCOPCB8) STRA6 [HSA:64220] [KO:K23088]
(MCOPCB9) TENM3 [HSA:55714] [KO:K24473]
(MCOPCB10) RBP4 [HSA:5950] [KO:K18271]
(MCOPCB11) FZD5 [HSA:7855] [KO:K02375]
H01109 Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis
Familial candidiasis (CANDF)
Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (CMC) is manifested as a primary immunodeficiency characterized by persistent or recurrent infections of the mucosa or the skin with candida species. Most cases are sporadic ... Immune system disease (CANDF2) CARD9 [HSA:64170] [KO:K12794]
(CANDF4) CLEC7A [HSA:64581] [KO:K10074]
(CANDF5) IL17RA [HSA:23765] [KO:K05164]
(CANDF6) IL17F [HSA:112744] [KO:K05494]
(CANDF7) STAT1 [HSA:6772] [KO:K11220]
(CANDF8) TRAF3IP2 [HSA:10758] [KO:K21124]
(CANDF9) IL17RC [HSA:84818] [KO:K05166]
H01267 Familial hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia Familial hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia (HHF) is the most common cause of persistent hypoglycemia in infancy. Recent studies on the molecular basis of the disease have disclosed specific genetic defects ... Inherited metabolic disorder (HHF1/ LIH) ABCC8 [HSA:6833] [KO:K05032]
(HHF2) KCNJ11 [HSA:3767] [KO:K05004]
(HHF3) GCK [HSA:2645] [KO:K12407]
(HHF4) HADH [HSA:3033] [KO:K00022]
(HHF5) INSR [HSA:3643] [KO:K04527]
(HHF6) GLUD1 [HSA:2746] [KO:K00261]
(HHF7) SLC16A1 [HSA:6566] [KO:K08179]
(HHF8) SLC25A36 [HSA:55186] [KO:K15116]
H01282 Spermatogenic failure Spermatogenic failure is reflected in a lower or absent production of spermatozoa and is described by routine semen analysis using terms such as azoospermia, oligozoospermia, teratozoospermia or asthenozoospermia ... Reproductive system disease (SPGF1) SYCP2 [HSA:10388] [KO:K19529]
(SPGF3) SLC26A8 [HSA:116369] [KO:K14705]
(SPGF4) SYCP3 [HSA:50511] [KO:K19528]
(SPGF5) AURKC [HSA:6795] [KO:K11480]
(SPGF6) SPATA16 [HSA:83893] [KO:K26121]
(SPGF7) CATSPER1 [HSA:117144] [KO:K16889]
(SPGF8) NR5A1 [HSA:2516] [KO:K08560]
(SPGF9) DPY19L2 [HSA:283417] [KO:K24553]
(SPGF10) SEPTIN12 [HSA:124404] [KO:K16938]
(SPGF11) KLHL10 [HSA:317719] [KO:K10448]
(SPGF12) NANOS1 [HSA:340719] [KO:K18741]
(SPGF13) TAF4B [HSA:6875] [KO:K03129]
(SPGF14) ZMYND15 [HSA:84225] [KO:K24081]
(SPGF15) SYCE1 [HSA:93426] [KO:K19534]
(SPGF16) SUN5 [HSA:140732] [KO:K21876]
(SPGF17) PLCZ1 [HSA:89869] [KO:K05861]
(SPGF18) DNAH1 [HSA:25981] [KO:K10408]
(SPGF19) CFAP43 [HSA:80217] [KO:K24223]
(SPGF20) CFAP44 [HSA:55779] [KO:K24224]
(SPGF21) BRDT [HSA:676] [KO:K11724]
(SPGF22) MEIOB [HSA:254528] [KO:K22420]
(SPGF23) TEX14 [HSA:56155] [KO:K17540]
(SPGF24) CFAP69 [HSA:79846] [KO:K24227]
(SPGF25) TEX15 [HSA:56154] [KO:K25680]
(SPGF26) TSGA10 [HSA:80705] [KO:K25632]
(SPGF27) AK7 [HSA:122481] [KO:K00939]
(SPGF28) FANCM [HSA:57697] [KO:K10896]
(SPGF29) SPINK2 [HSA:6691] [KO:K23418]
(SPGF30) TDRD9 [HSA:122402] [KO:K18408]
(SPGF31) PMFBP1 [HSA:83449] [KO:K23223]
(SPGF32) SOHLH1 [HSA:402381] [KO:K22495]
(SPGF33) CFAP251 [HSA:144406] [KO:K24228]
(SPGF34) FSIP2 [HSA:401024] [KO:K26675]
(SPGF35) QRICH2 [HSA:84074] [KO:K24298]
(SPGF36) PPP2R3C [HSA:55012] [KO:K11583]
(SPGF37) TTC21A [HSA:199223] [KO:K24178]
(SPGF38) ARMC2 [HSA:84071] [KO:K24123]
(SPGF39) DNAH17 [HSA:8632] [KO:K10408]
(SPGF40) CFAP65 [HSA:255101] [KO:K24226]
(SPGF41) CFAP70 [HSA:118491] [KO:K24932]
(SPGF42) TTC29 [HSA:83894] [KO:K24937]
(SPGF43) SPEF2 [HSA:79925] [KO:K25615]
(SPGF44) CEP112 [HSA:201134] [KO:K16767]
(SPGF45) DNAH2 [HSA:146754] [KO:K10408]
(SPGF46) DNAH8 [HSA:1769] [KO:K10408]
(SPGF47) DZIP1 [HSA:22873] [KO:K16470]
(SPGF48) M1AP [HSA:130951] [KO:K26106]
(SPGF49) CFAP58 [HSA:159686] [KO:K25554]
(SPGF50) XRCC2 [HSA:7516] [KO:K10879]
(SPGF51) CFAP91 [HSA:89876] [KO:K25461]
(SPGF52) C14orf39 [HSA:317761] [KO:K25705]
(SPGF53) ACTL9 [HSA:284382]
(SPGF54) CATIP [HSA:375307] [KO:K25788]
(SPGF55) SPAG17 [HSA:200162] [KO:K25533]
(SPGF56) DNAH10 [HSA:196385] [KO:K10408]
(SPGF57) PNLDC1 [HSA:154197] [KO:K01148]
(SPGF58) IFT74 [HSA:80173] [KO:K19679]
(SPGF59) TERB2 [HSA:145645] [KO:K25750]
(SPGF60) TERB1 [HSA:283847] [KO:K25749]
(SPGF61) STAG3 [HSA:10734] [KO:K13055]
(SPGF62) RNF212 [HSA:285498] [KO:K25662]
(SPGF63) RPL10L [HSA:140801] [KO:K02866]
(SPGF64) FBXO43 [HSA:286151] [KO:K10318]
(SPGF65) DNHD1 [HSA:144132] [KO:K26555]
(SPGF66) ZPBP [HSA:11055] [KO:K25752]
(SPGF67) CCDC62 [HSA:84660] [KO:K26436]
(SPGF68) C2CD6 [HSA:151254] [KO:K25947]
(SPGF69) GGN [HSA:199720] [KO:K26807]
(SPGF70) PDHA2 [HSA:5161] [KO:K00161]
(SPGF71) ZSWIM7 [HSA:125150] [KO:K25770]
(SPGF72) WDR19 [HSA:57728] [KO:K19671]
(SPGF73) MOV10L1 [HSA:54456] [KO:K13983]
(SPGF74) MSH5 [HSA:4439] [KO:K08741]
(SPGF75) SHOC1 [HSA:158401]
(SPGF76) CCDC34 [HSA:91057] [KO:K16753]
(SPGF77) FKBP6 [HSA:8468] [KO:K09572]
(SPGF78) IQCN [HSA:80726] [KO:K26737]
(SPGF79) KCNU1 [HSA:157855] [KO:K05274]
(SPGF80) DRC1 [HSA:92749] [KO:K19754]
(SPGF81) TEKT3 [HSA:64518] [KO:K18630]
(SPGF82) AKAP3 [HSA:10566] [KO:K16520]
(SPGF83) DNALI1 [HSA:7802] [KO:K10410]
(SPGF84) CFAP61 [HSA:26074] [KO:K25460]
(SPGF85) SPACA1 [HSA:81833] [KO:K25513]
(SPGF86) ACTL7A [HSA:10881]
(SPGF87) ACR [HSA:49] [KO:K01317]
(SPGF88) KASH5 [HSA:147872] [KO:K22595]
(SPGF89) AK9 [HSA:221264] [KO:K18533]
(SPGF90) ARMC12 [HSA:221481] [KO:K24168]
(SPGF91) CCIN [HSA:881] [KO:K24809]
(SPGF92) LRRC23 [HSA:10233] [KO:K27856]
(SPGF93) STK33 [HSA:65975] [KO:K08813]
(SPGF94) CCDC146 [HSA:57639] [KO:K27712]
(SPGF95) CFAP57 [HSA:149465] [KO:K24729]
(SPGFX2) TEX11 [HSA:56159] [KO:K24574]
(SPGFX3) CFAP47 [HSA:286464] [KO:K25552]
(SPGFX4) GCNA [HSA:93953] [KO:K26957]
(SPGFX5) SSX1 [HSA:6756] [KO:K15624]
(SPGFX6) USP26 [HSA:83844] [KO:K11850]
(SPGFX7) CT55 [HSA:54967] [KO:K25478]
(SPGFX8) CYLC1 [HSA:1538]
H01376 Acrofacial dysostosis Acrofacial dysostosis (AFD) is a heterogeneous group of disorders combining mandibulofacial dysostosis (micrognathia and ear anomalies) with limb defects. The predominantly preaxial form is called Nager ... Congenital malformation (POADS) DHODH [HSA:1723] [KO:K00254]
(AFD1) SF3B4 [HSA:10262] [KO:K12831]
(WAD) EVC2 [HSA:132884] [KO:K19608]
(WAD) EVC [HSA:2121] [KO:K19605]
(AFDCIN) POLR1A [HSA:25885] [KO:K02999]
H01470 Giant cell tumor of bone Giant-cell tumor of bone (GCTB) is a rare osteolytic tumor of the bone. Although classified as a benign tumor, GCTB is characterized by local aggressiveness and risk of local recurrence. Its name is derived ... Cancer RANKL (overexpression) [HSA:8600] [KO:K05473]
H3F3A (mutation) [HSA:3020] [KO:K11253]
TP53 (mutation) [HSA:7157] [KO:K04451]
HRAS (mutation) [HSA:3265] [KO:K02833]
H01481 Myelodysplastic syndrome Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is a heterogeneous group of clonal hematologic stem cell disorders characterized by ineffective hematopoiesis resulting in low blood counts, and a risk of progression to ... Hematologic disease TET2 [HSA:54790] [KO:K24309]
ASXL1 [HSA:171023] [KO:K11471]
GATA2 [HSA:2624] [KO:K17894]
SF3B1 [HSA:23451] [KO:K12828]
GNB1 [HSA:2782] [KO:K04536]
H01489 Inherited glycosylphosphatidylinositol deficiencies
Glycosylphosphatidylinositol biosynthesis deficiency
Inherited glycosylphosphatidylinositol biosynthesis deficiency (GPIBD) is a group of glycosylation disorders, which result from mutation in genes involved in the biosynthesis of GPI anchors. Mutations ... Inherited metabolic disorder (GPIBD1) PIGM [HSA:93183] [KO:K05284]
(GPIBD2) PIGV [HSA:55650] [KO:K07542]
(GPIBD3) PIGN [HSA:23556] [KO:K05285]
(GPIBD4) PIGA [HSA:5277] [KO:K03857]
(GPIBD5) PIGL [HSA:9487] [KO:K03434]
(GPIBD6) PIGO [HSA:84720] [KO:K05288]
(GPIBD7) PIGT [HSA:51604] [KO:K05292]
(GPIBD8) PGAP2 [HSA:27315] [KO:K23552]
(GPIBD9) PGAP1 [HSA:80055] [KO:K05294]
(GPIBD10) PGAP3 [HSA:93210] [KO:K23553]
(GPIBD11) PIGW [HSA:284098] [KO:K05283]
(GPIBD12) PIGY [HSA:84992] [KO:K11001]
(GPIBD13) PIGG [HSA:54872] [KO:K05310]
(GPIBD14) PIGP [HSA:51227] [KO:K03861]
(GPIBD15) GPAA1 [HSA:8733] [KO:K05289]
(GPIBD16) PIGC [HSA:5279] [KO:K03859]
(GPIBD17) PIGH [HSA:5283] [KO:K03858]
(GPIBD18) PIGS [HSA:94005] [KO:K05291]
(GPIBD19) PIGQ [HSA:9091] [KO:K03860]
(GPIBD20) PIGB [HSA:9488] [KO:K05286]
(GPIBD21) PIGU [HSA:128869] [KO:K05293]
(GPIBD22) PIGK [HSA:10026] [KO:K05290]
(GPIBD25) C18orf32 [HSA:497661]
H01656 Psoriasis Psoriasis (PSORS) is a chronic, immune-mediated inflammatory skin disease, characterized by increased propagation of the epidermis with dilation of dermal capillaries. The major symptoms of psoriasis are ... Immune system disease; Skin disease (PSORS1) HLA-C [HSA:3107] [KO:K06751]
(PSORS2) CARD14 [HSA:79092] [KO:K20913]
(PSORS13) TRAF3IP2 [HSA:10758] [KO:K21124]
(PSORS14) IL36RN [HSA:26525] [KO:K05483]
(PSORS15) AP1S3 [HSA:130340] [KO:K12395]
H01922 Infantile hypotonia with psychomotor retardation and characteristic facies Infantile hypotonia with psychomotor retardation and characteristic facies (IHPRF) is an autosomal-recessive syndrome characterized by subtle facial dysmorphism, variable degrees of hypotonia, speech impairment ... Congenital malformation (IHPRF1) NALCN [HSA:259232] [KO:K21863]
(IHPRF2) UNC80 [HSA:285175] [KO:K24015]
(IHPRF3) TBCK [HSA:93627] [KO:K17544]
(IHPMR) CCDC174 [HSA:51244] [KO:K25178]
H01968 Hyper-IgE syndrome
Job syndrome
Buckley syndrome
Hyper-IgE syndrome (HIES) is a complex primary immunodeficiency characterized by atopic dermatitis associated with extremely high serum IgE levels and susceptibility to infections with extracellular bacteria ... Immune system disease (HIES1) STAT3 [HSA:6774] [KO:K04692]
(HIES2) DOCK8 [HSA:81704] [KO:K21852]
(HIES3) ZNF341 [HSA:84905] [KO:K24852]
(HIES4A/4B) IL6ST [HSA:3572] [KO:K05060]
(HIES5) IL6R [HSA:3570] [KO:K05055]
(HIES6) STAT6 [HSA:6778] [KO:K11225]
(HIES with mycobacteriosis) TYK2 [HSA:7297] [KO:K11219]
(HIES and cognitive impairment) PGM3 [HSA:5238] [KO:K01836]
H02109 Combined malonic and methylmalonic aciduria ... classic phenotype of methylmalonic acidemia, malonyl-CoA decarboxylase activity is normal. Mutations in ACSF3 have been identified as a cause of CMAMMA. ACSF3 encodes an enzyme that catalyzes the initial reaction ... Inherited metabolic disorder ACSF3 [HSA:197322] [KO:K18660]
H02214 Familial focal epilepsy with variable foci Familial focal epilepsy with variable foci (FFEVF) is an autosomal dominant form of epilepsy characterized by focal seizures arising from different cortical regions, including the temporal, frontal, parietal ... Nervous system disease (FFEVF1) DEPDC5 [HSA:9681] [KO:K20404]
(FFEVF2) NPRL2 [HSA:10641] [KO:K20405]
(FFEVF3) NPRL3 [HSA:8131] [KO:K20406]
(FFEVF4) SCN3A [HSA:6328] [KO:K04836]
H02286 Congenital deafness with inner ear agenesis, microtia, and microdontia
Deafness with labyrinthine aplasia, microtia, and microdontia (LAMM)
... new, rare, autosomal recessive deafness syndrome. This syndrome has been linked to mutations in the FGF3 gene. Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signals are required for expression of otic placode genes and ... Congenital malformation FGF3 [HSA:2248] [KO:K04358]
H02308 Immunodeficiency-centromeric instability-facial anomalies syndrome Immunodeficiency, centromeric instability and facial dysmorphism (ICF syndrome) is a genetically heterogeneous autosomal recessive disorder. It is characterized by recurrent and often fatal respiratory ... Immune system disease (ICF1) DNMT3B [HSA:1789] [KO:K17399]
(ICF2) ZBTB24 [HSA:9841] [KO:K10503]
(ICF3) CDCA7 [HSA:83879] [KO:K23408]
(ICF4) HELLS [HSA:3070] [KO:K19001]
H02378 Hypotonia, ataxia, and delayed development syndrome ... disability, speech delay, ataxia, and facial dysmorphism. It has been reported that de novo mutations in EBF3 cause HADDS. EBF3 belongs to the early B cell factor (EBF) family (also known as Olf, COE, or O/E) ... Congenital malformation EBF3 [HSA:253738] [KO:K09103]
H02387 Snijders Blok-Fisher syndrome ... problems, hypotonia, and autism spectrum disorder. It has been reported that de novo mutations in POU3F3 cause this disease. POU3F3 is a well-known transcription factor involved in the development of the ... Mental and behavioural disorder POU3F3 [HSA:5455] [KO:K09365]
H02410 Myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasms Myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasms (MDS/MPN) are hybrid group of chronic myeloid neoplasms combining features of both myelodysplastic (MDS) [DS:H01481] and myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) ... Cancer DNMT3A (mutation) [HSA:1788] [KO:K17398]
TET2 (mutation) [HSA:54790] [KO:K24309]
IDH1 (mutation) [HSA:3417] [KO:K00031]
IDH2 (mutation) [HSA:3418] [KO:K00031]
ASXL1 (mutation) [HSA:171023] [KO:K11471]
EZH2 (mutation) [HSA:2146] [KO:K11430]
NRAS (mutation) [HSA:4893] [KO:K07828]
KRAS (mutation) [HSA:3845] [KO:K07827]
JAK2 (mutation) [HSA:3717] [KO:K04447]
CBL (mutation) [HSA:867] [KO:K04707]
SETBP1 (mutation) [HSA:26040] [KO:K23217]
CSF3R (mutation) [HSA:1441] [KO:K05061]
PTPN11 (mutation) [HSA:5781] [KO:K07293]
NF1 (mutation) [HSA:4763] [KO:K08052]
SF3B1 (mutation) [HSA:23451] [KO:K12828]
SRSF2 (mutation) [HSA:6427] [KO:K12891]
U2AF1 (mutation) [HSA:7307] [KO:K12836]
ZRSR2 (mutation) [HSA:8233] [KO:K24273]
RUNX1 (mutation) [HSA:861] [KO:K08367]
CEBPA (mutation) [HSA:1050] [KO:K09055]
H02411 Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) is a clonal hematopoietic stem cell disorder associated with peripheral blood monocytosis, with an inherent risk for leukemic transformation. CMML has overlapping ... Cancer TET2 (mutation) [HSA:54790] [KO:K24309]
ASXL1 (mutation) [HSA:171023] [KO:K11471]
SRSF2 (mutation) [HSA:6427] [KO:K12891]
NRAS (mutation) [HSA:4893] [KO:K07828]
KRAS (mutation) [HSA:3845] [KO:K07827]
CBL (mutation) [HSA:867] [KO:K04707]
RUNX1 (mutation) [HSA:861] [KO:K08367]
SF3B1 (mutation) [HSA:23451] [KO:K12828]
ZRSR2 (mutation) [HSA:8233] [KO:K24273]
U2AF1 (mutation) [HSA:7307] [KO:K12836]
DNMT3A (mutation) [HSA:1788] [KO:K17398]
EZH2 (mutation) [HSA:2146] [KO:K11430]
TP53 (mutation) [HSA:7157] [KO:K04451]
NPM1 (mutation) [HSA:4869] [KO:K11276]
JAK2 (mutation) [HSA:3717] [KO:K04447]
FLT3 (mutation) [HSA:2322] [KO:K05092]
H02412 Atypical chronic myeloid leukemia ... outcomes. aCML is dominated by mutations in SETBP1, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor 3 receptor (CSF3R), NRAS and KRAS. In addition to these mutations, other recurrent mutations in a variety of genes ... Cancer SETBP1 (mutation) [HSA:26040] [KO:K23217]
NRAS (mutation) [HSA:4893] [KO:K07828]
KRAS (mutation) [HSA:3845] [KO:K07827]
JAK2 (mutation) [HSA:3717] [KO:K04447]
CSF3R (mutation) [HSA:1441] [KO:K05061]
ASXL1 (mutation) [HSA:171023] [KO:K11471]
ETNK1 (mutation) [HSA:55500] [KO:K00894]
TET2 (mutation) [HSA:54790] [KO:K24309]
SRSF2 (mutation) [HSA:6427] [KO:K12891]
EZH2 (mutation) [HSA:2146] [KO:K11430]
RUNX1 (mutation) [HSA:861] [KO:K08367]
CBL (mutation) [HSA:867] [KO:K04707]
FLT3 (mutation) [HSA:2322] [KO:K05092]
CEBPA (mutation) [HSA:1050] [KO:K09055]
IDH2 (mutation) [HSA:3418] [KO:K00031]
H02461 Neurodevelopmental disorder with microcephaly Neurodevelopmental disorder (NED) with microcephaly is a group of syndromic neurodevelopmental disorders. Most of them have complications in addition to microcephaly. Several underlying genetic causes ... Congenital malformation (NEDMEBA) TRAPPC6B [HSA:122553] [KO:K20304]
(NEDMCR) GEMIN4 [HSA:50628] [KO:K13132]
(NDMSBA) PLAA [HSA:9373] [KO:K14018]
(NEDMIBA) DYNC1I2 [HSA:1781] [KO:K10415]
(NEDMABA) SMPD4 [HSA:55627] [KO:K12353]
(NEDAHM) SVBP [HSA:374969] [KO:K23357]
(NEDMCMS) TMX2 [HSA:51075] [KO:K25112]
(NEDMEHM) MTHFS [HSA:10588] [KO:K01934]
(NMIHBA) PRUNE1 [HSA:58497] [KO:K01514]
(NEDHYMS) ADARB1 [HSA:104] [KO:K13194]
(NEDSEBA) EXOC7 [HSA:23265] [KO:K07195]
(NEDMISB) EXOC8 [HSA:149371] [KO:K19986]
(NEDSOSB) SEC31A [HSA:22872] [KO:K14005]
(NEDMSC) VPS50 [HSA:55610] [KO:K23288]
(NEDMHS) CPSF3 [HSA:51692] [KO:K14403]
(NEDMIMS) CHKA [HSA:1119] [KO:K14156]
(NEDMISS) TRAPPC10 [HSA:7109] [KO:K20307]
(NEDMVIC) DOHH [HSA:83475] [KO:K06072]
(NEDSMBA) PPFIBP1 [HSA:8496] [KO:K27096]
(NEDMIM) TTI1 [HSA:9675] [KO:K20403]
(NEDGS) PCDHGC4 [HSA:56098] [KO:K16497]
H02514 Lacrimal duct defect ... lacrimal duct absence. LCDD is one of the causes of epiphora in infants and adolescents. Mutations in IGSF3 gene have been found in the patients with congenital absence of lacrimal puncta and canaliculi. Congenital malformation IGSF3 [HSA:3321] [KO:K06522]
H02525 Disorders of innate immunity Innate immune responses represent the first line of defense against potentially invading organisms. Disorders of innate immunity (e.g. phagocyte and complement disorders) delay the induction of the immune ... Immune system disease (IMD44) STAT2 [HSA:6773] [KO:K11221]
(IMD45) IFNAR2 [HSA:3455] [KO:K05131]
(IMD57) RIPK1 [HSA:8737] [KO:K02861]
(IMD63) IL2RB [HSA:3560] [KO:K05069]
(IMD65) IRF9 [HSA:10379] [KO:K04693]
(IMD77) MPEG1 [HSA:219972] [KO:K26547]
(IMD80) MCM10 [HSA:55388] [KO:K10736]
(IMD90) FADD [HSA:8772] [KO:K02373]
(IMD91) ZNFX1 [HSA:57169] [KO:K27391]
(IMD95) IFIH1 [HSA:64135] [KO:K12647]
(IMD103) CARD9 [HSA:64170] [KO:K12794]
(IMD106) IFNAR1 [HSA:3454] [KO:K05130]
(IMD115) RNF31 [HSA:55072] [KO:K11974]
(IMD117) IRF1 [HSA:3659] [KO:K09444]
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